What a fantastic Summer! For my businesses, this has been an incredible few months. Let me give you some updated news!
Summer is winding down and the Fall/Holiday season is gearing up! Gold Canyon, is known as the World's Finest in Scents, Candles, Home & Body products, and offers a great opportunity to earn some extra income. August is the transition month for our scents and decor. This is the last month for our Summer 2010 Catalog, and the first month for our Fall/Holiday 2010 Catalog. Our new scents and decor are being sent out from corporate this week. I am hosting an Open House, here at our home, August 12-14th from 8 am-7pm. I will have the entire erray of Gold Canyon products on display. This month, you can order out of both catalogs. I really want to get 10 catalog parties scheduled to be completed this month. I hope that local folks will cooperate! : ) Visit my website to order on line or to contact me.
Good Morning America recognized Ameriplan as great discount health care club to save money. Whether you don't have health insurance, have high deductables, or just to fill in any gaps. For 5 1/2 years I have spoke to people from the local communities, to our State Governmental Officials. FINALLY! People are realizing that health insurance isn't always the answer. Learn how to get your entire household AmeriplanUSA Health Benefits for just $39.95 per month - CLICK HERE