Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Final Coffee Chat 2020
2020 has been one hell of a year! To say I am ready to move on is an understatement!!! I know we have all experienced hardships, stress and concerns this year; but for me, there have been so many good things that have come about too. My family spent a lot of time discussing the best course of action for us. In our house, we have 3 of us that have severe allergies, and one that has an autoimmune disorder. So, the pre-existing conditions hit our family directly. For the first 2 weeks of March, we monitored the information, between research and listening to the news - I honestly felt scared. We made the decision to do a voluntary 2 week quarantine. That took on a life of its own for almost 6 months. After the 2 weeks was up, and more research revealed that there were too many inconsistencies, it was time for everyone to return to their lives. Well, by that point the media had everyone in a panic and the country was all but shut down. My husband was informed he was laid off indefinitely, even though his work was considered an "essential" one. My son went back to work, and dealt with the public daily. My work, almost all fundraisers were shut down. So, we had to deal with unemployment, for the first time in our 22 years together. That turned out to be a massive cluster! Thankfully, the extra unemployment that so many complained about, you know...the one that supposedly had gone to those that didn't need that because it was more than they were making at their jobs, well...fortunately, for us, it held us within $50 of my husband's weekly income. Since they go back 2 years to determine your unemployment amount...we would have been screwed without the extra. So, we did have to budget a lot tighter, but having my husband home for so many months, allowed us to get a lot of projects done that we hadn't had time to do before. So, there is that. There are several projects we didn't get to or couldn't afford this year, so we are hoping next year will allow that.
This has also been a year of massive division. It saddens me so much to see it. I don't believe we all that far apart in our beliefs, but we are being played and antagonized into arguing amongst ourselves. Sure, there are different beliefs, we'd all be pretty boring if there weren't. Everyone having different beliefs, being able to express those vocally, and not be punished is part of what makes America great! Don't get me wrong, I am not a huge fan of our President. However, I am smart enough and accepting enough to know he has done some good things, I'd been an idiot not to. I don't play the party card. I believe both parties are corrupt and pathetic. I actually research information, and I DO NOT watch the news. I believe the media has made mountains out of mole hills more times than not. Does our country have problems, of course. You'd be an idiot not to see that. Understanding that I am NOT a Democrat, nor am I a Republican; I still do as I was taught to do growing up. I research, I read, I question EVERYTHING! This year has proven to me though, that many have chosen party, class, religion, gender, race, or sexuality; over being an American. You see, I grew up in home and family surrounded by veterans and soldiers. I grew up in a time that was pretty quiet until I reached high school. During my high school years, Operation Desert Storm occured. We had soldiers that came to our school to tell us about their deployments and the importance of American freedom. My Grandfathers, my Dad, MANY relatives and friends served in the American Military. These were a class of Americans that not only have my complete respect today, but had it my entire life. Unfortunately, I was unable to serve, but not for a lack of trying. I was brought up in a home where you respected the law, you respected police officers, you respected your elders, you respected the President(even if you disagreed with him), you saluted the American flag and the national anthem. Had I behaved, as some do today, I would not be here to be disgusted by some of these behaviors! You took your responsiblilities very serious. You worked a job or jobs, you took care of your family and extended family, you didn't blame anyone but yourself for poor behavior or "bad luck," and talking politics or religion was forbidden. You kept your life to yourself. No one outside of your home was privy to any information. As it should be! In my years on this Earth, it has become evident that changes are inevitable but not all "advancements" truly are. We got internet and computers when I was in high school. It was supposed to be the information highway. It was advertised as a means to allow unlimited knowledge to the masses. Many were excited to get it and truly believed that access to so much information would make the greater population smarter. Sadly, I believe it has done just the opposite. We have a wealth of information at our fingertips, faster than any other time since its invention, and so many still neglect to get the facts or research. Instead we focus on social media, failed and manulative media sources, failed, manulative and corrupt talking heads. Seriously, I can not be the only one that believes politicians that have spent 20+ years in office are the true problem?! We have been manipulated into believing that whomever serves 4-8 years as President is the problem, yet neglect to look further down the ladder into our House and Senate where these people spend more than 20 years in office...constantly blaming someone else for issues facing our country. Let's not forget their massive lack of financial sense! These House and Senate personnel have to approve or deny the annual budget for our country. We, as a country, are more than $24 TRILLION dollars in debt. How in the hell did we get to that level??? It sure wasn't the man that has served for 4 years. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news for the Trump haters. This debt has accumulating for DECADES!!! So, we are now supposed to be happy for the possibility of a man who HAS been in the Congress for 47 years, who WAS part of the problem?! Sorry, I will not be accepting nor happy about this. Do I believe that there was fraud involved in the 2020 elections? Well, duh!!!! Fraudulent voting practices have been going on for Decades. Just in the years I have been of legal age to vote, I have seen it. Can we say, hanging chads? I believe this year, however, the fraud and massive issues are due to power and greed! As I've said, I am not a huge fan of President Trump. I think he's arrogant, and a big mouth. I do however, believe he has attempted to work FOR the American people, NOT our corrupt political circus...and that is the problem. He can not be bought or sold, he calls the hypocrits out and lacks a brain-to-mouth filter. After so many smooth talking snakes, it is hard to adjust to just a guy who is not a politician but a business man, and an American. One who has done so many incredible things that, without digging into it all, you will NEVER hear about. I know there are many that will never agree with me, or even admit to any of the good things our current President has done, and really...that is their issue, not mine. I was raised to know there are always 2 sides to every story and there is a lot of things that go on behind closed doors that the general public will never know.
Politically, I get on many soap boxes. Not to argue with others, but to try to make people look at both sides to a story. The problem that has arisen this year is that no one wants to consider any view besides their own. It reminds me of the phrase, "everyone has a right but no one wants to take the responsibility." As I have said before, I am not a Democrat nor a Republican. I'm an American and a Constitutionalist. I firmly believe in limited government, fiscal responsibility, states rights, medical freedoms, educational freedoms, uncensored/unbiased news, and of course, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. This was the intent of the founding fathers; and due to continued lack of self-responsibility, we have gotten away from. I've been told several times, by people that disagree with me, that they don't need a history lesson. I disagree!! I believe that some true history lessons, is exactly what a lot of people need. History is not there to be earsed. It is there to learn from, so we don't keep making the same mistakes. Honestly, if you can not try to see both sides of any issue, you are adding to the problem. While this will be a whole other soap box, it is caused by the political arena. Welfare. Originally, the government program was intended to be a hand up for those that fell on hard times. Through it's life span, it has become a hand out. The program has been abused and has resulted in generations of unproductive members of society. We, as a country, have allowed this. Rather than educating and empowering our people, we have given handouts to keep them poor, miserable and dependant. We have spent decades keeping our citizens dependent on government support and handouts, demanding that those working pay taxes to cover those not working. Demanding that those with health insurance pay for those who do not, demanding that the government provide for individuals poor choices. I have no problem with those getting a hand up when they hit hard times. I do have problem with those that abuse the system, keep having children to get more governmental help, and those that spend a lifetime living off the government. I believe in breaking the cycle. The only people that do break the cycle, are the ones that truly want to be better and do better for themselves. They don't let obsticles deter them, they work harder to achieve their goals, and they see a better future. Those are the type of people this country needs! It is not the government that pays for all these "free" handouts! It is the Americans that bust their ass each and every day to take care of their family, pay their bills, and pay an enormous amount in taxes to a government that no long represents ALL of its people. If you depend on government hand outs, you can bet that same governemnt is giving those hand outs, just to keep you poor, broke, and needy. They are not trying to help you. They need you to depend on those hand outs, so you will keep voting for them, to get more hand outs. Those hand outs, are coming from HARD WORKING AMERICANS!!! Take the challenge to break the cycle! You deserve it!!
As our country is facing such a backlash in our current election, and a massive debt, it raises the question...when are all Americans going to get fed up with being enslaved to a bunch of elected officials that are do not care about us?! Researching as I do, there is plenty of evidence of fraud in this election. You would have to be blind not to see it. However, my fears with this election are not geared towards party so much as towards the politicians. Joe Biden has been in office for 47 years!!! This should be criminal! Do you realize we have roughly 50 members of the House or Senate that have held those offices for 20+ YEARS!!! This is part of the reason why we have so many many issues! Do you even know who your representatives are or what they have or have not done to help you or your district? I honestly don't give 2 shits what party they claim to be in, if they have served more than 18 years, they need to be thrown out with no pension other than social security, no lavish fringe benefits, no health insurance other than that of the American people, and they need to return to their districts to become productive members of those districts. I have read so many social media posts, some are lies, some are "fact-checked" - which anyone with a brain now knows is the truth that's trying to be brushed under a rug. The thing is, so many are banking on all this "free" stuff that has been promised, that the Democratic party is going to fix racism and level the playing field, and the polticians in control of that party have a long standing of being full of shit. Now, don't get me wrong, the Republicans that have had so much power for so long are full of shit too! Let's take a look. You have McConnell who is a Republican, has "served" for 35 years. He is your typical old, senile, entitled piece of shit. He couldn't find a backbone if you handed it to him. Then you have Nancy Pelosi; another old, senile, entitled piece of shit. Between her alcohol problem, and being bat shit crazy; she has held a paid political position since 1987! For those with math problems, that's 33 years!! Then you have MAxine Waters-29 years, Don Young-47 years, Patrick LEahy-45 years, Chuck Grassley-45 years, Ed Markey-44 years, Chuck Schumer-39 years,Steny Hoyer-39 years, Richard Durbin-37 years, Dianne Feinstein-28 years, and of course, Joe Biden-47 years. These are just a few!!! Americans are being played by these politicians and so many are buying into it lock, stock and barrel! Not to mention that this game they are playing is dividing us; as friends and families. Do you think they don't know what they are doing? These people are educated idiots, but they are using this division to broaden their power. Think about this, please! Do you believe ANY of these people could do your job, manage your budget, take care of your children, let alone truly care about anything besides themselves?! Our federal government bankrupted a brothel/bar for God's sakes! They have managed to destroy the postal system, commit fraud in every area they have touched, and now...NOW, they baiting our citizens against each other for their own gain. I am so grateful every day that we can all have different opinions and livestyles but when you force your opinions and lifestyles on others is where I draw a line.
I could never nor would I want to tell someone that because they chose a life different from mine; that they were wrong. It may be wrong in my eyes, but I am not the one who has to live with those choices. I am not the one who has to answer for those choices. I do my best to live by the theory of to each their own. I know people that judge based on skin color, religion, gender, etc. I am not that way. If you are a good person, kind, civilized and otherwise, I will treat you with respect. If you behave like a heathen, you will be treated as such. I believe you are free to love who you love, if you choose to riddle your body with alcohol or drugs you need help but that's your choice. If you choose to use your body as an art canvas, that too is your choice, just understand that some choices won't heal shut and you will be looked at like a scary person. If you choose to get married, you better be ready for one hell of a ride. Marriage is not fun and games, and half of anything is only in divorce...marriage takes 100% from people or it will not work. You better work on communication skills too! Jobs are a requirement, but so is living. That job will replace you in a heartbeat but your loved ones won't and they won't be around forever. Those friendships that have been tested because of differing friendships, may just be some of the truest friends you will ever have, so be careful how far away you push them...some may not return. Your children will grow up before you realize it. Take heart that even those most trying, sleepless days that they will not last forever. It may seem like it, and may even feel like it. But in the blink of an eye, those colicky babies, those teething fevers, the terrible 2's and teenage years; when they are over and your kids are now young adults, it happens so quickly. When you are no longer tripping on toys, or trying to find the season's best toy, the newest toys or videos, to not buying toys anymore, the house always stays cleaner, you no longer hear "Mom" every second - you will miss it!! I am there now.
My life is so different from most that I know. I know, there are many similar. I'm going to say this laughing, because where and when I grew up, the towns I lived in weren't much different than our closest towns here, but I was a "town" kid. We had more fields and farms than town at the time, but I didn't grow up on a farm. I grew up with everything pretty close and convenient. We weren't really dirt poor, but poor none-the-less. I did not grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth, that's for sure. My family has always had to work hard for anything we had. My parents divorced when I was 11, and it was a messy/ugly divorce. I lived the life of bouncing from one house and one set of rules to another. The ideas of today with co-parenting, yeah that would have been nice when I was a kid! Anyway, I am old enough that we played outside with hot wheels car, tonka trucks, popping tar bubbles in the road, and riding bikes. We lived in a subdivision most of my life, and all the neighbors watched out for all the kids. When the street lights came on or parents yelled, you got your butts home. Meals were cooked, and you didn't have an ate whatever it was. You were taught that talking to elders meant saying "yes, ma'am or yes, sir." And talking back, holy cow, that meant either having your mouth washed out with soap, or needing a dentist! You didn't dare get in trouble with the law, because honestly, once the officers were done with you, your parents were 10 times worse! If you got in trouble, you got your ass handed to you....switches, belts, or boards. The principal at school had permission to beat your ass if you acted up at school, and then you'd get it again when you got home! You knew better than to get involved in any adult group conversations, that was ingrained! Bullies were put in their places, by those that were being bullied. There was none of this molly coddling of today. If you bullied someone, they were told to fight back. It stopped those bullies in their tracks. College was a luxury. That was for the rich or the intellectly gifted. Otherwise, you were taught trades and skills. Something that is in serious need today. Besides, college is not for everyone. We didn't have hours at school, only to get home and have hours of homework. School was done at school. Once you got home, you were expected to help at home. Extra curricular activities were limited. Many parents believed that one or two was fine but expected those to be limited so there was time with family. Something that is severely lacking today. We weren't scheduled for every second of every day. Babysitters were few and far between, unless for going to work. You didn't hire a sitter just to go drinking, partying or just because. However, a sitter for the kids, when the adults needed a break was acceptable.
While I have raised my kids a lot like I was, the spankings and not being allowed an opinion are different. My parents divorce was difficult for me, but ramifications from it have not shown up until much later in life. I know many kids have lived with divorced parents, and I am just one in a massive list. I am thankful that my kids have not had to experience that. I would hope that if they ever did, that my husband and I could work together.
Next up, aging. I have to laugh when people take issue with their ages or birthdays. I love my birthday! I truly do! I just turned 46. I have been blessed with another year, and another birthday. Hitting this mid-life mark, has brought on so many different things for me. It really started changing me about 7 years ago, but this year has kicked it in overdrive. Most of the women I know, about my age, have begun with our next phase in womanhood. Menopause. Let me tell you, this phase is throwing me one curve ball after another! You've heard of the mid-life crisis, I'm there! Holy crap, is this crazy! You don't know from minute to minute, let alone from second to second, what your mood will be; let alone battling your body to do what you've always done but now you get opposite results! I question every move I make, I question everything naturally, but this is extreme! I am constantly weighing my thoughts, wondering if I am making decisions because of a mood or because I want to, and the constant battle within to not lash out at people for their irresponsible behaviors, disrespect, or sheer ignorance is REAL! Wanting some people close, but not too close, and wanting others to just go away. Sadly, I've heard other women say it feels like puberty only we're older. That's not too far off. I've found myself weighing my words, biting my tongue, and just letting stupidity go, rather than my usual bluntness. Arguing about anything seems to be more trouble than it's worth, but if I will be bad. I'm finding my house quieter since my kids are older and no longer need me every second. Again, this is not always good. Idle minds and idle hands create many problems. I'm no longer tripping all over toys, but I'm missing those precious moments of feeling needed. I've been maturing in spirituality but finding questions without answers or being told to attend a church...I do not believe that is the best choice for me. I have reached out friends and collegues in the medical field for suggests to dealing with everything I have dealt with, reached out to professionals to help put to rest old ghosts. I have a few still to reach out to with other areas, but this phase of life, is a bit overwhelming some days.
As we are getting ready to put this turbulent year behind us, I hope that each of you will find the lessons we have been taught this year, that you can find the blessings of the year, and know that each of us is on a path...they are not all meant to be same. 2020 is ending, and it is up to us to bring peace, compassion, acceptance and blessings to ourselves and our loved ones. I hope you all will do everything possible to make 2021, a beautiful year. Open your windows and doors to allow the old out and the new in, sage your house for new positive energy, say a prayer for your family, and our country. Life is so short, enjoy every single minute you can!
Warmest Wishes,
Friday, December 11, 2020
Coffee Chat
Two weeks until Christmas Day. It's hard to believe how fast, yet slow, this year has passed. While it feels this year has taken seven to get through, it doesn't feel as if it should be more than about April. So many things have happened this year, changed this year, and yet it is as if everything has just stopped. The very essence of human spirit has been trampled on. It's sad and angering to see.
Humans, by nature, are social beings. Think about it. We have family units that we interact with, sometimes daily and other times not as much. We have friendships, relationships and employment that require this interaction. 2020, however, has starkly limited to completely eliminated the ability of many to take part in these interactions. A large percent of our activities have been canceled, closed, or in many cases permanently closed. Everything from sporting events, to music events, to shows, and clear down to local school and events. Many people have either been laid off or let go from their jobs, and many small businesses have had to close their doors for good. So many livelihoods have completely been annihilated. Not to mention the mental health decline in so many from the isolations.
I have been a sounding board for many that are struggling with the depression, loneliness and even some aggression of being forced to isolate or a lack of events to do to keep their emotion on level ground. We all try to what we can to keep healthy, to not make others ill, or to lead productive lives; but the past 9 months have taken a serious toll. We struggle with viruses every year. Whether it's influenza A or B, or Covid 19. Sure we want to protect everyone and end all deaths from any illness...but realistically, that is not possible. We have become terrified of germs, viruses and illness. To a point of extremism. I get it. I hate illness and get a little panicky when one shows it's ugly head. However, for 9 months, we have been on house arrest for a virus with a 99% chance of recovery(yes, even with pre-existing diseases), and now we are hearing a possible forced vaccine with a 94% chance of recovery. I personally will choose to feed my immune system everything healthy I can and take my chance on my own body. Does that make me selfish, NO! While some will say yes, that is their right to believe. Taking care of myself, and my family does not make me selfish, it is my right. If we get sick, we stay away from others. If we can carry a virus and spread it...that makes us just like everyone else. Am I going to just completely stop living for fear of spreading something I don't even know I have, hell no. This happens every single day - even before COVID 19. Think about it. How many times have we sent our kids to school, only to have some illness manifest in our children that they have now brought home to us. I know when I had kids in school, we had boughts of the flu every single year, and guess kids in school, no illness until another child went into the school system and then we had the "flu" again. So, does this mean we need to shutter the schools permanently? For illness, I say no. Send the kids to school. They are germ magnets anyway. We can not build our immunes systems by living in sterile environments. We can not build immunity to illness through sterility. Yes, we should have been teaching hand washing and proper hygiene all along...I mean really, who does not wash their hands, clean their homes, or shower?! The thought that closing down the entire country over a virus, that has to run its course and can not be medicated against(as with ANY virus), has a 99% recovery rate even amongst the most diseased, and you have to have a swab shoved into your brain to even know if you have it - if you aren't showing symptoms?! Stop buying into the fear, the constant reporting and the ever changing "science".
We are, by nature, social. However, even those lacking in IQ should understand if you are sick or not feeling well, you stay home. Instead of locking everyone up, we should be fostering compassion for those who are ill. We should have employers that will allow us to have paid sick days or personal days, so we can feel better, without losing the needed income to pay bills or buy groceries. We, as society, should be smart enough to know that if you don't feel well, you are running a fever; YOU STAY HOME. The problem comes in when so many have abused the sick/personal days, the schools have adopted a maximum number of missed days without a doctor excuse(which can take as much as 6 weeks to even get in), and too many have become dependant on government. Come on people, stop and think, just a bit. We have been forced to limit interactions for 9 months. Limited time with family, limited time with friends, no social interactions...this is killing ten times more people than this virus has. Think about those elders in nursing homes that have passed away, ALONE, and without seeing their loved ones. No last hugs, no last words of wisdom, what the hell is wrong with this picture! If it was my loved one being held hostage by this, I would be pissed and throwing one hell of a fit! They are not hostages, they are not imprisoned. Just stop already! If they are ill, let them have their own space to recover, but stop abusing our elders! Stop!!! This is criminal!
I am all for using caution, limiting some interactions, and using my own brain to determine what is best for myself and my family. I don't need nor do I want any government, federal or local, telling me how to live my life. This is an exteme misuse and abuse of power. If I had to estimate, 95% of all "mandates" the past 9 months, have been unconstitutional and criminal. The government does not have this authority. These are not laws, but mandates. Learn the differnece. I bought into the media hype for about 3 weeks. Then I did my own research, my own investigating and educated myself. At one point, this is what Americans did, before we believed everything media, social media and even doctors told us. Think about it. When I was facing cancer, I got a second opinion before I ever agreed to surgery or treatment. I have always researched everything. If I didn't know something to be absolute, I researched, I educated myself, and I learned. That is why I still learn every single day! Turn off the tv, turn off your electronic devices. Get outdoors, go to the library, or just get involved in your community. Our elders are a wealth of knowledge, those 70+ can tell you so much, teach you so much and their stories make sense. Make it a priority to learn something new every day. Go back to the library and find those pre-1980's books, talk to the elders in your community, dig out those old encyclapedias that have collected dust. That's where you will find the information uncensored and you can pass that information down to your own family.
I have struggled to stay off my soap boxes this year. The problem comes in when it has become acceptable to be disrespectable. So many can tear you to shreds online because your opinion differs from theirs. Several times this year, I have received some pretty nasty emails, comments and yes even phone calls; because I choose to think for myself. This is unacceptable, and is the very definition of online bullying. While I was raised with "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me," apparently, there are MANY that now believe otherwise. Suddenly, everyone is offended by something and they demand their feelings be reparated. So, it has become acceptable to force your feelings and demands like a hostage situation. So, I am not supposed to have feelings because they differ from yours, kind of like the Constitutional rights that are now offensive? Freedom of speech - yet we are being censored on social media, freedom to bear arms - yet politicians are constantly trying to infringe on, right to fair and free elections - which even several Democrats have said did not happen, freedom in general - which has been taken away by several in federal and state governments, freedom of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness - which can not happen when business owners are forced to close their doors, citizens are forced to give up their rights, and forced to stop working towards their happiness. I will be first to say, I have had it up to my eyeballs with politics and politicians in BOTH parties. I am not a huge fan of our President, however, I do not understand how you can blame a man who has spent 4 years in the office for ignorance that has been happening for 50 years in politics. When you allow politicians to have too much power, from either party, they will become corrupt! These people are supposed to be elected by us, to work FOR us, NOT control us. This goes against every grain of our Constitution. We have politicians in office now, that have been there 20-60 years! Yet, a president can't be there more than 8 for fear of too much power?! We need stringent term limits throughout our elected officials, retroactive! 2 terms, and done! No life long pensions, no special benefits, and no exceptions! These people are being elected, not only making lifelong pensions with Cadillac benefits, but they receive lobbyist money, kick backs from corporations for pushing policies, and they become millionaires off OUR tax money, while constantly raising the taxes, making laws they don't have to abide by, and stealing from Social Security and draining it of all the tax dollars we pay in - only to call it an entitlement...yet we are not allowed to opt out of it. It's criminal at best!
I firmly believe we, as individuals, need to care for ourselves. The theory of not being able to pour from an empty cup, is very accurate. However, we have forgotten how to balance life. Many of us rush from job, to home, to spouse, to children, to event, to whatever else. We have forgotten how to slow down. We have come to believe if we are constantly busy, we are productive. That is no where even close to accuate. Obviously, 2020 has been stupid, but when is the last time you took time to actually sit down with a friend, spend a few days, and just enjoy each others company? When is the last time you stopped rushing to read a real book? When is the last time you took more than just a few minutes to actually listen to hear when someone was talking, instead of listening to respond? Finding balance can be tiresome, frustrating and maddening! I am seriously guilty of a lot of this. I rush, find myself being busy doing things that either don't matter or can wait a bit. I find myself hearing just enough of a conversation to respond but not listening well enough to actually process it. If you have read this blog for any length of time, you know my love/hate relationship with technology. I depend on it, since a lot of my work is done from home, my phone is constantly ringing, my days are planned out months in advance, my nights have become chaotic snipits of my days, listening skills have become severely diminshed, and it has become easier to just do everything myself because no one else listens or hears anyway. So, I take on the stress of my world, alone, and build up resentment, anger and irritation to a point of boiling. It's not healthy for me or anyone else. It's easier to hold it all back, as opposed to actually voicing it, and causing arguements or disagreements. The thing is, it's only easier in the moment. It's after-the-fact, that it causes problems. It's the resentments for things others don't realize they have done because I haven't said anything, it's anger that I am doing everything myself because I won't ask for help because no one is ever there when I need it anyway. It's frustrating because I want to say something but rocking the boat to speak up is just not worth the headache that will ensue. I'm guilty...probably to a maximum level. I strive to help others, be there when others need it, do what I can to available. However, there are so many that are not of the same mindset. We all become selfish at times, and ask what about me? Yes, this is a pity party, and I have found myself in it from time to time. I have had to retrain my thought process. This becomes really difficult when so many push your buttons through guilt trips or expectations of what you have always done. Manipulation and Guilt is really the pandemic of our current time. When you don't do what some believe you should, you make your own decisions, you take time to learn or just for yourself; you are desicrated as a person/individual.
Being here at a beautiful time of year, so many are struggling with depression. Yet, another snowball effect of 9 months of isolations. Even those that love this holiday season, normally, are depressed and dreading it. I am going to encourage everyone to do something kind everyday, for someone else, without all the recognition, lights and glory. Do something just because it's the right thing to do. By someone coffee, pay for the meal of the car behind you, make a donation to your local food pantry, purchase a gift off the angel tree, make a donation to a good cause. If you are going to donate to a charity or foundation, find one that actually follows it's mission...not those that all their income goes to paying high salaries.
I am going to touch on one more subject. Community. We are always hearing people talk about changing the world. Personally, I would say start within your own community first. Why? These are people we know, many of our kids have grown up together, many of us have or currently are working in our community; anything we do within our communities helps us all. Whenever possible shop within your local community. Supporting these local businesses keep not only jobs, but tax dollars, and local business alive. You may pay a little more, but if you consider the cost of commuting and extra probably won't save anything going outside your community. Small businesses still have personal touches, like knowing your name, your children, and maybe even your family. That money you spend in a local business, stays in your community. Whether it helps the business owner put food on their table, take care of their family or just the taxes they pay in, you are helping. If you choose to shop big box stores, you are forcing out the small businesses. They can't compete on that scale. Let's focus on helping our communities, and in turn you are changing the world around you. Look out for the safety of those in your community, especially the kids. Get involved in community events, before they are no longer there. Living in a small community, I have seen the effects that the corporate stores have imposed. So many small businesses have closed, and think about this...remember when you could go to a mall and have 60 different stores to look in, shop in and decide where you wanted to spend your hard earned money? We have lost so many of those stores, to places like Wal-Mart, Amazon, Menards, Etc. If we don't change our mindset, we will have no more options, and no more small businesses. We have a responsibility to our local communities. It's time to start local and fix this.
So, as my computer battery is dying, I will end with this... I am struggling this year, like so many, to find much in the line of Christmas spirit. I am struggling to keep my own judgements to myself. I am going back to my thought of to each their own, but don't push your own on me. My life is just as valuable as the next, but not anymore than anyone else's. You have your beliefs, I have mine. Neither of us are completely right nor completely wrong. We are just free to have those opinions. I have spent a lot in my local communities this year, and will continue to do so. I am working to get more involved in local events. I am taking care of my family, our household and doing the best we can with what we have to work with. I have flaws just like everyone else, and that is what makes each of us unique and special. Life goes on whether we participate or not. I am choosing to live rather than just exist.
Have a great end of the year!
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