Tuesday, November 17, 2020
My experiences, a bit controversial and a bit of humor.
A scenerio from my perspective, and I'm sure there will be plenty that will argue this, and that's fine. It's your choice how you choose to deal with all the insanity. I'm looking at this through my own experiences. While I am trying to show the insanity of all this crap, I am trying to make some light of it too. Seriously folks, be careful but stop living like you've already died.
Yesterday, another state governor chose to disregard their constituents Constitutional rights, not to mention "mandating" how they run their lives. This governor is republican, so don't give me crap about the political party B.S. Both parties are faulty and neither party is respecting our Constitution anymore. That's a soap box for another day. ANYWAY, you decide to go to a store. Whether that be for groceries, necessities, or just because you've been on house arrest for 8 months. You dutifully wear your mask, and stay at the safe distance of 6 feet apart. Good job for following the rules. Here's where I start scratching my head. All those shopping carts are herded and "wiped down." Yeah right. Have you truly ever watched a Wal-Mart employee? They half ass everything, at best. You take your cart, you follow the acceptable arrows on the floor, to your first item. You reach out and grab that item(which has been touched by how many others before you), and put it in the basket...which has not been wiped down. You go on, responsibly following the arrows and getting the items you are after, each one going from the shelf to your hands, to your basket. Somewhere along the way, I promise you, you have touched your face. Whether it be scratching your face, and/or answering your phone.You get through the store, and begin unloading your basket. Every item once again in your hands, placed on a counter, touched by the cashier, bagged in bags that have inevitable been sneezed on or coughed over, touched by who knows who. You or the cashier place those bags back into your cart, you swipe your card, and have to touch the pin pad or pen to complete the transaction. The cashier hands you your receipt that they have touched and you are now touching. Phew, glad that's over. Now, we get to the car. Pick all those bags up(supposedly a virus can remain active on plastic for as much as a week), put them in your car, strip off that crazy mask, open your door and get in. Even if you run for the hand sanitizer, you have already gotten this virus(supposedly) on your vehicle door, inside your vehicle with the bags or even the merchandise you bought, and likely on your purse/wallet, keys, steering wheel and quite possibly on your face while you removed your mask.
I know there are plenty out there that have a serious phobia of germs. I get that. I am a bit OCD when it comes to constantly cleaning my house and making sure there is a slim chance of germs surviving for very long. I am however, looking at the panic that has been fueled and can't for the life of me understand. If this virus is as serious as some claim, why haven't all businesses shut down? Does the virus know that Wal-Mart is nasty so it doesn't hang out there? What about all these new mandates about bar/restaurants closing by 10? Does the virus have a 10 pm bedtime? I can tell you from experience that this virus is very real and can be dangerous for some. It's unconfortable too. However, using a bit of common sense would go a long way.
If you are sick...stay home! Don't go to work, don't go shopping, don't pass go and collect $200. If you run a fever, monitor it and give yourself a full 24 hours once it breaks without medication before returning to anywhere that you will be in contact with others. Obviously, if you have major resperatory issues, go to the hospital or doctor. Many times Tylonal will help reduce inflamation to help breath easier...if it's not a serious problem. PLEASE do not wait if you are having issues. The thing is, we are all going to have to learn to deal with this virus. The immune system within your body is 98-99% effective at fighting this virus. The immunization is 90-95% effective currently. Fuel your body with good quality foods, extra vitamins(you should do this through the winter anyway), plenty of sleep, reduce your stress because stress lowers your immunity, if you weren't taught from a young age...wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water.
It is not selfish to want to think for yourself. It is not selfish to manage your own health without people in 3 states knowing what you are doing. Today's constant information highway has done so much to divide and conquer. We need to be empathetic to others, because we truly do not know the battles that others are fighting. We have spent so many year hearing about the real issues with mental health but our current situations has done more to damage mental health than it has to help control this virus. The current suicide rates, depression rates and number of people having to die alone make this virus look like a circus. When we stop trying to do the best we can for every person, and instead focus on only a few; we are failing all.
Thursday, November 5, 2020
My perspective
Political seasons change and yet they stay the same. On one hand, you have people that believe one set of rhetoric. On the other hand, you have people that believe yet another set of rhetoric. The problem comes in when people can't see the forrest through the trees. What is apparent is that there are too many people that have neglected to do their own due diligence with research and facts. They have neglected to learn history repeats itself, they vote strictly by party lines. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but BOTH parties are lying hypocrits! I am not a party affiliate. I vote by person, and traditionally have voted mostly Democrat, until this year.
The 2020 elections are still ongoing, as they should be, until every legal citizen has their ballot counted. The issues we have had with voting for at least 20 years, that I know of, is that both parties have claimed fraud. There is a simple fix to eliminate ALL fraudulent voting practices...it's called ID. You have to have an ID to drive, take out a loan, renew a license, every thing! So, why the constant bickering from both sides about voter ID? Because both parties want to have a means to pad their candidates if need be. It's obvious to me, anyway. America is such an amazing country that we have people trying to flood our boarders from 100's of different countries...unfortunately, they come here and expect Americans to bow to their beliefs. That is not how it works. I have no problem with legal immigration. Quite frankly, 95% of Americans are immigrants. The problem I have is those that come into this country and expect us to bow to their demands, those that are allowed to jump the boarder and stay if they promise to vote Democrat/Republican, and those that are here illegally being allowed ANY of our freedoms(license, welfare, healthcare or education) These are criminals people. Those that support these illegals are criminal accomplices. It is not rocket science. We have hundreds of thousands of homeless people, Americans, that we can not take care of. Why the hell are we allowing ANY illegals?
The last 50 years have seen politicians constantly chipping away at our freedoms and liberties. Again, too many are not seeing this. We keep hearing it's just one law, it's just this or that, or "for our safety." That it complete bullshit. It has nothing to do with anything other control. Can you not see this? BOTH political parties have been bought and paid for by lobbyiests, foreign powers and corporations. So many have blamed the status of our country on one president or another. The problem is, so many keep electing these talking heads and now we have politicians that have been in office for more than 20 years, versus 4 years for our current president. The get a life-long pension, specialized benefit plans, they do not pay into social security or medicare. They have yet to miss a single paycheck while the rest of America has either worked their asses off or been laid off/business closed because of falsely promoted corona virus scam. Before I get a bunch of hate mail...I get that this virus is real and dangerous for those with pre existing conditions. I understand we need to be careful, we need to stay home if we feel ill, and we need to wash our hands. People, do you not do these things on a regular basis anyway? When flu season begins, I am always more cautious. I clean my home daily, I wash my hands constantly, I limit my interactions with groups of people, I insist my family stay home if they are not feeling well. This to me is common sense. Can we afford to miss work, not at all, but I think about all the scenerios...making others sick, someone getting hurt if we were to go to work and end up trying to drive home sick and wreck. Again, common sense in my book. I don't believe the masks being forced on us by ill-informed, or even guilt trips. Yes, I care for others, too much, but I also care about myself. It is not healthy nor safe for these masks to be worn by people that are not ill. These masks are dehumanizing Americans, they are desensitizing a bunch and they are yet another baiting tool being used by politicians to chip away at our Constitutional rights. I can not wear one or it will throw me into an instant panic/anxiety attack. Do you know how many times I have criticsized for not having a mask on? More than I can count. These folks want to blow smoke about me not caring about others, and to a degree they are right! I care about myself in this instant MORE than others. If this is truly a virus, which is what all the "experts" have claimed, I think there are a lot of people that need to go back to science class to understand how viruses work. A virus can not be vaccinated against, there is no miracle drug to "cure" a virus. A virus has to run its course. It can be minimized, as far as symptoms go, but you can't wipe it out with medicine or vaccines. Too many are being lied to by the very people that set are set to make billions from these unfactual statements. Research people!!! Please!!!! We have a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips 24/7, yet so many get their information from people that being paid a lot of money to tell you what to think.
If you reread our Constitution, I think you will find how many of our rights have been chipped away. If you reread our Bill of Rights, I know you will see how many liberties are at stake. So many depend on their "freedom of speech," guess what...if you let even one of those rights be knocked out, you will soon find them all gone...including your precious freedom of speech. To preserve the santity of our country, we have to preserve every single right...not just the ones that serve some. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights were designed for every single American. If you believe otherwise, you are the problem. This country has made great strides in the past 150 years. From Abraham Lincoln in 1863, to John F. Kennedy in 1965, to women being allowed to vote in 1920; this leveled the playing field for ALL legal, non-criminal Americans. While I have gotten a lot of grief about people not needing a history lesson...I think otherwise! I think too many have bought into the baiting and have lost their sense of direction.
Until 1863, slavery was a common practice throughout the WORLD. Many slaves were sent to America from black african slave traders, from Irish lands, white poor people, and captured Native Americans. The truth of this matter is that a large majority of all our ancestors were probably enslaved at one point. The Emanicipation Proclamation of 1863 is boasted for freeing black slaves, and it did...but in reality, it freed all ansalved people...black, white, red. This was in large part because of Abraham Lincoln, who was a Republican. Not a single Democrat supported this. You can go to the library of congress online and research this. Next up, the Womens Sufferage movement. Women were not allowed to vote until 1920. We were not seen as citizens until that point. Now, the Native Americans, even though it is on their land that we dwell on to this day, were not even considered citizens of this country until 1924. They were denied voting rights through literacy tests just as the blacks were 50 years prior, but the Voting Act of 1965, prohibited all states from denying citizens right to vote based on race, and gender. So, not being equal, which seems to be the arguement I keep hearing, is false. Although no one is entitled to anything they have not worked for, and reparations talk - if anyone deserves them, it's the American Indians. Period. Not a single person alive today was a slave nor a slave owner. Next up, another divide that is unprecedented. Gay rights. In June 2015, these rights were honored by the Supreme Court, allowing for same sex marriages and rights. Incredible right?! Well, apparently, that is not enough. So many of these groups have fractions that are still demanding more. What more can you ask for? You can vote, you can make the choices in how you want to live your life. Does being black, white, brown red, straight, gay, transgender; does it make you anymore special than the next person. Nope. It just means you can live your life! You can love who you love in the open! You can better yourself without any of the discrimantory crap to stand in the way. It doesn't entitle you to free anything, cause quite frankly, it's NOT free. Someone has to pay for it...and you can only take away so much before it's all gone.
Now, another very controversial subject. I for one am sick over the divide in this country. I have seen families and lifelong friendships destroyed because of the baiting that has plagued our country for several decades now. The latest criminals, these radical groups being fueled by hatred and crime, not even necessarily politics. These thugs are criminals, period. If you have to break a law to promote this hatred, you deserve the consequence. You want to push this rhetoric of equality, that was already taken care of in 1863, 1920,1965 and 2015; then you do not deserve the equality. If you break the law, you are a criminal. It's pretty simple. Are there people that are ignorant, that believe differently...absolutely. You want to take these groups(any of the afore mentioned) to any other country, and I guarantee you would not survive a day. If you want to protest, great, that is your Constitutional Right. However, protesting is not blocking highways, it is not burning down other people's property or stealing, it is not harming those people that disagree is with you. Those acts, by law, are considered terrorism. By common sense, those acts are defeating your protest. Theose acts are just proving to the ignorant that those commiting those acts are uncivilized, and YOU are adding fuel to an unnecessary fire. I do not agree with police officers using excessive force. There are a few that do take everything to the extreme. The large majority of the police force in our country, are incredible people. They do everything they can to protect our communities and people. When you have a criminal, that is resisting a police officer, those officers have to make a split second decision. They have to a second to decide if their safety is in jeopardy. Do people not grasp this? When someone is a known criminal, a known druggie, a known hot-head, or a known felon with weapon charges...those officers have to assume their lives, their partners lives, their communities are in danger. Put yourself in their shoes. These officers are spit at, they are assulted, and their lives are put into harms way to protect the very people that are charging them, that are in their faces, or that they, by taking the oath of being a police office, are required to protect. I've heard calls to get rid of the police, are you serious?! Yet, some of those calling for their elimination, are the very ones that call the police to protect them or their property. A whole lot hypocritical if you ask me. Just yesterday, I was scrolling through social media when 2 young girls that grew up together for most of their lives have now sadly been divided. One on each side of the political bullshit. This year was the first year these girls were able to vote. I am grateful that so many of these young people have gotten out to vote, but I am concerned about this unnecessary division. Unfortunately, these girls have been thrown into this baiting, and now I can see a friendship gone. If you truly believe that you can not be friends with someone because their political opinions differ from yours, you are the problem. There is this thing called respect. I seriously believe the lack of respect in this country is just another baiting tactic. Anyway, I know both these girls and their parents. I think they are all good people. Do I can that some of their opinions or choices are different than mine, nope! I respect them enough to accept our difference and go on. I am however, very disappointed by the matter in which their friendship will now be divided after 18 years, because of a lack of respect. I know where where both these girls came from, their parents, their upbringing(for the most part), and it is not only sad but very disturbing. I truly believe if we as Americans came together, quit listening to the media propoganda, and the baiting politicians, we could have a beautiful, respectful, and promising future.
I was always told you should never throw stones if you lived in a glass house. Well, I believe there are an awful lot of people that are on borrowed time before their glass houses shatter. You have the pot calling the kettle black, and again, Americans are being baited against each other for political gain. It is very disappointing that more people can not see this. Just in this election cycle, we have been censored; against the American Constitution and the Sunshine law allowing for freedom of information. We have been lied to, by BOTH parties and their cronies, our country is trillions of dollars in debt yet the politicians keep raising their wages, their benefits, sending money to countries that hate us. So many are worried about who spends 4-8 years as president yet are ok with those that have 20-50 years in the congress. I would think that should be a more concerning issue. If a two term maximum is good for for the president then it should be the EXACT same for congress. There should not be life-long pensions or benefits for any elected official, ever! Our country is broke because of these politicians lack of financial sense. I think our country had better open their eyes and see this propoganda for what it is before we are living like Cuba or Venezuala. Another thing that I keep hearing, and it pisses me off to no end. America is not a Democracy!!! America, by the Constitution is a Republic. Read it, you might learn something! I am an American, I have a right just like everyone else, to have my own opinion. I am not Democrat nor am I a Republican.
On a personal note, my family had 16 years of hard times, financial strain and employment strain. The past 4 years we have seen improvement. If you notice, 16 years covered a Democratic AND a Republican president in office. Our current president is arrogent, obnoxious and not a politician, so do not get me wrong. I do not like him. However, I have seen positive changes in my own household under his term. Researching Mr. Biden's plans, I am scared. We already know my husband's job will be directly affected by his plans, our taxes will almost triple under his plan, and our healthcare will be gone. My own job will be in jeopardy. Our farm will lose untold amounts because of taxes, and law change plans. There is a good chance even 4 years could sink us to irrepairable levels. As I sit here, I can think of so many good people that can't see the damages being caused by all the baiting that is happening. I, for one, always see people for who they are...not the race, gender, sexual preferences, or any of that nonsense. I know incredible people that by demographics, fall into everyone of the catagories. The difference is, I don't look at the catagories. If people are good people, why segregate them into some ridiculous catagory?! These are people that abide by the law, they work hard, they love their family, they do what they can to make their communities better.
This election cycle, the past 4 years, has really disappointed me. I truly believed our citizenry was better than the behaviors I have seen. I truly believed that respect for each other would prevail, and I have been let down. If it's not been the baiting, the lawless actions of some, the constant lies, the lack of empathy; it's the disrespect, the division, and the many unConstitutional acts of some elected officials - that DO, by the way, WORK FOR US!
One last thought. Friends, if we do not stop this divide, and learn to work together while forcing our elected officials to remember they work for us, we are in trouble. The very liberties that have allowed for the protests, the voting, the freedom of speech...will be gone. It's long past time for our citizens to step up. We need to come together to solve the issues plaguing us and show these politicians how it's done. Stop the bickering and have respectful, but real conversations on what we can do for our country. These educated idiots in Washington, are obviously too far removed from the real world to know. We can't be productive if we are constantly blaming our poor choices on everyone else, nor can we be productive if we are not truly hearing both sides!
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