We are on the verge of an eruption, the likes that haven't been seen in my lifetime.
Do you all even realize the amount of chaos that is bubbling just under the surface, waiting to burst? I will go so far as to say about 40% of the US population is completely oblivious, and this is extremely conservative. I have personally gauged the "mentality" locally, and I can tell you, it's astounding the lack of knowledge, of the world around us. The thought process, in a nutshell:
"well, I guess we have to have these things, so we'll just have to pay the price," REALLY?! How long will you last paying upwards of $6 a gallon fuel, or $10 a gallon for diesel, or $8 for a gallon of milk, or how's that money going to work out when the store shelves are EMPTY? Just to use my personal vehicle as an example. I get about 22 miles per gallon, my tank holds 19.5 gallons. To fill up my vehicle, right now, it takes $79.93. The $80, will allow me to drive roughly 88 miles before having to fuel up again. When the average trip to town is 50 miles round trip....I can't make 2 trips in a week. This vehicle is the most economic vehicle we have at the moment. That means my husband is driving it every day, 44 miles, to go to and from work. This means, my fuel budget weekly is now pushing $200 per week. That means my husband's pay each week is now $200 less because of the cost to get to and from. In comparison, just 2 years, this same amount of driving was less than $90. This is simply from my local perspective. Can you imagine what people living on the East or West coast are dealing with?! No thanks!
Ok, so let's to the next area. Food! Have you "just paid the price" and not paid attention to increased cost or availability of food items lately? I shared on Facebook yesterday, the 50 lbs. bag of flour that I use, was $24.50 the beginning of April 2022. That same flour was $18.50 per bag in January. While I was at the store yesterday, I thought I'd check out prices. That exact same flour is now $43.50 for 50 lbs. of flour. We are not that far off of a $30 increase in 5 months!!! Can you imagine that percentage of increase on food across the board?! What about the availability? Have you seen the empty shelves, the empty coolers? We are seeing this in the Midwest. Do you comprehend what is coming, with the sky rocketing fuel prices and lack of imports? When a large majority of out products are imported from China, Taiwan, and overseas...that means a large majority of our survival is now in the hands of another country, and their domestic policies. A perfect example, China. They have been in lockdown again due to illness. Their lock downs, are not just lip service. Those people have been locked in their homes. There is no production happening in China, their major ports are closed. The backlog of ships sitting idle number in the thousands. This means NOTHING is coming out of China. Do you understand the repercussions of this? Even if they got back to work today, it would be weeks of manufacturing, before even being ready for shipments. It would be as much as 8 weeks before these ships would be loaded to sail. It takes an average of 35 days for those ships to get from China to our ports. Our ports are severely disabled right now. So even IF these ships reached our port by August, we could be backed up until November or December before they are on the trucks or rails to venture across the country. This is simple logistics. This is assuming we have the fuel needed for these truckers and train engines. This is assuming we have drivers for either form of transportation. This is assuming we have workers in our ports. Are you seeing the big picture yet?
Food prices are rising so fast, and those working on fixed or limited budgets are screwed. Many of these folks are taking the warning and getting some staples in their pantries. However, some aren't paying attention. There are folks from every age group that are just beside themselves because they just "can't imagine" not being able to get what they want, or speaking to them about preparing and they just don't see how the government would allow things to get that bad. Oh honey, things are ALREADY that bad. As I mentioned earlier, we are already in a recession. We are racing towards a depression at record speed. Think I'm exaggerating? Do you think that the 1929 stock market crash just happened over night? If you do, you better go restudy history. The weeks and months that lead to that crash gave ALL the signs we are seeing now. Sadly, there are more now, but for some reason...people aren't seeing them. That crash was the final hooray of a compounded set of dramatic events. Housing markets slowing and the bubble popping, farmers not able to cover their cost of farming and not being able to pay their loans, government spending exceeding the GDP, Federal Reserve printing money unrelentingly, fuel shortages and rationing, food shortages and rationing, a war hanging in balance was the push to allow the government to keep printing and borrowing money, thousands of business closures which resulted in increased unemployment, no diplomatic leadership, are you seeing any comparisons here?
Our media has become nothing more than propaganda in the US. There isn't one outlet actually doing any investigative journalism anymore. We are being spoon fed what they want us to focus on. Is this latest dramatic crap out of Holly weird, really more important than mom's not able to find baby formula for the past THREE MONTHS? Is the latest cackling really more important than the 17 million children going without food? Is a war that has already been taking place for 8 years, really more important than American citizens losing their farms, their food supply, their jobs? Why aren't our media actors not discussing the huge human and drug trafficking taking place, right now, on our border with Mexico? Are those children, women and men not as important as the children, women and men in Ukraine? Why isn't our media questioning why the Maxwell trial has disappeared and when are we going to see that list of clients pay for their disgusting behaviors? Why is our media allowed to bold face lie to us, to save face during an election year, only to quietly retract that story afterward? Why isn't our media giving us facts, truth and the warnings of what most of us can see coming? Why hasn't our media done their own research to find the very things I can? I'll tell ya, it's just like our elections....whomever has the deep pockets controls it all. This should truly piss off every single American.
A quick story, my teenage daughter asked me last night, "Mom, what are we, politically?" She said,"are we conservative, democrat, republican?" My first answer, "We are American's." Then, I had to back track a little. I said, "honey, we are American's, but I am more of a Constitutionalist. You can choose to follow whatever you believe to fit with what you believe."We have had the conversation many times, that I do not expect any of my kids to follow my political beliefs. I expect them to study, research and make their own educated decisions. While most of my kids are more conservative than not, she is my wild card. She is even more open minded than I am, and tends to view the world through different eyes than I do. It is sometimes very difficult for me understand, but I do try. The hardest part is knowing all the crap online that can make a radical idea seem "acceptable" to an impressionable young person. This is where my momma card comes out, and I will explain and give direction as to where and how to research some of the ridiculousness we have discussed. Recently, it was not feeling comfortable in the body you have, so now you have to put a label on this. This label was called puberty when I was growing up, or for girls...it was called being a Tom boy or a girlie girl. This constant labeling of everything is so pathetic!!!
Anyway, I got a little sidetracked! I'm dumbfounded by the the obvious chaos that is lost on many. Isn't it ironic that 56 food processing plants have burned up during a time of being told about food shortages? Or that millions of chickens and turkeys are being culled for a supposed bird flu, that has not actually been tested for...they are taking "preventative measures?" Now, I'm hearing about 15 recycling centers that have had major fires over the past 3 weeks. Seriously, how does scrap iron burn? We have corporate CEO's, major banks, investment companies; ALL talking about recession/depression, shortages of food and fuel, and even the Resident in DC has made passing comments about food shortage being real. What is it going to take to shake people awake?!
I began my journey 3 years into "conspiracy theories" that seemed so far fetched, when I read them, that I seriously expected to credit the Democrats with debunking them. What I have found through 1000's of hours of research...is TERRIFYING!!! This was a massive turning point in my own political thoughts. What I did find was no theory, but plenty of conspiracies that dated back prior to JFK, prior to even Lincoln. Some of the theoretical stories that were supposedly debunk, those stories were horrifying! The hardest pill for me to swallow, was the fact that it wasn't just a single political party involved, but both parties and many, many others. From CEO's, to the Holly Weird, to entertainment industries, to royals. The shiny stories put out on media to claim "conspiracy theory" hoax, was just the tip of an iceberg. It was such a well placed story to show people what was happening, yet it did not even touch the heart of the matter. For me, when you mess with, or harm children; you are a worthless as they come. You're a piece of trash that isn't deserving of being allowed to waste the oxygen on this earth. You want a taste of that information, start on Rumble dot com, and find the movie Out Of The Shadows. Then go to the Fall Of The Cabal - the sequel. If you can't bear to hear truth then you are part of the problem. Millions of children disappear every single year. Sorry folks, I'm not going to sugar this....they don't just "vanish" on their own accord.
Yesterday I posted some videos. One of them was talking about the list of preparations. I'm going to share my general list, and you may need to add your items to it.
1. Vinegar, 2. Apple Cider Vinegar, 3. WATER - 2 gallons per day per person, 4. Canned vegetables/fruit/meat, 5. Rice/pasta/potatoes, 6. First Aid Supplies, 7. Batteries, 8. Flashlights & Candles, 9. Pet Supplies, 10. Medications, 11. Feminine products, 12. Baby products, 13. means of cooking without electricity - grills, fire, cast iron cookware
With the increased cost of everything, keeping your gas tanks full, keeping a supply of propane for your grill, keeping a good load of firewood, learning how to cook on any surface, learning how to stretch your food, learning and doing food preparations now, keeping extra fuel and diesel on hand. These are all areas we need to be thinking about.
You need to have a plan. You need to have your family involved and for them to know the seriousness of the situation. You need to manage your stress level...the last thing you need is to get stressed out and fall ill. Whether that be diet and exercise, meditation, whatever helps you manage stress. You need to be working NOW, to be prepared...not waiting until the shit has already hit the fan. Have a plan to stay cool and hydrated since talks of electricity blackouts are already being discussed for our summer months. Remember, when you are hot, you will go through more water and so will your animals. So, be prepared!
This is a real look at the chaos. Believe it or don't...that falls on your shoulders. I'm choosing to be prepared, have a plan and make sure my family is taken care of!
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