Saturday, June 20, 2015

First new goals...

I am writing again, because I have a new goal. One that I'm terrified I won't be able to accomplish but I have to try, and one that will include someone else! As you all know, it's been a rough three years. I am changing focus, and forgiving the past, so I can move on. I have a lot of changes I want and need to make, and I will be doing so, gradually.

The first real, scheduled, fitness goal I have had in many years is now in place. This goal includes having to include some financial goals as well, because it will require travel. In September, each year, the town I was born and spent most of my childhood in, has a festival. It's called the Corn Festival. This year, I am making the committment to not only be there, but also to do the 5K with my sister. I have never done one, in my life! So, I have a lot of physical work to accomplish over the next couple of months. I have to finally let go of smoking, completely. I have got to get in shape! While I feel like I run miles around our home and property; I need to actually start walking again, exercising again in general. It's a great excuse/reason, to get my butt in gear! I have no doubt that it's going to take determination and some pushing, but I can do this!

So there you have it. My first blog to improving my life; through goals, baby steps, and letting go of negativity - both people and situations! It's time to "cowgirl up," as my daughter says, and make shit happen for me, instead of to me!


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