Friday, April 30, 2021

Which direction?





So, I'm watching a video with some truly amazing people, that have the courage to put themselves out in the limelight on a regular basis, discussing the chaos in the world. While I try to be respectful of those trying to get truth and information to the public, I have some serious issues with the course some have taken. I believe some in the field of truth, have forgotten their mission. As I said, I have listened to many, and have a serious respect for a few that appear to be well grounded and humble. I don't disrespect the others, I just can't get a handle on their thought process. It's just a differing of personalities, it doesn't make either of us right or wrong, it's just a different perspective. 


So, today, I was watching  a video with Mel K, Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward and Ann Vandersteel. Mel is truly a wealth of knowledge! I truly enjoy listening to her research. I don't always come to the same conclusions, but she is extremely knowledgeable. Simon is always even keeled. I truly appreciate his mild personality and spiritual consciousnesses. Of course, there is Charlie Ward. Some are not fond of Charlie, but I find him to be a positive figure in the age of chaos. His humor is refreshing and his knowledge is also refreshing. I'm not able to find much connection with Ann. Although she does well with her news show, I don't find a link to connect with personally. 

Anyway, today's video was discussing many subjects, as always. However, Simon kept trying to get a point across that seemed to be grasped. I too, have had many questions that the same old song and dance never seem to touch on. So, I'm going to lay them out. Maybe someone that reads this will forward to Mel, Simon or Charlie, then maybe the average everyday thoughts can be heard.

Here we go: Most of the American population knows the media is corrupt and does not report of anything that we have all learned about. How are the masses of remaining people supposed to see what is happening when it's not coming through media and/or being censored by social media? The "white hat" group keeps talking about peaceful protests, and law & order; yet a big group in this country - the longer this charade goes on- is ready to take to the streets weaponry in hand. Many of us living in rural communities throughout fly over country have had our communities plagued with poor economies, job losses and farm losses since the 70's. It took a massive hit again, during the Obama years. Many of us struggle to make ends meet, we can not afford for this game to go on much longer. Many of the local residents are already losing everything; just as many across this country have. Even though we saw some relief during Trump's term, ALL the relief has already left these rural areas. Many of these communities have small local owned banks that are struggling, small local owned businesses that are struggling or closing, our school systems are a mess and there aren't enough conservatives left in these small communities(many had to move to cities to find jobs) to ward off the liberal/democratic strong arms. We all know Americans became complacent. However, so many have attempted to fight back only to be persecuted by the cities within the rural areas, they are run over by city folks coming in buying up land for twice its value because locals can't afford that after losing hundreds of thousands of dollars, job opportunities due to business closures and businesses moving out, and those of us trying to hold on small family farms are already on our knees to survive, while still standing strong for American values and freedoms. We work our hands to the core to care for our family, work our backsides off to keep the bills paid/buy groceries/and livestock feed, keep our home decent, pray for our families/soldiers/country. Some days, it takes all we have to keep faith, family and freedom in our hearts. Sadly, so many in rural areas of America are in the same boat. We get talked at, not to. We get grief from city people for being the cause of all troubles, yet we don't have smog/murder and very little crime in our areas...until it's brought from the cities. Don't get me wrong, we have crime. There are bad people everywhere, but the majority of true locals are wonderful people, even if we disagree. 

So, I guess what I feel is that so many have become disconnected from some of us average people, that are not comfortable putting our faces all over the internet, even though we try to explain the very things and more from our own research. We get discouraged because we are not heard, we are not represented, nor are we acknowledged unless someone needs our votes. Unless someone needs a photo op to look better. Honestly, we don't want the world invading our communities. We already understand the concepts of treating others with respect, shopping locally, and caring for our families & neighbors. That is our way of life. For us, that is common sense. 

So much has come forth in information, for me, just in the past year...even though I learned more than 2 decades ago, not to trust government and to back up medical information with research. It is more difficult for many that have not dove into research to see the truth, let alone even know where to start. If it's not being fed to some through the "news," it's censored on social media platforms and so many are unaware of alternative sites or weary of joining alternative sites. I have to ask the obvious, how can we get truth out when absolutely every media source is biased and corrupt? When you have media talking heads constantly spewing bullshit, false flags, false information or just not reporting actual news to start with?! 

Many are getting more frustrated by the hour. Many are tired of constantly taking heat for circumstances beyond our control and the initiated issues beginning before our time to start with. Why aren't these instances being covered or acknowledged by those "white hat," groups? I have to say, even with all my own research, I am concerned for ALL Americans. No matter what we believe, we are seeing divisions growing wider and many can not see what they don't realize is happening. 

Maybe someone of more importance than myself, will see this and either piece together such a messed up puzzle or will be able to get answers that I can not seem to find.

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