Monday, May 2, 2011

My opinions ( may be controversial!)

It's so amazing to me how big social media has become.  The biggest seems to be Facebook and Twitter.  Although I still haven't figured out twitter, I use facebook daily.  I love being able to keep up with what my family & friends are doing, even when they live hundreds of miles away.  Even with all the good that comes from these social outlets, I can't help but long for the "old" days.   The days when you met friends/family for lunch to visit and catch up on family news, when friends got together with their kids and enjoyed a meal, when you would go out with friends for social entertainment.  When parents were still fully involved in their kids lives, and discipline was not in the hands of the government.  Do I sound old?  LOL, well if you ask my 10 yr old....I am.  I don't think so, I am only 36! 

I remember when I was his age though.  If I talked to my parents the way kids talk to there's today....I would have been missing teeth!  If we would have behaved the way most kids do today, we would  either not have been able to sit, or grounded for months. That is not to mention, if we had even suggested at dressing the way kids do today, we wouldn't have been allowed to leave the house.  Were my parents strict? HELL YES!  However, I grew up respecting my elders, dressing like I had some sense, and behaving in a way that was respectable.  I remember knowing, if you got in trouble at were going to get paddled there, and then get it again when you got home!  Parents were involved, there were not parents saying their kid wouldn't do anything wrong....parents, then, knew their kids acted up.  There were bullies then too.  The difference is we were taught that you never start a fight, but you sure as heck better finish it!  If we were bullied, and there were a few kids that were bullies, we took care of it!  They shoved, we shoved back, if they hit we hit back.  The good kids were never in trouble for defending themselves.  The bullies were in trouble, kicked off the bus, kicked out of school...or dealt with by the parents.  We didn't have the drug issues either.  Yes, they were around...but not to the extent that they are now.  I remember kids, in high school, that smoked pot.  BIG DEAL!  I hear stories of kids now doing meth.  Really?!  Personally, I would rather see people smoke pot, that even think about meth, cocaine, or any number of other deadly drugs.  I have never used any type of drug, but that's not to say that my kids will not try them at some point in their lives.  Although I hope they don't.  I will do everything I can to educate them to understand the deadliness of them!  My opinion is that pot should be legalized and taxed just like cigarettes and alcohol.  And this brings up another area.  Alcohol.  Did you drink under age?  I did.  I knew I could go to one of my best friends house, sit around the bon fire have a few drinks, call my parents, and they would come get me.  They told me then, just as I have told my oldest now... I know you are going to try it.  Just use your head!  Do not ever drive after drinking, do not ever ride in a vehicle with someone who has been drinking.  My kids will always know that they can call my husband and I, and we will go get them.  My kids will never be perfect, as none of us ever will be while on Earth.  I want them to make wise decisions, but I refuse to shelter them from some mistakes or they will never learn necessary life lessons.

Although I didn't always understand the lessons my parents tried to teach me, and didn't always agree with the way they handled some of the issues that came up...but as a parent myself, I know they did what they felt was right.  Kids do not come with instruction manuals, and no 2 kids are alike!  I know many of the stunts I pulled as a teenager, I did because they told me I couldn't.  I have 2 kids that do the exact same thing today! I have learned, with my kids, that even though 2 kids are born in the same family, with the same parents...these 2 kids are opposite as night and day!

It worries me that so many changes have been made in the school system that have actually made things worse.  Kids today, go much longer than I ever remember going....yet, they are losing intelligence at record levels.  The kids today are being taught to the standardized tests issued by the federal Dept. of Education and the government.  Although I believe our kids should be tested to be sure they are learning what is taught, I don't believe that the tests they are being taught to is right.  The kids today are coming out of school...including college, as educated idiots!  Many are book smart but are seriously lacking common sense to live as productive citizens!  Do I have a sure fire answer to change all of it, not hardly.  I do, however, have the answer for my family and my kids.  We have been home educating for a year now.  Although it has been a difficult journey so far, I would not change it!  I can teach my kids what they need for LIFE!  Since most of life does not go by the book, they need to be equipped for that.  When I see high school kids driving around in brand new vehicles, that mommy & daddy bought for them, I want to smack the parents!  What kind of responsibility does that teach kids?  If we go broke, giving our kids material things that are not necessary...we are in turn teaching them to do the same things for their kids.  Thus, the economic path we are currently on.  Spend, and spend, with no regard to how you are going to pay for it, then whine and complain that the government should bail you out.  BULL SHIT!  If you don't know how, or never learned how to work hard for a living, save your money, and live within your means, then you will always be dependent on someone else to support you.  I have issues with this.(Obviously!)  I grew up, working!  As soon as I was old enough I babysit to earn money for things that weren't necessary.  My parents bought us the necessities.  Anything extra, (those awesome new shoes, or that high dollar pair of jeans) we had to earn the money to buy ourselves.  When I turned 16, I went to work at McDonald's , then at a local restaurant serving hot I could earn money.  My parents values, have taught me the values I want to instill into my kids.  Work hard, work harder, save, live within your means, don't blame others for your short falls, never depend on someone else to support you and use your head for more than just a hat rack!

Again, my own up-bringing has given me a different insight than some.  Yes, many of my opinions and thoughts are controversial at best.  However, I was brought up by 2 sets of parents, with different view points, and that has helped me to level the need intelligence to make a decent life for myself.  Do I blame my parents for some of the decisions they made personally, or in some of the repercussions they delivered?  No way!  Everyone is different and everyone has their own moral values.  Everyone makes mistakes, and hopefully they learn from them.  It is not my right, nor my responsibility to judge them.

And again, this brings up yet another area.  I am firmly planted in my faith.  I believe and trust in God and my savior Jesus Christ.  However, in NO WAY will I ever push my beliefs, or spirituality  on anyone!  I do not have sit in a building full of hypocrites to be faithful to God.  I do not have to sit in that same building to be judged by these "religious people," because of what I'm wearing, how I raise my children, or my family's financial situations.  I can pray in my home, sitting in nature, or anywhere....and God will hear me all the same.  I receive emails, and see hundreds of posts on Facebook, daily about scriptures, and the supposed lessons of the bible.  Although I read the bible, and we are blessed enough to be able to teach our kids with the bible, I do not believe I need to forward an email, or post hundreds of articles on Facebook, proclaiming my love for God.  It aggravates me to read all these postings and emails.  Yes, I read God's word, but my take on the versus, are usually different than those telling me what it supposedly says.  It is my opinion that Jesus died on the cross to forgive us of our sins.  God was very familiar with how life on Earth would be, and the trials we would face.  I have never believed that God nor Jesus, were all brimstone and fire.  I believe my God is a loving and forgiving God!

I am a very opinionated person.  I try to keep my views to myself...although, I am finding it harder as common sense becomes not so common!  I am very independent in my thoughts, the way I live my life and the way I look at world affairs.  I am against trusting the government to make things right, supporting me or my family, and invading into my life, where I don't think they have any right.  Gee, am I starting to sound like I'm running for President?! HA!  No way!!!!!!  There isn't enough money in this world to pay me to take that job!

Now, on to another taboo subject...politics.  Yep, I am going to piss off many let's add a few more to the list! ;)  As you can probably guess from the earlier  points of this blog...I do not want government involvement in my life.  I think all politicians are liars, and if they aren't that way when they start out...they end up that way.  I have met several politicians that seem like great people.  However, many are won-over by the big money lobbyists in D.C., the promises of a better"job," after their political term, or just totally lack common sense.  Which again, is not so common!  It is my understanding, from reading, learning and now teaching, the Constitution of the United States, that the President, and House of Congress is their to protect us from outside threats, to aid the states in keeping order, and to protect American soil from enemy forces.  No where does it state that health care is a right instead of privilege, nor is it stated that major corporations have the right to run the domestic affairs.  It is not up to the government to support, for extended periods of time, the people living on welfare/food stamps/cash assistance/etc.  The government programs for each of the previous were intended to help families that had hit some hard times, so they could get back on their feet.  NOT to support worthless people to lazy to get jobs, and quit having kids!  I have paid many tax dollars to support the latter and I am pissed about it!  Do you know that if we ran into some hard times right now...we could not get help?!  I don't care if you are Republican, Democratic, Independent, white, black, green or purple....Not everything is about racism, the different parties don't mean squat!  A politician is a politician, is a politician.  They will tell you what you want to hear to get elected, then they will follow their own agenda.  That's the way it is.  The sad part is, we continue to elect the same people and believe that one party is better than another.    They are the same.  The big corporations in this country, run this country.  Until our politicians do their jobs, fight for the American people, and quit taking lobbyist's money; nothing will change.  Too many people believe that the political parties are the parties they were 50 years ago.  That's not the case.  As we have so sadly found over the last several years.   Our last president cheated his way back into office, led us into a war that right or wrong, cost many U.S. soldiers, but was their vowing the destruction of those that led attacks on Sept. 11th.  By the time he was out of office, our country was broke, and falling faster than anytime in the previous 30 years.  Our current president...well, I am just not sure.  Again, my thoughts, I don't believe he had enough experience to start with.  He is an amazing speaker, and had a lot of ideas.  I do not agree with all of them, but when he is just a puppet to the congressional educated idiots...what are you going to do?!  I think we should put a 4 year term limit on ALL government offices!  No more than 4 years as a Senator, Congress person, and even on local politics.  Some of the old way of thinking has been in there for 20  plus years.  It's hard to get anything accomplished when those in charge are not up-to-date with the world around them.  Too many of us get into heated discussions about politics, and we blame the President for our own short comings.  Here is what I would LOVE to see!  A strong National Defense program.  Even though bin Laden is now gone, there are still thousands of radical terrorist world wide, ready to try to set demise to the U.S.  Our military should NEVER be without the necessary equipment, and protection they deserve to defend our great nation.  Nor should their families ever have to worry about receiving their pay, or benefits they are entitled to!  This is a Constitutional Law!  These soldiers put their lives on the line to defend us all, and they should never be denied because of our lack of budgeting knowledge!  We need to build our allies, support their efforts and encourage democracy within their countries...this in turn strengthen our own economy.  However, when we have American citizens without homes, food and basic necessities...OUR OWN COUNTRY COMES FIRST!  Immigration....HA!  I told you this would be controversial! ;)  While 99% of the American citizens came from immigrants....we need to keep in mind how they became citizens!  They went through the process.  They studied, they took the test, they learned the language!  If there are immigrants here illegally, ship their asses back to wherever they came from!  Deport each and every one of them.  You want the promise of this country, follow the law!  If you are here on a have ZERO American rights; if you are here illegally you have ZERO rights.  If we deported every single illegal immigrant, and made our own borders secure, we would not have many of the problems we have.  Including rising health care.  Health care, yep this is another hot button for me.  First of all, this is not a right!  Health care was a non-issue until the health insurance companies sent lobbyists to D.C. and made people feel like less of a person when visiting a doctors office without insurance.  Health care is an individual decision.  Forcing this law down the throats of people who work hard, run small businesses, and who CHOSE not to have traditional health care is not only wrong, but illegal by Constitutional standards!  This is not a government issue, should not even have been discussed let alone put into law, and in my opinion should be put into the round file!  If Americans were smart, they would dump their insurance companies, find an alternative to help with any catastrophic event and pay cash when visiting a doctor.  The money they would save by not having insurance premiums, astounding deductibles, and questionable pencil pushing medical judgements would be life saving!  There are so many alternatives to insurance that are not only affordable but ten times better!  Health care should be solely in the hands of the TRAINED medical people, and the patient.  NOT INSURANCE COMPANIES!  I personally, have issue with some pencil pushing, educated idiot determining my medical needs. Which brings me to  a few more points.  Although doctors go through medical school, and come out with the current knowledge(even though they are taught by drug companies), once a doctor has been in practice for a few years, their knowledge becomes out dated.  At that point they have to rely on what the drug reps tell them as to what drugs do what, and what the side effects are.  Rarely do any doctors have the time to research the hundreds of new drugs that are brought out every year.  Let alone the fact that if they even hint at an alternative source of healing...they are threatened, go to jail or lose their medical license.  The "war of cancer," is a great example!  The American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute and others of the type would lose BILLIONS of dollars each year if people found that cancer is being cured all over the world without surgery, chemo and radiation....and has been for over 100 years!  About 90% of all diseases can be treated and possibly cured with diet changes.  But, you won't hear that from any "medical expert!"  Why?  Because those "experts" would lose tons of money.  So, back to my presidential bid...HA!  Campaigning.  I believe that ZERO money should be allowed to be taken from ANY corporation for presidential, congressional or senatorial bid!  I believe, if you want to be elected, you go talk to the American voters, you ask for campaign funds from them, whatever they give is what you have to work worth!  PERIOD!  You want better be willing to get your hands dirty, and put mouth where their money is!  As for doctors.....yep, I have an opinion here too! ;)  The one thing that most people don't know is what happens to these doctors, their practices, and their training.  Did you know, if you have Medicare; the senior programs, it takes doctors an average of 6 months from the date of your visit to get paid.  If you use Medicaid, the program designed to help families with a hand up, it can take doctors as much as 9 months from your visit to get paid.  Here is another perspective!  Imagine for a moment, you use the medicaid program. You go to the doctor in January.  The office visit is $175.  Now, just so you know....when the doctor turns that into medicaid, he is not going to receive that full $175.  Of that $175, medicaid will bargain with him.  They tell that doctor that they will only pay $50 of that $175.  Do you know what happens to the other $125?  Yep, that doctor has to write that off!  Now, imagine that doctor sees 10 patients a day with medicaid, 5 days per week.  On this scenario, that would total $25,000 per month that doctor has to write off!  The other $10,000....he may not see for as much as 9 months!  So, when you go to a doctor and complain about the rising costs of office visits and treatments....this will give you an educated perspective.  Insurance companies are no different.  They use the medicaid schedule(the $50), and pay only 20% above that, typically.  So, when you talk to folks who are offering "Discount Medical Programs,"  guess are getting the same thing as insurance for a fraction of the price....with no one but you and your doctor making decisions! 

I believe that each state's rights are important!  My state, I have to say, is amazing!  The State of Missouri, still has some common sense left in it.  For the most part, our state is a state of hard working people, with high moral values, and a strong sense of family.  At least that is how it is in the rural areas.  Rural America is becoming less and less with the abundance of big cities, urbanization and the constant need to spend money on things that don't matter.  I am fortunate enough to be able to live in a rural area where family comes first, my husbands job is with a family company, the boss still believes in rewarding hard work, we pay our own bills, raise our children with morals, grow a garden, eat as much fresh, natural food as possible and instill these values into our children.

As I watch and listen to family and friends, with their struggles, and hardships...I can't help but feel even more blessed that I got away from the rat race, found a slice of heaven on earth, and can raise my children with the values our forefathers brought with them to the new world.

May God bless you!

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