Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Remembering 9/11/01 - From my eyes

As someone who believes political views should remain personal and not scattered all over the internet; today I am remembering as an American, as a veterans daughter and granddaughter, as a mom. Today, my heart is heavy for the nearly 3000 people who lost their lives because of cowardly, inhumane and worthless people. Today, I pray that ALL AMERICANS can find their way back to where our country was on 9/12/01. Back to being Americans first, not one party or another, instead focusing on supporting our family, friends and neighbors. Supporting our country, our first responders, our police officers, and our soldiers. Going back to seeing flags flying on nearly every home and business, mine is yours?

Every year, I take this day to focus my teaching momentarily on the cowardly acts, and a lot of time focused on the heroism, the men and women who risked life and limb to save as many as possible, the countless Americans that were civilians that rushed to help others, and those who perished at the hands of Muslims...NOT with guns, but with airplanes. I have been teaching what it means to be patriotic, and that does not mean supporting whatever political party is elected, but supporting America, her soldiers and veterans, volunteering to help those in need, and being unselfish in acts of kindness.

Every year, since this horrible tragedy, more and more hatred in our society has blossomed. More and more ignorance has reared its ugly head. More and more people have FORGOTTEN! More and more of our country's history is being removed from curriculm, and look at the outcome.

I do not know a single person that can not tell you exactly where they were or what they were doing on 9/11/01. It was the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. Myself, I was a young mom. I had a 1 year old child. I had on Good Morning America, listening to it as I finished getting myself and my son ready to go take his 1st year pictures. After hearing about the first plane hitting the tower, I stopped to focus on what was happening on the television. I was watching the live feed as the 2nd plane hit, then the plane hit the pentagon. I was terrified, and in tears. I had been married just 2 years, and I called my husband to see where he was, if he was safe, and I honestly was terrified to leave my home. I hugged my little boy so tight, and cried. To this day, I can still remember the feel of those emotions.

I am all for supporting legal immigration. I am all for loving whomever you love. I will always support and defend our Constitution, our Bill of Rights and military. I will never support murdering unborn children, illegal aliens, reparations, dissolving the electoral college, or taking away our American rights for a false sense of security. I do not believe that everyone should agree with my views, and I will not hate anyone with opposing views, but I refuse to have opposing views forced down my throat. Criminals will never follow laws, so oppressing the law abiding citizens with more and more laws is only making for more and more victims.

Respect is not something that can be demanded. Respect is earned. Some Americans have demanded being respected, they have committed crimes in the name of demanding respect. That is criminal. If you break the law, you are a criminal, period. The founding fathers envisioned a limited government, unalienable rights; not the government controlling everything, providing welfare for many too lazy to work, not protecting Americans from themselves. Too many want to blame their own irresponsible behaviors on everything and everyone else.

On this day of remembrance, I encourage Americans to stop defending this corrupt political system and start defending our freedoms again.

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