Monday, August 3, 2015

A day in my life...a humorous retelling...

A day in my life, can be pretty chaotic. This blog post is going to be just as my day goes, and I am going to begin this with 1 AM this morning, when my youngest was finally settling down enough to go to sleep.

My kids love Minecraft. This crazy video game that seems to be the talk on every school group, and in every household. They have the game, and my youngest loves to watch the Youtube videos about others playing the game, then she creates all kinds of amazing structures and animals on her map. While I love to see her creativity flowing...I am tired of video games and computers/tablets! Anyway, she will sit and watch the videos for hours if I let her. Some are in our home school groups, some are not. Well, early this morning she was still watching videos after sleeping away most of the day(along with her dad and brother), because they were out all night hunting. So, getting her to sleep was an expected challenge. By 1:30, I finally turned everything off and went to bed. At 5:30, my alarm starts going off. I did not hear it at 5:30! By 6:15, I finally heard it and hit snooze a couple of times. I finally got up at 6:30 and my husband had coffee ready...Thankfully!!!

My mornings are completely thrown off when I don't have at least 30 minutes, to visit with my husband and have our morning coffee together. This morning, we were able to enjoy the cooler temps while drinking our coffee on the deck. Our morning coffee time is about the only time we get to have any type of conversations without little ears. While we may not always discuss anything of importance, it's time to just be adults. This morning, our conversations moved around baling hay, working on the duct work to get ready for Winter, some other projects we need to get finished and how much hay we would need to last through the Winter. I know we are SUPER exciting people! :-)

By about 7, he is out the door for work, and my day begins again. I have decided that the only difference between his job and mine, is that he gets paid by the hour; and I don't. After he leaves for work, normally I spend a couple of hours on my school work, this morning I am writing, and doing laundry instead. I can usually keep up with washing, and drying the laundry but getting everything folded and put away, takes on a life of its own! Today, I am tackling the folding, and putting of the laundry mixed with my other responsibilities. I am not a housekeeper, and although my house is picked up's not ever spotless! This is a huge burr under my saddle! I don't like mess or clutter, but the other 3 people in my household never seem to notice or mind any of it! The constant chaos of clutter and mess in my house keeps me feeling unorganized and scatter brained.

After moving a load of laundry from the dryer to a basket, from the washer to dryer, and starting another load; I grab whatever meat from the freezer to thaw for supper. Then it's on to the next project. Now, it's time to get out of my sweats, get dressed and ready to move through the rest of the day. The coffee pot is now empty! Yikes!

***This part is not going to be as accurate, since it will be a retelling of every other day.***

It's now on to getting our bed made, piling the clean laundry on it so I can get everything folded. Getting my oldest motivated to get our morning chores completed, getting the dog out, looking around around me to see all the stupid mess, cob webs, and kid and dog toys scattered throughout my house. By this point I am silently fuming that it's easier for everyone else to just step over, or push aside the messes they see than to actually pick up! I am mentally going through how long some of the mess has sat, why I am the only one that can see the trash can overflowing, or dishes that get left where ever they get sat, and wondering how long my youngest child's gate(to keep the dog out) will hold the avalanche of toys threatening to flow out of her room.

Crap! The dryer stopped again. Here we go with the transfers again. Another pile of clean/dry clothes gets piled on my bed...I wonder if I jumped in the middle of it, if I would feel like I was jumping in a pile of leaves! Dang it, another bathroom break, too much coffee I guess, but oh well! I come out to find the dog destroying a roll of toilet paper, my youngest sleeping on the couch, my cell phone chiming of an incoming text message, and of course...there goes the house phone. Ok, breath for a minute! I am dreading having to start cleaning again. I know it will be a mess within hours again. Ok, here I go.

I start rounding up all the dishes that have been left every where but in the kitchen. Oh look, there's dirty clothes that didn't get picked up. Wow, 4 soda cans that are not empty. The hubs just called to tell me about his crazy morning at work, and I'm silently wishing I could trade him places for a week! Now, to clean up the floor from the shredded toilet paper, oh look, there are crumbs under the table, and cob webs at the ceiling. Out comes the broom, dustpan and vacuum. I get the floor swept, around the dog trying to bite the broom, start to collect all the crap in the dustpan only to have the dog trying to grab something out of it. That's done for a bit. The vacuum wand is getting extended and I'm hoping there are no spiders lurking in the webs! I get that done, only to see dust piling on the shelves above the windows(I just dusted these last week!), and on the mantle, and the end tables, and the coffee table... UGH! I really just dusted last can't tell! I haven't even braved the kitchen yet. My youngest has the dining room table and the coffee table covered in toys, because "my rooms a mess and I can't clean it alone." O-M-G! My to-do list is still growing, but I am busting tail this morning! There goes the dryer again.

Ok, is this 5 or 6 loads piled on my bed, still unfolded? I begin the kitchen project with emptying glasses, we need to use a new glass for each time we get something to drink? Do you really forget that you already had one...sitting INCHES from where you just sat the new one? Oh yeah, stacking dishes. The cups are stacked together, then the plates, then the bowls, and the pans are on the stove. Wow, I must be really OCD, or ADD! Man, my sink is gross. I need to clean it out before I do dishes. Ok, that wasted 5 minutes. As the sink if filling, I am putting silverware on one side while loading it with every stinking glass we own. Let those soak for bit while I wipe down the island and try to figure out where I can move my cook books to so they don't keep finding the floor. Dang it, there goes the dryer again. Ok, last load of laundry is in the washer. I get a sink full of glasses, and silverware and the damned phone is going off again. I'm taking a break to answer my text, and smoke. I really need to quit smoking. Look, my stack of recipes to try, think I will try a new one tonight. I get the plates and bowls soaking and move the pans beside the sink. I am a really messy cook! I get the stove and counter wiped down, and begin cleaning up the counter with the coffee pot on it. Geez, why are their toys in the kitchen? The dog has rooted her food off the plate and is now under the cabinet. I will get to it later. Back to dishes. I think if these got done every night like they are supposed to, it would save me loads of time. Plates are clean again, and the pans are soaking. There's another sink full of dishes by the coffee pot...Really?!?!?!?! I need something to drink. Ok, the tea pitcher is empty and is the coolaid pitcher. So I guess it's either water or soda. Our water is gross, we really need to get a filter system and a softener. Time to get these stupid dishes finished so I can cook lunch. Do people really need to eat 3 meals a day? All the dishes are finished, and I am not thrilled about dirtying more right now...I think it's a PB & J day for lunch. Crap!! There's no styrofoam plates. Oh well, it's just 3 small plates, right?! Sandwiches are made, and I can sit for a minute. Dang it, I forgot to get the princess something to drink...up I go. Oh yeah, before I eat, I better make sure the meat for supper is thawing and get napkins to wipe up the jelly that is now on the table, floor and keyboard. I think I can eat now. Half my sandwich is gone, and the kids are fighting over the damned video game. I tell them they better solve it without involving me or they won't like my solution. Whoo, a few minutes of peace. Here comes the princess crying because she still can't play the stupid game, the oldest is in control of the tv that the system is connected to and he's watching some new Sci-Fi thriller. UGH! Can't I just throw all the technology into a pile and burn it while dancing like a crazy person in celebration?! Damned cat just got on the table and cleared off one whole end...including the princess' drink, the stack of paperwork that was in chronological order, the basket holding all the odds and ends of crap that hasn't found a home yet, AND the box of toys my princess has just brought out of her room because there wasn't already enough toys scattered through the house!

Calgon, TAKE ME AWAY!!!! The kids are battling again! The oldest won't play with the youngest, one or the other isn't playing right or fair, and all I hear all day long..."I'm hungry and there's nothing to eat!" Really?! I cook 3 meals a day, bake like I have a business doing so, and the pantry is still somewhat full?! There's nothing to eat? I am hooking my MP3 player in my pocket, and putting in BOTH ear buds! I can't handle one more argument today! I have finally gotten the kitchen looking respectable again, and start to fold laundry. Oh look, a pair of socks and 2 shirts that didn't make it to the laundry basket. They get throw in a pile by the door. I look out the door and wonder when my desk became 2 foot deep and why I didn't notice before now. Back to laundry. It only took me an hour to get it all folded, now can I get it put away? Shit, there goes that F*%$ing phone again! Really, how many times of calling and me telling them that they have a wrong number, before they quit calling?! I get our towels put up and wonder if I could just hide in my closet for a day and escape the chaos that has become my life. I really don't like the constant cleaning, and it really takes fun out of everything! The princess is yelling for a snack again, oh and something else to drink. BUT we can't use the same cup, because the cat knocked it on the floor. Shit, I need to finish cleaning that up! Damn, Damn, Damn....the koolaid in on the rug AND the wall. Is it possible to hear your hair turning gray? I think I can hear it! That mess is cleaned up, but the dog has now dug in the trash and it's all over the kitchen floor.

OMG! Will this day ever end?! I get that cleaned up, look at the clock and cuss again. It's 3:30, supper was supposed to have been in the crock pot by noon, and now it's going to have to go in the roaster and in the oven. Now, I have to chop onion, garlic, cut up the meat, wash and cut potatoes, and get it all in the oven before 4. Phew, just made it. I don't have anything made for dessert. I think I will take a smoke break and look through my recipes. Crap! There's nothing to drink. I yell for my oldest to come out of his room(do all teenagers hide out in their rooms?) and ask him to make tea and Koolaid. He gets the Koolaid made and starts the first pot of tea, and disappears. An hour later, I finally yell for him again to finish the tea. In the meantime, I have found a few yummy sounding dessert recipes. Now, it's a quest to see if I have all the ingredients. Damn it!!!!! I have parts of each, but not everything for 1 single recipe. I really need to get groceries! I guess it's the ole fall back of boxed brownies. Oh well, I'll doctor them up with caramel and chocolate chips! In the oven they go, tea is finally done, and I finally have something to drink. Shit! It's 5:30! The hubs will be pulling in anytime, the folded laundry is still on the bed, supper is still not done, the sink has dishes multiplying in it, and the entire house is a mess again! How the hell did that happen!!!!! It's a flight of the bumble bee, to at least pick it up a little again. I think I could sweep the floor 10 times a day, instead of 3, and it would still have shit all over it! It's 6, hubs is home, everyone is hungry and I forgot about the brownies. Just a little crisp on the favorite but the kids will cut the edges off. Supper is finally ready, I get the princess' out to cool, and yell for the guys to fix their plates. They fill their plates, the princess is eating and I finally get my plate and set it on the table. Before I can sit down, the princess needs something to drink, the salt and pepper aren't on the table, there aren't any napkins on the table and the dog thinks she needs a plate up there too. I finally get to eat barely luke warm food. I am still finishing up and everyone else has left the table. The hubs is camped out in his chair, the teenager is holed up in his room and the princess is who knows where. I need to check on her...quiet is not good! Found her...dragging more stuff to the table. I take my plate to the kitchen, and breath. Well, there goes the television, the computer, my teenagers television and now my phone, again. Does it ever just STOP?! Supper needs put up, dessert needs covered, dishes need done, and I just found more clothes that need washed. It's 7 pm, in just about 4 hours, I might be able to go to bed! The hubs is snoring in his chair with the noise box blaring(TV), the princess has the computer speakers blaring to hear it over the TV, and the teenager is locked in his room again. It's 9 pm, and I tell the princess to start picking up, and get ready for bed. This battle will continue for at least 2 more hours. Hubs wakes up long enough to yell at the princess that it's time for bed, and can hardly get the entire sentence out before he's snoring again. She closes down the computer and ventures to the couch WITH HER TABLET! OMG! Can children today survive without some kind of technology?! I am running on fumes, and half my to-do list was untouched, none of my school work got completed, and I still need to finish getting the kids school work ready so we can start the middle of the month. I yell again to turn off the damn tablet, it's's also, 10:30. I sit down and start looking at some recipes, making a grocery list, making my to-do list somewhat functional, yell again, take a few minutes to look at Facebook, and think that I don't need to watch television or soap's all on Facebook! I have been smoking like a chimney for the past 4 hours and I'm wondering if I need to smoke more or start drinking again. It's now 11:30, hubs woke up long enough to put supper up, cover the brownies, and yell at the princess again...I think she ignored him. I have a growing grocery list, and the monthly budget is looking like something out of a horror movie. I really need to finish my schooling and start working! I would love a new pair of shoes, a couple new outfits, some new cooking pans, and some new dishes. I really need to start thinking about the end of the year expenses: a trip to see my family & friends, house insurance, Christmas and taxes. We aren't going to make it to the zoo this year. There just isn't time or money to do, I really wanted to go to! Oh well, maybe next year. Another cigarette while waiting for the princess to go to sleep, I think I dozed off for a minute. It's almost 1 am! No cigarette, I'm too tired and lost my patience about 3 hours ago. That's it, go to bed now, or no technology will remain in this house! Shut off the tablet, and lay down!!!!! Finally, I think she got the drift! I shake hubs to tell him I'm going to bed, and get a lot of grumbling, and he turns the other way. Ok, whatever, I go to bed. I lay down ready to drop and guess what? I CAN'T GO TO SLEEP! All the stuff I didn't get done is playing through my head. All the stuff I need to get to get done is piling up. Ok, I am taking 2 minutes to meditate, and breath deep! Phew,, it's time for sleep!

***While this has been funny to write, this is my days....minus any schooling! My thoughts, my actions, the constant ADD that seems to envelope me with the cluttered state my house is in, the battles with the's all part of it. While not everyday is this crazy...most are! Hopefully, you all will find the humor in this, as I am learning to. I still haven't kicked the smoking habit...but I am still trying. It will happen, eventually! Another little side note here...nothing in this chaotic day, includes any of the extended family issues, the day-to-day farm life issues, or any trips/visitors! This is just a typically day in my life - what goes on and my thoughts.***


1 comment:

  1. If I might make a suggestion: have you ever read through I prefer to set a timer for 10 minutes and that's all the time I get in a room. (otherwise, I obsess over it). I've also started room cleaning cards for the kids: white for every day chores (timer gets set, consequence for dawdling), yellow for paid chores (things like dusting, clearing cobwebs, matching socks, price negotiated). Things like bedroom/making beds/putting away laundry are not chores or paid, they are routine and expected. We also rearranged our laundry room to accommodate everyone's dressers. So now I only have to visit 2 bathrooms and the laundry room to take care of laundry. I have a washing day and a folding day, twice a week only. Too much to get both done in one day. And I've started making the kids personally responsible for ANY and ALL messes they make, with consequence. I'm not a maid. We also do tv/computer/video games ONLY on the weekend (or occasional rainy day). At first it was a fight every single day, but now they don't even ask until Saturday and their bedroom HAS to be clean and their chores/school work finished first. I totally feel your pain and frustration with the housework. But I've decided that there are just too many of us and too many household chores for me to have to do all of it by myself. Good luck getting it all sorted out!
