As I dive in today, I am going to do a little digging into History, but I promise to not go too deep. I know I lose people on that subject. So, I'm going to dive into several subjects with just a a quick trip into History.
We all know the History and stories we've been told about 1776. We know that what is now known as the United States of America was founded on the belief of freedom, with the collaboration of visionaries to create the very freedoms we grew up to believe in. While I could deep dive into a LOT of untold History here...I will keep it to a minimum. The U.S. Constitution was in place, as written, only until the Act of 1871. Due to soaring debt from war, America was bankrupt. The agreement made when the Constitution was written, was to never borrow money from England(the crown). That agreement was broken during Lincoln's presidency(Civil War) and again in 1871. In 1871, the Act of 1871 was put into place. It was not only un Constitutional, but done by illegal procedure. That act, was put through and it bypassed Congress. Quick side note: Remember we have 3 branches of government to have a checks & balance system. That act, allowed for grammar changes in the Constitution, making the U.S. into a corporation, allowed the central banking(federal reserve) to be brought in, and in turn opened the door to the IRS, taxes, the stock market collapse(Great Depression), and every poor monetary policy since. Obviously, there is a LOT more to this...but I am attempting to put it in a nutshell for those that have commented about not needing a history lesson. To be blunt, Every single law, policy, election, clear through the formation of agencies; has been illegal. Period.
With this in mind, the Constitution of the United States, limits the GOVERNMENT; NOT THE PEOPLE. Our Constitution puts the powers into the hands of each individual state, I.E. the federal government has LESS power over the American people than each does. I was taught this in public school. Now, with all of that being said, it appears our country has been taken over by a mafia of corruption. With the research I have done, it is looking more and more like we haven't had a true free and fair election since 1871. What are we, as American's, going to do about it? For years now, those in power have set about a campaign of divide and conquer. The "elite" we'll call them, have baited American's against each other for their own gain. NOT because they have ever actually done anything to improve anything, for anyone, except themselves. While I listen to a younger generation on a daily basis, I realize how the slow desecration of free and critical thinking has taken place. I personally have long time friends that could fall into a multitude of the "elite" categories. IF you know me, you know I HATE labels! However, for the sake of explanation: Black, White, Hispanic, Straight, Gay, Religious, Pagan, male, female, etc. In my eyes, even if we disagree....we all bleed red! Not a single one of us has a single right to judge anyone else, just because they may sin differently than we do. I say this, to point out, we all deserve EQUALITY NOT EQUITY!!! Who actually controls what pay an employee receives? The company owner. If your pay is based on anything other than your work ethic, THEY are at fault. If you put up with it, because you "need a job," that is on you! Maybe instead of all this feelings education crap, we should be teaching self-esteem! I grew up knowing that you dress for the role you want. You run around in yoga pants, or looking like a complete slob all the time...that is how you will be treated! Dress for success people!!!
Ok, off that soap box! Let's move on.
Let's take a look at some issues effecting our country. Gosh, where do I start?! I firmly believe is separating church from schools. If people choose to pray, that is their choice...just don't participate if you disagree. However, just as we have found in the last 2 years, government and corruption has destroyed our schools and our education system. We have some incredible teachers out there!! However, so many of them are being forced to "teach to a test," and become a "spy police" of the children and their family. Just as the medical industry has...but more on that later. Our children should never be used as pawns. Our schools have gone from public schools, to government run schools. Now, parents are being threatened with jail for getting pissed about what our government schools are teaching or not teaching our children. Instead of actually educating our children with information and skills they can use in adult life, we are neglecting them. Our lack of actual education, is harming them in an unprecedented speed. For 2 years, we have damaged them with all the illness restrictions; from cancelling classes to forcing them to breath in their own waste discharging breath for 8 hours a day. Those freaking face diapers hinder their oxygen intake, and not only slow their learning are making their immune systems weakened so they can't naturally fight off any illness. Any real doctor/nurse would advise against this!!! Any doctor or nurse that is supporting this for the elderly or our children is complicit in crimes against humanity AND children! Our children need to be focusing on reading, writing, math, history, home economics, and being children! Instead they are forced into over-activity, over-stimulation, and stresses of activist educators. If your students know your political beliefs, you are failing as a teacher.
Just as I stated above, our medical industry has become tyrannical and out of control too! The medical "professionals" take an oath, "to do no harm." The past 2 years, this has become the protocol, for this illness. You have these medical personnel across the country refusing to treat patients with KNOWN treatments, forcing an Emergency Use Authorization(EUA) experimental vaccine, denying treatments/care for those that choose NOT to be guinea pigs, and using federal protocols that have been the cause of 90% of the deaths linked to the illness. I do not know how these doctors and nurses can live with themselves!!! You are forced to get a test prior to any medical treatment, forced to get an EUA to travel, forced to wear a face diaper, forced into quarantine even if you are not sick...just because you were in contact...all of this is not only unConstitutional, but ILLEGAL!!! The fact that so many are living in fear of something that even for the most unhealthy, has a 94% survival rate....is PATHETIC!!! Instead, you are allowing this elite/corrupt group to literally kill you. Can we say Auschwitz? Ever wonder how Hitler got all those people to the camps? It started with a virus!
Ok, now, let's filter to government. This starts at our local levels. It is our responsibility, as American's, to choose who we put into place to be our voice. This starts at the school boards, the city/county politicians, clear up to state politicians. These people work for US, not the other way around. I know from experience, school boards can be as much or more corrupt than even the federal level. When the superintendents start dictating the school boards, you have a problem. Those school board members are voted on to give a voice to the people within that district. There should be a voice and a vote given to each one, without any type of threat. There will be disagreements, that is part of learning to work together and communicate what is most important for the children of the community. It should NEVER be dependent upon a board member being too afraid to speak up for fear of retaliation. It should NEVER be dependent on a non-elected body to control. In my state, since March of 2020, the local health departments made the rules for the school districts. NOT THE PARENTS by means of the school boards. Health departments, doctors, etc. have zero right to make any rules for a school. They are not elected and therefore, do not speak for those who would be spoken for. In city and county offices, the same holds true. It is our responsibility to elect these officials based on their merit, NOT their party. Our last election, we had some serious question about the results, but somehow that news just got pushed under the rug. For me personally, I think every result from 2020, bottom up, should be audited!! There was an awful lot of issues that scream of fraud. Every state, every county should be audited!! If the results are real, there should not be any concern. However, with all the backlash for the audits...that throws a huge red flag. Anyway, our state elections fall in line with all the rest. Stop looking at party, and state looking at results. What have these people done to better our communities and our states? Where did their campaign financing come from? What are their platforms? Have these people actually talked to anyone in our communities or are they buying their way into a position? I'm not a fan of Senator Grassley personally, but I believe, twice a year he tours every county in Iowa. This should be a requirement for ALL these people seeking to get our votes. Get out of your glass houses and go to the very communities you are representing!!! Get to know your constituents! Learn the issues, FIRST HAND, facing each individual community. Here in Missouri, a large majority of candidates, focus on the main cities and forget the small towns and rural areas. I have honestly never seen a Governor in my county. Why is that? Oh yeah, our votes here are just added to the totals of St. Louis/Kansas City/Jeff City/Etc. We don't matter because our county won't pull in hundreds of thousands of dollars for their re-elections. Instead, we just keep seeing our taxes increase, our state government taking more and more handouts from the federal government, and more and more unelected powers taking aim at small businesses in these communities. I'm going to back track just a little. We need to remember that we also elect our sheriffs. These Sheriffs, have an immeasurable amount of power, by the Constitution. So, as we look into voting for our local Sheriff, we need to find out which ones are Constitutional Sheriffs. If they are not, we should NOT be electing them. If our local Sheriffs want to be trained as Constitutional, go find Sheriff Mack. He will get you on track!! As I have shared before, I will be researching my state elections beginning in February. I will share my findings in a new blag form.
I am curious how many of you know ALL of your elected positions?. I honestly did not. I am still learning the state and local levels. This is a serious default of mine. I'm ashamed to admit that I couldn't tell you most of the people in elected positions locally, let alone at a state level, 6 months ago. I had dropped that ball, terribly!! You can bet I will never let that happen again. While I am just me, I will gladly interview any candidate and ask the questions that matter. I don't care what party, because to me that does not matter. I want to know, and hold accountable ANY person elected to serve.
Next up, Businesses. I am a staunch supporter of small business/family owned business. The past 2 years has shown me, how important it is to keep and grow these businesses. As the country was forced to lock down, we saw so many small/family businesses shuttered while these corporate conglomerates made billions. Why??? So, Wal-Mart and Amazon were ok, but John's Deli wasn't? Weren't the products all still being handled the same way? We could go to the big box stores, stand behind the plexi-glass, while the cashier touched every item we were taking home? Prior to that, ALL these items were handled from factory, to shipping, to trucking, to warehouse/store, to the display shelves...ALL THE SAME AS A SMALL BUSINESS. Except, in honesty, it would have been handled LESS by a small business. Instead, the federal government, state and local governments, FORCED many small businesses to shut their doors. Some of these will never open again, and have lost everything they worked for! We have become a society that is so focused on right here, right now. We spend excessively on items to get the latest and greatest, yet can't understand why we are constantly broke and in credit debt. We have bigger and bigger homes and still have to rent storage units to hold all this stuff we buy. For what?! Because it's capitalism?! WRONG!!! It's because of 2 reasons: greed and keeping up the neighbor. So, while we are constantly consuming more and more, companies are making more and more. In turn, they are making them in more quantity and less and less quality. So, the fridge you bought 30 years ago, that is still working, will inevitably outlive one you bought 5 years ago. Just think about the furniture. You go spend $1000 on a pressed wood table and chairs. Sure, it's pretty but will it withstand use for 20 years? More than likely not. I can tell you I bought a new sofa and loveseat in 2017. Both of those items were broke down and the mechanisms in them were junk in less than a year...and they weren't cheap!!! However, I built my dining room table and benches out of solid wood in 2015 and aside from the wear....are just as solid today as the day I built them. I spent maybe $200 on the wood and screws. Start looking towards your small/family run businesses. Not only are they 100% better than any corporation, but if you don't....we won't have many of these small businesses left and many communities will cease to exist too.
Finally for today, let's look at smidgen of economics. I don't have to tell you all how important a budget is. For most us, budgeting is a requirement. It means doing what must be done to live within the income you have. Even if that means making sacrifices. When you put that to the level of local, state and federal...you can clearly see a massive problem!!! We as citizens, don't have the luxury of just going to the printing presses to make more money...although that would be convenient. How many cities/counties/states/federal budgets are NOT running in the red? Let's just go right for the jugular...the federal government. Our federal debt has now exceeded $28 TRILLION. How in the hell did it ever get to this level? When was the last time America did not have debt? WHY and HOW are we handing out money to other countries when we are flat busted? When did "We The People," APPROVE a payroll for the federal elected politicians? WE did not!!! THEY voted to pay themselves, and subsequently, THEY have continued to vote for pay raises and all sorts of fringe benefits that WE THE PEOPLE pay for!!! Personally, I believe it's time we minimize government, massively reduce the pay and benefits, make them pay into social security and regular health insurance, limit the terms they can serve, require balanced budgeting, STOP payments to ALL other countries, and start taking care of American's first. This has all gotten out-of-hand, and it is time for the true powers of our country (we the people) to take a united stand.
We are not all going to agree on everything. However, when we are censored from even having a conversation; that stops progression. Am I right or wrong? That remains to be seen. However, I am not afraid to have the conversation, ask the hard questions, voice my opinion, and stay true to my own values. We all need to stand together in our own resolve to come together, find a working medium and get back to values of family and community.
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