Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are upon my favorite time of the year! Over the next 5 weeks, there is so much to be thankful for! Family gatherings for Thanksgiving, and Christmas will consume most of our family time, and I couldn't be happier! We all know we should be grateful for family and friends throughout the year, but this time of the year seems to always solidify that. We gather for Thanksgiving, a time of family, and lot of food. In our family, we eat, and sit around visiting for hours. There is always so much happiness and time aware from the stresses of jobs and everyday life. Even though we won't be hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year, it's really been a blessing. With all our projects, I was not prepared to have a house full of company, and having our meal at my husband's grandmothers home, makes it seem just as special.

I remember being so excited over the holidays, but the excitement was for different reasons. As a child, you see time off school, gifts and time to play with cousins for the holiday excitement. As an adult with a family of my own, I am finding that my excitement has shifted. Now, I look at the holiday season as time with family. When jobs are mostly closed, our family has uninterrupted time to be together, we get together with extended family and friends, enjoy way too much food, and my children get to spend time with our family without the interruptions of everyday life. I am so blessed everyday, and of those blessings my children top every list! As with so many, I love PInterest. I found a beautiful saying, and I will be making a wall plaque with it's sentiment. It is perfect everyday, but especially this time of year!

As you spend time with your family for Thanksgiving, I wish you each the happiest of Thanksgivings. Don't count calories, or worry about weight. Count your blessings, enjoy your family and wait to shop until Friday. The majority of us really don't need any more material items, and there is nothing more valuable than family and friends!

Loving and warmest wishes to each of you and your families!

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