Friday, September 13, 2013

One of our busiests months - September!

Everyone has hectic lives! We are no different. Harvest has begun, our gardens are still producing and we are attempting to salvage everything possible from them, It's Rodeo month, our oldest's birthday, a local festival, the old settlers gathering, and then we threw in remodeling our kitchen, our fall calving, finishing our pigs, building new fence, and finally getting a driveway into the mix!

As crazy as life seems to get we find that our family time seems to be our most valued times. We are only able to eat 1 meal per day as a complete family, but the kids and I eat 3 a day together. Meal time is when we catch up on each others day, discuss up coming schedules, and just exist as a family unit. With our schedules as full as they are, it usually doesn't seem least until the month of September arrives! Then the chaos has me overwhelmed and edgy!

We are preparing for J's 13th birthday party, it's been a complete whirlwind trying to complete several projects while adding in the party projects. We are roasting a hog this year, which is a first. It's usually burgers and hot dogs. Since this is a milestone year into being a teenager, we wanted to change things up a bit. So we added the pig, soaking it in a brine, and smoking it to the chaos. We will be starting to cook the pig at 3 am Saturday morning. Oh, the things we do for our children!

With all the party prep, we were trying to finish the kitchen as best as possible, to make it look presentable. I have to say the kitchen is finally a workable kitchen. My husband did an outstanding job of making it a dream kitchen for me, with what we had to work with. Although he is not a carpenter, and he will tell you as much, he did an amazing job!!! He found me a great old sink, he built all my open shelving, we hung drywall, painted, he built a sink cabinet that is absolutely awesome!, built me an amazing spice rack and a pantry that holds everything I wanted it to! While my perfect dream kitchen would be huge, all old fashioned with an old wood cook stove, a fireplace and wood kitchen now is as close to perfect as possible! It's beautiful!!!!

This is just one wall of the new and improved kitchen!

As we prepare for 3 more weeks of crazy busy, I am anxious for Fall and the cooler weather. I am so happy to be back to my favorite time of the year!Have a great September all!


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