Monday, May 20, 2024

May 20 update, Memorial Day and Civic Responsibilities



 May 20, 2024. Another month is flying by! I'm not sure about anyone else, but life seems to be taking on a life of its own! Everyone is racing around, at break neck speed to one thing or another. No one takes time to just stop...myself included! We have distorted illusion that as long as we are busy, we are productive. What exactly are we producing? More stress, chaos, and more people trying to save everything under the sun. It's difficult to watch sometimes. The matters that should be important and priorities are dropped in the dirt while the drama addictions are put on pedestals. One thing that has stuck with for a lot of years now, I was taught by some incredible veterans that I had the honor of getting to know. No matter your circumstances, you have to grab life by the horns(not their words...but they aren't G rated) and make the best of it. The amazing men and women I've met, have seen and been through crap, none of the rest of us would survive. These soldiers/veterans were drilled with discipline, loyalty, and perseverance; like nothing we see in our world today. When you speak with a veteran that has lost limbs to an IED, a veteran that has battled with PTSD or TBI, and they have such a bright and positive outlook; it pushes you back on your heels. When a veteran shares stories of battles, war, or lost comrades with tears in their eyes, yet dries his eyes and tells you that he survived by the grace of God, and he's going to live his life as a tribute to those that couldn't... it changes you! It has changed me. You see, from my point of view, I may have struggles and trial in my life and I will react to them(I'm human), BUT these veterans - it's because of them, that I can be free to voice/act to the trials I face. Our soldiers/veterans have each served our country, for many different reasons, but each took an oath to our Constitution, not politics. Our politicians, have caused/instigated so many wars/conflicts that require our soldiers/veterans to go to battle. So, when I hear people say they don't get involved in politics or they are supporting yet another battle...I get angry. By not knowing our rights, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, or even our laws and do not support these soldiers/veterans. When you refuse to be educated in what the politicians are doing globally, and with our tax dollars; you are essentially turning your back on every soldier that has ever fought for this country. Where would we be without our soldiers and veterans? Not every soldier/veteran is trained in the same way. There are different branches, different MOS, and other specialties. However, every soldier enters the military with the same Oath! Every soldier enters the military with the understanding that they could be sent to war and die for this country.  


We are rapidly approaching Memorial Day. Do you even know what this long weekend is for? Briefly, it's to celebrate those that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country and her people. 


So, while so many are drawn to the drama of a couple of guys that get paid stupid incomes to chase a need to stop and actually think for a few minutes. Our soldiers, the ones we should honor over Memorial Day and every day, and our those who have served and still serve - they have done so, so that we can remain free. That means honoring our CONSTITUTION, there very thing they took an oath to protect. When 99% of American's choose not to serve in our military, it is our responsibility to not only KNOW our Constitution and laws, but to make certain that WE THE PEOPLE demand that it be upheld.  Just thanking our veterans is NOT enough!!! Too many American's have neglected their civic responsibilities, becoming lazy and complacent. 


In 2017, when I was first beginning into my journey of working with veterans, I would have never guessed how influential and beyond value, this path would lead. I have always held veterans in a high regard. However, what I have been taught by some of these incredible people, has shown me how much I didn't know. As I do, I dove into research. I wanted to understand the events, wars, and policies that put these amazing people into harms way. With each new veteran I have met, I have researched their branch, and the events that took place during their time of service. I have learned way too much to ever fully speak of. I have had the privilege of getting to continue to know even more veterans and their stories. I have also learned the horrific treatment that some of the veterans have faced, and it's these stories that have driven me to continue to not only learn, but push others to also. 


While so many will publicly thank a veteran, or share patriotic meme's online; that is not enough. If you truly want to thank a veteran, you need to live your life with civic responsibilities that were once taught to our young people. We were once taught the branches of government and their purpose. We were once taught our responsibility to voting and demanding free and fair elections. We were once taught how laws were established, instituted and enforced. Once people were out of school, they have effectively forgotten or never learned these responsibilities. We as American's got lazy. Too many depend on government, and believe the government will take care of them. WRONG! The ONLY people that have actually got our backs, is our soldiers and veterans...NOT the military industrial complex, they are just unelected politicians.  If you truly want to thank our veterans and soldiers, you need to get educated. When we have veterans going hungry and living on the streets, and going without healthcare; we have failed as a nation and as citizens to this country. We have allowed the politicians to create this disorder by not standing up for our Constitution and enforcing our laws. 


I have been very honored to host an event for veterans for several years. It takes a lot of work, lots of fundraising and a lot of effort. However, those few days each year, is my way of giving back. It is not much, but it's important to me to make sure it continues. I do my best to show my thanks, by continuing to learn and share the very Constitution, laws and orders that I did not know, or had forgotten. That is part of my civic responsibility. I vote, and question everything. That way, when I thank a veteran for giving our country a blank check that includes up to and including their own lives; I KNOW I am doing something more than just lip service to these heroes. 



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