Thursday, July 20, 2023

Let's chat - warning - solutions

 Let's Chat.

WARNING *These are MY opinions, much of which will be generalized. If you are troubled by language, free thinking, and free may want to close out of this blog.*

I'm going to start today with this:  "we are in a full scale spiritual war!" We are in a true battle of good versus evil. Let's just touch on the "news" for this week.  Illegal drugs found at the white house, for the THIRD time; and the secret service claims there are no cameras in that area of the white house, and we may never know who brought them in. Seriously?! A woman in Alabama claims to have been abducted, after stopping to help a toddler beside the road, only to show up 49 hours later with a seriously messed up story and refusing to talk to police. Welcome to Smollet 2.0! A country song has stirred the shit pot for cry babies, as it calls out criminal behaviors, but they want to yell its racists...Seriously, sick of hearing that!! The big guy has mountains of evidence piling up against him and his entire family, the CIA, the FBI, multiple former administrations - on both sides of the isle. You just can't make this shit up anymore! Our economy is reminiscent of 1929, our numbers are being cooked by the bureaucrats, they keep changing definitions to avoid admitting that this administration has pulled off in 2 years what no other resident has done in history...complete desecration of America from within...the domestic enemy. Bankruptcies are up, car/RV/boat repossession are up, mortgage and vehicle loans are down, interest rates are up, inflation is up, real wages are down, children are being trafficking, the education system is teaching grade schoolers about sex and hating their own cultures, our national debt is the highest it has ever been, yet we are continuing to send money/weapons to Ukraine, we have a homeless pandemic, our veterans are struggling to get any help but the illegals are flooding in and being given plenty of handouts, and these are just a few of the topics that are being ignored. Or maybe people have just become desensitized, by design, to keep thinking all this will just go away if they ignore it. Have you ever heard what was said about Germany during WW2? Each "class" of people just kept to themselves while the previous "class" was being hauled off by rail. Until it was their turn, and they didn't have anyone left to help them. They would sing louder in churches, so they didn't have to hear the yells and trains. They didn't want to stand up, they thought if they just went about their days, they would be ok. 

Well folks, it's time to pick a damned lane! This fence sitting bullshit is no longer acceptable. You can only bury your head in the sand for so long. There are thousands of men and women that have fought and died for our rights in this country, the very rights that so many have abused by rioting, looting, burning our flag, and physically harming others. We all have the same rights, except the career politicians...they are immune, apparently, from being charged for treason and felonies. Most of the hard working Americans, are being raked over the coals in every way possible. We are taxed at the highest rates in history, our incomes have not kept up with increase in living expenses, we are forced to pay for health insurance that ends up costing us ten times what it was prior to the requirement. Prescription medications are so expensive that even with insurance; many of the life saving drugs are out of reach for those who need them. Our elderly are having to choose whether to eat and pay their bills or buy their meds. My parents generation, who are trying to retire, can not afford to! They can't retire and survive. Many of that generation are watching their service to our country be spit on by a bunch heathens, that couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag, let alone actually serve their country. Instead they need safe spaces and get out of jail free cards. They have no work ethic and want everything handed to them. 

I am all for "to each their own," BUT not when it harms others, destroys communities, or hurts our children. To my thought process, it comes back to respect. Not only for respect of others but also to the respect of self. How many decades has the government put a value on specific people, for the sake of being elected only?! Quite seriously, every time there is an election; think about where and who the politicians flock to, listen to their rhetoric and false promises. What have these career politicians ACTUALLY done for any of us?! Think about it. The election cycles are about women, blacks or minorities, the cities, what they "will be able to do if you vote for them." Well, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO BETTER ANYONE BESIDES THEMSELVES? Are our cities any safer? Is crime under control? Are the low income communities doing any better? Are our taxes any lower? Is or has any industry come back to the US, to provide good wages? Is our national debt any lower? ARE YOU ANY BETTER OFF NOW? If you are honest, I would almost guarantee none of us are! So, how's your voting history working for you? 


I can not apologize for being pissed off at the state of our country. I have been so very fortunate to have met so many of our veterans through the last several years. Did you know that only 1% of our countries population actually serves in the military? That is 1% that signs a blank check to our government, that is up to and including giving their own lives for THIS country and our Constitution. That 1% is willing to give all so that the other 99% can sit back and bitch about everything, burn our flag, destroy our values and communities - OR some of us willing to step up and fight for our rights, right beside them!! So where do you stand? Are you burying your head just waiting for another resident placement or are you willing to take a stand against criminals? Are you doing everything you can to break the chains of government enslavement or are you depending on the government for your next meal? 


I have actually been given a lot of advice on how to "deal with the new normal." First of all, what is happening in our country will NEVER be the new normal for anyone with half a brain. Second of all, I will not just keep my head down. Finally, I will remain realistic to what is happening around me and not live on some magic rainbow of "positive" thinking or "enjoy the show," bull shit. I am a realist. I call shit as I see it, as it effects me and those I care about. I will never take enjoyment watching good people lose everything they have worked for, while those sitting on their asses or come to this country illegally get handed a free pass.  I will not sit back, or turn up the music to avoid seeing the devastation being caused by worthless, useless cry babies; who think they are entitled to a damned thing they haven't worked their ass off to earn. 

Now, to focus on some solutions that we can do at a grass roots level. This is difficult, which is why most won't do it. First, you have to accept the reality of what is happening in and to our country. Stop watching the noise box, stop indulging in technology and go outside! Get to know your neighbors. Get to know your communities. Stop posting everything you do on social media. What you do in your life, should not be subject of someone else's opinion. I am guilty of this, to a degree. If you follow me on social media, you know I have slowed down a lot on there. My actual daily life, is never fully posted online - anywhere! You want to know what's going on with me, come visit. Learn to respect yourself - your beauty, your quirks, and even your flaws are uniquely YOU! Stop dressing in clothing that doesn't fit - too big or too small is not becoming!! No one wants to see your ass crack or any other anatomy! Give yourself the respect you want, otherwise no one else will either. Be a good person. Yes, you will get burned sometimes...but it is not about others! It's about knowing your integrity is your own priority! Your character speaks volumes of YOU! Learn to communicate. If you can not explain something in a way that a 5 year old could understand, you don't know enough about it. Do your own research. Seriously, pick a subject and LEARN it!! I don't care how old you are, you can still learn. Stop thinking everything you are being programed with through the noise box. They never give the full details. Make sure you are getting your own life in order. Work towards paying off your debts, work on saving - even if it's just a couple of bucks a pay period to start...and do not spend it! Stock your homes with 3-6 months of food, medicines, pet supplies, first aid supplies, water, anything you would need. Stay out of debt as much as possible. If you make $50K a year, live like you only make $25K a year. Learn some real skills...gardening, sewing, cooking, baking, plumbing, electrical, carpentry. Something that would allow you to not only learn, but could allow for a side gig, if necessary. Stop wasting time and money on college if you aren't going into a field like medicine, science, teaching, legal. Get some trade knowledge - again, electrical, plumbing, carpentry, masonry, concrete, etc. The world is short on skilled laborers. The world is short on people that have real life skills. Find a good mentor and learn by working with them side-by-side. Shop local. Help support your communities by using local owned businesses, farmers markets, local farmers, local egg producers, local gardeners or community gardens. It may take some leg work on your part, to find local producers...but they are in every community, if you look. Learn some Holistic healing practices, herbal teas/salves, and natural healthcare. No matter how much some people would like to sugar coat the conditions in our country...we are on borrowed time before shit hits the fan. Our grid is wide open to cyber attacks, our government has depleted our military so it can not defend our country, our food supply is being chemically laced everyday, our water supply is full of flouride and chlorine. It's no wonder cancer, heart disease and other illnesses are on the rise. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELF!!! You want a better life and better health - it's up to you to learn how to make that happen!!!

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