Wednesday, June 19, 2024

June 19th Update


June 19,2024

I don't believe a week 2 of Monday's would be complete without a warning from social media that I am being warned again about "community standards." So, Here we updates in a blog. 

Last week was basically like Groundhog Day, every single day was a repeat of the last. This week, has been more of the same...except the treat of eating out when we got groceries...ended up making me sick, and today is the first day my stomach isn't rolling and making me physically sick. It is more of the same this week though. Feel like crap, do what I can, throw in stupid heat and humidity, a mind in constant motion, need to work in the garden(it's too damned hot, and throw in hot flashes...and it's like an inferno outside), not sleeping well, BUT I have continued to take stock in all the blessings I do have. That may be the only reason I haven't gone bat shit crazy yet. Or, maybe I have and I'm just in denial...I mean, if our resident vegetable can deny being senile, and claim to be competent; I'm in great shape!

So, I have gone through both gardens in the last few days. I am disappointed that for 3 years now, I can not get green beans to grow worth a crap. I am going to try one more time, in a different location. The cabbage is looking pretty wimpy, and lack of rain means getting the hose out to help all the plants until we get some more. I decided to try some container gardening this develop a few more skills. In one container is cherry tomatoes...they have grown to almost my height and are covered in flowers. Another container is an heirloom German Pink tomato plant, it's about 3 foot tall and getting ready to flower. I have a container of peppermint that looks amazing right now. Other containers have chives, cilantro, Italian basil, sweet basil, sage and oregano. While most look ok, the cilantro is not doing to so good. In the garden, the radishes have really set on and need to be picked again. The leaf lettuce is up and growing, which is another vegetable I haven't been able to get to grow in the ground for a couple of years. I actually planted watermelon, cantaloupe and pumpkins this year(a first for a lot of years), and they all appear to doing good. Other vegetables that are doing good: corn, kidney beans, horticulture beans, beets, sunflowers, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, sweet onions and even a single zucchini plant. I have a lot of empty space in the garden this year...not because I am not planting, but because I decided to scale back. I didn't plant 40+ tomatoes this year. I didn't plant 30+ peppers this year, or 8 rows of corn. All but one of our kids is now on their own, in their own homes. So, our daily use of foods has decreased dramatically. Although they all know they will have access to canned foods if they need it, I don't have as much being used up as quickly. Going through the main pantry, there are several areas where the supply has gotten low over the winter. Those are easy enough to refill. This year though, I can do some experimenting, and expanding in other areas; soups, meats, drying vegetables, and trying some new things since the 3 of us are less picky. Frozen watermelon is such an awesome treat and is great for adding to a glass of water. Saving pumpkin puree, drying pumpkin seeds, and even making some jack-o-lanterns if we get enough. I personally love cantaloupe and there hasn't been room in the gardens for years to grow vine crops. The fruit trees and grapes this year are pretty pathetic. There were lots of blooms early, but not much fruit now. One grape vine appears to be dying off completely. The strawberries did well early and are currently blooming again...if I can keep the ducks out of them. 

We are down to hearing from 3 of the veterans whose names were drawn for this year's hunt, with potentially a couple veterans that would like to attend if one of the originals can't. This veteran hunt is truly something that makes my heart happy, even if it gets a bit stressful at times. We have had some repeat veterans and some new ones over the past 5 years. We love to get to visit with both. I am working to get all the final details in place, and then getting out into fundraising 2nd least favorite part. The least favorite being the paperwork. It's important that I know and understand the laws of each state we utilize for this event, to know disabilities and equipment we may need and where to get that equipment if necessary, knowing the veterans hunting capabilities(archery or fire arm), and if there is any special needs any of our veterans have. It is imperative that I know how to spot if there is an issue, as PTSD is a very real issue, especially. Making sure that I am observant enough to catch any issues before they go to far. Sadly, sometimes things to fly under the radar until it's an issue...but I try to avoid that if possible. I want the events we host here to remain a top notch event, and for our veterans to have a wonderfully relaxing weekend. Most of our veterans have become friends to our family. 

I really despise shoddy/half assed work and efforts. So, when I do something, I try to do it and give it my all. Now, understand, I am human and I am no where near perfect! I have my moments of laziness too. Anyway, as I said in the last paragraph...I do everything within my power to make our veteran events top of the line. The attention to detail, I do this with most areas of my life. As I have gotten older, I am slowing down in my progress a little...but when I do things, I think them through, attempt to plan for contingencies and adversities. I worry for others and can usually account for a plan for every letter of the alphabet, sometimes more. A lot of times, I give everything I have, until I am so drained that I have nothing left. Then I give myself some time, and pick up again. I was raised that anything worth having, was worth working your butt off to have. I don't know if I will ever understand those that can give a half effort and move on. It makes no sense to me. I suppose when something is handed to you, and you don't have to earn it, it's easy to piss it away. 

I hope you all have a great Wednesday.

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