Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Salli's Soap Box


Today, I'm going to jump into some areas that truly irk me to no end. While I have spent nearly 3 years now researching, and I listen to some "truthers" videos...I'm getting more and more irritated by the day. There is only ONE person that I listen to that isn't constantly asking for money. Sadly, she is the one person that deserves it! Everyone is being censored on youtube, fakebook, and about every other media source. Shit, I'm in fakebook jail so often...I'm beginning to believe that my account is just flagged in their system to automatically give 48 hours to 90 days in jail. There are a few that, while I only listen to stuff that makes sense to me or that I can find information to verify, I'm finding that among those claiming to be "truthers," there seems to be so much contempt. 

These people that I have found, and to some point can resonate with, are now too busy with tours, too busy to ask questions that matter to everyday people, or talk over anyone they wish to inject their own opinion. It's very frustrating to hear people interview others that claim to be telling the truth, all the while, we are being told to fact-check everything and not to trust people in power just because they say they are trustworthy. Does that make sense? Personally, I don't trust ANYONE until they prove they are trustworthy. If you demand trust, you can pound the pavement!The truth doesn't mind being questioned, but lies do!

As I said, I have spent 2 1/2 years plus, doing research on what the hell is happening to our country. I've since learned that the bullshit happening, is many citizens of every country of the world are dealing with the same corruption we are. I've learned to utilize online libraries and news sources well as here in the states. Early on, I was able to dig for information on Google, until it began censoring. Since I've used Duck Duck Go, and even they are now starting to censor. I've found some incredible sources of information from well educated people, and I've learned to listen to my own intuition to discern information as fact or not. I've struggled through the topic that brought me into this research...child trafficking. That subject sucker punched me and opened my eyes to the level of evil that we are dealing with. That research lead to a spider web of corruption, demented and evil acts and people. The more I dug, the worse it got. Then I found a few areas that made sense; our political arena in the U.S. and how completely illegitimate it has been for more decades than I have been alive. The fact that ANYONE can truly say they believe in one party or another just shows me the ignorance that still exists. They are not 2 separate parties folks. They are just 2 wings of the same damn bird. 

I promise you I don't know a fraction of the crap that's out there...even with so much research. However, I am studying every single day to NOT be stupid! Before you all get your panties in a bunch, I'm not saying you're stupid if you aren't researching. Wait, YES I AM!!! We are coming up on Midterm elections this year. Are you going to vote party lines? If you need to research more than ever!!! STOP!!! Do your own due diligence! Find out who is on your ballot, dig into who they are, what they stand for, where their financing has come from, and what their record is. Stop behaving like sheep. I don't care if it's Democrat or Republican, 90% of them are corrupt and do not deserve to be elected or re-elected!! Dig in and find their track record! Are they funded by George Soros...that should be an instant red flag and a no go! Have they used our tax dollars to pay for their indiscretions? (i.e. tickets, legal fees) What platform are they running on? Have they done ANYTHING that has actually helped the people they are supposed to represent? Have they talked to the very people they are supposed to represent or have they talked AT them, from a distance? We have that right here in Missouri. A candidate for Senate, raising money and rubbing shoulders with donors, yet I haven't seen him anywhere near where I am. I noticed this, as well, in 2020. Our Governor was running for election, but I never saw the man in any county close to me...let alone my county. You want my vote....YOU BETTER FREAKING EARN IT! Every elected official, especially within each state, needs to be on the ground in the areas they are intended to serve. To see what is happening in each county, to hear from the very constituents they are supposed to be representing! 

As I have studied, I have learned how corrupt the entire system has become. This is not new though, and that is the scary part. The largest part of everyone alive today, has lived under the false narrative of "freedom" because we have been losing our freedoms at a rapid pace. It's our war monguering politicians, and world leaders that have sent our brave men and women into every war. They have created our $30 Trillion debt and they keep adding to it by funding every other country, instead of focusing on American exceptionalism. There have 3 presidents that I have studied that have actually attempted to focus on just that, JFK - who we all know was assassinated because he was trying to do what was best for America, Reagan - who had 2 assassination attempts and then toed the line. The 3rd was Trump, who was hated for trying to focus on America first by media and corrupt politicians that were going to lose their easy ride on OUR tax dollars. Wasn't it Martha Stewart that was thrown in jail for insider trading? So, why is a large majority of those currently in Congress & Senate being charged too? Go look up their financial records, and yes they are public record! 

While we are looking at correcting the record... Let's talk about Nazi Germany, and WWII. We were all taught about the Nuremberg Trials. What we were not taught, was how few Nazi's were actually tried. You know who was tried to the fullest extent? The media, the journalist, the doctors, the nurses and the teachers. 95% of the Nazi's were high tailed out of Germany, through Operation Paperclip a lot came here to the states, some went to South America, and some to Europe. Those freaks, created with the help of our 3 letter agencies, Operation Mockingbird, MKUltra, Go look into the history of the Royal families, and where those bloodlines go. Just a heads up, the Windsor's are not English! 

Let's have a brief discussion about vassal states. There are 3. A vassal state is a piece of ground within a country that does not belong to that country even though it's within that country. The 3 states that fall into this category are: City of London, Vatican, and Washington D.C. These 3 places are sovereign of the countries in which they are located. These states do not have to follow the laws, or constitutions. These 3 pillars: City of London(Banking), Vatican(Religion), and Washington D.C.(Military); do not have to answer to the people of those countries. 

As we are currently seeing the threat of being thrown into another war. Why? Has everyone forgotten how to think critically? Think about all the crap we have been fed through the noise box. How quickly the narrative of the illness died when the resident decided that Russia's military operations in Ukraine were an aggression. Don't you think our own military would position itself if we had weapons pointing at us? Why wouldn't Russia do the same thing? Because an installed president, who was previously an actor with billions of dollars, says that they are being invaded? Why aren't we asking more questions? Why did it take this "invasion" for us to learn that our government, CIA and military had biolabs, conveniently located in the exact areas that are supposedly being bombed?! Why exactly are people calling to ban Russians from from everything? Should Americans be banned from everything because OUR government funded those biolabs? Start using your heads!! If you had done a small amount of research, you'd learn that America is NOT except from fault. IF you start digging into real historical facts, you would be terrified at what our politicians have done. 

We've been programmed to group think, and that is now showing up in full force. We have been taught that "one bad apple, upsets the whole cart." You know, like the gun control bullshit, because some idiot gets his hands on a gun, now all guns and gun owners are awful people. Think about it. Even a group(BLM), that began, allegedly, as a good thing, has been turned into a group of thugs. Doesn't that mean all black people are thugs. Just as not all white people are racists, or all Germans are Nazi's. Stop thinking that way. We are individuals!!! There is no one just like you, nor is there anyone just like me. We have to stop this. We are so much more powerful as a united front. Here in America, WE THE PEOPLE, are still the rightful bosses. NOT the government. 

For today, I'm going to publish this. There is so much I would love to say, but I need to get my thoughts in line first. Please, do some research, check into whoever is running on your midterm ballot before the midterms. Stop just voting by party. They are both corrupt! 

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