I would love to be one of those people that could just pop out of bed, and hit the floor running. Sadly, I'm just not. I have to have some grace time to wake, get my caffeine intake, and get my scattered brain to function! My brain moves mountains, I think, while I sleep...so, I wake up feeling like I have battled the world, every morning.
I have shared a lot in the past few weeks. I do a lot of research, on a lot of different areas. It concerns me the number of people that don't do any. I can't bad mouth those that don't...they honestly, don't know better. Whether they choose to remain willfully ignorant, or they just don't know where to start, or they can't figure out what they are feeling...they just know something is wrong; I hope some of my ramblings will help them. The times we are living in, are terrifying if you are paying attention. We are seeing so many areas of history repeating itself right now, and the outcomes are horrifying. A point to look into, look back to the years prior to the Great Depression. That did not just happen over night. There were multiple series of events that lead to that. Thus, my research mind has kicked into drive with urgency.
The current economic outlook in the US is pretty crappy. Inflation is rising at record rates, fuel prices are out-of-control, supply chain issues have store shelves thinning or bare, farmers either can't get fertilizer or the price is doubled or tripled, our Southern border is being invaded, someone or something is taking out food processing plants across the country(there are too many to consider it "coincidence" now), somehow we are involved in a war now - that has been happening for 8 years already, we have bio-labs being discovered around the world that our tax dollars have paid for, we have elected officials trying to sign our sovereignty over to the UN, we have "elected" officials in obvious corrupt ties with the "enemy," and none of this even touches the deeper crimes against children. This brings up even more questions: why and how was the Title 4 flag captured in 1999, and by whom? If this information is true, who hid this from the American people...and if this was the case, doesn't this nullify everything that has happened since 1999? I encourage you to go watch War Castles, and learn who Russel J Gould is.
As I have for technically years, but more so of late, I encourage you stock up your pantries. Stock up any and all necessities! Ideally, having a 6 month supply is good. Even just 30 days could help. I personally, always aim for 6 months minimum. This is not out of the ordinary for me though. Living as I do, winter months are atrocious. I have had years when, I haven't gone out for any real grocery runs, for 3-4 months. Obviously, there are tangible items(milk, bread, etc.) that have to be picked up by one of the guys that work in town, but I always stock up. I spend my Spring/Summer/Fall gardening, so I can supplement our food supply. Yes, it's a ton of work and No, it's not any cheaper...but I know the quality of my preserved goods, and they taste better. I was fortunate enough to marry into a family that taught me these self-sufficient tools. Believe me when I tell you, I fought it tooth and nails for several years. Now, I know exactly how blessed I have been in learning these skills. While I did get lazy for a few years, I am grateful that I can cook from scratch and know how to make meals that stretch. I know how to garden, how to watch the soil for depletion, how to maintain a garden(even though I have had years when the weeds get away from me), I know how to harvest/preserve/freeze and dry goods. I have learned how to meal plan, shop for those plans, and how to be prepared. I have helped/taught many people through the years how to do all this too. Honestly, I am still learning to this very day!!!
I have a strong gut feeling that things around our country are going to bad, friends. The burning in my gut to keep pushing for people to be and get prepared for the shortages we are already seeing, is so strong. It's actually kept me up at night, worrying about everyone else. I know I am "practicing what I am preaching," and I know from many messages I receive, that many others are doing the same. I worry about others, it's in my nature, even though I have been told many times to not to. Now is not the time to be selfish. Now is the time to prepare your home, help those less fortunate, and make sure that if push came to shove, you could help a neighbor. If you know parents that facing the shortages or purchasing limits for formula or diapers...help them out. Can you imagine how scary it would be not knowing if you could feed your babies? If you are expecting a child, stock up on anything you can, as you can. If you have extras, share them with others. As much as media tries to divide us, and pit us against each other....the only true battle right now, is making sure we help each other through the crisis the government has created.
I know people will look at you like you are crazy if you talk about shortages and stocking up! I get the stink eye and "you are crazy" stuff all the time. Keep talking anyway!! Well, keep talking while you are stocking up! Get a hold of those mommas with babies and see if there is something they need, can't get or are limited on. Help them out! If you have blessing boxes in your area, put some stuff in there to help people out. If you don't, contact your local food pantry and see if there are any items they are short on or need extras of. If you live in an area that many grow gardens, work out a deal of barters....one may have eggs, vegetables or fruits, etc....find something you can trade. Visit your local producers, and purchase direct. Learn a skill that can help you become more self-sufficient. I have said this many times over, you can have a wall of degrees and accomplishments and still be an idiot! True skills are something that will help you in your real, everyday life.
As I end this chat today, I will once again encourage you to get your pantries stocked. Learn something new and useful. Be kind and giving. Pay attention to everything happening and stay safe!!
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