Thursday, June 30, 2022

What are you thinking?!



I had plans for a video but my thoughts are just too scattered, as of late. I have dug into so much information that it has overwhelmed me and required me to take a bit of a step back. It's difficult when you see things you can't unsee! I want to cover several areas in this blog: gardening, livestock, food supply, the concerns within our country, the distractions, and much more.


Starting with the overwhelming amount of videos you can watch. I have cut back to only following a couple of people that aren't in all out "end-of-the-world" mode. Anyone paying attention knows things aren't good. Having hundreds of "preppers" talking about bug out bags, raiding the homes of those that have prepared for hard times, thinking you're going to go live in the woods with your nifty little backpack and hand full of childrens supplies...along with a thousand other people, or some saying you should only be stocking up on certain brands/organic/whatever specialty's frustrating and dangerous! If you think a few cans of spam, a rope, a few carabiners,  a hatchet and sleeping bag are going to help you bug out...boy, have you got a lot to learn! I've seen the thumbnails for so many videos, and they are nothing more than attention grabbing. There is rarely true content that is helpful to anyone looking to get prepared or stocked up. I guess if you are looking for fear mongering...a bunch of those videos will have ya covered. I prefer real information, real content and less drama! 

I'm a bit irritated today by the snark and ignorance out there. If you don't believe our country is heading down a very dark and troubling path, then keep doing what you have always done. Keep watching the MSM shit shows and believe our inflation rate is only 8.6% and that we haven't been in a recession since late October 2021. That is your choice. We are still a free country for the moment. For the rest of us that are seeing the writing on the wall, I know what I am seeing. I know the amount of increase in my own budget is unsustainable. I know the dead cat bounce of supplies is about to come to an abrupt end. I know the garden seed has been severely bad for 2-3 years. I know that the 100+ food processing plant fires were not a coincidence. I know the pain facing momma's as they try to find formula for their babies. I know the strain the increased fuel/diesel and food costs have put on limited income households. I know the volatility in the housing and stock markets are all pointing to a massive bottoming out in the not too distance future. I know the mortgage rate increases will help to fuel the fall of the housing market, and loans in general. I know this inflation and recession will result in more closed businesses and unemployment. I know that the failed policies from the past 18-24 months will continue to contribute to all of this and more. Here's the thing, if you believe everything is still sunshine and roses...bless your heart. I can't imagine living in such blissful ignorance. 

My reality looks like this:  My grocery bill has increased from less than $300 per month for a family of 6, to now it ranges from $800-$900 PER MONTH! AND we grow and raise much of what we eat! My 50 pounds of flour has increased from $18.50 per bad to $43.50 now. The 50 pound bags of sugar I buy, when I can get them, have gone from $24.95 per bag to $48.75. I went to our local Aldi 2 weeks ago. I bought several canned goods, some spice packets, and some chips. That bill was $128. I went to the same store, this past Saturday, bought the same number of items and roughly the same types of items that bill was $208. My animal feed bill....OMG! In January, I was buying 100 pounds of chicken feed and 100 pounds of cracked corn, for $28.17. My bill today:  $52.19, for 100 pounds of feed and 50 pounds of corn. Our sheep and cattle feed...$300 per load increase. Dog food: $4 per bag increase. Our Fuel and Diesel bills: $120 per month in January to almost $700 in June. The most irritating part of all of it....our income has not increased, our bills have. Our personal property tax bills have increased, our taxes have increased. So, just going off my own budget....How is someone on a fixed income expected to pay their bills, buy their medications, and eat??? It pisses me off that while so many are arguing about Democrat or Republican, that have head-up-the-ass syndrome to even see THEY ARE ALL THE PROBLEM!!! THEY have a spending problem. They have legislated printing money out of thin air, lining their pockets, and are not being held accountable. 

I am spitting nails over this pathetic "create the problem then institute their solution" plan. We, as a generalized people, have forgotten, don't care or not been taught how the American government is supposed to work. We have 3 separate branches of government, each one has a job. The Supreme Court is their ONLY to rule on the Constitutionality of the cases they hear. I think a whole lot of people better go reeducate themselves on the constitution. It has been trampled on for decades, and now it is in our faces. 

Because of the issues I have seen, read about and researched...I have done what I can to prepare my family. We have made cuts where we can. We are paying for a vehicle we rarely use because diesel is too high. I personally, don't leave the farm but maybe a day or two A MONTH! I expanded my gardens again this year, and realistically should have expanded more! I am learning everything I can possibly learn about doing things the "old fashioned way." I am writing down recipes for meals that will stretch, that can be frozen for later use, and preserving foods I didn't know could be preserved. I am educating myself on the actual legislation coming out of our government. I'm networking with other individuals that are learning and sharing garden advice, preservation ideas, frugal living, and community empowerment. I am keeping an open mind about things I don't know or understand, yet. Y'all, I refuse to be a victim or have a victim mentality! 

Gardening the past couple of years has been a lot of stress. I've personally experienced a lot seed that never germinates, both heirloom and hybrid. Each winter, I go through what the gardens did that summer, what issues we dealt with, weather patterns, etc. I learn what I can do better the next year. For 2-3 years, nothing I have done with some seeds has worked. Overall, green beans, beets, and corn have been big failures! This past Spring, I invested in a cheap little greenhouse to put on my deck. I decided to start some green bean seeds in it and see if they would grow that way. Oddly enough, I had 72 seeds sprout, get up about 2" tall and all but 8 plants died. This was another trial. Are the bean seeds tainted? Who knows...but they won't grow! Beets...I have planted beets for most of 20 years. The last few years, I can't get them to grow! Prior to the past few years, I had a massive over abundance of them. Now, all I end up with is tops or beets the size of a quarter. The sweet corn is another bomb. I bought heirloom seeds from a well known seed dealer, for a couple of years. What did grow was not edible, but a large amount...didn't grow. This year, I bought some hybrid corn to try. While we have a decent standing, there are still a lot of seeds that did not germinate. While a lot of times, weather will play into the growth of seeds - drought, too much rain, etc. This year we have been fortunate to end up with rain, at good intervals that should have made growing seeds work excellent. Not been the case. My kidney beans and horticulture beans have been another phenomenon this year. They decided to vine. I have never seen these types of beans vine, ever! Not sure what to make of that! Now, I typically will buy extra tomato and pepper plants, because not all of them stay alive during the transition from container to ground. This year, every stinking one of the plants I bought(except 1) have survived. I believe I have 49 tomato plants, 20 bell pepper(different colors), 4 banana pepper and 4 jalapeno plants. I think I might just have enough. (you could probably hear my eyes roll!) Anyway, I have found I am battling blight this year. I've not had this issue before. So, I went into study mode again, learned what I needed to do, how I needed to treat them, and got to work! I can tell you, when you have this issue, it's a lot more work and requires daily care or you could lose entire plants. I've trimmed branches, leaves and gotten stems up off the ground. Because I had so many plants survive, I didn't have near enough cages for the tomatoes. I had to improvise since those are another item that has gotten stupid expensive! I learned about garden clips, working with twine in the garden and bungee straps! Yeah, it's not ideal but it's a cheap alternative that appears to be working! I'm heading out today to water the plants, with a mix of water and epsom salts, and baking soda. If need be, I learned about a product called Captain Jacks Copper Fungicide that is awesome for blight. Hoping I can avoid having to purchase anything else though. 

Finally, I want to touch on something I believe in and what I try to do. Community and local shopping. I have always tried to shop local, and utilize what is in my own community before going outside of it. Fortunately, I learned this years back so when all the illness crap came about, I didn't have to change too much. I will tell you, sometimes you do have to spend a little more locally, but once you figure in the extra fuel to go to another area...rarely is it worth it. Especially now! In my county, we have several options for shopping, and for me...I have several areas closer than within my county to shop local owned/run businesses too. I know I have heard people say they can't shop that way in their area, and that may be true...I can only speak of what I know. In my area, we have 3 counties and 2 states within just a few miles. That opens a door for us, even living as rural as we do. My thought is this, if you don't shop and support your local businesses, what are you going to do in an emergency when that's all you have left?! Here is a perfect example...In the county I live in, our main town offers a local owned farm/lumber store, a local owned grocery store, a local owned meat locker, a local owned car dealer, a local owned lumber yard, as well as a dollar general and a chain grocery store. Yet, a large majority are still traveling the 30-45 minutes to a bigger town to go to Walmart. Yes, I know there are something you can only get there now. It irritates me, but it's just the way it is. If you don't shop at those stores and support them, they will close. That not only means those stores not being available if you need them...but it also means jobs lost, industry in our small communities lost, and local revenue lost. Many of these small local owned businesses support events in our community from the school kids, to other events that matter. Plus you have the added bonus of these businesses knowing your name when you walk in the door. Having a community that is self-sustaining is trying the past 2 years. The illness has taken its toll on them. Many are struggling to get and keep help, many have lost a lot of income due to the economic downturn, and I expect there will be businesses that will have shutter if the current direction is not changed. If that happens, you have a lot of unemployed people in the communities. You will see crime increase, property values decrease, you will have to drive farther for everything, and these small communities will cease to exist. It is our responsibility to support our communities, our farmers markets, our local producers, and keep life in these small towns alive. 

I'm going to end this for now. I am sure my brain will stay in motion, it always does. I hope you are able to stock up on what you can, that are are learning something new and useful every day, and that you are supporting your local businesses. Until next time, be safe, and be kind!


Monday, June 27, 2022

Coffee Chat - WARNING, I am fired up!


Here we go again, friends. I think we all need a reality check. You can have an opinion, while others have a different opinion, and NOT HATE EACH OTHER!! It's so ridiculous to me that, that even needs to be said. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has them. That does not mean that either side is right or wrong, it just means people are thinking for least mostly. Sadly, we have several groups of degenerates that find it necessary to cause trouble, demanding that everyone "respect" their opinions, while they deliberately disrespect opinions that differ from theirs. That, my friends, is called hypocrisy, and a form of mental illness. We can put our opinions out there, without being ignorant, without burning down cities and businesses, and without destroying personal property. This kind of behavior is nothing more than a deliberate effort by some to continue to create divisions that unnecessary and quite honestly, dangerous. It has also become apparent, that education has been severely lacking in how laws are made, and how the separation of powers work. I guess Civics class is no longer taught?!



The past 24 hours has shown me more than I could have ever imagined. I've known for years that the whole "time out and participation" crap was not good...but WOW! We have created a society that not only lacks accountability but also responsibility. We have too many with a victim mentality, and the "blame everyone else," mind set. Here's a grand idea:  TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE. It's incredible to see that we are reinventing the wheel. We have magically figured out what a woman is, again. We have seen that not all lives matter. We have been shown that our bodies are not our choice, with many areas over the past 2 years. We have seen many opinions come to light, and some of them have been shocking. 

I am truly dumbfounded by thoughts on the Supreme Court decision Friday. Not by the pro-choice or pro-life groups, as much as, the lack of knowledge of what the actual decision was for.  I have friends on both sides of that debate and I personally stand in the gray area. I will explain that later. This decision was not to ban abortion. It was stating that no where in the Constitution does it state that it is a federal right to do so. This is what the Supreme Court validates what is a Constitutional right and what is decided at the state level. Their decision Friday, simply sent it back to the individual states. Meaning, it was not a Constitutional issue. Aside from the fact that Roe admitted to the whole thing being a lie, this should NOT be a federal OR a state issue. This is the gray area. Too many have decided to buy into every issue is black or white, when in reality, there is a more vast area of gray. While I personally am against this option and find it appalling, it is not my choice. This decision and many others should be private and made between a doctor and patient...not government, not media, not churches, not insurance companies, PERIOD! Personally, I do believe there are people out there that do not deserve to have children, that are not responsible enough to be parents to an animal let alone a baby, but this is my opinion. I, personally, would have had a house full of precious little beings if it had been a possibility for me. I can tell you from the stand point of the mental anguish that happens with makes me wonder if the mental health issues currently are not related to this issue. Just an observation.  I personally believe in freedom, and that encompasses all American's...even those that have a different opinion than my own.

Just a month ago, it was being debated, at the federal level, what a woman was. Seriously?  Our politicians have made a complete circus of this gender issue. I hate to be the barer of logic, but there are only 2 sexes...those with a penis, and those with a vagina. It's pretty simple. Your creation may not be how you feel currently, but it is what it is. You may choose to medically and chemically attempt to change this, but that is the real fakery of the conditioning society is experiencing. I am all for being who you are, but demanding others to accept anything else is called entitlement. I have family and friends that fall into so many of the "new" catagories, and while I love them I will not buy into the attitude that "they are special and deserve special recognition." You want to be treated well, GO DO SOMETHING THAT HELPS OTHERS!! In my eyes, you are only as good as your character. 

I am not angry at anything, but seriously disappointed by division that being intentionally used by governments, NGO's, and religion. We have massive issues pressing in on our country, and people are choosing to stick their heads in the sand about them...while they are out bitching about the Supreme Court decisions. How about instead of pissing and moaning or airing your crap on Facebook, you go out and help a local food pantry. How about you go out and stock your pantry. Go get a job, help cover the cost of filling an elders car with gas, go volunteer at a food bank, or just do something to help someone else! I struggle to believe there are so many selfish, entitled people in this world. 

I need to move, as I am seriously upset by what is happening in our country, on so many levels. It's being discussed, even in mainstream news, about the supply chain issues and the food shortages; yet people are still oblivious. Y'all, I get it...really I do. We have had decades of an abundant life. Seriously, we have. We have had some hiccups, but overall, we have had what we needed at our fingertips. It's only been 2 years ago, we experienced the strangest phenomenon I had ever seen, with the "great toilet paper shortage of 2020." Do y'all not remember the madhouse, and chaos that created...over toilet paper?! For a virus?! That virus is still being blamed for what we are currently experiencing, as well as, what is being forecast to happen. Our ports of entry, are drying up people. China's ports of exit are backed up and halted. Our supply chain is failing at an alarming rate. Our food supply is seriously becoming more scarce. Not to mention the inflation which has decreased our buying power with the increased cost of goods - food, fuel, lumber, fertilizer, etc. So, what are you doing to help yourself there? Do you have a plan to make sure if you have the fuel to get to a store, will you be able to afford to buy food, toilet paper, necessities, more fuel? What will you do if the store shelves are empty? Or if you can't get to a store? I know I personally don't have the money, space or desire to stock up for 2, 3, or more years for supplies. However, I am working hard every week, to do what I can, while I help others too. I am learning something new, everyday! I am refining my gardening skills. I am learning new methods of food preservation. I am talking and sharing with my family about my concerns. 

As with any of my opinions, they are mine. You can agree or disagree...I will respect that, until I am disrespected. I will just add in here, by choosing to only see things in black or white, you missing so much in life. Most of life is just what it make decisions, you deal with the consequences. Each of us has to answer for the choices we make...not for the choices that others make. If you depend on a government to tell you what's right or wrong, you have lost your way, and need to find your own balance. 99.99% of the time, the government is or causes the problems. It is up to we the people, to be better and work together to find solutions...not behave like a bunch of thugs. Our Constitution is being ripped apart more and more, and so many are just willing to accept that. Both political parties have neglected the oaths they have taken for decades, because they keep our people divided so we don't pay attention. Stop the divide. Agree to disagree if necessary, and realize that the enemy we are truly battling is not with each other - but instead with those slimy, greedy, disgusting perverts "running" our country. They do not speak for us, they tell us what we should be pissed about...while laundering money through other countries, to their NGO's, and back into their own pockets. Go talk to American Indians about the ways in which American government has worked from the beginning. Go back and relearn about the Trail of Tears, the "reservations," these people were imprisoned in, and about the genocide they experienced along the way and through the kidnapping of their children to make then "civilized." Go research how many hundreds of thousands of Native American children were murdered through those "schools." Or how many treaties the American government has broken in regard to the American Indians. Go visit a reservation, and talk to the real people that have faced real hardship for 200 plus years. You think your life is rough...

I am all for expressing feelings but doing so in any form of violence, negates anything positive you might have said. I know personally, I have never had an issue with differences until those difference begin getting violent, or belligerent. You want respect, treat others with respect. You want your opinion heard, listen. You want to be accepted, be accepting of others. When this crap is shoved down my throat, then I have had issue with it. You get in my face screaming or demanding, and you will be removed from face, by any means necessary. I will talk to anyone, and I will do my best to listen - even if I disagree. However, behaving like an out-of-control toddler, gets no where with me. It's time everyone starts taking personal responsibilities seriously. You make choices based on what works for you, and you deal with the outcome. Your opinion matters to only you, and maybe your momma...but usually not to anyone else. Your character determines who you are, not your entitled attitude. 

It's time we all grow up and behave like adults. Stop allowing antagonizers to divide us. You are only as good, as the good you do for others!!


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Experiencing Burnout?


Sadly, I think so many of us are feeling this currently. We are struggling to just get through each day, and the bleakness that seems to be lurking at every corner, is overwhelming. I'm not a therapist, so I have no "professional" opinion to give, just my own experiences and means in which I somewhat try to grasp at finding balance with it. 

We are in such trying times. We may all be experiencing tribulations, and each one can be different. We aren't all in the same boat. We may all be in the same storm, our situations are all different, and the "boat," may be a boat, canoe, life raft, or even a mere piece of wood. How each of us deals with this tribulations will be different too. Even though it is extremely difficult, we have to remember to allow ourselves the time to refuel/recharge. 

I have spent the past 3 years researching so much dark information, finding things that caused me to want to withdraw into myself, and struggling to have conversations due to my own need to share the information I found. People don't want to hear most things that go against their personal beliefs...and I get that. I didn't!!! However, as someone that needs to talk through my has made the world a very lonely place. I left a position I loved, because it no longer coincided with where my beliefs were. I have continued with the mission itself, but doing it in a means that does not require the drama. I have focused every minute of my life for the past 21 years on my family - my husband and my kids. I believed this was where my focus was intended to be. It was not someone else's job to raise my kids, educate them, or to instill my beliefs into them. Now, do not take that as negating any one else! All of us do as we have to or need to. I am just sharing my own position. I have worked hard to make sure our family had what we needed, and juggled every penny to do the best we could with whatever scenario we dealt with. I am in no way, perfect or to be admired or even a role model!! I have done the best I could with the choices I have had at the time. 2 years ago, I hurt my back terribly. I still deal with issues from it daily. It took me out of my own zone. It slowed me down, and required me to have to get help more often. This to me is a kiss of death. I have always prided myself of being able to do everything on my own. To this day, asking for help and getting all the grief that comes with that, irritates me. Many times, I do things now, and end up paying for it for weeks! Still!!! However, I have spent 2 years battling with burn out. Trying to be everything to everyone, all the time, has taken a huge toll. For about 6 months, I wake more tired than when I went to bed. I can't shut my brain matter what I try. I am overwhelmed by paperwork, schedules, organization, too many projects going simultaneously to even know where to start, have so many projects going and finishing one only to find 14 more. 

That being said, I have found reprieve in my gardens, in my planting, and in educating myself. I'm burnt out, no doubt. But I am working on self care everyday, while trying to work on small steps to finish the overwhelming project lists too. I am allowing myself the time to slow down in the evenings, and going to bed when I am tired...not just waiting until an "appropriate" time to do so. I work hard everyday, whether it be on laundry, cleaning, organizing, paperwork, gardens, or just doing what I have to, to get through a bad day. I push myself, don't get me wrong. Probably harder than I should. I don't let pity parties live in my head, nor do I let negative energies take up camp. When energies are low/negative, I excuse myself from the situation or people. Finding people that can have deep conversations about real subjects, is difficult still. That does make life a little lonely. 

You have to find a way that works for you to release stress, and find a solid platform to allow your own energy to recharge. Not everyone will understand the path you are on, and that's ok. It's your path. Each of us has our own individual path in front of us. Getting burned out is easier do to now, with our lives facing the hardships of today. We are dealing with so much, that it can actual project onto those around us. I don't know about you, but I've heard everything from - "you have an attitude problem, to you don't know what you are talking about, to you fill in the blank." We are in hard times. Mental Health is struggling from young to old. I personally believe, even those that don't want to, are starting to see and feel everything the rest of us have. It's just hard to accept. Many of us have not taken the time to slow down, and once you are forced to...that opens up doors to realizing how much we are living in fight or flight mode. That mode is not sustainable. While I firmly believe in researching and understanding what is happening in our world today, it will create panic and it will create cognitive dissonance. It will also help to make the world a better place for everyone. 

Do what you need to, but take the time to decompress. Set boundaries for yourself and for others. Learn to say no, if you just don't feel you can do something. Learn that no, is a complete sentence. Try to communicate with your family, even if they don't understand may help you to be able to have a release. Accept that we are human, we have limitations, and pushing your self to full exhaustion is not going to help anyone. All it will do, is cause you health issues and resentment issues. Get out in nature, talk a walk/jog/run, sit by the water, garden, find a kindred spirit to talk to, whatever you can do to find a little release every day! 

Hang in there, friends. We are all experiencing this in one form or another. Take the time you need to recharge, then get back out there and do what you need to, to make sure your family has what they need.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Welcome to the sh$t show...



What can I say? If you are not seeing the freaking mess in our world have got to live under a rock! We have spent 24 months now watching this mess expand and be pushed into hyper-drive. We've seen gas prices go from $1.89, to $4.79 and higher. We've watched our supply chain come to a stand still. We've seen a run on fires/explosions at food processing plants. We've seen inflation jump from less than 2% to well OVER 9%. We've seen our southern border invaded with no resistance from this administration. We've seen unemployment increase. We've watched the stock market continually fall since the first of the year. We are seeing the real estate market start to burst its bubble again too. We are hearing of shortages on everything from wheat, sugar, potatoes, feminine hygiene products, baby formula, fuel, diesel, DEF, motor oils, vehicle parts, tractor parts, and of all things - water! We have seen a massive increase in pricing in not only the previous areas, but also in utilities, fertilizers, animal feeds/grains. We have seen a massive shift in mental capabilities in society, in general. 

I know I sound like a broken record, but there's still some in the back of the room that haven't cleaned out their ears yet! I have spent a lot of time attempting to "sugar coat" what should be seen and done. I'm done walking on eggshells! Time is vitally important now, to be prepared and to see what is right in front of us!! The entitled attitudes, the "ignorance is bliss" attitudes, or just straight up stupidity; has got to stop! I want to see people survive the chaos, but pussyfooting around is NOT going to cut it. We are about to face the hardest times, anyone alive today, has ever had to face. So, it's time to drop the ego, drop the being offended by everything attitude and grow the hell up. Your feeling only matter to you, and maybe your momma...they don't matter to anyone else. Deal with that and you will be a step ahead of the curve. If this offends you, guess world goes on, just as yours will. Get a backbone and step up to the plate. 

I promise you, growing up and even well into adulthood, if a "people pleaser" can stand up, so can you! It's time to decide if you are going to survive this storm that is about to pummel us, or if you are just going to lay down die. Are you going to make a plan, and make preparations for whatever may be heading our way OR are you going to hope that this disfunctional government is going to take care of you? 

Now, making a plan for your situation is a great starting point. How are you going to survive the coming, planned riots? Have you heard about those yet? Yeah, Antifa and BLM are planning another Summer of "mostly peaceful" Riots! That means more cities, federal buildings, businesses burned and more citizens terrorized. Do you want to be out in that mess? What about your gas tanks? Can you afford  $8-$10 per gallon of gas? Even if you can, what are you going to do when the truckers can't, and the store shelves are empty? What are you going to do when you have no food left, and there's none on the shelves? Think you're just going to bug out, or go to someone else's house without a plan and something to offer? Think again! Where are you going to "bug out" to? How are you going to survive, let alone get out of your area with an empty gas tank, riots or massive traffic all trying to do the same thing? Do you think I'm crazy? If you do, I feel sorry for you. You need to turn off Meta Verse and look at the real world. It's a complete shit show! 

We are on the brink of a nuclear war with Russia AND China. Turkey, Israel, Serbia, Libya, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, Taiwan, UAE, Iraq, and Afghanistan are all battling. Throw in Central and South America in battle with drug and human trafficking, and controlling the Presidents/governments from Mexico, through Honduras, Guatemala, Brazil, Venezuela, clear to Argentina. Add in the HUMAN trafficking worldwide in Haiti, Myanmar, Australia, London, Germany, and right here in the good ole United States; and we have a MASSIVE problem! None of this even touches the MANY decades of election fraud, not just 2020!! Which, according to the Supreme Court, ANY election fraud found and proven, vitiates the entire election! There has been fraud proven from 2020, and already in the primaries this year! So, where does that leave us? A government chosen and installed, not a single vote that actually mattered, a foreign occupied government destroying America from within, with the help of foreign entities, and Americans so blind to reality that they would rather argue over some celebrity drama, than prepare their pantry and their family to survive. Pathetic! 

A list of things you should be preparing, for those that choose to see the writing on the wall:  Get your heart and soul right with God! That is the first priority. Then start preparing your home and family with a plan for survival in any worst case scenario. Take the steps necessary to be prepared. Get items you can, that have a shelf life - canned vegetables, fruits, soups, rice, instant potatoes, pasta, spices. Then think of pet needs, medical supplies, flashlights, batteries, matches, lighters, first aid, propane, charcoal, wood, lighter fluid, foil, foil pans, cast iron, metal utensils and candles. Think of anything you will need to survive NOT going to a store for a minimum of 6 months! Learn a useful skill - gardening, welding, plumbing, electrical, septic/sewer, mechanics, cooking, etc. Honestly, if are thinking about showing up somewhere that is preparing, you better better have something useful to bring to the table or you will be out of luck! You better learn to work hard! 

We are being catapulted into unknown waters and the hardest times any of us will have ever known. I pray that we are spared from this, but every indication is proving otherwise. You need to wake up, and start doing your part to be a productive part of society. No one owes you SHIT, and it's time to take this country back to the freedoms, liberties, and beacon of hope that it once was...not a laughing stock at the ignorance the rest of the world is seeing.   GOD, FAMILY AND COUNTRY!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2022



It's truly unbelievable that some need a bright flashing sign to see what is right in front of our noses. 

I do my best to not be condescending or too sarcastic, but holy mother of all things, is that becoming more difficult with the passing days. There are people aware of the evil that has taken over our world, but there are still so many that are still drinking the kool-aid. I don't buy into a lot of theory, but I do study and research. I do attempt to learn things that I don't know anything about. To be honest, I had some pretty hefty cognitive dissonance to overcome. Until a handful of years ago, I believed that a majority of people were good, that we still had a few in government working for us, and that morals were still a priority in society. Boy, did I get a wake up call.

When everything I believed in, was taught, and grew up believing has proven to not be accurate....that's a hard pill to swallow. I won't go into that because there are just too many dark areas that I'm not in the mood to deal with. Instead, I want to focus on what I know and what I can control in my life, and hopefully, lead by example. 

I have had a few thoughts that have been on replay in my mind for weeks! Do we really need the Federal government to tell us we are in a recession? Can't we all, already feel the pinch at the pump, in the food isles, and in our everyday expenses? Do we really need or care what the "actual" rate of inflation is? Anyone with half a brain knows it's higher than 8.6%. It's like we are dealing with the Wizard of Oz...just don't look behind the curtain! Our current rate of inflation may well be 8.6% but the magic figures DO NOT INCLUDE food, fuel or utilities. If you figured those expenses in, it would send the world into even more turmoil as the real rate of inflation would be over 20%! So, again, really?! Seriously?! Our government has a spending problem. Printing money out of thin air, has consequences! Having money that is backed by nothing, has consequences. So, where does that leave us? In a mess, is the answer!

So, instead of the gloomy feeling this gives me, I am focusing on what I can control. I am focusing on what I can do, to be proactive. Yes, I stay on top of information, but I am not allowing myself to be inundated. I reach a point, when I just have to shut down. I am taking steps to protect myself and my family. I do feel like I am in a battle of time, but I promise you, I have an amazing God that I depend on. I am doing my "due diligence" to prepare my pantry. I am growing and expanding my garden. I am canning everything I can. I am attempting to get back into physical shape by walking daily, and trying to get back into yoga(although I am just not doing well with this!). I am learning useful skills. I am trying to rebuild and renew my spiritual relationship with the greatest creator ever. I'm trying to drag my family(mostly kicking and screaming) into a plan of preparation, organization and spirituality. I'm attempting to manage the overwhelm through hard work, determination and a LOT of prayer. I'm doing my best to let go of those that refuse to see the forest through the trees and those that just want to spew negativity into everything. To quote Ms. Patara, "We are in a spiritual battle people." I believe this with my whole heart. I truly believe we are in a battle of good v. evil. 

So, today, I am going to encourage everyone that feels the vice tightening...KEEP GOING! You are not imagining this chaos. We are being squeezed at every angle. If you have not yet started to build up your pantry, start NOW! Take $20 a week, start learning to grow vegetables in containers or garden, stock up on your soap/hygiene items, make a plan for the "all hell is breaking loose scenario," make sure you and your family can survive through this nightmare. Develop networks of neighbors that you can barter or trade with, and have a few extras that you could help someone in need if necessary. Be proactive and accept that things have changed in the world. While I personally prefer good quality food, typically that I have grown or raised.... you can bet, I am backing up my pantry with items to make sure my family can eat; just in case my garden doesn't grow, in case we can't get a cow in to butcher, just in case. Make sure you include water in your preparations. As Odessa, TX is dealing with a minimum of a 3 day outage in their water supply...we would be in trouble here. Store shelves are the same as out of water, and unless you have a well...watering livestock would be a nightmare too. You need to have a for every letter of the alphabet if necessary. Have back ups for your back ups! With all the shortages, all the supply chain issues - get stocked up! 

Do your best to get physically active, even if it's just walking to the mailbox everyday or walking around your yard. Physical activity helps ease stress. If you are a nature person, as I am, get outdoors. Spend time in your yard, garden, hiking, etc. Learn some useful skills - canning - pressure and water bath, gardening - actual garden or container planting, sewing, creating meals from scratch, fabricating - metal or woodworking, mechanic skills, small engine skills; start to learn skills that were invaluable prior to the 50's. Learn the skills you can trade/barter with. Yes, I know this seems excessive in the technological world we live in but, I can tell you, a large majority of people today, could not function without internet/cell phones/youtube/etc. Learn these skills now, while there is a plethora of online tutorials available! 

I will end with this - Lead by example. Teach your children/spouse(even if they are fighting you at every turn)to be prepared and have a plan. Learn every skill possible, stock up your household, have cash on hand in the event of outages with debit/credit/ATM's. Payoff debts as quickly as possible. Start learning recipes you can make from ingredients you have on the shelf. Learn to plan ahead and again..STOCK UP! IF you can get the items you need/want, will you be able to afford them? Will you have enough fuel to get to a store? Will the items you need/want be on the shelf? These are the directions you need to be thinking of. Do you know how much flour, sugar, tea, coffee, toilet paper, laundry soap, body soap, dish soap, shampoo, deodorant, feminine products, you use on a monthly/yearly basis? You should! Make sure to include vodka, whiskey into your, not to drink, necessarily. Vodka is a great cleansing item. Look up its benefits. Whiskey is a great medicinal alcohol. It helps with colds/sinuses. Look this one up too! 

We need to start thinking outside the box/outside the matrix. The time to start is past, so it's time to catch up and get your house in order. Drag your kids and spouse along, and teach them while you are learning. Good times create weak people, hard times create strong people.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Coffee Chat



 I had planned to have a video coffee chat, in the's just too humid and hot to sit out there too long. So, I will type instead. After watching a video this morning, I think we all need a little reality check. So, here is mine.

I spent a lot of time outdoors this weekend. I end up bouncing from project to project, especially as someone says "Mom, come look at this, or Honey, what do you think." I worked to get the yard mowed down again, since I am trying to not mow as often to save a little gas usage, it gets kinda gnarly. I have weeds in my garden. I pulled some but the ground is just too muddy and it's a mess to work out there much. I did get my tomatoes that didn't have cages, staked up with some red-neck ingenuity. It will work for now. I fixed supper, made a couple sandwiches for lunch, took care of my critters, and transplanted a few more plants. I walked the garden and realized how many seeds didn't come up, and how much I will be having to replant for my fall gardens. I made a comment about building a lasagna garden to my husband, to get a look of disgust and a few negative comments about how it would work. I listened to 2 of my boys bickering at/about each other, while thinking how much everyone is half-assing around here lately. I have battled with whatever this illness is for almost 2 weeks, more than likely because I bust ass all day everyday, and don't take the time to just rest. When you are the one that "handles" don't get rest. So, by 8 or so...I am ready for bed! 

One thing that was pointed out in the video this morning, was the misconception of social media posts. For those that are able to have it all figured out, I give you a pat on the back and congratulations but I am not one of them! My house is a mess, I do dishes as I need to...although after every meal is preferred, laundry is done every few days and typically sits folded until I start throwing a fit, everyone wants to know what's for supper everyday - yet no one offers to take the meat out of the freezer or help make sure it's cooked/table gets set. I struggle through each week of meal planning, since the same crap gets old and there are too many picky people in my house to just throw together a casserole. Most of the time, unless I lose my cool, I'm sitting here and not talking to anyone. Everyone gets wrapped up in their electronics, the noise box or they disappear to their rooms. So, I guess the good part of that is it gives me more time to research, plan or organize. So, when I share information with everyone, just know it's as much a reminder to myself as to everyone else. 

None of us have lived in the times we are currently facing. None of us can be 100% self-sufficient anymore...but we can sure do our best to be as much so, as possible. Comparing your situation to anyone else is stupid. This is as much a reminder for me, as anyone! I can talk to, see, and even watch videos of what others are doing...but they aren't me, and I'm not them. We spend 6 months every year planning for the next 6 months...and have for over a decade. Right now, there's more thrown in because of the chaos of the world. Some of those videos I watch, I share with hopes not only that my own family will watch...but others will also. The main one I can relate to is Patara at Applachia's Homestead. She has much of the same personality and thoughts as I do. I can't force anyone to watch or even prepare their homes...if it was up to my family, we probably wouldn't even be half as prepared as we are. 

This weekend, I struggled with being really concerned over the unknowing of what's coming down the pike. I've kind of reached a burn-out stage. I'm personally overwhelmed and not feeling the backup I thought I would feel. I know this will pass...I'm not one to stay down long. However, seeing the feet dragging and lack of concern; just hit me. I don't know who reads these blogs, and I'm pretty sure who doesn't...but just know, we all get to these points. None of us are perfect, and while we may share the "beautiful/pretty" parts of our lives, there are the ones that are not-so-much-so. 

As I have said in other blogs, you have got to know who is in your boat with you. You can't have someone drilling holes in that boat, while you are doing all you can to get the water out. You need to build a network of people with like minds, with skills/trades you can bounce off each other, you need local but also national and international "friends." That way, when you hit a brick wall, or you are running on have someone to vent your frustrations but will also kick you in the butt to get up and go again. 

I have spent the better part of 20 years, as a stay-at- home-mom. No one comes home and wants to know how your day was, no one wants to know what you learned that day. You will hear all about that outside job, the local gossip in those work places, or something of that sort. All of that is white noise. We seem to be moving into a different time, a different world. The negativity seems to be growing, the insults and divisions seem to be expanding. I know it's hard, believe me, to fend off negativity. It can get the better of you some days. Just stay diligent in your efforts, and know I am cheering you on! 

I will end for today. Stay strong, keep stocking up, find your connection to your God, and pray for all you are worth!

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

What do you bring to the table?


I could spend a year telling everyone everything I have researched, and tips to be productive or stocking up their pantries. I want to shift gears for this blog though. I want to talk about another highly important matter as the economy gets worse and strange things continue to happen. "Make sure that everyone in your boat is rowing, not drilling holes."

What do I mean by this? Really, it is just as it says. Make sure those you keep close to you, are on the same team. You don't need someone or multiple someone's drilling holes in your boat, while you are rowing your butt off to reach the finish line. So, how does this fit in with our current situation? 

If you are out here every day, working your fingers to the bone, gardening, stocking your pantry every chance you get, preparing your home and your life; you don't need a good-for-nothing degenerate to come in and take advantage of your hard work, while they do nothing but take. So, I ask you, do you know who your "tribe" is? 

Have you had a conversation with your family, those living in your house? Have you made a plan, or multiple plans in the event of further chaos? Do you have backups for your backups? A lot of conversation has happened in the past week talking about people that may show up at your door if things get bad. What would you do? Have you become familiar with your local producers? The egg ladies, the livestock producers, those gardeners with possibly extra vegetables/fruits. Have you been learning any new, useful skills? I guess my question should be, if shit hit the fan and you had to go somewhere else, what would you bring to the table to be able to earn your keep?

Our family has had many conversations the past year about this exact subject. While I am for faith, family, and helping others, I am not for supporting lazy. So, if someone showed up at my door, I would help them once. Then, the situation would dictate where it would go. However, I am not helping anyone that is demanding anything, nor am I helping someone who is unwilling to help themselves, and anyone that would show up here, had better serve a purpose. I am a nice person, but my family needs will always come first. 

Do you know other like minded people? Do you have a network of people that could help each other if needed? Do you have something that could be traded, be it food, material, a skill, or trade? You see, in times of trial, it always brings out the worst in people. It doesn't matter who the people are, you have some that believe "bugging out and coming to your house," is just a given. The thing with that, what are they bringing with them to help? It doesn't matter if it's family, friends or neighbors...if they aren't productive or serve a purpose, they are of no help in times of trial. So, if you are planning to "bug out," somewhere, I recommend you be ready to prove your worth. 

Get to know a network of producers. Get to know people that will do some bartering and trading. Learn a skill/trade that could be of use - sewing, cooking, canning, jelly making, electrician, plumbing, farming, animal husbandry, fence building - something of use. I will tell you, many of us that have spent a lot of years in preparation mode, have no tolerance or desire to give hand outs. We bust our asses everyday, and if you show up will too.

I recommend that you be prepared for whatever chaos may rear its ugly head. Know how to grow your own foods, learn to eat those things that you are not fond of now, get your pantry stocked to the hilt, get necessities stocked up now. Every little bit you get now, is going to be cheaper and there's a better chance of it being available now, than just days from now. In my area, gas prices have jumped 30 cents in 2 days. Canned goods at the Aldi have almost doubled. Getting chicken/turkey is nearly impossible. Get your garden seeds, get containers to grow in - even if it's just 5 gallon buckets. Get your potting soil, your hand held garden tools. Make your mistakes you will know how to do this better later. 

A tale as old as time




As fables go, there's always the hero that rides in and solves the problem facing a group. Folks, there is no knight in shining armor to fix the mess we are in! Instead we are watching a circus, the ring master has sent in the clowns to distract us from the catastrophe that has arisen in our country. 

I think if I hear one more person say, "the government needs to fix this," I may vomit! The government has CREATED this mess! I want you to humor me for a bit. I want you to think back for as long as you can remember. Every single crisis we have had in the U.S., when exactly has the government actually fixed anything? When has their excess funding of countries abroad ever actually helped Americans? When has the Federal Reserve banking "experts" ever done anything fiscally responsible? 

I'm not going to dive off that pier, because it it will inevitably piss a lot of people off. I have so much respect for our military, but they have been used by the elite financial, religious and top 1% of the world; to do their bidding and dirty work. Our soldiers and veterans deserve so much more than that pathetic group, yet these amazing men and women are affronted at every turn. 

I have been extremely edgy of late. I made a couple of videos yesterday, and shared them on my social media. After making them, more thoughts poured through my head and as I went to share post was blocked! Yep, censored before I could even share. So, here I am. I cover a lot of news stories every single day. I don't just listen to one or two people...there are hundreds I could listen to. My biggest concerns are the precious young people, when our children of this world are effected, I am ready to fight for ALL kids! These precious beings are our future and so many of them are being neglected, abused, forgotten or not being taught in a manor that will prepare them for the real world. Then comes the farmers/producers. Folks, we all eat! That means everything our farmers/producers face, will directly effect every single person. When their input costs quadruple, guess what will happen to your food prices?! You guessed it, that snowball will pick up speed as it races down the mountain to the market shelves. It does not matter if you produce wheat, corn, beans, hay, chickens/eggs, cattle, hogs, or sheep...when our prices of input raise exponentially, those price increases will be heading to the overall cost! As a small farm/producer, it is very difficult to absorb the extreme cost increase. However, even the large farms/producers are being hit at every turn. Price increases have hit fertilizers, seeds, chemical weed killers, grain/feed prices, and even the livestock markets are seeing a massive fluctuation on pricing. The trucking/delivery industry is another area that is being slammed. In America today, a large majority of our goods/supplies are shipped in from other countries. That means all the goods/supplies shipped into ports on our coasts, must be transported across the country. That is typically done by truck, rail or tug/barge. All these forms of transportation run on diesel. Can you imagine that expense at the current cost? Anyway, with the increasing cost of diesel, these transporters, have increase their rates to cover their increased expenses. That expense increase will be passed along to us, the consumer. None of this even accounts for the losers out there stealing gas, stealing catalytic converters, or the GPS navigation systems off of tractors. It does not include the cost, let alone the availability or lack-there-of, of trying to replace stolen or damaged parts. Have you attempted to get parts for your vehicles, tractors, or a big rig lately? IF you can get the parts, they are sky high, can't get them! There are shortages of parts, shortages of workers, shortages of manufacturing....SHORTAGES! Have you tried to buy a car recently? It's unbelievable to see the lack of products available in America. 

The supply chain is in chaos. We should all know this, at this point. If you don't, you really need to start paying attention. Our ports are emptying quickly, but there is nothing more coming. China has had 3 main ports shut down. Many of their factories have been closed due to illness, and if you haven't noticed the stupid high price of probably have more money than brains! When China decides to start working again, it will be a MINIMUM of 12 weeks before we could start to see some products return. That is assuming the clown administration does not continue to piss them off. As of right now, China is siding with Russia...than means the U.S. is on the outside looking in. If China decides to take on Taiwan, where will that leave American's? That will mean even less for us! That would mean no exports from Russia, no exports from China, and China will block exports from Taiwan. Just as a point of view, look at the closest 10 items to you...where are they made?! A majority of items in your big box stores come from China and Taiwan. Are you understanding the mess we are in yet? Countries abroad are aligning in this battle already. Do just a little research and you find many countries are NOT siding with NATO and the US. The BRICS monetary system has already kicked in for many countries, making all financial payments be backed with gold, silver or precious metals...not a fiat/swift American Petro Dollar. Our dollar, is not backed by anything beyond the debt and the backs of hardworking American taxpayers. 

Worldwide, the real estate market is also chaos. Some of the biggest international real estate corporations are bankrupt! The housing bubble of 2008, is about to look like a rose garden. It's about to burst. The housing, land and commercial real estate investments are on the brink of collapse. Just in the US, it is being predicted that housing/land prices will fall by at least 50% by the end of the year. So, all the land being sold for 8-10 thousand an looking to be worth less than half that in less than 6 months. What's that going to do to those that lease out their ground? Start thinking in halves, or less. Many of the farmers that are buying up land, at stupidly high prices, are going to lose their asses. So, then the question goes back to, our food supplies. Guys, this is a vicious cycle! 

The stock market is currently being stabilized by the Fed. It has suffered 23 weeks of decline. So, now, we have to ask...when will the bottom fall out of that? I don't care what the "experts" say, we are in a's just a matter of time before the floor drops out and we have Black Tuesday and the 2nd Great Depression. You think this is dooms day prediction? Ok, that's on you...but think about this - Economic hardships began in August 1929, before the market crashed in October 1929. Why did the market crash? What began with increased interest in stock markets, led to a severe economic downturn. It is speculated that overly confident and overly extended stocks, drought, steep decline in industrial production, deep decline in prices, mass unempolyment, banking panic, sharp increases in poverty & homelessness, falling commodity-producing prices and the GDP falling by nearly half; all lead to the crash. Well, let's think about this. Currently our GDP is at a 75 year low, commodity pricing was sky high a couple weeks ago and today has fallen, our unemployment is up, businesses can not get workers, our industrial production is non-existent since Covid, our stock market has been teetering for 2 years being artificially proped up by the Fed, our financial institution is printing money out of thin air, our administration is spending money like they have it to spend, our poverty & homelessness is increasing 10 fold due to the increased cost of everything, our food is 3-5 times higher in the past year, our gas/diesel is 3-5 times higher, major corporations are spending billions to buy favor with the "elected officials," our industry left in the U.S. ground to a halt because of Covid, and has yet to recover. Just from this list....we have a recipe for DEPRESSION! 

I rarely pay attention to polls, most of them are made up anyway. However, the consumer confidence poll is staggering! Overall confidence has hit an 11 year low! As of May it was down to 59%. That means less people are vacationing, basically less people spending money in the economy...another BIG sign of where our country is heading. Think about the tourism industry, these towns that depend on people traveling to them, staying in the hotels, eating in the restaurants, and spending in the gift shops. When the consumer confidence do these towns/industries/and jobs. With the current inflation, contractors are not building, there fore there will be less homes on the market. Businesses are not expanding into new locations, again lost jobs/industry and revenue. Think about the vehicle industry. These companies like Ford, GMC, Chevrolet, etc. can not make vehicles without many of the supplies made in other countries. So, all these car sales locations are not getting vehicles to fill their lots. The used car market is stupid high. What's going to happen to the salesmen at these lots? What about these tractor dealers, same thing...nothing to sell means closed businesses and in turn means severe unemployment. Just thinking to my own experience with a "local" restaurant. When these restaurants can't get help, they close early, when they close early, they lose revenue. With a decrease in revenue, means a decrease or elimination of staff. An extended period of this, means a closed restaurant, the few still employed would be unemployed. I hate to break the precious bubble so many live in but, we are already well on our way to another Great Depression!

I know people get tired of hearing me talk about stocking up. Even several in my own household are to a point of rolling their eyes. You know, it's not easy to watch the lack of concern. However, lucky for my household, I am too determined and stubborn to let their ignorance change my belief. I have spent over a decade, living a life of being prepared. When you live an hour from a Wal-Mart or town of any size, you learn to be prepared. I have spent 24 years learning how to garden, preserve food, plan ahead, and prepare. So, trust me when I say...I have learned many ways NOT to do things, and I have found many ways to do other things. Am I totally prepared for a depression? No way! Not even close in many areas. However, I work hard every single day to get closer. To have enough to take care of my family, to help my neighbors and if necessary help others. So, when I see people more concerned about their summer plans than stocking their pantries...I get pissy. I see parents spending frivolously on everything except the necessities they or their children would need to survive. I am trying to teach my own children to survive, to plan, to prepare, to be as self-reliant as possible. This is not easy by any shape of the word! Especially when they hear others claim that "things aren't that bad, the government will fix it." Folks, when you hear "the government is here to help," you need to freaking run the other direction as quickly as possible! They couldn't even run a damned whorehouse that was already established in Nevada! The government can not fix anything. They are the cause, so they don't want to fix anything! 

I'm going to end this today, but I encourage you all to stock up! Get as much as you possibly can, as quickly as you can. Be sure to check the expiration dates...I found this over the weekend...the dates that are usually 2-3 years out, are now just a year out(wonder where they have been for a couple years?). Get plenty of items that can be used in multiple ways...soups, pasta, rice, dried beans. Start learning/writing down recipes that you could make from your stocked items. Get plenty of water - you need drinking and cooking water. Remember you will use more for drinking during the summer months. Make sure you have a means to cook and cookware if you need to cook outdoors. Make sure you have plenty of supplies for your pets, medicines, first aid, soaps, foil, ziplock bags. Stock up now now sugar, flour, powdered sugar, brown sugar - these store well in air-tight containers/bags, and you can keep them in air tight bags in your freezer. Learn some skills...canning, water bath canning, freezing foods, dehydrating foods, gardening, container gardening, sewing, self defense. Kick your brain into learning to be a survivor, and never being a victim.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Shipping, supplies, and news


Today, I am going to touch on so much of what I am finding in my own research. I quit watching television in 2010, so I have spent my time researching real information. Sadly, what is reported on the noise box is often not the real story. They play on our sympathies and emotions, and that is how they have managed to divide our entire country. 

Let's just in to shipping. Throughout the entire Covid crap, our ports were packed. The mandates created massive shut downs, layoffs, and a severe lack of workers. People were getting paid to sit at home. That caused shortages in workers at the ports, driving trucks and trains to move those containers holding all the imports. Fast forward 2 years, there is STILL a lack of workers, our ports are the same as empty, and the ports exporting good from China...are FULL, because of their horrendous lock downs and response, their production/manufacturing plants are shut down due to mandates/policies, and many of their ports are still shut down. What that means to us, is that all the goods/food we import from China...will not be coming in, anytime soon. I'm told that the time frame of production to our ports is averaged at about 12 weeks. That's great and fine...once their production restarts. Folks, we were told in March 2020 - 2 weeks to slow the spread, and here we are more than 2 years later. If China follows the same play book, what will our store shelves look like if this drags out 2 years?

Our supplies on the shelves at many of the stores I have been in, are really thinning, quick! So, what is everyone going to do? Well, I have been constantly talking about stocking up, and sadly...I am met with so many excuses why people aren't. That being said, it's going to be a sad day when people go to the store, and realize there is nothing left. The biggest excuse I keep hearing is "I don't have enough extra money to stock up." Well, I'm going to be a bit obnoxious, I don't buy that. If you can't afford an extra $5 a week to grab 5-$1 cans of soup from the Dollar need financial help. You can't pack a lunch one day instead of eating out? You can't skip one stop to a coffee shop in a week? You can't sell old clothes or items you are no longer using in your house? I don't buy it. Sorry. I'm not talking hundreds of dollars here, I have been talking $5 per week. Instead of those convenient individual mac & cheese containers that are price for the convenience, buy the supplies to make 2-3 batches, from scratch. Ya'll I am talking about relearning to be frugal. I couldn't afford to go out and spend $1000 to stock up, even though I would love to. I have spent months, adding a hand full of items when I do my grocery runs. Whether that be bi-monthly or monthly. Everything is now higher than it was when I first really started pushing this. Those $3.50 - 32 packs of water, are now $6.35. Even my boys know, if you go to the Dollar General, you grab a pack of water, soup, rice, or whatever they can for about $10. Again, every little bit is going to help! 

The supply chain is a mess. Everything from food, to vehicle parts, to tires, to farm equipment parts, to vehicles, to chips for everything from vehicles to cell phones. Folks, this stuff is not going to get better overnight. It's not just going to magically change. This mess has been created, and those controlling the strings, don't want to give up their power. With the supply chain mess, it has created even more inflation, a stock market crisis, and a housing market crisis. We have had a rash of fires break out in food processing plants this year, and insane recalls of food.  We are seeing a depleting availability of poultry, now eggs, peanut butter; just to name a few. The prices of food alone, have in most cases, doubled already and economists are talking about the price doubling by August. That means we have a rough 6 week period to stock up, before you are having to spent $8-$10 on a pound of ground beef, $6-$8 per gallon for fuel, $12 a dozen for eggs, $30+ for potatoes(shortage there too), $20 for 5 lbs. of sugar(another shortage), $20 for 5 lbs. of flour(wheat shortage), and this is IF you can even get any of it. 

Speaking of economists, have you seen what their actual numbers are? The Biden Administration is claiming an 8.5% inflation from April. Economists are claiming it's actually closer to 30% inflation rate, with timber rising nearly 600% and Gas nearly 30%. Now, we are being told that 2/3 of the country is expected to electrical blackouts this Summer to boot. Those electric cars are going to be more useless than those gas cars, when there is no power or no fuel/price is outrageous. So, our powergrid is part of our infrastructure. Wasn't there an "infrastructure" bill passed in this administration, that included arts and museums in it? Where did that infrastructure money go? What's the point in all the windmills destroying nature, if they aren't producing electricity? Oh, I know...they are producing electricity, just not for our country. I know so many have become de-sensitized by the news, the constant dramas, and the complete lies coming from this administration. Doesn't seem odd that all these shootings are kicking up again, when the Covid scare is no longer keeping home, when the Monkeypox scare isn't stopping people from doing anything, and people are living their lives? I wonder how soon before Antifa and BLM start their "mostly peaceful protests," again. How many more cities, federal buildings and privately owned businesses will be effected this time? No, I am NOT buying anything our government - Republican NOR Democrat, are selling. These freaks have destroyed our country, they have destroyed the fundamental foundation which this country was founded on, and they have destroyed our Constitutional rights every chance they have gotten! These people have forgotten that THEY are the servants, and WE are the masters. 

The news is bleak. The economy is sinking fast. Every single item we need and use, is double or more, higher and increasing daily. The friends and I family I have in some states that are seeing even higher prices than I am...I pray you are paying attention. It's unnerving to wonder how you will pay your bills, buy groceries, and put gas in your car to get to and from work. The talking points of most journalists and this administration, is rhetoric and divisive. It wasn't enough to leave Americans in Afghanistan, we left millions in military equipment. It's not enough that American babies are going without formula, but there are warehouses full of it on the southern border(yes, there is video evidence of this), it's not enough that this administration is going to pay fueling stations to add equipment to allow for double digit fuel prices instead of opening up our own pipelines again. It's truly sad when Americans are in such a struggle and the ability and financial assistance is being sent abroad by those "elected" to take care of Americans first.

Personally, I am praying that everyone opens their eyes before it's too late. It does make me wonder how many people must suffer before people start to shift from us vs. them mentality to a We the People vs. the government mentality. The freak show in DC, is only concerned with their own benefit, their own greed. They do not care about Americans. It's time American's start acting like American's again and hold them accountable. Hold our local and state politicians accountable too. Many of them are no better. I am tired of hearing about all the crimes being committed and no one being held accountable. I'm sick of seeing proof and evidence of voting fraud not just from 2020, but for DECADES prior, by both parties. I am tired of watching taxes increase and nothing is being shown for it. I'm tired of watching the federal reserve print money out of thin air, and congress/senate passing bills to spend that money...all the while NO ONE is being held accountable. This is why we have a $30 trillion debt in this country. I'm tired of watching the freak show cause division amongst Americans, just so they can keep digging into the pockets of every single productive American. It's high time we the people unite, take care of one another, and fire the bums locally, statewide, and federally, that are doing nothing more than lip service. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

When is enough, enough?!


                            It is said, that great leaders, know where to draw their line in the sand.

So, when is enough, enough?! It is difficult to answer this with a absolute. Since this typically requires individual definition. What is enough to me, may not be for the next person. However, at the current state of affairs in America...I would think that, at least 80% of the population has had enough. 

What do I mean? I mean, we have retiree's having to choose whether to eat, pay their bills or buy their medications. We have young people that can't afford to rent, let alone pay bills, buy food, and/or buy fuel for their vehicles to get to work. You have many of us in the 50 year range, seeing and feeling the pinch of having to make drastic cuts to survive. There are more and more, multiple family households. At the same time, you are seeing some people act like everything is just hunky dory, and spending like they have it to spend. Many of these people, you wonder if they are in debt to their eyeballs, financing everything or living off credit cards. Which is sad, considering the the American savings situation right now, is the lowest in 50 years - which plays into the GDP. I watch people behaving like there aren't any cares in the world...yet everything has increased in price by at least double. I can't help but wonder when the rest of the people are going to open their eyes. 

The current administration is full of excuses and blame for everyone except themselves. Our "elected officials" have not actually worked for the ones who "elected" them, for decades. We have rogue unelected officials determining the direction for Americans....while welcoming illegals with open arms...and sending them wherever they want to go, on tax payer money. We have cartels in Central and South America running the show. 

There is plenty of blame to go around, but it's interesting. I have not heard anyone that hasn't complained about food and fuel prices. What I do hear is who's to blame...Putin, Biden, Oil Companies...are the main 3. What about taking some of the blame on yourself?! Why are you still traveling? Why aren't you limiting your trips? Does it seem logical to pay $5 - $7 per gallon for a trip to the beach? That is $125 average, that you could keep in your pocket, per fuel up. Making a bi-monthly grocery trip instead of every few days...again, saving money in fuel and if you your food bill. Offer to car pool. Americans have been so blessed, we have forgotten how to be frugal and responsible. I know we have spent 2 years in a basic lock down.  Everyone is chomping at the bit to get out again, and do things they missed out on. STOP! We have got to take responsibility back, since it's evident that those in charge will not. Our current recession is a direct result of a FED printing money out of thin air, with no responsible spending plan, and no responsibility for where or what that money is spent on/for. Our country is in 30 trillion dollars of debt, that has accumulated exponentially in the past 50 years. This is money being borrowed against American citizen taxes and expected taxes. Did you realize that our birth certificates are bought and sold, like bonds? We have all been slaves to the government for over 100 years. I suggest you go look into it. While you are at, go watch War Castles on Bitchute or Rumble. That will give you a lot of information. We are considered chattle, and called useless eaters. How's that for supporting all these career politicians?! Good to know where we stand, huh?!

Sadly, we have to take our own responsibility when it comes to our country. When the founding fathers penned the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights, I do not believe they ever thought our nation would fall this far. Our military was developed to be our last line of defense against tyranny both internationally and domestically. It sure appears those in higher positions have forgotten their oaths, as have most of the civil servants elected and installed. Our Constitution has been trampled on for decades, and the last one to try to do something about it was assassinated; although that election too, was bought. Chicago politics have been a major factor nationwide for decades.I wonder how many people actually know and understand our Constitution anymore. Know that states rights outweigh federal; county sheriff's are more powerful than federal officers.I wonder how many remember being taught that those working as civil servants were meant to serve in the position they were elected for, then go back to their job at the end of their terms? There was little to no pay for that service, and definitely no "special benefits." 

When are Americans going draw that line and tell these people, enough is enough? What's it going to take for the rest of Americans to reach their limit? Is it going to take maxed out credit cards, not being able to feed or clothe their kids, not be able to go to work because they don't have the money for fuel, losing their jobs, losing their homes/vehicles? Most Americans today, live hand to mouth. They don't have a year's worth of savings, they don't homes/vehicles that are free and clear. Many, if not most, are one emergency/unexpected expense from bankruptcy, or eyeball deep in debt. While we have to take responsibility, we have also been fed the lie, that this is how you get ahead. Our current economy is on the the brink of complete collapse, the dollar is falling and being replaced as the world currency, our national debt is currently strapped not only to our backs, but the backs of our kids/grandkids/and great-grandkids! As John F. Kennedy said so famously, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." I believe enough is enough, and it's time to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps, and united to bring greatness back to our country. No more allowing divisive rhetoric, hold those elected responsible for every penny spent, bring back our industry and production, stop the ponze scheme of the stock market, get involved at the local and state levels, vet every single person running for office, not focus on party line B.S., stop making B.S. laws that are not enforced and enforce the laws already on the books,  reduce the government size back to what is legal per the Constitution, eliminate any and all agencies that are not allowed by the Constitution. 

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of watching the politicians get rich with insider trading, special lobbyist under-the-table-money, and money laundering the expense of We The People! We have become a country that has allowed division and labels to dictate us. I don't give 2 cents what label you use, you are either an American, or you're not. If you are an American and the direction our country has turned is not pissing you need to get educated and stop being lazy. We are living in a time, that the founding fathers tried to prevent with the Constitution. 


I strongly recommend you get your pantries stocked with 2-6 months worth of food for your family. Keep your vehicles full and keep back up too, get 2-6 months of medical, pet, livestock, first aid, and water stocked up. We are in the most rocky time, of my life time...and it's not looking to get better anytime soon. What would happen if you couldn't fill up your vehicle, you couldn't get to a store, and if you did...the shelves were empty? What would happen is we were all put in lock down, again, because of some bio-lab biological weapon(the monkey disease)? What would happen if we found ourselves in the midst of a nuclear war(we are on the verge with Russia and China now, due to our resident dementia patient)?  What if the fuel shortage on both coasts, caused shipping to come to a grinding halt? We have already seen the anguish of having our babies running out of formula because it's all at the southern border...yes, there is video evidence of this! Do you remember the panic buying of toilet paper in 2020? Seriously, less than 2 months of supplies should be sitting in your pantry, in your medicine cabinets. 

Please, please educate yourselves! Pay attention to the distractions but keep your heads on rotate. Every time we see a new catastrophe, we are being distracted from something else. We are being thrown to the wolves at every angle. This freak show in Washington DC - Congress, Senate, White House AND Supreme Court, no longer work for We The People. They are captured operations, destroying America as fast as possible.