Monday, April 15, 2024

Coffee Chat Plus


2024 has been a year of chaos for so many, myself included. My time spent in meditation, prayer, and in silence; has left so much on my heart. Today, I want to visit about several areas.

I think very deeply. Rarely, if ever, do I have less than a hundred thoughts racing through my brain, at a time. So many times, I share posts hoping to get others to think beyond the surface...although, I'm realizing that many do not. We all tend to get wrapped up in the hectic lives we live and fail to pay attention. So much is neglected and missed living, at break neck speed. So many details missed, so much empathy/compassion is lost, and we get caught in the trap of selfish behaviors. I know I am guilty of this too. We lose our way by losing track of the very details that could allow our society to excel. 

It's always an education, to me, to get to have meaningful conversations with people, and to empathetically try to understand others thoughts expressed to me. There are 3 examples I've experienced just in the past 48 hours. When someone starts a conversation with I read all your Facebook never know where THAT conversation is going to end up. I share my opinion. It is just opinion. I won't argue something, if I do not know it to be fact. However, I will debate other opinions; if nothing more than to gain clarity or understanding. Anyway, that conversation was with a good friend that I have high respect, I am always interested in their thoughts. That conversation, I won't share details, but it was good. It was interesting to hear other perspectives. That conversation led to another, about the usefulness of local versus national. It was geared around banking, and those practices. It brought in several others that were there, and was also a wonderful learning experience. I honestly learn something new everyday. I love to learn, grow and expand my thinking. I love to dive into topics that require more than off-the-cuff answers. When you find people that are willing to jump into the deep conversations with you, you know you have found a good group of people. Just as many of us were taught in English classes in high school, it's who/what/when/where and why's that change everything. I love deep and thought provoking conversations. 

As deep thoughts go, I try to always listen when something weighs on my heart. Honestly, there is so much anymore. I'm not exactly sure where to start. I believe in messages being given to us through whatever means necessary - dreams, gut instinct, etc. I believe those are messages from a divine source. Especially, if you can not shake the feeling. Now, I do not claim that God talks to me. There are so many now, that do claim this. Whether that is true or not...who knows. So much has become demonized by religion, that was considered normal just 50 or so years ago. We have too much judgement and religion snobbery, in the world today. Everyone that is of a religious faith, claims to know God, and know the Bible, and their God is the only God. Well, this to me is hypocrisy. The world governments have ruled over religion since long before King James. The government placed different spiritual beliefs into umbrella categories. We know the religions that are "acceptable," and many are quick to point out the ones they find "unacceptable." What we serious fail to understand, freedom of freedom of ALL religion, not just those you find "acceptable," or those that have been lumped together under that umbrella effect. While I personally disagree with several "religions," I can snub those that have different religious/spiritual beliefs. If the God Christians claim to worship is the great creator, did he not create ALL of mankind? Yes, I get that man created the religions...ALL of them. The Bible tells us not worship false prophets, but in that, wouldn't any beyond God himself be a false prophet. Even Bible stories tell us, that Jesus does not want worship...that is saved for his father, God. Do you know, there are literally thousands of different "religions," or branches of those religions? This is why I have a very difficult time with those that claim to be religious. No one alive today knows the actual truth. All we know is what OUR current understanding of religion is. Where does that leave us to judge anyone? By the very religious teachings, every human on Earth, is a child of God. A few more thoughts for consideration:  I recently was reminded of what is being called the "lost books of the Bible," the apocrypha. These are said to be the books of knowledge and wisdom removed from the original Biblical teachings. Again, how can you have a full understanding if you are not given the full text? How about one of the first Bibles transcribed into English, the Geneva Bible of, I believe, 1580? Why, if this is one of the originals, are we just now hearing about this? Why does this Bible offer translated knowledge further back than most current Bibles? Guys, these are just thoughts. This is how my brain works. When you can group a hundred religions into an umbrella group, many religions belittle that umbrella group as evil, yet they believe they sit high enough to judge...this truly is why I have always fought religion.

Now, I know someone that I consider a friend, and his thoughts have made me question a lot. While this is a whole other topic, it does relate to the previous paragraph. One of those umbrella religions, is the original Native American beliefs. Before they were shipped to "schools" to be "socialized, and civilized." This happened with several different tribe children when the federal government of the newly declared "new world" took over. The atrocities that all tribes across the country experienced is a scar on this country. Sadly, this genocide paled in comparison to other peoples of others countries, but it was an atrocity none-the-less. You see, war by any definition ends with a winner, and a loser. When tribes were relocated(usually by force), were forced from their land(Trail of Tears), or the government took over their disrupted a balance between the original settlers and the Native people.  When you had Native people willing to sell out their own, for benefit from the new settlers; you had even more upset and desecration to so many tribes. However, I have to note here, before the settlers...this was going on between the tribes themselves. So, while the English settlers are getting a justified "bad name" for their poor behavior...this activity was being done by tribes themselves too. While I have done some research into my friend's tribe, and have seen so much that makes me angry about how they have been treated...I do have a few thoughts of my own. I honestly hope that my thoughts will encourage others to think a little deeper too. I have spent a lot of years, off and on, digging into my own family heritage. I believe this is truly a necessity to understand who we are. What I began to understand just a few generations ago, is that our Government in America, began only recognizing a handful of tribes that were on this land, and they once again, lumped several together under an umbrella. (Are we seeing a pattern here?)My own family has been lumped under Cherokee, and from what I can find, Sioux. So, I have Native blood. This to me, means I can carry on that blood line, just as any Native person wants to. Yes, I have been removed to small genetics because of the ancestry, but that doesn't mean it's any less important. It's important to know where we come, who we come from. My own bloodlines, have what my Grandmother referred to as a Heinz 57 mix. The large majority of Americans are no different...especially today. While I know my friend is a lot closer in genetics, and I'd love to spend time learning more from him, I also want to understand and learn about my own. Sure, the Native people have been treated awful. I will not deny that. I get horribly angry about their treatment. However, I still ask: " why not do and be better, and spite the very government that did this to you?" Instead of people focusing on so much negativity? I get generational trauma. But someone has to break that. Why not you, me, whomever? This friend, is such an exceptional person. I have heard his story, at least in part, and he broke the mold and works hard to continue to do better. I have seen some from other tribes, that are doing the same thing...and they are working on the reservations and in their communities to teach the younger generations how to break the molds. This is direction I believe we all need to change. You see, as I dove into research years ago(about 20+) I learned that prior to the push of "civilizing the Natives," the Native people's beliefs were so much different. Their beliefs weren't on worship, as we know it. It was similar to prayer, and that a Creator controlled - Mother Nature, the sun, the moon, etc. However, the original belief system was placed under the umbrella of Paganism, and is now deemed evil by modern religions. Even many Native people today, focus on modern religion instead of their tribal original beliefs. 

Since I know I hit on 2 very hot and controversial topics already, I am going to hit on another. War. First off, Any sane person with more than 2 brain cells is NOT going to support the killing of innocent people. I do not care how cautious or careful Armies are, innocent people are going to lose their lives. I do not support war as a means to an end. Before anyone supports it, they need to consider this: are you prepared to fight and die for your country? Are you prepared to send your son, daughter, brother, sister, or parent to war and quite possible die in that war? What is the true purpose of the war? This past weekend, Israel was attack once again. This time by Iran, directly. The last time, in October, by Hamas...with Iran's support. We still have major conflict with Ukraine and Russia, AND Taiwan with China. America is sending billions of OUR tax dollars to many of these countries....AND OUR COUNTRY IS NOT ONLY BANKRUPT BUT BEING INVADED EVERYDAY!! So many of our Soldiers, right here on American soil, are in a fight for their lives/to just eat...yet we are providing a continuous flow of unregulated money to how many other countries? We have elected government officials pushing for MORE U.S. involvement into conflicts around the world, including advocating for war. We have very weak leadership providing support ON BOTH SIDES of these conflicts. How can we, with the current state of our own country, even consider putting our noses into another country's conflict? Our current leadership, has not supported our Allies, and has financially enabled our enemies. Yet, so many continue to support the elected body of both parties. I personally see, the majority of people around the world, just want to live in peace. The majority of people have seen enough death and destruction, not to mention the majority of false narratives promoted to invade more countries. I fear for America, and the majority of our people. Too many people are hyper-focused on constant drama, war, and globalism...and have neglected the majority of good people that are sick of the system. Going to back to high school lessons....what is the TRUTH about the who/what/when/where/why of all these conflicts? Not the media/Biden administration definition alone...but BOTH sides of this story. What has been done in 160 days to free the hostages still held since October? What has been done to secure America's borders? What has been done to reduce our federal government spending and debt? What have our elected officials actually done FOR and to PROTECT America? When is the last time we actually got unbiased, both sides of a story, reporting on ANYTHING? 

Ya'll, I truly try to, at the very least, comprehend both sides to every story...whether that be personally, nationally or globally. I don't always. I am only a flawed human. What I do work hard at, is not only working hard on myself to constantly do and be better...but to teach the young people I have brought into this world, to do the same. I attempt to constantly learn and grow in actual knowledge and wisdom...NOT drama. I work very hard to be self-reliant, as self-sufficient as possible, prepared, and learn new skills while improving old ones. I refuse to believe I am just a product of the last generation, but instead believe that I can break generational trauma. I have full belief belief in God, but not religion. I believe my ancestors would want me to learn from all they encountered and to grow beyond it. While I still believe that returning to my roots, is exactly how I am meant to do that. I believe that each of us is responsible for shaping our world into a better, brighter and more prosperous world than we have. I believe WE are responsible for teaching not only the scars of our ancestors, the trauma's they went through, but also teaching our young people how to not only co-exist but co-thrive. I don't believe in entitlement. You want better, you have to be willing do better. 

I work hard to understand so much. I know there are some that like to challenge me. That's ok. The difference for me, is that I truly do want to understand. I don't want someone telling me what to think...I know how to think for myself. I want FACTS; not emotions/feelings.  Give me receipts, give me PROOF! When I began digging into my family tree...I learned quickly, not everything is as it appears. You can not truly know your family history without receipts to back it up. When my Grandmother and I would discuss our history, she had the same thought process I now hold. I'm finding more and more of her in my thoughts everyday. I just wish she was still here to walk through all of this with. She had a lot more to work with than I do. She, too, was a writer/journalist. I recently found several letters she had written to me, and read through them again. Some were upsetting, but some were such a bold reminder of the strength, intelligence and determination; that runs through my blood. I come from a strong line of women that fit this list. Weak is NOT in our genetics! 

Today, since I probably have upset many, I'm going to end with this:  Each of us, are responsible for our own path. What we do, inevitably determines what future generations will do have to work with. It is our job, to make sure we are doing our best to leave a better outcome. I'm not saying make it easier, I'm saying we have have to make it better. We have to better educate, better prepare our young people, give them facts not half truths. We have to be better people. We are currently responsible, every person alive today, for improving generational traumas. We have to work hard. It is up to us, to live and teach those around us, that we have to "do unto others as we would have done unto us." It's time to heal. It's time to remove the divisions, and remember we are ALL children of God.

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