Coffee and thoughts.
Today is the 10th of October.
Where do I even begin?! I am seriously dealing with a whirlwind of thoughts and opinions(shocker, I know). I know there will be some upset or disturbed by this blog today, but for those that are...I want you to question WHY you are. Not just because my opinions may be different from yours. That's how our Constitutional Republic works. So, with that warning in place, let's run with this.
I'm going to start with my own first hand knowledge. As a researcher, and someone who has learned to not take most things at face value, why is it so difficult for people to see the mess our country, as well as, the entire world are in? Is it cognitive dissonance? Is it ignorance? Is it that all the desensitizing that has happened for decades has people blind? Obviously, I have my own opinions. The difficult part for me, comes in within my own family. I have seen what fear of change, complete disconnect, and even severe cognitive dissonance looks like. I spend many days feeling like it would be more productive to talk to the walls! However, as I said, I am a researcher...and 4 plus years of research, much grief for personal gut feelings spanning close to 20 years, and I can tell you...buying into anything for me, is not going to happen. I read a quote this morning, and I'm going to change it a bit to fit me! "You were never hard to love, you were hard to manipulate."
You see, I have had plenty of experiences in 47+ plus years to have a pretty good handle on misdirection/manipulation/misguided input from others. I've dealt with my own "blind faith," decisions and outcomes. I've dealt with lies, deceit, guilt trips, and being told I was hard to love. I've been forced to "try" to blend in, fit in, or be with the "right" crowd. Seriously, I don't have the tolerance to "try" to be anything I'm not! I am NOT for everyone, and that's ok by me! I've loved and lost, I've trudged through muddy waters to get where I am. My experiences, both good and bad, have given me an inner strength that can't be grounded for long. Here's the thing, and I don't think many others think about this, but I could be wrong - women who reach a certain maturity, reach a different point of consciousnesses. They are less tolerant of bullshit, they are less concerned with fitting in, less concerned with large groups of friends, and at least for me, are less tolerant of disrespect. I've spent years hearing about "mid-life crisis." Sadly, I actually thought I understood what this meant, and actually thought it was just a guy thing. I actually grew up hearing this when my parents divorced. You know the stereo type - "cool car, girlfriend half their age, and no time for the family they had already created." Being closer to 50 now, I am seeing things a lot differently than I did as a teenager, in my 20's, in my 30's and even into my 40's.
Let me elaborate a little more. I know the stereo type does happen. However, for men and women alike, I am seeing a trend. No one tells you how difficult the transition is from raising kids, to becoming "empty nesters." No one tells you how difficult it is when women go into menopause and the emotional/mental shift that takes place. No one tells you the real, ugly truths about your body changes that will happen as you age. No one talks about how severed communication and connections between spouses happen - let alone how to fix them. No one talks about the strain on marriages when you need to care for or help your parents - let alone having multiple sets of parents. No one talks about the vibes/energy effects from people. We hear constantly about body aches, illnesses, doctor appointments, and even have family that insists on knowing your medical history. I get this to some degree, but at the same medical information is no one else's business. Period! Rarely will I ever talk about illness/aches/medical issues with anyone besides my direct family or inner circle of friends. Let me explain a little as to why. All these things are just symptoms of a bigger issue. Whether that be years of abuse - physical, medical, substance, etc. Getting older is not something everyone gets to experience. So, why do we spend so much time focusing on negative issues, instead of focusing on the fact that for today, we opened our we should be incredibly grateful?!
If you are not completely blind, you know that our health care system is fueled by money. You know if they actually CURE our symptoms, they will lose billions. That is common sense. If you are willing to look with an open mind, when these drugs they prescribe have a mile long list of side effects(including death), or you end up needing 3 other meds to fix a problem from the first med, there is a massive issue. This in my eyes is a giant string of medical malpractice. All this stuff about hereditary disease, sure it's possible. That too is common sense, but it not a blanket diagnostic for the prescription pad! Sadly, through several decades of questioning everything, I have found that when you start diving into the rabbit better start with following the money! All these organizations that claim to taking donations for "research" into diseases, you better go see how much every dollar, actually goes towards research and how much actually goes to "administrative."
Ok, I had a squirrel moment. That was not the direction I intended to go today! As the insane censorship continues to grow in a supposed free country, I can't help but think, "when the lies no longer hold water, the censorship grows." So, what exactly, are we not supposed to have conversations about? We can't talk about Covid, we can't talk about election fraud, we can't talk about potato head or his administration, we can't question the motive in Ukraine, we can't question the 56 bio-labs in Ukraine, we can't question border security, we can't say recession/inflation, we can't talk about another housing crisis, we can't demand accountability for all the tax payer money being spent. We aren't supposed to question the media, which has been caught in lies. So, what CAN we talk about? Some stupid celeb that has been married and divorced a hundred times? Some celeb that can't seem to control their alcohol/drug abuse. The 96 year old queen, 96 people...she was old! We all die sometime! We are spoon fed crap about rifts with the royals, the pedo-king, world leaders that are being arrested/assassinated, lockdowns in China. We are being warned of nuclear Armageddon, by career politicians that are, in FACT, war mongers! It appears that all these life long politicians, on both sides, warned that Trump would cause a nuclear's kinda strange how they were just broadcasting what their plans were. If you go back through History, and actually learned anything, every single war happened when our country was in a heap of debt! So where do we stand currently on the debt clock? $31.134 trillion and growing, literally by the second!! Our most debt ever. So, think about it: the Civil War, the Revolutionary war, WW1, WW2, and even 9/11. Do any of you even remember that on September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld appearing on MSM telling America that there was $2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon budget? That is a LOT of money to be "missing." Then, it just so happened the very next morning, our country experienced one of the most catastrophic tragedies on American soil in history. Then, miraculously, the "terrorists" that could barely fly cessnas flew hijacked commercial airliners(which they hijacked with box cutters), into towers that were made of steal. Not to mention that the steal supports that held those towers up, were in the interiors of those buildings. Also, the fact that a bird can take down a commercial plane...yet, they took down the towers, Tower 7 of the WTC fell all on its own, there was no fuselages found in PA or at the Pentagon. A supposed passport for one of the "terrorists" was supposedly found. It just seems a bit ironic that when OUR money, that we the tax payers are forced to pay, is being spent faster than our government can take it; suddenly we are going to war. Then it's OUR loved ones that sent in to fight and many times die for our country, yet our country ends up forgetting about the very soldiers and veterans that have come home injured. Is anyone else seeing this pattern?
So, we have seen New York AND New Jersey, issue press releases about how to prepare and survive a nuclear attack. Seriously? So, if this is such an expected event, why isn't every state putting forward their own directives? Have these crooked, good for nothing, piles of steaming manure, made plans to attack NY and NJ? Just exactly WHO is going to start this nuclear war? You've got the President in Ukraine screaming at NATO to do preemptive strikes on Russia. You've our own Resident potatohead, running away from reporters attempting to get info on nuclear strikes. You've got the crazy, drunken witch of Congress stirring the shit pot while alienating 3/4 of American citizens - just to better her own portfolio and/or that of her kid. You've the RINO's talking a big game, but it appears there isn't a single backbone within the entire 2 chambers of elected officials - FROM EITHER PARTY!
With all this being said, what are you doing? Have you been so desensitized that you are just going about your days not thinking beyond the moment? OR, are planning? What are you preparing? Have you thought of an emergency plan for if the power goes out, cell phones don't work, etc.? Yes, I know there are going to be people that believe even thinking about preparing is crazy. I've heard it first hand. Here's my thought on all of this: Here in Missouri, we are coming up on our Winter season. For my little farm, this means it could be cold, it could snow, we could have ice, or we could be out playing bags in sweatshirts on Christmas day. While most farmers follow the almanac predictions, we also know they along with the weather folks...usually are not right. So, we prepare for the worst and pray for the best. That being said, we can usually count on our first snowfall around Halloween and typically from November to April, we are going to have snow & ice, or mud. Any or all of which make life on a farm pretty difficult. So, we prepare. We try to keep enough food and supplies on hand, for the animals and the people, for no less than 4-6 months. This is a pretty costly supply, on a good year; and truly atrocious this year! Many items, we won't know if they work or need replaced until we have to use them. Normally, this isn't an issue, we just run to the farm store. This year, we are already finding serious gaps in supplies, serious price increases and the quality of everything is sub-par. A great example...we purchased a re-manufactured fridge about 6 months ago. It was guaranteed to work for 30 days. It was about a quarter the cost of buying new. Well, over the past month, we couldn't figure out why food was going to hell so quickly. The compressor has decided to only in spurts. We bought an add-on part that should didn't. So, it now appears we have to go searching for another fridge. Y'all, a fridge is truly a need...not a want. It is also very well known that appliances are now made to be disposable within 7 years. So, a $2000 fridge, is pretty well going to be junk in that time frame. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't have 2 grand to throw around. Needless to say, it's also tax and property tax season here in Missouri. After receiving the notice earlier in the year, that our taxes would increase, it is unknown how much those are going up. Not to mention, Christmas is just a few weeks away, and the price of EVERYTHING has increased so much. It's reached a breaking point, at least for me. I am so tired of the kool-aid drinkers claiming that everything is so much better, when anyone with half a brain knows otherwise.
So, I am seriously on a tangent! I am so tired of watching people behave in a matter that everything is normal, and things are better. THEY ARE NOT!! Food prices in most cases, have doubled. Fuel/Diesel prices are stupid high. Utility costs are on the rise. Anything grain related is higher. Supply chain issues are so much bigger than being discussed. The MSM is spoon feeding everyone so much crap, they are either being paid to be this incredibly stupid or truly are. We have MASSIVE corruption in our elected positions, from local to state, clear to the federal government. We have an insane amount of disconnect between politicians and the American people. Our Constitution is being used to wipe the asses of these corrupt idiots. Our country has been in a recession for almost a year, and are bordering on a depression. Our stock market has has the worst losing streak this year, since the 70's. Our housing markets are tanking just as they did in 2006/2007, right before the crash of 2008. Our inflation is the highest it's been in more than 40 years. Our wages are pushing a 30% decline in spending power over the past year and half. We are being censored at the highest levels in American history. Laws are being broken - HIPPA does not alllow public access to personal medical records, yet people are willingly sharing all the health information publicly and through social media. Jobs are not illegally requiring experimental vaccines, or you get fired...or you are required to prove medically you don't have a made up illness in order to go back to work. People you better open your eyes, and starting using your head for more than a hat rack!
We have experienced a color revolution right here in the states. We are seeing the biggest, most extensive military operation - IN MY OPINION, ever! When you start digging for information, when you have researched thousands of hours, when you watch and learn flight radars and what/who can authorize FEDERALIZING the National Guard, when you learn military law - and that military law TRUMPS every other law, you will not only see the writing on the will know how imperative it is to make sure you are prepared to the teeth for anything that may come up.
I don't care if you have a spouse, children, or other relatives that believe you are crazy or a "conspiracy theorists," you do what you believe to be the right thing. You may have to seek out other like minded people to help get through the negative energy you are getting from those people, but DO NOT GIVE UP! Keep preparing!! Pray!!! Prepare as best as you can!! Stay peaceful but don't put up crap!! Research and learn military law!! Before you open your mouth, make sure you know facts!
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