Thursday, June 13, 2024

Let's Chat *Trigger warning*


Let's consider, for a moment, that we - as a nation, is a captured operation.

Alright, before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, understand we are living in a world of bread and circus. The constant distractions, if you are paying attention, are obvious. 

As the entire world is aware, Donald Trump AND Hunter Biden are now convicted felons, per the initial court trials. Both have appeals to go through, that could overturn their convictions. While I believe that corruption and politics has fully guided BOTH trials, what are we being distracted from? Trump's 34 charges, per Constitutional lawyers, were mere misdemeanors and have never been tried. Biden's gun charge, lying on a federal gun application...also, if he was anyone besides a Biden, would have been a slap on the wrist, at best. So, why then is millions of TAX PAYERS DOLLARS, being used to clog the court systems, when violent, repeat criminals being allowed to walk free?

Over the past month, we are flooded with constant distractions, including these circus trials. However, no where, in ANY national news media, is the main issues being discussed? Things that are truly killing American citizens... adjusted job numbers show over 150K jobs lost in the private sector, the petrodollar contact with Saudi Arabia being allowed to expire, the complete loss of confidence in the American economy, the 8 terrorists that were allowed to cross our Southern border - that were FULLY VETTED, the millions of people that are being trafficked through our Southern border, the Northern border also having a flood of illegals, newish conversation pushing yet another pandemic(bird flu, kp3) yet nothing is being done to stop once eliminated illnesses being brought back to us by those coming in illegally. Let's not forget the thousands of lives being taken by the drugs pouring over the border, businesses shuttered because criminals are no longer being brought to justice, "experts" trying to tell the American people that we are not smart enough to understand our economy is booming, American munitions depletion to support a country that is NOT our own - while our own has been invaded for THREE YEARS. American citizens, including our veterans, are living on the streets, are going hungry, and going broke; ALL due to the politicians in DC. 

We are constantly being duped into some new division to divide our people...and those that buy into it, are inflaming the problem. Those in DC and media, have pushed division by class - white collar/blue collar, gender or the insanity of fluid gender, sexual status(which should NEVER be a public issue), abortion/IVF(again, NOT a public but a private medical issue), Trump vs. Biden, Democrat vs. Republican, religion, race and this list goes on and on. It's nonsense!!! Women fought so hard, to be recognized as equal to men...STUPID, because we are not...but they won the women's liberation movement...NOW, women are happy to allow some weak man, to compete against women. I think women have forgotten that we are not equal to men. Now, don't lose your minds here...JUST LISTEN. Men and women were created DIFFERENT for a reason. We were meant to compliment each other. Women, generally, were level headed, they were the bearers of life and home, most women are compassionate yet strong. Men are generally, hotheads. They were made to be warriors, hunters. Instead, we now have men pretending to women and vice versa. Men too weak to be warriors, and women trying to show they are strong enough not need a man. We have allowed the nuclear family units to be decimated to such a degree, that women find it to be beneath them to stay home and raise the family and make a home...while men are too weak accept their role as the bread winners of the family, and the important role having BOTH parents in the home and in the lives of the children, actually plays on society. Divorce began sky rocketing in the 80's. This created broken homes, selfish parental behaviors, "latch key kids" with little to no supervision - let alone positive role models. Yes, divorce has been around a lot longer, but it really took an uptick beginning in the early 80's. This has really depressed nearly every culture - middle & lower class, black, white and even many other cultures. I am all for equal rights - voting, careers, etc. however, if we are honest with ourselves, we have become a disposable society. 

Now, I am NOT saying: I am against gay rights - honestly, what you do behind closed doors is NONE of my business. I am NOT saying that all women are meant to be girlie, trophies...most of us are not in the all or nothing category. I am NOT saying there are not exceptions on the divorce issue. Sadly, the majority of the issues currently in the spotlight, as NOT public issues. So many of these divisions, would not even be discussed if we weren't constantly being inundated with them, as distractions from our governments corruption, lack of economic intelligence, and their constant greed for more power/control. We are constantly being told who/what we should hate, protest, support, or even wars we should/shouldn't battle. This coming from the government, the media and even many religions. So, again - another very unpopular opinion based in fact... there are biologically and genetically only 3 genders. Yes, there are 3. Based on the body parts you are born with, and genetic codes. Male, born with a penis. Women, born with a vagina and breasts, and the 3rd which is rarely ever discussed...a person born with both male and female reproductive parts, referred to as intersex. Period, full stop. Just because someone may "feel" like they are something different, doesn't make it so. I could pretend to be a bear...but that doesn't make me bear. We need to stop pretending. 

I do not believe that we should hate, period. I also believe we have taken political correctness to a damaging level. Just as we have done with our political system. In America, we are supposed to have a 2-party system - which goes against our original principals. The framers of our Constitution warned about this. In reality, we have a uni-party. Even though most claim to be one party or the other, they ALL are really looking after their own gains - be it financial or power. Especially evident the past 50 years, has proven that anyone that goes against either party's power or attempts to decrease their financial the villain, is slandered, or in one case that comes to assassinated. America has allowed divided loyalties. Go do your own research on how many Senators and Congressmen have more than one citizenship, how many have domestic abuse charges(that our tax dollars allow to be kept out of the news), how many have criminal records. I think you'd be as surprised as I was. As a Veterans daughter and granddaughter, I was raised there is only ONE loyalty - being an American Citizen. That doesn't mean I'm not white, coming from Irish/Scottish/German/English/Indian means I am an American citizen, which means MY country comes first, as do ALL her people - whether they are white, black, red, brown or purple! In my belief system, American citizens are not determined by their color - since we all bleed red, it is determined by your efforts to keep America great for all her people...not just the upper 1%. It means that our Constitution is absolute, no infringement on any Amendment is a valid law. Which means there are an awful lot of Congress, Senate and Presidents that have broken the laws of our land and deserve the status of Traitors. 

Concluding my opinions today, I believe that a lot of issues I've written about today are just the start. Our education system, has veered away from actual education and become about activism. Not all, before someone gets bent out of shape...but a LOT of it. Our young people are not being taught to question or use critical thinking. They are being told what to think, feel and in many cases being lied to. Too many people believe their feelings are more important that facts. Too many people are so engrossed into the circus we have been told is life - they can't wrap their brains around anything, let alone think critical and do any research for themselves. If they did, they would have seen it announced January 20, 2021, that there was a successful transition to military power, that everything that happened on inauguration day was not even close to how the military has handled any other inauguration. Veterans would recognize the fake uniforms, the lack of unity and understand the canon fire at Arlington on that day. America has lost so much common sense, while being lost in the matrix.

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