Friday, July 2, 2021

America - learn, grow and rise





What's it going to take for AMERICAN'S to open their eyes?? BOTH political parties are corrupt and have been for decades! BOTH parties have pitted race, gender, religion, etc. against each other; all the while robbing us - the tax paying American citizens, blind! They have forced, illegally, unconstitutional laws and mandates on every single citizen. They have allowed thousands of our soldiers into wars, based on lies, all to protect the all mighty petro dollar. How many American Presidents have worked for FREE??? How many children worldwide, have been tortured, raped and murdered by these elites - from Hollywood, corporations, governments? Think it's all a "conspsiracy theory?" THINK AGAIN!!!! If you do ANY research, earnestly, you will find more information than your stomach can bare!! These migrant caravans from other countries, you really think all these people are trying to find better lives here? THINK ABOUT IT!!! Why??? So they can be baited against others, just like in their own color revolutionist countries. So they can get out of poverty? To live off the American welfare system. The majority of these migrants are women and children. Does that not seem completely off to you? When you have whistle blowers within the CIA and the FBI stated under oath, that these agencies are involved in the biggest drug and human trafficking rings;  it should begin to make sense to you. 

What about our country's financial status? $27+ TRILLION debt and it continues to rise because a body of people, elected to speak for FOR the American people, are not smart enough to know how to live within their means! They are not held responsible for their expenditures, and the privately owned Federal Reserve just keeps printing money...making our money not worth the paper it's printed on! Do you know how many bankruptcies our country has gone through? The first one, cost us our organic Constitution and put the Federal Reserve in place. The one in 1999, almost cost us our entire country if it had not been for Russell J. Gould - who saved us from being owned and under control of England once again. The last one, finalized in January 2021, I believe. Meaning that everything currently happening is illegitimate. The bankrupt corporation of the United States Of America, ended when the president of the corporation stepped down. So, technically, the current administration is only one for DC, which is NOT part of the United States. It is a city state, just like London City and Vatican City. City states on foreign soils. Which technicality, the U.S. is technically owned by Russell J. Gould. The U.S. corporation ended Jan. 20th when the president of the bankrupt corporation stepped down, the current administration is illegal and fraudulent. So, if we are to be correct in terms of power, there has not been a LEGAL president since Russell J. Gould saved our asses in 1999. There has not been a legal law put on the books since the Act of 1871, when the Congress was by-passed to set up the Federal Reserve, and the 3 wealthiest individuals of the time were mysteriously killed aboard a ship in 1912. At the time the Federal Reserve was created, so was the creation of legalized slavery of ALL Americans. When all our Birth Certificates and Social Securities became bonds the government/federal reserve could buy and sell, at will. All of this fiat/swift monies created out of thin air, used on loan from the central banks with interest rates that can never be repaid. 

Have you ever wondered WHY you pay taxes on income, then pay taxes on property, taxes on improvements, pay taxes on food, fuel, medicine, and every other possible thing they can tax? Have you ever thought about how many times we are double, triple, quadruple taxed and more? Have you ever wondered WHY there are not term limits on Congress and Senate? We have people in there that have been there some as much as 60 years!! These people have gifted themselves massive salaries, Cadillac healthcare, special benefits and perks...all while telling US that we are selfish to want better. These people vacation on OUR dime, they buy their way out of legal trouble on OUR dime. They call us useful idiots! The Federal Reserve buys and sells our "bonds" like cattle trading, all the while keeping us in debt slavery, taxing us to the point of poverty. We have been duped at the highest levels, and some just can not face it. 

The trafficking of drugs and humans is one of the sickest and most disturbing areas of research I have found. The elite have gotten away with this for decades!!! You want to talk about extremism?! These people are beyond sick! They are demented!!! They believe in a God that is not the God of the majority. Their God is Lucifer/Satan/Ba'al/Molach - any number of other names. EVIL!! They believe in human sacrifice to promote, empower and please their god. They believe in cannibalism, rape, torture, sodomy, and drinking the adrenalized human blood. They believe it gives them power, wealth and longevity. Go look up the Cannibal Club in LA. This subject alone is enough to piss me off! Harming children should have an immediate death penalty!!Research Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislane Maxwell,Allison Mack, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weistein, Keith Raniere, Rachel Chandler, NXIVM, Epstein island/paris flat/NM ranch.

While we are at it, let's not forget about Bill & Melinda Gates. The man with no education "created" an operating system, then created the anti-virus program, believes in and promotes depopulation, has financed the WHO, NATO, Monsanto, Beyer, eugenics, AND been on Epstein's flight logs multiple times. Now, we are supposed to believe, even for a second, that this same pedophile has a good heart to help create a vaccine for a virus that has a 99% recovery rate by our own immune systems?! The same man than claimed in the 90's that wiping out all but 5,000,000 people on earth could be done with only a mild carbon footprint through vaccines?! I have preached to people to get educated, but I can only do so much.

Shall we talk about the Native Americans? The ones that were driven off their lands, through the Trail of Tears. Shall we talk about the Christianity that kidnapped their children, forcing those kids into English run boarding schools to train them to be "dignified?" As we are now learning, many of these children were abused, sexually assaulted, and murdered. Just in the past few weeks, we have heard of 1,000+ unmarked mass grave sites from the lands around these "boarding schools." All run by the government and churches, in Canada. How many of our amazing Native American brothers and sisters have faced the hardships perpetuated by the elected officials within our country? The history of the United States is not always a pretty one, but with TRUE historical knowledge, we can learn from the past mistakes to make America better for EVERYONE! We can not, however, do this if we keep allowing these elite shitheads to bait us against each other. At this stage of history, many of us have so many cultural bloods running through us. How can we be forced to ply one American against another? If you follow the Bible, you are taught that every single one of us, is made in the image and likeness of God. So, why on earth, would or should our citizens be divided by the baiters? If we are all made in the image and likeness of God, and we all bleed red, then there should be no division. We are all brothers and sisters, in God's eyes.We may not all look alike in skin color, sexual preferences, or religions. That is of no relevance. Being baited because we are black, white, male, female, straight, gay, catholic, methodist, or whatever....who cares!!! We are humans, we are all God's children.

Our news cycles for at least a decade, have highlighted(more and more) every possible bad thing/person. Rarely do we hear about all the good that happens. Everyone needs to turn off the television, and social media platforms. We need to return to communicating in person. There are so many missed and mistaken conversations that happen through all the social media, texting and even these ridiculous zoom meetings. These forms of communications have removed all emotion, all body language and a majority of facial expressions. We as people, are innately social people. Mental health has been declining for decades and I believe it's been done by design. We need social interaction, even if some of us prefer as little as possible. We all still need it. Not just at our jobs, but in relaxed atmospheres too. It's important to know your neighbors, to have family gatherings, and time to let loose. We have neglected to actually live for a very long time. We are so busy making a living to support a bunch of stuff we don't need but want to keep up "with the Jones'" that we forget to just live. We work continuously, and fall further and further into a stress and unfulfilled lifestyle because we are not doing what we love. We have been conditioned to believe that we have to continually buy the latest and greatest, and that living within your means(no credit cards, loans, etc.) is not possible. Realistically, for many of is beyond difficult. Then when you do have to borrow money, you are bent over a barrel for fees and interest. While I would love to brag and say we have lived on one income for years and survived....I can't. We have survived, many times with only enough money to buy a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk and not much else. It has been hard. For us, the decision to have one parent home full time, was what we thought was the right thing to do. I have been blessed and stressed by this. The financial strains on one income, the increases in cost of living, and the backlash of being "old-fashioned" has taken some tolls. However, it was the best and right choice for us. Those old fashioned values of evening meals as a family, a family farm that is worked by all of us, raising/growing our own foods, bonfires, and being happy to be home; is something many do not understand. Some people would have a difficult time not being "busy" every second. That's their choice. 

As we move into the American Independence Day weekend, it is a great time to reflect. Faith, Family and Country. I hope that each of you will draw on what our Constitution means to you. It is under attack and has been for a very long time. We can not keep being divided for our very freedom will be taken from us. This 4th of July weekend, I'm issuing a challenge. For the next 6 months, 1.)go out and do something good for someone else - everyday, 2.)reread our Constitution, 3.)get involved within your community in some fashion, 4.)take some time every week to just be home, be present while you are there; 5.)Thank God, everyday for every blessing in your life and every lesson you learn too. 

God Bless!


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