Friday, January 3, 2025

Coffee and Conversations


Happy New Year! 2025

My new year actually began on my birthday(Dec. 28). I have some pretty massive goals for this year, that are returning to a lot basics, removing a lot of toxicity, and finding my own balance/place again. Well, that's the generic list anyway. The new year itself, did not start on a high note for me....I ended up physically sick new year's eve and am just now feeling a little more human. Thankfully, I am finally able to eat again(yes, I am knocking on wood, as I type this)! I would love to get rid of the headache though. While I have big plans to brush off so much of the negativity I deal with, I am realistic to know that there will be some that still kicks me. So, let's get into this conversation. 

I am so much of a planner. I have notes FOR notes. Calendars in about every room, outlines; you name it. I pay attention to details, try to keep up with important dates/holidays, and make a celebration of accomplishments. When I don't do all gets chaotic for me. Being honest....I lose the illusion of control. I have to control my environment to keep things comfortable for me...but that also means, I end up stuck in my own comfort zone...which does not allow for growth. It's a catch 22. The last few years have been a nightmare of life kicking me in the butt. I am working towards leveling the playing field again. This year, I want to encourage growth. This will be different methods and meaning for everyone, but I want to share my journey. If my journey helps even one person, then I will be happy. 

Now that it is January, we have some important dates to know. January 3rd - 119th Congress is sworn in. January 6th - 119th Congress will certify the November election. January 20th - 47th Presidential Inauguration, President Trump/Vice President Vance. These are Constitutionally recognized dates and procedures.  The swearing in of the incoming President can not be prior to Noon, Eastern Time. We have given this administration a priority to work for American's first. We the people, have to hold each of them accountable. For several decades, the elected people have taken tax dollars, freedoms and liberties from All American's; and now we must demand they return to being the Statesmen the Constitution required them to be. These people have been creating bills that hundreds to thousands of pages long, and they are not read before signing into law. A bill with a catchy title, typically holds 87 different laws/regulations, instead of a single one. These Representatives, that work for us, do not interact with us. They are no longer in every community they are elected to serve. These Representatives should be required to visit every county, at least, once per year...NOT just to try to get votes for an election. As American's, it is our responsibility to KNOW what is in the bills - not just what they want us to know, BEFORE it's ever put to a vote. We must demand they balance the national budget, and start paying off the national debt. Each of us is required to live on a budget, and we don't get to go just print more money. We need American industry. America has become dependent on imports, and that is not sustainable. American's must relearn the meaning of responsibility, self-preservation, and fiscal responsibility. We must also relearn the Constitution and how much has been taken from us by becoming lazy in this knowledge. 

Knowledge. I have heard for many years now, how busy everyone's lives are and how they don't have time to research. How can you know what's going on with your very freedom, if you are not understanding what is happening in your country? Rather than being dumbed down with the bread and circus of television, do some research into how your elected representatives are voting and what they are voting for. This needs to be on a local and national level. Too many of them are flying under the radar while lining their pockets, and emptying yours. Learn who your reps are, and contact them when you need to. The "news" is not an educational tool, it's entertainment at best.

We need to relearn Community. This is an important one for me. Living in a rural area for more than a decade, I have seen how neighbors help neighbors. I have also seen what happens when outside people come in upend that apple cart. People forget or don't know to start with, how to be neighbors. In our area, we have had about 10 new neighbors in the time we have lived here, with about as many that were here prior. Helping a neighbor still is a priority in my house, but so many won't unless there is something in it for them. Even then, there are some that refuse to be involved at all. It's really sad to see. It once was a normal occurrence for neighbors to look out for each other. They would be there to protect, defend, help out, and have each others backs. Now, it has become as cut-throat as the soulless cities have. If you want help, you better be prepared to pay them, in one way or another. Nearly all of the new neighbors we have, you never see let alone have talked to. It is very sad to see some of the old fashioned values and integrity disintegrate. I can only speak for my household, but we still hold those values in high regard. 

As I said, my new year began December 28th, on my 50th birthday. I can not control anyone, nor would I want that chore. I can, however, control those that have access to the things/people that mean the most to me. Living rent free in my personal space, won't be happening anymore. I care about people, but not what they think/say about me...especially when I am not in the room. One thing I have learned, if you can not respect me enough to defend me when I am not there, you don't respect me. People that must gossip, do so because they want to keep attention from themselves. "Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house." 

With this new year, I am focusing on me. I have had a few years that have been really trying and tough. I have let my health - both physical and mental, slip. I have to fix that. I have allowed too many and too much to negatively affect me. I can't do that anymore. I am returning to my basics - raising/growing my own food, nurturing my family, working with veterans in every way possible, updating my skills and hopefully learning new ones, gaining the 30 pounds I have lost, spending more time in nature and with my camera, getting back to cooking/baking everything possible from scratch, getting my allergies back under control, and so much more! As I said, I have some pretty big expectations for this year. My goals are big, and I know it will be a challenge to succeed in all of them...but I am capable! 

I will succeed even if I only reach half my goals, but I believe in over achievement, at least on the positive side. So, my blogs will return to what's happening in our country, gardening, growing/preserving foods, home school, livestock, herbalism, photography and that sort of thing. I have saged my home(although I need a new one), am working towards deep cleaning every single room, getting it organized because I want to enjoy life...not just spent all day, every day working. When something is no longer working for you, it's YOU that has to fix it. 

Happy 2025! It's a great time to set new goals and go after them!!