Thursday, July 21, 2022

WARNING: On a rant!




"WARNING,  warning...danger Will Robinson!" This was a thought that came to mind today. Yes, I know, I'm dating myself but the meaning is pretty accurate. Have you paid attention to social media, or any "media" lately? Ok, I know my own answer to that is not's a joke. Anyway, I just shared a video on my social media about the dangers now facing people shopping alone, mainly women. I can tell you from my view point, shopping is typically the only time I get alone! 

Here recently, within the past 2 weeks, there was a warning on Facebook about a shopping experience at a local Wal-Mart(45 minutes's our closest one). It involved a woman shopping with her infant, a guy that spoke to her in broken English, his "wife" joining in and they spoke in a different language, asked to photograph her baby, when she said no...they proceeded to follow her through the store. She was smart enough to get management to make sure she got to her vehicle safely, but this was a reality check for me. This store, is the main one I go to if I have to go to that store. I have gone many times alone, or with my daughter. I never thought twice about it. I do a lot of shopping alone or with my kids. I try to go during the day since our evenings are full with chores, etc. Anyway, I hate that store and avoid it as much as possible and I am never comfortable in there. I have always gotten a weird vibe from those stores. The last time I went, I had a car load of people with me, and still couldn't get what I needed and get out fast enough! My husband made a comment that further exacerbated my concern. He said we should lock the car, since we had just finished shopping at the Aldi. My car does not have a trunk, it's an SUV, so everything is in plain site. I had not even thought about it. I always take the keys out when I shop...but never lock it. He had heard or read something about vehicle thefts when there was food visible. Y'all...this is freaking crazy!!

Something as simple, mindless and unassuming as grocery shopping should not be anymore stressful than just dealing with the "people of Wal-Mart" mentality! For me, this has inflamed my need to become even more self-sufficient and more local shopping driven!! I am seriously hesitant to even leave my little corner of the earth! I don't fear - in the sense of safety, so to speak. I fear for my child who is typically always with me, my own inability to tone down my temper, and the overall theft of items my husband has worked hard to provide the money for! It is inconceivable to me how brazen these losers have become. 

I spend a lot of time working on most things around our farm. I work hard to make sure things run as smoothly as possible. I get upset when I feel like I am being taken for granted, but this is my full-time job. I mow, garden, teach, prepare meals, juggle the budget, organize, clean, etc. The past couple of years, I have had to add in extra planning due to the rising costs, the increasing news of shortages and a growing concern of safety. I do not like feeling like I have no control over anything happening. The strain of the inflation on small farmers, an area I can speak of with knowledge, is crushing. The pathetic 10 cent price drops are a slap in the face to every working American. Do you realize what our government overspending is costing us?! If you make $15 per hour, that is $120 per day before taxes. It is about $96 after taxes. If you drive 20 miles each direction for work = 40 miles per day, just to get to and from. Just for an easy figure, assume your vehicle gets 20 miles per gallon...that means you use 2 gallons per day or at $4.39 a gallon = $8.78 per day in fuel = $43.90 per week. That means half of one day per week is what it costs you in fuel. That is if you do nothing else. That is 4 hours per week worth of work, to dump in your fuel tank. Compare that to just 2 years ago, it would have been $16.90 or just over an hour a weeks worth of wages. Add that into the increase in food and utility costs, and a $15 hour wage, is now equivalent to about $8 per hour. 

When you break things down, it's really quite disturbing! It's not enough to be taxed on our income, taxed on our vehicles, taxed on our property, taxed on fuel, taxed on utilities, taxed on clothing, taxed on food, taxed on medicine; we are being taxed to death! I don't know about you all, but I want to know where all this tax money is going! Our roads across the country suck! Our communities are begging for financial help - whether from the federal government or through fundraisers. Our county roads are a joke. Our schools are supposed to get parts of our taxes, yet our teachers are paid beans. Our emergency workers in my rural area, are all volunteer. That means if you have an issue, they are leaving their paying jobs to save your butt. The federal government gets a massive amount of taxes, where does it go? It is being sent to other countries, to start with. Why??? We have sent billions to Iran, why? They hate us! We sent billions to Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, NATO, UN, South America, and the list goes on and on. For what purpose? Our entire tax system is giant Ponzi Scheme of money laundering. Did you know, the federal tax system is "voluntary?" There is no where in any of codes, that make federal taxes a requirement. Did you know, I believe prior to 2001, our birth certificates were bought and sold through the stock market...based on what the "elites" thought our lifetime value would be?! That means this freak show is buying and selling us like cattle. Which, is fitting since, we are considered vessels through the United States of America, INC. Which was established in 1871, when a second constitution was placed, illegally, through the creation of the corporation of America on foreign soil(Washington, District of Columbia). The federal reserve is not federal at all, it is a private entity, which was also established in 1871. 

Ok, I am moving on. Y'all, I am tired!! I'm tired of trying to explain the mess we are really in. I'm tired of trying to help people be prepared and maybe save themselves a little money. I'm tired of people arguing with me because my research proves the history taught to us is a big fat lie. I'm tired of people defending a bunch of criminals, all the while, these criminals are still free to continue their treasonous activities. I believe I will be taking some time, who knows how much, since there are a few people I still want to keep up with. I'm burnt out. Enough is enough.

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