After taking some time away from the internet for a few days, catching up last night was shocking. I do not watch television, and haven't for about 12 years now. I read news stories online, or catch highlights on Youtube. I can't stomach the lies on TV or in journalism anymore. That being said, I've done minimal digging into the latest conflict but I have my own take - as usual. I refuse to be a tool for government OR religion.
I stand with all the innocent people of Israel, AND Gaza, as well as the actual people of this world. Sadly, just as in America, the leadership is the culprit of most conflicts. It's amazing to me, how the world screamed that the last administration was going to start a war...yet, not only didn't start a single one, but ended up with peace agreements. Sure, our last President was not a politicians...he was a business man, that didn't mince words, didn't put up with crap from anyone, and even though he was extremely rough around the WORKED! Now, we have a complete shit show with supposed leadership that falls up stairs, off bicycles, and over sandbags...while not being able to string a sentence together, and has become a laughing stock for the ENTIRE world. Our country has become weak. In just 2 1/2 years, we went from affordable fuel, getting back on track with American production, putting Americans AND America first, the ONLY President in history to refuse a salary for his entire term, tough laws on child and human trafficking, reduced regulations, tax cuts that actually helped the middle class, the lowest black unemployment numbers in decades, a 1.4% inflation rate, strong international relations that lead to America actually getting paid what it was owed for the first time ever. In 2 1/2 years, we have the mess between Russia and Ukraine, China and Taiwan, and now Israel and Gaza. Every single news story is touting the killing and kidnapping of women and children. I am going to stop right here to say, THINK ABOUT THIS!!! Every single time these elite classes want a war, what do they spoon feed us?! Every single time they are positioning for war it's the same things....democracy. They even have some of the smartest in America believing WE are democracy. Did so few pay attention in History class to understand WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY, WE ARE A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.
Why is it, that every single country we have gone to war with, is strangled with the term democracy? Did these countries and their people actually WANT us to put our noses into their business? Why exactly are WE policing the world? Take the time to do your own research, beyond just watching the noise box! Every single country that has been invaded resulted in only a handful of endings...they did not want our fiat money(theirs was backed by gold/precious metals), they wanted their own freedom of religion(whether we agree with it or not), they had something our elitist corrupt government wanted(oil, diamonds, etc.), or the country had a government that wouldn't sell their souls to the elite and wanted to keep their land/people free from the corruption. It's ALL in our history books. It's the same playbook, used over and over for hundreds of years...yet, WE THE PEOPLE keep allowing it. We want to force the world to conform into some demented democracy, that allows corruption, tells people what religion is acceptable, how to spend their money, that living under the veil of debt is productive, and that the government knows best.
Going back through History, people fled from Europe to the America's for religious freedom, and freedom from persecution for their beliefs. Yet, to this day, you hear Christians persecuting those who believe differently. The very pretense of England demanding a straight and narrow religion, demanding insane taxes, being ruled by a class that incorporated not only paedophilia, worship of a God many Christians today refer to as Moloch, Baal, or Satan, and persecuting the Protestants, the Pagens, those accused of witchcraft - which is now under a giant umbrella that includes not only Pagens, Witchcraft, Native American beliefs, and anything that is now coined "holistic." I see the religious wanting prayer back in schools, and that is fine...BUT if you are going to allow prayer, are you going to allow ALL forms of prayer - for every religion or just Christianity? I may not agree with most forms of religious belief, but I don't believe in ridiculing people for their beliefs...aside from the sacrificing of children to Moloch/Baal. That I have a major issue with!!!
So, before we get too far up in arms, let's take a step back. These government officials and media talking heads are playing us - they play our feelings and emotions. Why do you think it's ALWAYS pushed about women and children?! While another war is breaking out, what do you think has been happening in our country for 2 1/2 years? We have been literally invaded from our southern border. This administration has not only allowed this BUT ACTUALLY ENCOURAGED it!!! We do not know who these people are coming into our country. The cartels have financial ties to our corrupt officials, they make sure these immigrants cross the border and then the immigrants either pay up or are murdered or the cartels murder their family. Children are being openly trafficked across that border. If you can't feel absolutely anger about that, you have serious issues! Anyone using or abusing children not only has a special place in hell, but deserves to suffer the most horrendous death possible! Leave the kids alone!!! Our own current leadership roles, in all 3 branches of federal government and most states too, has collectively made America into a 3 ring circus, and a laughing stock.
Since the dawn of time, people have battled over land. Right here in America, we have the divisions to prove it; even though we are a young nation. Settlers coming to America, taking from the Indian tribes, the Indian tribes taking from other Indian tribes, the original land dwellers losing to the Indians. It's been a constant battle. Governments have sold their people out for thousands of years. They have done everything in their power to use divisions to keep people from uniting, and it's worked. As I said, right here in our own country; the governments have continued the game of divide and conquer. We are constantly being led by race, gender, religion, political party; straight, gay, black, white, male, female, Christianity, Pagan, city, rural, and once again they come after our children. LEAVE OUR CHILDREN ALONE!!!!
In other areas, our economy is in some strange twilight zone. Just this year alone, the government numbers issued for the job creations, income, etc; keep getting revised down...until last week. The jobs numbers were up, debt nationally and on the individuals is increasing, the stock market is not reflecting the dire straits we are facing on Main Street USA. If you have bought food, fuel, or pretty much paid any bills; and haven't noticed the significant increases, you need to wake up! While the entire world is connected now, understanding what is happening right here in our country is imperative! While we may have differing opinions on some things, wanting everyone to have what they need should be the priority for our government...NOT nosing into other countries, sending our tax dollars to support other countries while our own Military members are homeless, we have homelessness increasing by the day, and unless you want to work in a bar, restaurant, or such...getting a good job is nearly impossible. When 70%+ of GDP is consumed, so we are no longer producing, manufacturing, or creating. We went from a Capitalist nature to one of mostly consumerism and imports.
We as a people AND a country are better than this, and deserve better too! All of us!! We are not all going to agree on everything...that is what makes America such a unique melting pot of cultures. One issue we face is the constant game of dividing our people to battle each other instead of holding our elected officials to task. Instead of demanding accountability from them, they pull out all stops to divide, and keep American's from realizing who the real enemies are. America is not unique in this game though. Most nations around the world are dealing with the same corruption. Sadly, it is the innocent people that are the ones hurt in this. The wars between governments, kills our soldiers, pilages a countries assets and allows take over by other governments, and forces the citizens of every nation into slavery whether that be in physical sense, mental sense or financial sense. Whether you want to see it or not, is of no consequence. We have ALL become slaves to the governments. Their corruption has conquered our people...and we the people have been battle between each other and didn't pay attention. We became complacent.
Here in America, we are NOT a Democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. Learn and know the difference. This is where these corrupt politicians have been feeding a whole bunch of lies. If they can change definitions to fit their narratives, why would you be surprised by this lie? We've been in a recession by the original definition since 21, yet they changed the definition pushing the goal post back to avoid being realized by those with their heads still in the sand! Sadly, as so many are trying to point out truth, the backlash has been atrocious!
While we are still somewhat able, I encourage you to get prepared. Stock your pantry, get your "security" in place, have an emergency plan. We are being constantly distracted, every single day now...and we are just now entering the election year cycle. Scary!!! Imagine what this winter will bring with repeat talk about lockdowns, illness, severe winter weather, and shortages. Not to mention the true wage shrinkage, increased taxes, increased repossessions, crashing commercial market, every other nation facing huge recessions and inflation, increased police states around the world, and shrinking full-time job markets. While I recommend a minimum of 2 months of necessities on hand at all times, having a year or so is definitely better!!! Take inventory of what you use on a weekly/monthly basis. Have plenty of food, water, medicine, pet needs, first aid, etc! Beans, Bullets and Bandaids folks!!!
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