Sunday, June 28, 2020

I'm tired of politics!

Before I get into my thoughts, I am going to say, God Bless The United States of America! The one country in the world that people flock to, in order to demand the same laws and behaviors of the countries they flee.

Let me say this first and foremost. I have received some very derogatory messages and I am going to tell right from my own mouth what I am. I have great respect for people, even if their beliefs are different from mine, when we can just respectfully agree to disagree. I believe each one of us have excellent opportunities to accomplish great things if we are willing to work for them. I do not believe in handing out participation trophies to those who do not are either willing to work your hardest to be number one...or you keep working and trying until you are. I do not believe in labeling everything from race to relationships to political party crap. I don't care if your skin is black, white, red, brown, green or purple; you are an AMERICAN. I don't care if you straight, gay, lesbian or trans; it doesn't make you anymore special than anyone else. You love who you love...just enjoy each other be done. I do not believe that giving up even ONE of our liberties is EVER ok! I think every person has a unique ability within themselves that is supposed to benefit our world; too many have just been told that because they may look a little different from someone else or may believe a little different from someone else...too many have been told that that makes them better or worse...WRONG!!! It makes us unique, it makes us a value. Just imagine what we could accomplish as a citizenship united instead of divided!

I do my best to stay out of all the pathetic online bickering about one party or another. Honestly, the left-wing and the right-wing, are still part of the SAME bird. They all have their good and bad points. However, I am DONE with the hatred, destruction, violence and ignorance that is happening. Those creating the destruction and the violence, are CRIMINALS! There are millions of young people protesting, PEACEFULLY! Those people have been overshadowed and been drowned out by the thugs. The Constitution of America, fully states that people have the right to peaceful protest, the key word here is PEACEFUL! There are many people doing precisely that. I may not agree with their protest, but they are peaceful and are embracing their rights. The criminal, pieces of shit that are burning down buildings, destroying our historical statues, breaking into businesses, killing people, and beating people(civilian and police); deserve LIFE in prison with NO chance to ever reenter society!

Although I have personally become a verbal battering ram for some, and would NEVER treat anyone disrespectfully without cause, somewhere along the way, they decided I was racist. Huh, ok....Let's talk about this a bit. Racism, by definition, "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized." This was taken directly from a dictionary. So, let's just play devils advocate for a minute. Saying Black Lives Matter...that is a racial statement. Saying that ALL white people deserve to be hung from a racial statement. So, how is this supposed protest, that has been developing for the past nearly 4 years, been allowed to play out? Everyone wants to pull out a racist card, for every single event that doesn't go exactly how they want it to go. All I am seeing is a bunch of spoiled, rotten, brats behaving like they don't have a lick of sense.

Every single life on this planet serves a purpose. It does not matter your skin color, your age, your sexual preference, or your religion. When you believe that one life matters MORE than another, you are the problem. If black lives truly mattered, why are they burning down businesses of other black people? Why are they looting and destroying their own black communities? Why are they murdering their unborn babies? Come on people WAKE UP!

I have truly struggled to keep my mouth shut. I will not argue over political view points, there is no sense in it. People will only believe what they are capable of believing. I will not debate one party or another...THEY ARE ALL THE SAME!!!! The biggest majority of elected politicians have been in power for 10 plus years, they are there for the money, greed, control and power. THEY DO NOT GIVE 2 CENTS ABOUT THEIR CONSTITUENTS! Open your damned eyes! You want to know who the true evil is....LOOK AT OUR CONGRESS! While I am not a huge Trump fan, how on earth can ANYONE blame a man that has NEVER held a political office, and only held a Presidency for 3 1/2 years; for issues that have been happening in our country for 20 plus years?! Give me a break! How about we fix the problem of too many career politicians and go back to the intended policy of CITIZEN POLITICIANS?! You serve your term and go back home to work just like the rest of us! No more getting paid for life, no more special benefits or healthcare because you are supposed to be serving your country, no more laws passed that exclude our politicians from having to follow them!

I truly believe to each their own. I have always believed that it takes all kinds to make this world the incredible place it is. I have had some pretty incredible people in my life. Many from all different forms of life. My own heritage has given me a major eye opening experience. While I am American, as were my parents, grandparents and great grandparents; my heritage spans what my grandmother used to refer to as a "Heinz 57" mix. While I love learning more about my heritage, and some of the traits I know span generations, I am American. My heritage includes German, Irish, Native American and English...just to name a few. While knowing these traits and history are important so we DO NOT repeat history, too many are battling to be something-American. You are either American or you're not! Period!

This bullshit of having to label everything, and use that label to think you are more special than the next is childish! Every single one of us is special in our own way. Why must people think they are the only person/group that is special? Personally, I don't understand why we can't celebrate our own uniqueness, and value every life?! Every skin color has had a form of slavery or disparaging act. The Irish slave were treated like trash and were considered disposable. African slave were sold by other Africans at a higher dollar because they were more valuable. Native Americans were murdered, raped, had their land stolen...AND TO THIS DAY, ARE STILL TREATED THE SAME WAY! I have heard so much talk about losing religious freedoms. Well, again, this is a right in our Constitution but hey...that's a history lesson and I have been personally informed that people do not need history lessons...I disagree! I believe people need not only history lessons, but renewed education in civics, government and responsibility.

I personally do not care if you are black, white, red, brown, green or purple; I don't care if you are straight, gay, lesbian, democrat or republican...if you treat me with respect, I will treat you with respect. I do not follow a religious guideline, they, too, are too hypocritical for me. I believe we each have rights, but we each have responsibilities too. Our citizens have become too wrapped up in playing the games of the career politicians. Quit letting these greedy, controlling, and power hungry politicians continue to bait each of us against the other. We are all better than this. Pay attention...they do not want a citizenship that stands together. They can't push their agendas to keep lining their own pockets when we all come together as one. They are constantly pulling the strings of one labeled group or another; just to keep society in an uproar and too many are buying in to it. What have these politicians done for you in their 20 plus years in office? Is your community better? Your community growing and becoming more economically sound? Have your elected officially worked to get your taxes lower or improve your infrastructure or keep your water sources pure? You want to know what these career politicians HAVE done? They have passed a tons of laws meant to keep our citizens under control, while excluding themselves from having to follow these laws. They have INCREASED their pay checks while we the hard working citizens of this country have struggled to make ends meet for over 40 years! They have forced supposed "safety" measures that have ended up costing Americans even more of those hard earned dollars. They have spent 40 plus years running our National Debt to the current 24 TRILLION dollar mark. People, this amount of money can not be repaid with the out of control spending by ALL BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT! Now, we have cities begging for millions from the federal government to rebuild after THEY allowed the rioting, looting and destruction to happen....BULLSHIT!!! You can't keep law & order in your's your responsibility to find a way to fix YOUR mess! People, we better open our eyes! Each of us is being played like a fine tuned violin. BOTH political parties have managed to divide and conquer. We better come together, and demand accountability from our elected officials...FROM BOTH PARTIES!!! We are expected to budget, and be sensibile with our's time Washington, D.C. is required to do the same!

I think it's time for each of us to step up. We need to be respectful to each other. Quit labeling everything and just "be." All these special "pride" moments, are further dividing us. Imagine if every single division had a "pride" moment...white, black, hispanic/latino, gay, straight, etc. Give me a break! Live your life to the fullest, do incredible acts that help your communities instead of tearing them apart, lead by example. Show pride in yourself. Instead of walking in public dressed like you crawled out of bed, or lost your damned belt, or being half naked in public...dress the way you want to be treated...if you dress your best, you be treated that way...I learned this when I was very young. You want respect, treat others with respect. It may take a bit for some to realize this is the only way to unite our citizens, but it will work. Turn off the television, turn off social media, and get involved in your local communities. They need us more than ever. The best and most lasting changes will come about from making our families whole again, making our communities safer and growing our local and national economic status. It's obvious that those elected to congress do not care(on either side of the isle), so it is up to our citizens to do the right thing. Get out there to community meetings. A friend did this! While we have differing opinions in the political world, I am super proud of what she did. She saw a need, and stepped up! She got involved, she ran for an elected office. Although she did not win, she did pretty damned good and I look forward to her getting in there again! Instead of all the division, we need to relearn to communicate. Not to argue, but have true and productive conversations...even if we disagree, we CAN find a way to work together to accomplish the goals we all know need to happen.

Another thought, I was briefly online yesterday when a story popped up. Our President is wanting businesses to return to hiring for skills instead of singly on degrees. THIS, I fully agree with. There are so many truly skilled and talented people in our society, and many have become very discouraged because they do not have a college degree. You can have a wall full of degrees, and the only thing that says to me is that you are book does not necessarily make you any smarter than those with experience and no degree. I think this country has spent more than 20 years pushing the college degree, which amounts to mountains of debt, and not enough skilled trades. If you want to go to college and get a degree...great! I wish you only the best. If you don't want to go to college, and instead you want to get into the work force and learn a trade...great! College is not meant for everyone.

I will quit rambling for now. While the whole wanting world peace is an amazing pipe dream...I want people to succeed. I want families to be whole, I want communities to grow and thrive, I want our citizens to live/love/coexist in peace. I want people to stop labeling everything and just live your best life. I want people to see in more than just black and white...there are too many grey areas for such nonsense. Be respectful and kind to EVERYONE you meet...we all fight battles no one knows about. If these criminals are destroying your communities, you have a responsibility to stop them! Stop being offended by everything,it's real easy to just ignore the offense, and live your life. Some people believe different than you, and that really is ok. The government couldn't even run a brothel without bankrupting it, you can be assured they should NEVER run anything of importance! It's time for responsibility from every citizen to follow our constitution, to keep law & order, to quit destroying our historical does not change history anyway, and start behaving - as a unified citizenship against the puppet strings of these politicians. IF you see someone that needs help, HELP THEM! If you see something genuine and positive in someone, TELL THEM! If you see something that could be made better, WORK TOWARDS THAT!

Knock off all the political back and forth...all it is doing is further dividing us, which has been the theme of politics for 50 years. We, as a nation, are better than this. It's time we all take the stand to make our country the best on earth, instead of the constant laughing stock it has become.