Wednesday, October 2, 2024

2024 Veteran Hunt

2024 Disabled Veteran Deer Hunt

That's a wrap! What an incredible event this was. Each year, I wonder how we can possible make the next event, as unforgettable, and each a whole new experience! 2024 was no exception. I want to break down this event, talk about our veterans, share stories that made this event memorable, and the amazing people that help make this possible. 

The 2024 Veteran Hunt was held September 26-29, 2024. The efforts to make 2024 possible, began in October 2023. It takes an entire year to get everything in place, visit with people/businesses to help offset the costs to my family, and to help our communities to be part of the outreach to take care of those who fight for our rights. My family believes that keeping this event personable is the key to it having a positive effect on and for our veterans. Our entire family works at different aspects of this event. My husband, Richard and my son Joey and my father-in-law Randy, are the ones that handle the field stuff. They scout, set blinds, and during the event...they are taking veterans to their hunting blinds. This year, my daughter-in-law Laura, was our photographer at the farm. My daughter Chloe and I, are the organizers/fundraisers and are out in the communities interacting to bring awareness of the benefits of nature on mental health rehabilitation. Each year, we set up a 20x30 canopy, in recent years we have purchased sides to allow a more controlled area for meals and visiting. We rent tables and chairs, this year, both were donated for use at no cost. We string lights to make visibility easier at night, and have some decorations. During the event, my husband and I do most of the cooking, treating each veteran and guest to home cooked meals. We provide 3 meals each day, with access to snacks in between. 

This year, we had some incredible volunteers that helped in many areas, and I want to personally thank them for making my job a little easier!! Janet Meek, made all the desserts for the weekend, made each veteran a loaf of homemade bread to take home, helped with fundraising, and helped at the farm. Slate Sweat & Jerry Bickford, helped selling raffle tickets, helped with some of our raffle prices and helped at the farm. Mike's Collision & Repair(Mike & Barbie) provided pizza for one night(made by Circle B), all the chips for the weekend, part of the soda, the breads, and Barbie was at the farm to provide help too. Marcus & Aaron, my bonus kids, were here to help out, remembered ice every time we forgot, and helped with clean up. The local land owners that have donated private land for our veterans to use, they are incredible people! David & Lee, Andy, Nick & Nancy, Junior & Linda; Thank You All!!! 

Ok, I need to include many Thank You's for the businesses and individuals that help offset the costs. Without their help, we could continue to make this event possible. Since we are just a family, and just have a family farm; we do not do the 501 program of non-profit. This does make it difficult for some bigger businesses to donate. However, we have a group that has helped us ease that obstacle, and has partnered with us for a couple years. This group is True Impact Outdoors. They also work hard to provide veteran events that allow them to get back to nature, help veterans find their balance and their voices again. You just don't realize the benefit of veteran events in the outdoors, and the camaraderie with other veterans. Any donations that must be made through a non-profit group, can make a donation to True Impact Outdoors, with the designation to be used for the Bowen Family Farm veteran deer hunt; and they in turn make that donation available to us. When time/people allow, they have also sent volunteers to help in the field, where needed. We have several local individuals that will make donations, but expressly do not want recognition, so Thank you...without naming names! We have a few businesses that have repeatedly supported this event; Exchange Bank of N.E. MO., Libertyville Savings Bank, State Central Bank, Kahoka Meat Processing, Van Buren County Veterans Affairs, Bonaparte Community Improvement Association, Shorty's Porties, Mary Dickinson and Kody's Creation. A few new supporters this year: Wake Foundation, Ott's Auto Supply, Mo-Fab & Steel LLC, Riverview Financial Services, IMI Equipment, Mike's Collision, Hy-Vee, Caleb Groenenboom, Dusty & Terry Farren, Jim & Heather Sheets and Anita Wall. 

We work hard to keep purchases local. We believe in supporting our communities. So, much of our foods are purchased through Kahoka Meat Processing, Dutchman's General Store, and Hy-Vee. Our veteran hunting tags are purchased - for our Iowa hunters, at Troublesome Creek Outfitters, and in Missouri - at Duers Oil Company. All our bottled water is donated by Rathbun Rural Water. Our commemorative t-shirts for 2024, were made by Mainstreet Graphics. 

The 2024 Veteran Hunt was unlike any we have had to date. Let me explain. A local veteran and his wife, Jim & Heather, had become very active in our hunt this year. Jim was a Vietnam Veteran. Chloe & I were blessed to meet them at a monthly Veterans First Coffee in Keosauqua, Iowa. They made a donation, and then Heather offered to make a couple of side dishes for the weekend. They delivered them the Wednesday afternoon before the hunt, that night Jim passed away suddenly. The Saturday morning of the hunt, Heather called me. I cried as she was telling me and my heart truly ached for her.  Jim believed in the benefit of these kinds of events so much, she had decided to make memorials to our veteran hunt. Once again, I cried. If you are ever so blessed to meet some of the most incredible people, our veterans are those people! I received a message the Thursday that the hunt began, that one of our veterans was at the hospital with kidney stones, and would not be able to make it. The Friday of the hunt, brought another emergency. Our oldest and honorary veteran, Raymond, had a spell with what was believed to be a stroke. He was rushed from the blind to the hospital. Raymond did not have a stroke, so we are grateful. Ray and Connie have been supporters of this hunt from the very beginning, 6 years ago. The Saturday of the hunt brought one more kink. Joni, our first female veteran, was in the blind and ready to knock down a buck...only to have her bow string break. It snapped her in the lip and ear, resulting in a cut on her ear and a fat lip. All of this, partnered in with unbelievably warm temps(80's) and strong winds from the hurricane remnants; resulted in one doe shot by Ben but unable to locate, the buck getting away from Joni, but lots of deer and turkey seen by all. None of the veterans seemed disappointed, and have all requested to come back. 

<Our oldest and youngest veterans>

As I stated earlier, prep work for this event takes an entire year. I am already working on the preliminary itinerary for next year, finishing this year's raffle(all funds will be put towards next year's hunt), planning at least one new fundraiser, looking at blinds/equipment to determine what needs replaced, and so forth. Each year, the guys set the blinds. However, because the land is donated, we are not allowed access until about a month before hand. This means all the scouting and setting of blinds is done a couple of weeks prior to the hunt. We use strictly hunting blinds, this allows our veterans easier access, since not all are able to climb. This also means we can assign blinds, without restriction hesitation. We do our best to make sure the veterans have access to deer, but it just doesn't always work out like we hope. We listen to each veteran that attends, when they share any improvements or ways to make this event better. Each year, we try to do and be better. 

Thursday afternoon, once the veterans arrived, we got tags bought and had a brief safety meeting. Everyone gets time to visit and meet each other. That night was pizzas for dinner, and cherry bars for dessert. Friday morning, some veterans decided to hunt so they came to the house for breakfast and coffee. They all know they are welcome inside, and to make themselves at home. Lunch consisted of chili, cold cut sandwiches, chips, and cookies. Friday evening was our Meet & Greet. This event within an event, is when we invite our sponsors and special guests to attend. It's the opportunity to meet our veterans, and see how our event works. This year, there were several guests scheduled to attend...again, it did not go as planned, but we did have Iowa State Representative Jeff Shipley and his wife attend. Our local Conservation Agent drives past each year with a thumbs up to our veterans, as he is busy during the early archery season. Friday evening meal consisted of pulled pork(smoked by my husband), cheesy potatoes, lasagna(donated by Jim & Heather), green beans with bacon, a lettuce salad, and desserts of pumpkin bars & cookie bars(Janet) and cookies(Kody's Kreation). Saturday morning, was much like Friday morning...except I overslept. So, our veterans came in the house, got their breakfast and headed out...before I even got up. I love that they make themselves at home! Saturday evening we grilled burgers and brats, donated by Kahoka Meat Processing, Mac & Cheese(Jim & Heather), baked beans, lettuce salad, desserts(Janet). Sunday morning, a few veterans headed to the blinds, and everyone gathered for a group photo and a drawing for gifts donated for the veterans. A wooden flag was drawn for Redd, a propane fire pit(donated by Redd & Jill) was drawn for Robert, a custom made leather knife pocket with knife was drawn for Joe, There were 3 patriotic pictures given to Todd and Joni. A patriotic wreath was also donated to the Van Buren County Veterans Affairs, for their continued support. The pictures and wreath were all made and donated by Mary Dickinson.

<our 2024 veterans, minus Raymond and Jeff>

There is so much I could go on and on about. The benefits that these types of events offer our veterans, are beyond measure. After 6 years of hosting this event, I can tell you my own life has been impacted by each veteran I met throughout those years. I sit back and listen to the stories they share, their experiences and the shear enrichment they bring into the lives they touch. Each year, I am humbled to be the lucky soul to thank you them, and hopefully bring them a few days to relax and recharge. When a veteran tells you they find peace of mind and soul after being to this event, there is no greater honor! This will continue to be my service to Thank our veterans for as long as I am capable of doing it. 

I hope each of you have been to our Facebook farm page, read the spotlights and liked each of them. I am back to planning mode for next year. We are reserved for September 25-28, 2025. We can always use volunteers to help in the field, and donations are welcome. I will have a couple of tables set up in Bonaparte, Iowa - during the Scenic Drive Festival, October 11-13, 2024. These will be set up at gun show, in the old elementary building. If you are local, you can stop in and get some raffle tickets, a t-shirt or sweatshirt. I believe there is a $5 entry fee. I will be sharing that on our Facebook page. Raffle ticket donation is $10each/6-$50/12-$100. Shirt donation is $20 and sweatshirt donation is $40. 100% of all of this goes back to this event. 

We thank every single person that helps make this event go smoothly each year! I will be sharing photos and video on our Facebook page once they are all available. God Bless!

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