Thursday, April 27, 2017


How do you escape invisibility;
after so long of staying out of sight.
How do you push back into the light.

How do you rejoin a world that you've spent years escaping.
Knowing you are so much more than what you have become.
Yet, feeling so insecure and vulnerable.

You know the fire that's in your soul,
the passions, desires, and dreams you've hidden;
and lost sight of.
You crave the boundless happiness you know exists;
the sense of contentment you've chased your whole life.

You have minimized yourself to fit a mold,
you dilute yourself to make other's more comfortable;
so much so, that you've almost forgotten who you really are.

There's no one else to blame; just yourself.
Though it's not easy,
you must dig out, and let your soul shine once again.

Salli <3

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