Saturday, May 21, 2011


A friend posted a story on face book today about friendships.  For me, that has been something I have really questioned as of late.  It seems that we have so many that come into our lives, whether for a season or a lifetime.  It has had me looking at friendships in my life and wondering who is here for a lifetime and who is just here for a season.  I have a few that I know are here for a lifetime.  I know there have been some that were there for the season.  I do wonder how, from time to time, how someone can enter your life and then be gone.  While others, you long to have a lifetime friendship, but it just never comes to flourish.

I have friends from high school that I would love to reconnect with and have a great friendship, but distance keeps us, at what I call "arm-length friends."  I have a few high school friends that even though we don't talk on a regular basis, I know I can count on and they can always count on me.  Then there are still others, that have come into my life, during my adult life, that I thought were friends...but were simply fair weather friends.  And still others that have become friends, seemingly out of the blue.  I know each has been put in my life to teach me a lesson, that I hope I am learning. 

As I try to teach my children the value of true friends, I hope they are as blessed with true friends as I have been.  I will always be here for my friends, whether they are seasonal or lifetime.   

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