Monday, July 29, 2024

Mid-afternoon sweet coffee, too hot!


Here we are just 2 days from the end of July. It's a little after 4 pm, and 100 degrees. I thought a coffee chat would be a good thing...except it's too danged hot for a glass of cold sweet tea it is. 

I have lots to talk about. I really don't like politics, although I do keep up with it all, as much as possible. Even though I don't like it, politics effects every single one of us, whether we like it or not. While it is really easy to get wrapped up entirely with the federal elections...we all know that circus. It is just as important to know what is going on in your state and local elections, as well. 2024 in Missouri is a big election year. Not just federally, but a large portion of our state politicians are also vying for new positions. I have dug in to research the options for our governor, lt. governor, secretary of state, attorney general, treasurer, state house and senate races, as well as, the local county wide races being held. That is a challenge in Missouri, at least to me. In my county, there just isn't much talk, outside the main town in our county. So many of us living rural, unless we are willing to get involved in the rat race, don't hear much. We never have ANY visits from those running for our state offices in our area. I guess they have forgotten Northeast Missouri goes clear to the Iowa line, which is much further north than Hannibal and Canton. Once in a great while, we will get a phone call for a tele-townhall meeting with our federal house representative. It's really upsetting that some of these people want votes, but can't bother to know the people they represent. I may work on a blog specifically for our Missouri election. Our primary is August 6th.

Aside from my most important job, being a mom, is my work with veterans. My Dad, and both my Grandad's served in our great military. Without even realizing it, I have spent my life surrounding myself with these great veterans. I have so many friends that served, and have met hundreds of incredible veterans through my years. Veterans are a very unique group of people. While each one has been their own person, the characteristics and the means in which they carry themselves, make them stand out. The past 7 or so years, I have been honored to not only meets hundreds of these amazing people; but to also get to know so many that have overcome or battle daily through wounds - both visible and invisible. Having gotten to share one-on-one conversations, hear their stories, share in their tears, be the ear they may need at the moment; has changed who I am. I am not a licensed counselor, or a therapist...but someone who genuinely cares and is willing to listen. Sometimes, that is all that is needed. You see, being the person I am, when I started being involved with veterans that had everything from PTSD, to TBI's, to amputations, and so much in between, I began researching.  I wanted to attempt to understand how I could be of help or use. At the time, I was volunteering with a group that had a lot of focus on helping veterans by getting them outdoors. Within just a few events, I realized the outdoors played a large part in helping the veterans, but also being able to intuitively be available to veterans that needed to talk. Most of the time, the veterans were enjoying themselves and the outdoors. However, a few needed to talk through whatever was on their minds. I can come up with 3 veterans from all those years ago, that have stuck in my memory. One was pretty reserved, had a service dog to help with anxiety, and had been in combat. He was soft spoken and it was hard to picture him as anything but that. Over a few days, I think we spoke about an hour, but that was what he needed. Another veteran, was quite a charming man. He walked with a limp, and was happy to share about his service and life, and family. The last time I spoke with him, he had just gotten engaged. The third veteran, what can I say...he was something else. He was in a wheelchair, but he seemed the life of every gathering. He and his wife are amazing people. I am happy to call them friends, to this day. Each month for the past 6 years, mostly, I attend a veterans coffee. This morning gathering of veterans, is informational for the veterans and most of those that attend have become friends. When some things changed for me, I feared I would not be able to carry on with veteran hunt that had begun in 2019 at our farm. Covid proved to me that the world was going to get rocky. By 2021, I knew taking a different path was my only option. If I was going to continue to help in the one way I knew to help, I had to do something drastic and ventured out on my own. I had the intention to take a year off to regroup, but those amazing veteran's that I have grown so close to...weren't going to have any part of that. Many of them stepped up, to make sure we could make the 2021 event happen. I was not in the emotional state to do it myself. Since then, it has been a LOT of work, and I've had to depend on some good friends and my family for help; but 2024 will be my 4th year of this event - alone(the 6th event at our farm), and the biggest veteran event we have ever had at our farm. For 4 years, we had a veteran group that offered their partnership to cover some of the expense, True Impact Outdoors. I work hard to get donations, sponsorships, and volunteers to make sure each of our veterans has a top of the line experience. We offer an annual raffle, and 100% of that money goes back into this event, as does all donations. I have some great people that help me cover a wider area, and they help with the event itself. Again, without these people, I don't believe I could make it work. This year, we have 9 veterans coming from 5 different states. How incredible is that?! These men and women are amazing!! 

I have made some incredible connections through the last 10 years; through veterans, to Senators in some states, to some incredible individuals. I have overcome my own fears of public speaking, to not feeling adequate enough to do what I'm doing. I learned to have to step out of my own comfort zone to begin moving in a better direction. I had to learn to that some people are just meant to be in your life for a season. I've had to let go of people that have passed on, while never letting their memory fade. My own struggles, I have dealt with on my own. If there is one major lesson I have learned from all the veterans I have gotten to that we have to count our blessings. 

As I finish up for today, so I can feed my family...I want to end with this prayer.

Lord, we thank you, for every blessing and every lesson in our lives. We are imperfect people, yet your love is unwavering for those that come to you. We may not know how to pray or what to pray, but you know our hearts. In your word, you use imperfect people to your plan. I pray that everyone reading this will come to you, get to know you and accept you as their God. I pray that watch over your people and provide them safety, good health, purpose and guidance. I pray that those pushing the evil and division, be enlightened. I pray that wrap your arms around the shoulders of your people, protect and if necessary put your hand over their mouth. Bless the amazing people that work so hard for the good of humanity. I humbly ask that you protect America, her people and the good people of this world. Amen.

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