Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ignorance is NOT Bliss!

To be clear, just because you don't know something or don't care to know...does not mean it's not there. It does not mean, you are exempt from whatever it may be. It means you are unaware, or ignorant of the issue. I'm sure to flak for that statement, however, it couldn't be more true.

There are a million belief systems in the world. These range from financial beliefs, to religious beliefs, and everything in between. So much of the media circus today, is based on what is "normal, or accepted beliefs." The trials come into play when not everyone carries the same beliefs. When someone follows their own beliefs, so many are quick to judge and belittle. Rather than accepting those beliefs, understanding that although they may be different or foreign, it doesn't make them right or wrong. Unless of course they are hurting someone else.

The world has become a vicious cycle of the he said/she said game, playing on fears, and everyone having a need to be "right." In my opinion, only a fool pretends to know everything. There are so many, that are doing the best they can, with what they have to work with. There are many that take up the reigns, and are willing to attempt to learn or understand, what they can...about what they don't know.

When so many are judging, they are neglecting their own paths. We are in the midst of a chaotic election process. The media circus is playing to fears, and whomever is paying the most money to look good. We have yet another election, of choosing the lessor of evils. Not to mention, the shady dealings of our political figures, their wayward behaviors, and the extremism of their views. Each has their own agenda, all of which are perverting our law of the land, to whatever they feel. A government set up to break away from the rule of England over 200 years ago, to avoid the outrageous taxes, and to allow the citizens to be in control...has been effectively perverted over many years. The government was meant to protect our safety, not rule our lives. Now, we have laws, regulations and fines; that are not including our political parties...but are pushed down the throats of our citizens. These righteous, self-important, and dangerous officials; through many years, have ruined everything the founding fathers worked so hard to achieve. The elected officials, over many years, have successfully slated race against race, financial class against financial class, and have promoted the welfare system as a way of life, instead of its intended be a hand up, if times got tough. Now, the working class pay high taxes, and barely make ends meet. The rich are trapped in a game of profits, while not giving 2 cents interest in the means in which those profits are made. Those on the welfare system, can't afford to get off it. They make more being on it, then they can make, to try to improve themselves. You have constant battles over racial rights, and the inequality of race, nationality, and even women. It's frustrating to be part of a group of people that fall through the cracks. The ones that work hard, do not ever get help, and then to be fined if you don't spend more than you make in a month on health insurance. It's frustrating and frankly, it pisses me off.

Although this blog is not meant to be political, politics have a way now of playing into everything. The beliefs of so many, is that the government will take care of the problems, or they will won't do anything that goes against the law of our land. WRONG! They have been doing this for so many years, that the citizens have become blind to it.

Venturing into many new areas in my own life, has reminded me how much I don't know. It has been a true eye opening experience, to have to learn all the tricks, when I am a pretty up front and honest person. I am not good at playing games, and lying is not on my radar. I am not good at it, and I don't do it. I'm loyal as the day is long, but that isn't the case with many any more. Most only have a loyalty to themselves anymore. I hate gossip, and anyone that gossips around me, is usually not around me long. There are many areas that have altered as I grew up, got married, had kids and have now reached my 40's. My tolerance for people whom don't meet my standards, is almost non-existent. I don't accept liars, cheats, pushy/obnoxious people into my life. I expect people to have some intelligence, that are open minded, and will be honest and loyal. People usually get a single chance with me. Once it's proven that they can't measure up; I will be nice, but I won't be around those people or ever trust them again. I know who I am, and what I have to offer. I am also content with not being around others, when they don't meet my standards. It doesn't make either person good or bad, it just means I choose to be in control of whom I let into my life, and who I don't.

Some of my newest ventures are proving to be a challenge I was completely unprepared for. Although some areas, had been seen for awhile, others...not so much. There are times when a monkey wrench gets thrown into your path, and I believe that happens to push you out of a self imposed comfort zone. It's a not-so-subtle way to remind us we are on a mission for a much higher power. This does NOT mean it's easy, comforting or even makes sense. It simple means that the path we are on has run its course, and now it's time to get on the path of our higher mission. Every single wall we run into, is meant to increase our vibrational energy. It's meant to make us grow, as a person. Sometimes, the person you have chosen to be your life partner, is included in your journey. It's the trials and tribulations of your paths, that will either improve your partner connection or will break it. If it improves your connection, then the moments of time you are together is solidified for a few more moments.

As moments go, they change and evolve as time goes on. Time is evolving for all of us, but in my own's become a time of great trials. With great trials, come great change, and if all goes well...a great new path. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. That being said, I can hope the reasons are bettering for us. These new trials have been stressing, frustrating and rough. Having to make hard choices, learn so much that was unknown, and find the best paths; has been tedious and mind-boggling! Learning the games that are played now, has been horrible! I like upfront, honest and real...and so far, I haven't seen much of that.

I live my life as real and true as can be. I don't share every aspect about my life, but I am true and loyal. I am not one that will lie to anyone, when someone shares something with me, it never goes any further. I am a mom, first and foremost. My kids and their well-being, will come above everyone and everything else, always! I am a wife. While we are a great team, we have plenty of differences and therefore plenty of going nose-to-nose, over our own ideas. My family, is my number 1 priority through everything. I will do whatever is necessary to make sure my family has what they need, and is safe and protected. I am a hard person to get to know, because I play my own cards very close to my chest. I do not trust easily, and when I am stressed; I withdraw from the world. I will withdraw, until I can come to grips with whatever is stressing me. This has been the case, more and more, over the past few years. The stresses are piling up, the solutions are pushing me beyond my coping/comfort limits, and even though I would love to be able to share all of them; I can't. I am a talker. I need conversation to help iron out my thoughts to make them make sense. Unfortunately, the thoughts flying through my head must be dealt with silently, so it's taking a lot longer than normal. I suppose when the right solution presents itself, I will be able to make sense of everything.

I'm going to end this blog, with my inspiration that helps me through each day. "Whether you believe you can or can't, either way you are right."

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