Friday, April 29, 2022

Let's Talk


The past year, I have battled with a nagging gut feeling that I could not put a finger on. Sometimes, it would ease, but not go away. When that happens, I know something is trying to get my attention. With the whirlwind that goes on in my brain, I understand why catching and holding onto a single thought sometimes takes awhile. I am not small or narrow minded, I think locally and globally. I am not an expert on anything, but I have knowledge of a lot of areas. Therefore, a single thought...just rarely happens. 

I have spent the course of a decade, working to make my family as self-sufficient as possible. We live very rural, so part of that is due to our geographical location. The other part, however, felt like a need. You will find I "feel" things, and that is my gut/intuition trying to push me toward my path in life. I have felt/intuitively believed that we needed to be a majority self-sufficient and not dependent on much. With a 2 year pause, it set back my intuitive knowing of where we needed to be. I've been playing catch up now for 4 years...and we still are not there. With that said, I am at a dead run to get where we need to be as quickly as possible now. 

I know many will take the rest of this blog as political, but I can promise you, it's not. There are 2 sides but it's not R vs. D.  It's government vs. the people. So, understand that. I do not want to get off course here, so moving on!  I have spent YEARS, telling people to always keep some sort of food supply. I usually start reminding people in the Fall, for the Winter months. However, right now, if you don't have a minimum of 6 months of supply of food, water, supplies, etc. you better get to hopping! While the MSM is all wrapped up in the Depp trial, they are neglecting to inform the people of the supply chain mess. As of the last time I checked, China had shut down it's 2 major ports - Shanghai, and Bejing. There tens of thousands or more, ships camped out; not able to get in or out of those ports. Such a large portion of the goods and even food, we have today is being shipped from China. Do you understand what this means for our supplies here in the states? It means, as shelves empty, there is NOTHING coming into our ports to replenish those empty shelves. Sure, the backlog of ships in our own ports have diminished, that is because there are no more coming in! Use your heads! Whether this is deliberate or not is not of my concern. My concern is We The People! Are you and your family, your pets - will you survive the fallout? 

Recently, I shared a video on my social media, once I shared it with my family. I was pretty irritated by their response, so I can only imagine how few others actually watched it and took action. You can binge watch NetFlix but you can't watch an hour video on things to consider to make sure you and your family survive whatever chaos is coming down the pike? You can watch hours of NCIS or whatever, but can't sit still enough to watch a video of importance?! Herein lies the problem with so many. For several generations, we have had it easy! We have always had an abundance. We have had things at our fingertips for 30+ years. We have been able to consume till our hearts are content. Do any of you remember just 2 years ago, when the toilet paper shelves were empty? Do you remember how many people were in panic mode?! Imagine, that 100 fold bigger, when the actual food is disappearing! Imagine not being able to feed your kids, grandkids, or pets! Imagine being given a ration as they did just 2 years ago. What would you do if you could only buy 1 or 2 cans of vegetables, and 1 or 2 pounds of meat. Personally, I will not be standing in a breadline...and before I get grief, you all have no idea how close we are! When economists are stating we are in a recession, food processing plants are catching on fire or having planes flown into them, ships are stopped coming out of China, and our fuel supply costs are doubled from just 18 months ago. You better be getting your head on right. I'm not saying to go out and become a prepper with years of supplies. I am saying you better plan for a minimum of 6 months. Even when the Chinese open up there ports, we are looking at the minimum of 6 months to replenish what we get. So, you are looking at about a year of supplies. For most of us, that isn't possible - between our financial status and actual's not necessarily realistic. Even though it should be. 

I am a huge supporter of growing and raising your own foods, preserving them, and buying locally produced foods. However, I am not above buying items that have a long shelf life. Meaning, canned goods, boxed goods, dried foods; those types of things. In the video I shared, there were a lot of great ideas that not everyone would think of, some even I didn't. I know there are several that will be slow on the uptake, but I hope you will start now - even if it's just $20 a week in items you can stock pile. Here's a few things that I personally, believe should be on the list of items to start stocking up on:

Canned goods - (soups, vegetables, stews), water - (bottled and gallons), first aid supplies, pet & livestock foods/minerals, veterinary supplies, paper products - (no, don't make a shortage of toilet paper again - but figure out what you go through in a month and pick up a package every week till you reach where you need to be - paper cups/plates if you use them, storage containers/bags, paper towels), coffee or your go to beverages(coffee, tea bags, filters, etc.), spices(you can store these in air-tight containers for months, sugar, salt, flour, corn starch, and even canned goods can be made palatable with some spice), seeds, gardening tools(even if you plant in containers, having hand tools will help), cleaning supplies - no matter what is happening in the world, we feel better when there is cleanliness - household and body! 

This is a short list! Start learning who your local farmers/gardeners are! There are so many that are happy to sell directly and cut out the middlemen. Learn the art of bartering. Become friends with your local farmers/gardeners, egg lady, and those that have a skill you don't. If you are in a relationship - stop behaving like a loath and become a partner in the prep work. If you have children, include them - even if that means dragging them kicking and screaming. We are in some seriously troubling times, and the economic outlooks are looking worse by the day! It's time we are all going back to our roots and using a more productive than consumable mind set. Start researching depression era recipes and lessons learned during that time. There is some incredible sources for both online! 

Folks, we need to be proactive. We need to prepare for the worst and pray for the best. Start preparing your pantries for as long of a span as you can, as quickly as you can. You may be able to use those extra items to barter or trade with, if need be. You may be able to help someone else, down the road with whatever extras you can get now. Think about your own family, and your neighbors. It's past time to pull our heads out of the sand. It's time to get busy, to get prepared; so we can weather the storm that is here and the bigger storm that is knocking at our doors. 

Many blessings!


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Coffee Chat


Good Morning, Ya'll!!! I have a laundry list I want to chat about today. I hope you'll stay with me through this! Just in case, Make this day count!! Be kind!! 

Anyone that knows me, knows that I love to learn! Homeschooling my children was truly one of the BEST decisions I have ever been forced to make. While it became my charge to educate these amazing young people, it forced me to start relearning, myself. It actually took me on a path of learning far beyond my wildest dreams. Not just in the areas of the generalized education but more so into fields of study that are NOT taught to our young people - BUT SHOULD BE! There are too many areas to remember off the top of my head, but slowing down enough to see the world through a lense, learning the different plants - which one are poison and which one are edible, gestation periods for everything from chickens to sheep to cows, the anatomy of these livestock and how to help the birthing process along, how to use plants for healing, how to make food from scratch, how to raise and grow food, how to preserve food, and so much more. I'm not going to say this is easy, because God knows, there are days I want to pull out my hair! It so far beyond worth it, that those rough days are few and far between. No, I don't socialize my children. They learn to interact with people of all ages, from every walk of life, and they develop their own opinions. They learn to think for themselves, through critical thinking, instead of having a mass mindset. It has been a journey of them learning to observe, listen, educate themselves, and develop their own thought process; in every area of life. 

I could go on for days about the value of parents being their children's educators, but I won't. I know there are many people that disagree with this. That does, however, bring me another subject. When did it become acceptable for people to judge the way other's live? I know, this has gone on for eons. It just seems that lately, these keyboard warriors now have a means to say something online or through the telephone, that they wouldn't have the backbone to say in person. People have become very ugly. I may not agree with other people's choices, but I am not God, therefore, who am I to judge anyone?! Can I disagree with behaviors, absolutely! Is it my job to berate someone else's beliefs? Nope! The only way I will make that judgement, is if it effects me or my family directly! Otherwise, YOU DO YOU!!! I don't know the choices you had to work with, I don't know all the details. Can I be judgemental? Good Lord, can I!!! I'm a work in progress! I am not likely to jump on someone's social media, and call out an opinion I disagree with, but I will voice my opinion, on my own social media. If you choose to jump on my personal page, and degrade/belittle/be ugly about my opinion on MY page, you will probably get called out, unless I don't find your opinion of value or I don't ever hear from you otherwise. I don't have the time or energy to deal with stupid!!! Keep your opinions to your social media. 

I have spent years trying to better myself, through a LOT of adversity. The good Lord knows, I am no where even close to perfect! However, with that mindset, that began prior to the birth of my first child, came the biggest push after my cancer and treatments, and again after almost losing my youngest child to adverse reactions to vaccines. Since then, I continually push myself to do and be better. After nearly 25 years, you'd think things would be easier. Sadly, while I have tried to better myself, I've had a lot of hiccups and outside interference that has made for several setbacks. Thus, I've had a roller coaster ride of emotions and experiences. Some incredible, some not-so-much! I took on the challenge of learning to live a completely different lifestyle than I grew up in, and honestly...I don't think I've too bad! Although, I'm still learning there too. I took a path that was not "typical" almost every single time; the road didn't seem to make sense to the direction I wanted to go. I didn't want to follow the masses. The "M" is typically silent. Has it made life tougher? Oh, hell yes!! Especially, when you catch grief from nearly every direction. Has it been worth it, to this point? Oh My God, YES!!!! 

I know so many "homesteaders" and we are all receiving so much grief for what we do, and how we live. Typically, from people that still follow the news, or think they still have freedom and haven't realized that in less than a year...they could basically starve to death because the supply chain is already halted. I talk about my little farm, a lot! We are not big farmers, nor are we hobby farmers. Homesteaders are working towards self-sufficiency, we are working to care for our families, neighbors, communities. We don't just produce lip service to the theory of God, Family, Country. It's who we are. It doesn't matter the religion, the region or any other divisive terms used by government. It is our calling, it is in our hearts and on our minds 24/7. We understand what working our asses off means. It means spending 6 months preparing for every "what if" of the next 6 months. For many, it means working an 8-9 hour job, then coming home and working another 6-8 hours or more on the home place. It means late night/early morning calls from neighbors needing help....and actually being there to help, at a moments notice! It means helping those that can't help themselves. It means trying to show others, by example, of how life once was. It means no vacations, no frivolous purchases, and learning to manage with bare minimum. The best example I've heard, from Patara at Appalacia's Homestead - "people living in the Appalacia region didn't know there was a depression until after it was over, because that was how they always lived." When you learn to live with bare minimum, taking care of your family, neighbors, community and living off the land; the outside world has little effect on your life. Living in the ways of past days, isn't stupid! It's the smartest way to live. You know all those empty store shelves...the ones fixing to get emptier? My family will still have food to eat. It may not be what we want, or the Starbucks Coffee drinks my daughter and I splurge on...but we will not starve to death! I know, I have heard it locally...and through other homestead videos, all these people talking about just going out to hunt wildlife when there isn't meat in the grocery stores. Guess what, YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE, has the same thoughts. What's that going to mean? It means a bunch of desperate, hungry idiots all out in the woods with guns or fishing poles, fighting it out. You heads for more than a hat rack!! While you're at are you going to clot a gun shot wound or open lesion without a first aid kit or hospital? Do you know what plants do exactly that?  I seriously doubt it! What are you going to do if you get sick, and there's no medicine to get? What about your precious pets? What are you going to do when there's no pet food left at the stores? How are you going to feed them? My hope is that you won't just let them starve! For those with livestock, how are you going to get feed, if there's no crops due to fertilizer shortage, and no crops can be grown? 

So, let's run with that last thought for a minute! Shortages...we are all seeing them. If you're not, you need to pull your head out of the sand, you're not an ostrich! There are several articles in Zero Hedge, about this subject of shortages. Union Pacific railroad reducing shipments of fertilizer through the spring planting season, is just one. So, let's just break this down. Reduced fertilizer for crops that now require it, just to produce. Shortage on fertilizer = shortage of grains. What do these grain shortages mean for us, the consumer? Think about what grain goes into: foods - cereals, breads, pet foods. Grain for livestock - cattle, horses, sheep, chickens, dogs, cats. This means that farmers won't be able to use fertilizers, afford fertilizers or seed, and guess what? THAT EFFECTS EVERY SINGLE PERSON ALIVE! That means the bare shelves you see today, will look like a smorgasbord, in about 8 months! If that long. Still on the subject of shortages, let's look at our supply chain. It's a mess, we've all heard's even on the fake news. Through the big, bad illness, we heard about all the back log of ships sitting in our ports to unload. Are you aware that China, where the majority of our products now come from, has shut down their ports?! Shanghai, one of their biggest ports, has THOUSANDS of ships, anchored because they can NOT load. What does that mean for supplies to the USA? It means in 6 months or less, our store shelves WILL BE empty! 

So, let's think logically for just a minute. I know I am just one of thousands that have been preaching about keeping a minimum of a 6 month supply of necessities. Is it going to take some "journalist" to tell you it's ok to prepare yourself for whatever hardships are coming? If that's what it's going to take, I am sorry. That will probably be too late. Where are the supposed leaders of religious communities during this? Why are the preachers not telling their congregations to prepare themselves? Are they not supposed to be looking out for them?! Realistically, where is our elected leadership or even local community leaders urging their citizens to prepare? Ya'll, if you are waiting for some kind of giant billboard or flashing light as a sign....let this be it!!! I can tell you, I get all kinds of B.S. for my preaching, for my urging and frankly...I have taken it to heart from time to time. I, along with many others, have had enough. If you want to starve to death, I guess that is your choice. If you are not attempting to boost your pantry-even if it's just a handful of things every week, if you haven't learned to grow and preserve your own food, if you are laughing at those of us stating the are in a world of trouble, friend! I've grown tired of preaching to deaf ears. If you want to learn, if you want to hear suggestions, I will gladly share all I can! IF you choose to remain willfully ignorant, and just run off with your head, sit down, shut up and move on! My family will not starve, my animals will not starve, and I will defend my family/farm till they pry the still smoking gun from cold dead fingers!!!

So, I had great plans to keep this lite, but I'm pissed! I gave to much credit to the ability of people to see patterns that have resulted in hardships for the average Americans, for DECADES. Instead, people are turning a blind eye and depending on a government or person to come rescue them. Go ask the Native Americans how that worked for them. I have had to readjust my own spirit from too much stupidity and ignorance that touched my life. However, you can bet your ass, I am healing and coming back stronger and more determined, than ever! So, while I get my spirit right with God, and within, I'm going to end today with a blessing of peace, love, light and everyone finding the sign they need to protect themselves and their loved ones during these times of turmoil. 

God Bless!

Monday, April 25, 2022

Salli's Soap Box


Typically, my soap boxes are politically motivated. Today, we are going to do something a bit different. Thanks to my amazing cousin/friend, I have been once again, inspired. She shared a video, that put some of my thoughts into words, fortunately the lady was super sweet and, she has a lot more tact than I tend to have. Although, I agree with her with my whole heart. I will share the link to her video, since I'm not yet comfortable to get in front of a camera! 

I have spent the past 11 years, learning how to live on a farm and all that entails. I didn't grow up this way, I didn't even know how to really cook when I moved to Missouri, I sure as hell didn't have a clue about how to plan or prepare home grown foods, how to cook anything from scratch, let alone how to plan a menu and shop for a months worth of food at a time. I was a town kid. We just went to the store, the shelves were always full, and bought what we needed, when we needed it. As the sweet lady in video spoke...I found myself nodding my head and actually saying out loud, "Thank GOD!! Someone else gets it! Maybe people will listen to her, as I have spent a decade trying to get people to listen to me!" Here's the thing. I don't know about all parts of America, but I know in my part of the midwest, shelves are thin to bare. Fuel prices have doubled in less than 2 years, land prices have also doubled in less than 2 years, the cost to raise and grow your own foods have nearly doubled in 2 years, and grocery prices DO rise daily! That's IF you can get products. 

If you can't see this disaster happening, you have a massive problem. It's not about being doom and gloom. It's about being prepared, being knowledgeable, it's about making sure you can feed your family when those grocery shelves are bare. There is no knight in shining armour that will come save your ass. This falls on each of our shoulders. It means using our heads for more than hat racks! And for some, what is going to happen when you can't go to a food pantry or charity because they don't have food either?! These are real true issues. Instead too many are not thinking logically. They are spending frivolously and not making any effort to think beyond the current moment. However, those will be the same people crying on the news because there is no food left, there is no help. 

I don't believe that everyone is cut out for the gardening, or food preservation. However, there are options. Local farmers markets, local meat producers, local dairy producers, local orchard owners, and/or learning to barter or trade again. Many of us, especially the homesteaders, have been preparing for this moment for years. We saw the writing on the wall, even through times that weren't quite so bad. We learned how to be prepared, we learned how to plan for extended periods of time between grocery runs, we learned to prepare food from scratch, we learned how to barter for needed items. Many that homestead, would be willing to sell produce, eggs, etc. right from the farm and cut out all middlemen. It saves you money and it saves us money. It allows a free flow of money within our immediate communities. Plus you are getting farm fresh items. 

With the cost of fuel increasing significantly, I wonder how people will manage. I know the video discusses this too. I can only tell you the experience, right here on our little farm, is not well! The $195 diesel fuel that we operate our machinery with, is now $643. That would now mean, the cost of purchasing our bales of hay, is now going to have to increase at the very least, two-fold. The cost of the lambs, has now increased due to the cost of feed, hay, mineral, and the trucking cost to get them to the market. The egg market, mentioned in the video, is also increasing due to the increased cost of feed. Are we seeing a pattern yet?! That is just figuring in the increase in the cost of fuel. This does not figure in the cost of fertilizer, the cost of utilities, the cost of net wrap, the cost of busted tractor/baler parts, the increase in the cost of seeds, plants, or anything else. JUST THE COST INCREASE OF FUEL!

So, what do you think is going to happen to those prices at your favorite food center? Guess what? They will be going up, even more than they already have! Just think about the small change even at the dollar store...$1 items, have increased to $1.25. Oh it's just a quarter, right?! WRONG! That is a quarter on every single item you buy. Buy 40 items, that's $10. Now, let's put that to food. A few cent increase per item, just increased your grocery budget $10, or more. In my budget, it's increased my grocery budget by over $200...already! How the hell are people going to be able to survive these outlandish prices? There will be some small communities that step up to help the neighbors and friends, but cities aren't that, even bigger towns aren't that way. How is a single mother going to make ends meet with the cost of everything increasing, including her taxes, yet her income isn't? How are senior citizens, living on fixed incomes going to weather? How are these farmers going fare when they can't fertilize, they have take out yet another loan for operating, when their crops aren't able to produce without the fertilizer/chemicals to control the weeds? Where exactly do you think the prices of everything, is going? 

Are you stocked up with enough food/supplies for 6 months if need be? What if this drags out another year, 2 years, or more?! I think too many have forgotten the lessons our grandparents/great grandparents taught about how they had to live through the Depression. Too many have become lazy. Can you make a pound of meat feed 10 people? Can you prepare your household for 6 months of food, to stay alive? Or is that vacation, that new car, whatever non-necessary event out there...Could you do it? If not, you are in trouble. Serious trouble! Sadly, so many of us that homestead, have learned these traits while taking criticism from those around us for decades. We are the ones that prepare. We are the ones that, while difficult, we could weather these shortages. We are the ones that know what we can do to make sure our family, our neighbors don't starve to death. Yet, we are also the ones that have listened to others belittle us, demean us, and in some cases even go toe-to-toe with us. 

Being inspired 3 years ago now, to start researching crazy stories I was hearing, opened my eyes to a world I never knew existed. It opened my eyes to repeat patterns in history that weren't freaks of nature but instead by design. This national emergency, is no different. It's all by design. It's no coincidence. Whether you are ready to accept it or not, is not my care. My care has always been about the people in my life. It's always been about trying to open the eyes of others, so they didn't suffer when shit hits the fan. However, as much as I can try....I can only do so much. I've tried to teach others, I've tried to explain so much. It falls on deaf ears. I can't do anything about that, so I have let that go. Now, I will only focus on my own family, my neighbors, our loved ones, and our community. 

I'm going to go one step further than this amazing video. I'm going to encourage you to find a teacher! Find someone that can teach you about growing food, preserving food, managing for extended periods of time without having to make a grocery run, learning where your local farms/homesteads are, research recipes from the great depression and WRITE THEM DOWN! Learn to barter and trade! All of these things were once common knowledge. 

I need to thank Appalacia's Homestead today for her inspiring video. Once I can clear my head a little more, I will be venturing into this video area. Until then, go follow her, and so many that are like her...all of us are doing what we can to strive in times of troubled waters.



Thursday, April 21, 2022

Coffee Break


Time is sure flying by. Here we are 9 days from the end of another month. What can say so far, into this year? While there are some that seem to flit through life, and not really pay attention to anything that does slap them along side their heads...I find the term chaos to be fitting, still. 

We all know I am very opinionated. However, at this point in time, I find myself still opinionated but angry too. I can not fault anyone for trying to get through their days, to the best of their ability, but I also wonder how the average American is going to fare in the wake of destruction that is occurring. We have 40 year highs in inflation, which effects not only the value of the dollar but also utility costs, food costs, fuel costs, grain and livestock feed costs. While the average person's income is not increasing. The housing market is back to some pretty high cost, while the inflation is depleting the values and many don't even realize it. Land prices have sky rocketed, yet many are not seeing the bottom about to drop out. Meaning that land they just bought for $8000 an acre, isn't going to be worth 1/8 of that. Our stock market is being artificially held on life support. So many don't realize all that retirement you depend on by investing in the markets will be gone when it crashes, and it will. We have politicians working for themselves. They have made public service a career to increase their own wealth without any regard to the people of this nation. It truly is both sides of the political machine. We have not had a true 2-party system for decades. When did we become so compliant that we forgot what the Boston Tea Party was all about? I suppose the rate we are going, those that believe the government will take care of them, will find out how twisted that concept really is. 

This government that many are wanting to take care of them, are the ones that shuttered small business for an illness with a 96% recovery rate. It's the same ones that issued mandates that you couldn't see your loved ones for over a year...many of whom passed on, alone! The same government that closed schools around the country, and our young people have suffered an incredible decline in education since 2020. This is the same government that is now pushing racism, sexually educating our children beginning in kindergarten; instead of focusing on actual education. The same government that allowed, and financed bio-labs, against the Geneva Convention, in over 300 locations. All with our tax money. It's the same government that believes we are too stupid to manage our own lives, so they need to run them. Because they are obviously, morally superior. 

Absolute power, creates absolute corruption. Our Constitution was established to limit government intrusion, and government in general. That document, that has been the law of the land for over 200 years, is being trampled by these career idiots. We have public platforms that are now censoring free speech and in turn stopping free flowing conversations. So many have become so far leaning, in either direction, that to attempt a conversation results in temper both sides. Anything that goes against their perceived view, becomes a battle ground. Sadly, if people would just dig in a little, do a little research, they'd see how many lies we have been and are being told! We are told by the media, every single one of them spewing the same version; who we should demonize, who we should go to war with, what is wrong/right, and yet...people still blindly follow what the television says. I think if people looked into the 6 controlling companies of ALL the channels out there, you'd be amazed. 6 companies, own ALL channels, and most news print too. It's sad. 

The hardest part for me, is watching the indictments for child trafficking. Those being charged with pedophilia, and sex crimes. These are CEO's of major companies, Hollyweird celebrities, our politicians, foreign politicians, royalty, and even religious "leaders" - Disney, Banks, tech companies, etc. Yet, so many continue to support these businesses. These are crimes against humanity people. These are children, some as young as infants!! You think Epstein and Maxwell were just a freak accident? A freak show, yes...but who do you think provided all the money streams they had?! What about NXIVM and Keith Reneire? Or Allison Mack? What about Oprah and Clinton's friend, John of God that has been charged and convicted of holding women hostage, while impregnating them, then murdering them once he no longer needed them. Yes, this is a dark and terrifying subject, but you better open your eyes. Hundreds of thousands of our children annually are abducted for these freaks. Many are assulted, abused, tortured and then murdered for their sick and demented rituals. So many want to ostracize witch craft....yet you are ok with what these sick bastards are doing to our children. You better recheck your moral compass. 

I could spend days writing about my own research, but you won't believe it until you see for yourselves. I get that. However, before you start spewing talking points from the tell-a-vision, do your own digging. Get some facts. I recommend you find no less than 4 sources per subject. At least then, you should have at least one that jars a little nudge that maybe, there is more to every story. 

Educate yourselves, and turn off the noise box. All that thing does is distract you from what's important anyway!

Friday, April 15, 2022

Coffee Chat and more


I began writing these blogs years ago. When I began, you could still talk about everything without censorship, without a bunch of butt-hurt, and have actual conversations - even when you disagreed. It's incredible how much has changed in 7 years. I still write but I am more cautious of my wording, and I tend to get private messages that are not very nice, especially when I write about certain subjects. For me, I write my own beliefs. I will not discredit anyone else's but I write what I know, and many subjects I have researched to death. I do not watch television, so my information comes from research or personal knowledge. I appreciate different views, when they are educated. Not those that are just hell bent to stay in their padded and lined comfort zone boxes. With that said, this coffee chat will begin with some chatter, some personal experiences and where it goes from there...will depend on my mood!

I've had a bit of a balancing act to manage for a while now. I have to say, some days are better than others! I have been told most of my life that I need to toughen up. I cared too much, I gave too many chances, or I was too empathetic. I felt discounted for just being me. I do care about people, and I follow my heart and intuition. Many people have expressed that my caring nature was actually a bad thing. So, from my own perspective; yep, I've been hurt, a LOT! I have had to live and learn, wipe myself off when I've been used as a door mat, and remind myself that the only opinion of me that my own. No one else can define my worth, define my value or determine my character. Unfortunately, I found myself in a few situations that I allowed to have outside opinion, weigh inside more than it should have. My hope is that something I write about will actually help, even if just one person, to realize they are not alone, and help them to pick themselves up and better themselves. Despite whatever carnage may be laying around them. 

Years ago, I learned about being an empathic person. Not only do we over think everything, we over feel everything too! It's truly a blessing and a curse. Being empathic, means having people stop you in the middle of a store to tell you their life story, it means feeling the emotions of people without even trying. It means always giving the benefit of doubt, and trying to find the good in others...sometimes, realizing too late that there isn't any good to be found. It's sensing the feelings behind messages, and words; even when the words aren't said. Overall, it means running on emotional and mental burn out, all the time. It also means, caring too much for others, that don't care about you. It's a hard pill to swallow. For some of us, it means having to withdraw from everything. Whether that means from family, friends, plans...and when things get really overwhelming, you withdraw from everything and everyone. You go into a shut down mode, and just exist. Which is very difficult for an empath. We are social by nature, but only with people that put off the "right" vibe. When we feel something that doesn't feel right, we withdraw and become more introverted. However, empathic people want to be able to help others, to lend an ear to listen, give a hand up, or just spread care into a world that has become very self-centered. 

With that nonsense out of the way, I want to move on to some other topics. I don't watch television. I don't have the desire to watch series of shows, or binge on NetFlix. Instead, I research, read, and expand my thoughts. I am very open minded, even if skeptical of some areas. I've learned to utilize online libraries and news sources from around the world. You know the phrase, "there's 2 sides to every story?" Well, I believe there are actually 3 sides....the left side, the right side and somewhere in the middle you can start to find truth. The problem I have found the past 3 years, so much of what we have been taught, read or are told; is fiction. It's really quite sad. The 1948 Smith-Mundt Act, was revised by the former Obama administration, to allow propaganda to be used on the Americans citizens. Prior to this revision, it was not. Just as the Patriot Act that was instituted by former President Bush, was written long before the 9/11 attack. All the Covid stuff began long ago too, I'm researched back to 2005 and still digging. The JFK assassination was yet another lie. World War 1 & 2, Vietnam, Korea, Cuba, Bosnia; none are actually what we have been told. The Federal Reserve, Titanic, IRS, and the Act of 1871...all lies and illegal. But, don't take my word for it. I only know what I have spent years now digging into. There is truly too much for me to write in my coffee chats. Besides, few would actually believe anything unless they hear it from the television anyway. 

I remember growing up, being told there were 3 topics never discussed; politics, religion, and voting. On a side note here, while it wasn't really ever said, sex was another. Well, we now know, that all went to hell in a handbasket! Now, we have children being sexualized in television, in theme parks, and the trafficking rings(that involve most at the top) are a multi-billion dollar industry. We have relationships now being extorted and used as a means of dividing us. We have God given skin color, gender, and economic "class" being used as divisions. One question I keep asking is: "where the hell are all these feminist movement people, while women's sports are being extorted by men?" Was that whole movement just a cover for something else? I personally have no issue with loving who you love, if you choose to dress as the opposite gender, or what your coloring may be. My own discrimination comes in from character. If you behave as a civilized, productive and decent person - that is how I will treat you. If you behave like trash, entitled and worthless - again, that is how I will treat you. The majority of Americans are good, hardworking, decent people. The problem is everyone wants a right, but too many don't want to take a responsibility. Does anyone else remember, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?" 

I do my best to keep my mouth shut. That is a major challenge, and those that know me, know I don't usually do well with that. Typically, if my mouth doesn't say face will. Then again, with all the face diapers people are still wearing, I guess seeing facial expressions are a thing of the past too. Although returning to my youth is not something I would ever want to do, I do wish I could go back to the times of running through our neighborhoods with the kids I grew up with - bullies and all. When the neighbors all watched out for all the kids, even the ones that didn't belong to them. When we knew we had to be home when the porch lights came on, playing in the creek was the biggest fun and also a huge no-no. Riding bikes, walking, and popping tar bubbles on the side of the road was still fun. Nights you chase down fireflies and put them in mason jars, having chores at home and helping your friends to do theirs too. When neighbors would get together, the neighborhood kids would show up at your house because they wanted to be with a family when theirs wasn't the best. Playing with hotwheels cars in the rocks and dirt, or Tonka trucks that were still metal! It's amazing to think back to how simple life was. Even though we were kids, we knew there were hardships for the adults, but we weren't burdened by them. The adults kept adult conversation mostly away from the kids. It allowed the kids to be kids. We weren't running from one extra-curricular event to another, that was unheard of. You learned to find something to do if you were "bored." You learned to deal with bored, you learned to deal with not making a team or whatever. No one got a free pass. You worked hard to be the best, or you worked hard to try again next year. We didn't know our teachers political views or sexual orientation...they actually taught education - reading, writing, math. 

It's difficult to look back at how much has changed in 35+ years. Divorce has become a common place, parents working stupid hours to keep up with the trends and children that don't know how to just be children. The constant influx of technology has ruined most traditional and family values. So many have become unproductive members of society, depending on the government or some ridiculous inclusion law to survive. Kids and adults now have to be constantly entertained, because boredom has become a bad thing. People have lost respect for themselves, you can tell by the way they act/dress/talk, in turn they don't respect others. God forbid you have a differing view point!! Then you are categorized again, ostracized and called racist. People can no longer have conversations, because rather than admit that they may not know or just disagree...they will argue and label you. If something you say disagrees with their mindset, you might as well just talk to a wall...or they quit talking to you all together. 

It's truly become a sad state. However, I'm going to finish this up with a little positivity. While there are many that may be less respectful, this big, beautiful world is full of GOOD PEOPLE! People that are happy to just live and let live. People that don't care your gender, sexuality, color, or socio-economic class. They care about your character, they care about one another even if their opinions are different. These are the people that are going to rebuild a world that is beautiful again, that is caring, and that truly love thy neighbor again. It's these people that I choose to be around. It's these vibes, that I look for. Find your people, in your area or beyond. 

Peace, love, and light
