Monday, May 30, 2022

Coffee Chat


An early morning coffee chat, on this Memorial Day. May we never forget all those that fought and died to preserve and protect our freedom. 

This morning, I want to chat. I have so many conversations I want to have. I believe I will start with the topic of finding your tribe. I have heard about this subject since I was a child, except that it was considered to be "clicks" when I was young. I was really never in one of those growing up. I always stayed outside that circle...not really by choice, but I never thought like most of the people I was around. Even as I got older, I have not really stuck with any one person, for the most part, through the years. I have some great and close friends, don't get me wrong. However, I have always felt like an outsider. I still don't think like most, I still have my own beliefs, my own views and I tend to stand by those...even if I have to stand alone. Finding people with the same mindset is a bonus. That does not mean that you will agree on everything, it just means that your thoughts lean similar on most things. Finding people that have a common interest, common direction, or common thought; can be difficult in today's world. Everything is done online, through email, through text or some form of electronic communication. Our current world has removed the ability to have civilized conversations, in a face-to-face manner. The "conversations" now, have lost so much. You are not able to make eye contact, read body language, or even hear the tone of voice being used. Instead we have bickering online, over many of the thoughts that are not different...but are presented as different, when communications break down due to the lost context or emotion. If you can find people that you can relate to, that is your tribe...even if you don't agree on everything. 

I have said many times, how blessed I have been to learn from some incredible women...and men. Whether this has been grandparents, great grandparents, or elders that are not even related; the knowledge and wisdom of our older generations is beyond valuable. Many of them remember the harder times, the lessons they were taught from generations that grew up during the great depression, living a rural/farm life. Looking back, I had a lot of lessons I could have learned from Grandparents and Great-Grandparents. While I don't remember a lot from my Great-Grandparents, I do have things that have stuck with me. I can remember a Great-Grandmother that was blind and raised 7 children that way. In her older years, she spoke and sang a lot of German. This Great Grandmother's daughter, was one that was a strong willed lady! She would always say that she grew up poor with no money, so she believed in keeping a "rainy day stash." We always teased it was her fun money, although I don't remember her ever spending much of it. She was a boisterous woman and most definitely the strength in my Grandparents relationship. I learned a lot from that Grandpa too. Being a Grandpa's girl...I followed him around like a puppy on a string. I learned carpentry skills, and so much from him.  The Great Grandparents I can remember on an another side, were more of the farm side of my family. These 2 were interesting characters. I can remember this great-grandmother as more subdued and my great-grandfather as the character. He was a tall man, that I remember. I remember going to one of their houses, and watching him work his garden. He was, I'm sure, giving lessons as he teased and would boldly voice his thoughts. My Grandmother, their daughter, was a strong woman! I don't think there was anything that woman couldn't do. She raised 9 kids, my dad being the oldest. There are so many days I wish she was still here to visit with. My life style now, I think would make her proud. I can remember her and many of the things she told/taught me, but it is becoming more difficult as the years pass. This set of Grandparents, I didn't get to spend near as much time with, since they lived further away. This Grandfather, was more of the quiet type too. He had a more quiet wisdom and dry sense sense of humor. I was lucky enough to get to know my husband's great-grandparents, as well. At least 3 of them. They were all very unique. One was very bold. She was very blunt and a no-nonsense type of person. She would tell it like it was, and didn't care what anyone else thought. The other set was more subdued by the time I met them. They were quieter and more observant. His Grandparents, were another interesting mix, and have taught me most of my farm life knowledge. I was not able to meet one of them, as he passed many years before I came into the family. But that Grandmother, wow! She was a force to be reckoned with! She had lost her husband years before, but continued to farm, garden, and live that life until nearly a decade ago. She was such an amazing woman. We didn't see eye to eye on everything, but I would listen to her wisdom, because she was one smart cookie! She taught me tricks for gardening, canning, food preservation, and some lessons that I will never forget. His other set of Grandparents, were just as influential. His Grandfather spent a lot time telling me stories about the hardships they faced, the store that they owned, and he would give me static for being a "city girl" but it was all in fun. I truly admired him. His Grandmother, was also a great source for knowledge. I would listen to her stories as we cut piles of corn that would be divided between several households. Raising kids, working hard, keeping the men in line; it's incredible how much you can learn just by listening. My husband and I come from a long line of strong and determined families. Never victims, but hell bent to do our best, help those in need, and do so with as much humor as possible...all the while learning as we went.

While it seems that generally, society wants to focus on everyone being victims of something...that was not the ways of our previous generations. Our Grandparents and Great-Grandparents, took their adversity and used it to grow, and become better. They didn't use it as an excuse to become unproductive members of society. It frustrates me to see so many that focus on whatever crutch they use for an excuse. We have been truly blessed in this country. We have not had to face the hardship of the World Wars or the Great Depression, until recently. It reminds me of the phrase, "hard times create strong me, east times create weak men." This has become the case, in my eyes. We have it relatively easy, so society has become weak...mind, body and spirit. So many of our earlier generations were taught strength, service to country, and spirituality. They knew the value of hard work, caring for their family, taking care of a home, and defending and taking pride in their country, and had a relationship with their God. They were strong men and women, in every sense of the word. These were the people that were recycling long before it became a political statement. They did it out of necessity and frugality. They didn't have much extra money, so they used items until they were no longer usable. They didn't believe in disposable relationships, or items. You worked hard on everything. Sadly, these values and morals, began disappearing throughout the generations since...and now, it's the worst I have ever seen. We have become a society so weak in every area of importance, that the few that still have these values are consider weird or antique. 

A little history, World War 1(1914-1918), The Great Depression(1929-1939), and World War !!(1939-1945); taught in schools, has become a major topic again as of late. Our country has forgotten not only self-sufficiency, but also the Golden Rule. We have too many generations removed from self care, productions, and taking pride in not only your work but also your country. Growing up, my generation had: the Challenger explosion, Operation Dessert Storm, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. While these were devastating for many, it was not comparable to the World Wars or the Great Depression. We were able to really avoid a large part of dealing with these things unless you had a soldier family member. The Baby Boomer generation, had Vietnam, Korea, Beirut, and Woodstock. It was the "in" thing to protest the wars and treat our soldiers with complete disrespect. Instead, they brought the rise of drugs, sexual disease, and divorce. Now, we have the younger generations, truly divided. Some are finally starting to see the need to return to stability, while others are still feeding the divisions and living a life that is disposable. I'd say the generations are truly at the opposite ends of the spectrum, but I think there is more to it. Over the past 100 years, there has been some kind of divide and conquer campaign, it feels like. It has become more and more of, "Us vs. Them." Typically, at least in the past, this was more of people vs. government. It's now been turned on dividing the people. The phrase, "United we stand, divided we fall," is very much at play. When the people are divided by gender, race, religion, sexual preference, or even political party, it's easier for the government to control. It's easier for them to take away the very rights and liberties that so many have fought and died to defend. The one that has always stuck with me, WE ALL BLEED RED! We were all created by the same person - no matter what name you give him(God, Creator, Source, Universe, etc.) 

I have spent, what feels like forever, preaching about being self-sufficient. My own journey in this has been quite a roller coaster. I grew up with my Dad gardening every year. I didn't really understand it or know much about it. As I said, I grew up in a time when things were more disposable. We were poor, but had a microwave, we had an Atari, and a VCR. I didn't know or understand, at the time, what poor meant. I just knew that some kids had more than we did, while others had less. We taught to treat everyone with respect, no matter who they were. It wasn't until I moved to Missouri, and was dating a "farm boy," that I really began to understand any of it. Even then, it took me nearly 8 years of marriage, a roller coaster of ups and downs with that, learning to live on a single income while raising a baby, and living in the middle of nowhere, before it all started sinking in. I wish I would have been taught, or retained the early lessons learned, even more! After spending nearly 10 years now, working on this self-sufficient life style...basically going back to our roots, I want to teach everyone that will listen. Especially now, when our world seems to have lost its collective sanity. It seems that so many in this point of time, are being shoved into being more frugal, more self-sufficient and less dependent. 

I'm going to end this coffee chat for now. I want to encourage everyone to slow down, reconnect with your spirituality, stop allowing yourself to be victimized, start taking responsibility, and start demanding that our civil servants work for us again. All Life Is Precious! Find your calling, and chase it. Do everything within your power to start learning how to be self-sufficient. Stop depending on a defunct government, they are the problem not the answer. Remember, above all, we were ALL created equal in the eyes of our creator, there are no exceptions to this. 


God Bless!

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Plan, Prepare, and don't forget...


As many of you know, this has weighed heavily on me for a long time. I'd say in the past 6 months especially, but I have lived this way for more than 10 years. I'm seeing the signs of massive slow downs, hearing and reading multiple articles and sources talking about markets, grains, shortages and even banking/loan industry issues, and that's just within the United States. None of this even touches the multiple fronts that tensions are rising around the world, which will undoubtedly play a major part in our country with imports/exports, shipping, manufacturing, distribution and supplies. So, while I have personally heard comments about not caring about outside the U.S., we sure as hell better be caring and we better be paying attention! 

Today, I'm going to touch on some headlines and a small prep list you all better be working on. We currently have less than a 3 week supply, worldwide of wheat. Union Pacific Railroad is slowing fuel shipments across the nation by as much as 50%. The US production is at a 75 year low. Inflation is at a 40 year high. Stock markets and stocks have had an 8 week losing streak, not seen since 1932. Supermarkets are now warning of major shortages and limitations. 40% of GDP value has been lost in 2022. Even IF everything cleared up today, it would be 6-12 months before the US was fully functioning again. The real estate markets across the country are on the verge of total collapse again. 

So, as you can see...the news is terrifying! What is it going to take to shake people awake? What happens when everyone actually does wake up? Think about the toilet paper shortage of 2020...except this time it will be food, water, fuel, AND toilet paper. So, what are you doing to be prepared? What have you done? What can you do? Do you know where to start? Since I've already dealt with the initial stress, let me share some ideas, use them or alter them to fit your needs. It's important that we all do our best to prepare for whatever chaos may ensue. 

Making a plan: I can tell you for lots of experiences, have multiple plans! I can usually count on getting half way through the alphabet before find one that kind of works! Let's start with what do you currently have in your household. Think about what you use everyday, what kinds of foods you like to eat, if you drink coffee/tea/soda, what are your shopping habits, what kind of space do you have to work with. Take a full inventory of your home - food, water, cleaning items, bathroom items, pet foods, medicines, first aid, flashlights, batteries, means of cooking, etc. Think about what you would need if the power was out. Do you have a grill, charcoal, firewood, etc. Do you have pans you could use cooking someplace other than your stove? Do you have utensils other than plastic that you can use on a grill or open fire. Do you have plenty of foil, if you need to cook outdoors? Do you have a generator? If so, how long will it run on the fuel that's in it and do you have backup fuel? Do you have a propane grill and do you have enough propane? Do you have firewood and a place you could build a fire to cook on if necessary? If the power were to go out, have you thought about the fact that it could cause you to not be able to get water? Do you have enough water to drink and cook with? Do you have extra fuel cans you could fill to keep for emergency use, if the prices get to high or there is no fuel in your area? 

Next, make a preparation list. This is difficult since everyone is different, so I will give a few suggestions some of it I use, some I don't. It is all going to be based on what is used in your own households. You will need to determine an idea of what you use in a week, 2 weeks or month...depending how you shop. Because I'm not a psychic nor do I have a crystal ball, I will recommend 2-6 months of backups. Here is a general list to work with, and you can add to it to fit your own needs:

*Water - 3 gallon daily, minimum for drinking and cooking, per person(remember we are coming into the hot months so dehydrating will be an issue)

*Food - canned soups, canned vegetables, canned fruit, canned meats. - Spam, spaghettios, beans, peas, corn, fruits, canned hams,fillers - pastas, rice, potatoes, peanut butter, jelly, butter, etc.

*Cooking supplies - Outdoor list - foil pans, tin foil, metal utensils, charcoal, propane, firewood. Indoor - mostly normal.

*Bathroom Items - toilet paper, soap, shampoo, feminine products, toothpaste, extra tooth brushes, bar soap as a backup.

*Cleaning Items - Lysol, paper towels, sponges, scratchers, bleach, laundry soap, dryer sheets(used dryer sheets work great to help start fires)

*Pet Items - extra food, litter, treats, medications...whatever your pets will need for 2-6 months.

*Medicines - this is for prescriptions, as well as over-the-counters; tylonal, allergy meds, cold/flu, first aid supplies, peroxide, alcohol, witch hazel, gauze and tape, butterfly stitches, triple antibiotic cream, poison ivy spray, etc.

*Flashlights - working flashlights, candles, batteries, matches and lighter sticks, batteries, lanterns

*Outdoor options - Grill - propane or charcoal, firepit with a grate for cooking, extra propane, extra charcoal, extra lighter fluid, firewood, grilling utensils

Now, we have a starting spot. Go through your current inventory. If you do not have 2-6 months of any of these things on hand, there is still some time. You can work towards these goals every pay period. I know we are all squeezed to the max right now, but we NEED to get a 2-6 month supply in our homes in the next 6 weeks. I would recommend learning to grow a few items in containers if you can't put in a garden. Lettuce, radishes, onions, tomatoes and even potatoes are fairly easy to grow in buckets and containers. Right now, you can get hardened plants ready to put in soil. This is a great summer learning project for kids out of school for the summer, plus it helps with the family food supply. 

I will end this blog here. If you would like more suggestions, have additions, or questions...feel free to message or comment.


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

We're already in a recession...depression soon?


I obviously am not old enough to remember the actual Great Depression. However, I can tell you what it was like from the mid 70's till now. By most of today's standards, I grew up "dirt floor poor." Not quite that extreme, but I can remember rationing food and going to bed hungry as a young person. I can remember, and I still do this, eating to survive...not the other way around. The whole fasting craze today, I learned that trick decades ago. Until recently, I lived on one meal a day, and maybe a snack or two during the day. These were the tricks I learned growing up without enough food in the house. To this day, I tend to forget to eat until evening. 

Anyway, as we are seeing more and more shortages, hearing about more has me looking back to this time in History. I personally, do not want to caught with my pants down! We are being ambushed on so many fronts: fuel, food, baby formula, inflation, utility costs, decreased housing markets, decreases in stock values, grain shortages, decreased GDP. It's ridiculous how many fronts, just as during the great depression, we are getting hit. Think about just a year ago, how far your dollar went, or 2 years ago. I can tell you, 2 years ago, gas was $1.699, and you could grocery shop in the store with full coolers and shelves - for a family of 4, for a month - for less than $400. Today, at last check, our gas was $4.199, and my last grocery run for a month was pushing $800. Our last diesel barrel fill was around $700 for 300 gallons. IF we could afford to do this now, it would be $1590. This diesel is what our tractors run on, and this same 300 gallon would last us just over a year. This year, due to the prices, we can't fill the barrel so we will be having to use smaller cans to get what we can, as we can. This means the cost of mowing, raking and baling hay is going to at least double in price. This means those $45 big round bales of hay, are going to be closer to $100 per bale. I can't imagine if we were trying to put in row crops! The fertilizer prices have sky rocketed so badly, we couldn't even use commercial fertilizer this year and many farmers can't either! So, those row crops and hay fields are going to look pretty crappy!! We haven't even talked about replacing parts! IF you can get them, the cost is through the roof!! Worldwide, there is a 71 day supply of wheat. Folks, think about everything that uses wheat! Bread, cereals, snack bars, flour, to just name a few. The stock market has had 8 straight weeks of losses. This has not happened since 1929. The U.S. production rate is at a 75 year low.  So, need to be preparing like we heading into the great depression!!!

We have been very blessed in this country for many decades. However, what is staring us in the face, should be shaking people awake! We have been privileged enough to be able to go to a store and purchase most if not all, of what we want or need. Most have never had to decide how to divide out 2 hot dogs between 4 kids, or how to make due with 3 pieces of bologna for a sandwich for 4. Most have never had to worry if there would be food to eat. They've never worried about going to a store and seeing empty shelves or meat coolers. They've never had to worry about feeding their babies when the formula shelves are empty. Many have never had to decide whether to get life saving prescriptions or buy food to survive, or keep their utilities turned on. We've been lucky enough to be able to be picky or choose what we will or won't eat. I can tell you, if you are hungry enough, you will learn to eat what is available. 

With this being said, planning, preparing and having many backups is necessary. I am not a fan of canned soup, ramen noodles, or most store bought items...but if I am hungry can bet your last dollar, that I will be eating them. Are they healthy, nope! Again, if I am hungry, I am going to be more concerned not starving to death as opposed to too much salt or junk in a store bought item. I will be thinking about survival for myself or my family. So, while I am stocking up what and as I can, I am thinking of the most nutrition possible, but also protein, vitamins, minerals and energy. I will be thinking about getting rid of hunger pains, and staving off starvation. Is this extreme...not in my eyes. In my eyes, my family is my number 1 priority, which means I have to think about the long term. Will I have gas to get to a town, will a store have food on their shelves if the trucks can no longer deliver it due to the diesel costs, will there be gas to refuel my vehicle if I travel anywhere, can I continuously feed my family for 8 weeks or more, what if a neighbor runs out of food...will I be able to help them, what happens if I can no longer get grain for our livestock, layer for my chickens, what if the hay is poor this year due to the crazy weather patterns, what if my gardens don't produce, what about the medications we need - they are already getting harder to find, will I have enough water to cook and drink, how will I keep everyone and all the critters cool if the power goes out, what about the items in the fridges and freezers if it does go out, do we have what we need to cook outdoors if necessary - cast iron, firewood, propane, do I have enough other items to protect my family and our home if necessary? Folks, this is a SMALL list of my planning. Could we survive a year, absolutely not. I am not in a position to store that much crap! Could we survive a couple months...probably. With that planning list, I also have to plan for the future. Do I have enough seeds to plant next year if I couldn't get more, do I know how to start seeds, etc. While many people are just going about their days, acting as if there isn't a catastrophe on the horizon, I worry for them. These are the people that will be forced into breadlines, they will finally see what I have been fearful of when they can no longer get what they need...let alone what they want. I pray, everyday, that something will change the path we are on. It is getting scarier by day, to those of us paying attention. 

So, I have expanded my garden, twice, this year...and I'm not sure I'm done yet. I have added some berries, but not as much as I had hoped. It seems there is either a lot of others seeing the troubles and planting like I am, or the plants/bushes/trees were just not grown this year. I am canning up everything I possibly can. I am getting meat out of the freezers to can, and hope to ward off issues there if we have the projected power outages. I'm canning left over meals - french dip, soups, etc. I have replenished my seeds and added to them. I am learning a new skill every cooking ideas, recipes to make food stretch, canning options that I had not thought about, I'm following market reports and economist reports, I'm trying to share, as often as possible, on my social media how to do things and videos of my thoughts. No one may care and no one may pay attention...I suppose it is what it is. However, I have had a few great remarks about how something I have said or done has helped a few, and that is my ultimate goal. Help everyone possible to survive whatever chaos seems to be thrown at us. Help my family and our neighbors in times of need. I truly believe that is our mission on Earth. To help each other, to use our heart and intuition. To teach each other skills that they too can pass on to younger generations. So much of what our grandparents, great-grandparents and great-great-grandparents knowledge was not shared. Each generation has worked to make the lives of the next generation better but, I truly feel we have made them weak. We need to reverse this. We need to teach life sustaining skills, financial sense, and to "Waste not, want not."

Life has become so disposable anymore. Absolutely nothing is made to last anymore. Divorce rates alone are pushing 50%. Family units have been divided and tossed by the wayside. There is no respect for anything anymore. Children are not being taught the value of hard work, working towards a goal or learning anything of value. This is no different in my own household. My kids have had it made in the shade! Mom handles everything. Mom is the one stressing over making sure my family won't starve or go without, Mom is the one planning/planting/weeding/preserving the vegetables and whatever else. Until recently, Mom was the one to do all the laundry, cooking, cleaning and dishes. Recently, the Mom card has come out, and although they are not happy....everyone is starting to pitch in or Mom, stops! I am guilty of wanting my kids to grow up with more than I had. I never want them to feel hunger pains, or have to decide they "aren't hunger," because there isn't enough food for everyone. I have made it my adult life goal to give my kids everything I wish I had had when I was growing up. While that thought is noble, it's also not good for them. It's like everything else, you have to find a balance. 

I'm going to get busy today, but please get you some back ups in your pantries. Do everything you can to prepare for the worst, while praying for the best. Never stop learning! Get out there and plant some a garden or in containers! Start rationing where you can; whether that be making a single trip to get everything you will need for a week, or making a stop after work. Start setting aside some cash if you can...even if it's just a few dollars a week. Teach your kids to garden, preserve food and waste not, want not. Help someone in need. Whether you do it anonymously or not. Pay attention to these Momma's that are struggling to find baby them if you can. Help an elderly person struggling with these increased prices. Some are too proud to ask for help. Above all else, take care of your family! Make sure you have what they will need!

God Bless,


Friday, May 20, 2022

She's about to erupt!!


                   We are on the verge of an eruption, the likes that haven't been seen in my lifetime. 

Do you all even realize the amount of chaos that is bubbling just under the surface, waiting to burst? I will go so far as to say about 40% of the US population is completely oblivious, and this is extremely conservative. I have personally gauged the "mentality" locally, and I can tell you, it's astounding the lack of knowledge, of the world around us. The thought process, in a nutshell:


 "well, I guess we have to have these things, so we'll just have to pay the price," REALLY?! How long will you last paying upwards of $6 a gallon fuel, or $10 a gallon for diesel, or $8 for a gallon of milk, or how's that money going to work out when the store shelves are EMPTY? Just to use my personal vehicle as an example. I get about 22 miles per gallon, my tank holds 19.5 gallons.  To fill up my vehicle, right now, it takes $79.93.  The $80, will allow me to drive roughly 88 miles before having to fuel up again. When the average trip to town is 50 miles round trip....I can't make 2 trips in a week. This vehicle is the most economic vehicle we have at the moment. That means my husband is driving it every day, 44 miles, to go to and from work. This means, my fuel budget weekly is now pushing $200 per week. That means my husband's pay each week is now $200 less because of the cost to get to and from. In comparison, just 2 years, this same amount of driving was less than $90.  This is simply from my local perspective. Can you imagine what people living on the East or West coast are dealing with?! No thanks! 

Ok, so let's to the next area. Food! Have you "just paid the price" and not paid attention to increased cost or availability of food items lately? I shared on Facebook yesterday, the 50 lbs. bag of flour that I use, was $24.50 the beginning of April 2022.  That same flour was $18.50 per bag in January. While I was at the store yesterday, I thought I'd check out prices. That exact same flour is now $43.50 for 50 lbs. of flour. We are not that far off of a $30 increase in 5 months!!!  Can you imagine that percentage of increase on food across the board?! What about the availability? Have you seen the empty shelves, the empty coolers? We are seeing this in the Midwest. Do you comprehend what is coming, with the sky rocketing fuel prices and lack of imports? When a large majority of out products are imported from China, Taiwan, and overseas...that means a large majority of our survival is now in the hands of another country, and their domestic policies. A perfect example, China. They have been in lockdown again due to illness. Their lock downs, are not just lip service. Those people have been locked in their homes. There is no production happening in China, their major ports are closed. The backlog of ships sitting idle number in the thousands. This means NOTHING is coming out of China. Do you understand the repercussions of this? Even if they got back to work today, it would be weeks of manufacturing, before even being ready for shipments. It would be as much as 8 weeks before these ships would be loaded to sail. It takes an average of 35 days for those ships to get from China to our ports. Our ports are severely disabled right now. So even IF these ships reached our port by August, we could be backed up until November or December before they are on the trucks or rails to venture across the country. This is simple logistics. This is assuming we have the fuel needed for these truckers and train engines. This is assuming we have drivers for either form of transportation. This is assuming we have workers in our ports. Are you seeing the big picture yet?

Food prices are rising so fast, and those working on fixed or limited budgets are screwed. Many of these folks are taking the warning and getting some staples in their pantries. However, some aren't paying attention. There are folks from every age group that are just beside themselves because they just "can't imagine" not being able to get what they want, or speaking to them about preparing and they just don't see how the government would allow things to get that bad. Oh honey, things are ALREADY that bad. As I mentioned earlier, we are already in a recession. We are racing towards a depression at record speed. Think I'm exaggerating? Do you think that the 1929 stock market crash just happened over night? If you do, you better go restudy history. The weeks and months that lead to that crash gave ALL the signs we are seeing now. Sadly, there are more now, but for some reason...people aren't seeing them. That crash was the final hooray of a compounded set of dramatic events. Housing markets slowing and the bubble popping, farmers not able to cover their cost of farming and not being able to pay their loans, government spending exceeding the GDP, Federal Reserve printing money unrelentingly, fuel shortages and rationing, food shortages and rationing, a war hanging in balance was the push to allow the government to keep printing and borrowing money, thousands of business closures which resulted in increased unemployment, no diplomatic leadership, are you seeing any comparisons here?

Our media has become nothing more than propaganda in the US. There isn't one outlet actually doing any investigative journalism anymore. We are being spoon fed what they want us to focus on. Is this latest dramatic crap out of Holly weird, really more important than mom's not able to find baby formula for the past THREE MONTHS? Is the latest cackling really more important than the 17 million children going without food? Is a war that has already been taking place for 8 years, really more important than American citizens losing their farms, their food supply, their jobs? Why aren't our media actors not discussing the huge human and drug trafficking taking place, right now, on our border with Mexico? Are those children, women and men not as important as the children, women and men in Ukraine? Why isn't our media questioning why the Maxwell trial has disappeared and when are we going to see that list of clients pay for their disgusting behaviors? Why is our media allowed to bold face lie to us, to save face during an election year, only to quietly retract that story afterward? Why isn't our media giving us facts, truth and the warnings of what most of us can see coming? Why hasn't our media done their own research to find the very things I can? I'll tell ya, it's just like our elections....whomever has the deep pockets controls it all. This should truly piss off every single American. 

A quick story, my teenage daughter asked me last night, "Mom, what are we, politically?" She said,"are we conservative, democrat, republican?" My first answer, "We are American's." Then, I had to back track a little. I said, "honey, we are American's, but I am more of a Constitutionalist. You can choose to follow whatever you believe to fit with what you believe."We have had the conversation many times, that I do not expect any of my kids to follow my political beliefs. I expect them to study, research and make their own educated decisions. While most of my kids are more conservative than not, she is my wild card. She is even more open minded than I am, and tends to view the world through different eyes than I do. It is sometimes very difficult for me understand, but I do try. The hardest part is knowing all the crap online that can make a radical idea seem "acceptable" to an impressionable young person. This is where my momma card comes out, and I will explain and give direction as to where and how to research some of the ridiculousness we have discussed. Recently, it was not feeling comfortable in the body you have, so now you have to put a label on this. This label was called puberty when I was growing up, or for was called being a Tom boy or a girlie girl. This constant labeling of everything is so pathetic!!!

Anyway, I got a little sidetracked! I'm dumbfounded by the the obvious chaos that is lost on many. Isn't it ironic that 56 food processing plants have burned up during a time of being told about food shortages? Or that millions of chickens and turkeys are being culled for a supposed bird flu, that has not actually been tested for...they are taking "preventative measures?" Now, I'm hearing about 15 recycling centers that have had major fires over the past 3 weeks. Seriously, how does scrap iron burn? We have corporate CEO's, major banks, investment companies; ALL talking about recession/depression, shortages of food and fuel, and even the Resident in DC has made passing comments about food shortage being real. What is it going to take to shake people awake?!

I began my journey 3 years into "conspiracy theories" that seemed so far fetched, when I read them, that I seriously expected to credit the Democrats with debunking them. What I have found through 1000's of hours of TERRIFYING!!! This was a massive turning point in my own political thoughts. What I did find was no theory, but plenty of conspiracies that dated back prior to JFK, prior to even Lincoln. Some of the theoretical stories that were supposedly debunk, those stories were horrifying! The hardest pill for me to swallow, was the fact that it wasn't just a single political party involved, but both parties and many, many others. From CEO's, to the Holly Weird, to entertainment industries, to royals. The shiny stories put out on media to claim "conspiracy theory" hoax, was just the tip of an iceberg. It was such a well placed story to show people what was happening, yet it did not even touch the heart of the matter. For me, when you mess with, or harm children; you are a worthless as they come. You're a piece of trash that isn't deserving of being allowed to waste the oxygen on this earth. You want a taste of that information, start on Rumble dot com, and find the movie Out Of The Shadows. Then go to the Fall Of The Cabal - the sequel. If you can't bear to hear truth then you are part of the problem. Millions of children disappear every single year. Sorry folks, I'm not going to sugar this....they don't just "vanish" on their own accord.

Yesterday I posted some videos. One of them was talking about the list of preparations. I'm going to share my general list, and you may need to add your items to it.  

1.  Vinegar, 2. Apple Cider Vinegar, 3.  WATER - 2 gallons per day per person, 4. Canned vegetables/fruit/meat, 5. Rice/pasta/potatoes, 6. First Aid Supplies, 7. Batteries, 8. Flashlights & Candles, 9. Pet Supplies, 10. Medications, 11. Feminine products, 12. Baby products, 13. means of cooking without electricity - grills, fire, cast iron cookware

With the increased cost of everything, keeping your gas tanks full, keeping a supply of propane for your grill, keeping a good load of firewood, learning how to cook on any surface, learning how to stretch your food, learning and doing food preparations now, keeping extra fuel and diesel on hand. These are all areas we need to be thinking about. 

You need to have a plan. You need to have your family involved and for them to know the seriousness of the situation. You need to manage your stress level...the last thing you need is to get stressed out and fall ill. Whether that be diet and exercise, meditation, whatever helps you manage stress. You need to be working NOW, to be prepared...not waiting until the shit has already hit the fan. Have a plan to stay cool and hydrated since talks of electricity blackouts are already being discussed for our summer months. Remember, when you are hot, you will go through more water and so will your animals. So, be prepared! 

This is a real look at the chaos. Believe it or don't...that falls on your shoulders. I'm choosing to be prepared, have a plan and make sure my family is taken care of!

Monday, May 16, 2022

Looming storm?


                                                          Is a fire storm impending? 

I don't do all this fear mongering crap that seems to be invading society. I prefer to keep things real and prepare for the worst while I pray for the best!

Well friends, it's a blog for now. My to-do list is a bit overwhelming and I need to get to it. There has been so many news outlets discussing a range of issues, that I am going to put out my thoughts on. It seems a "perfect storm" is brewing on the horizon. 

Over the weekend, the shortage of supplies took precedence in my news feeds. We are hearing about shortages of baby formula, food shortages, diesel shortages, new car shortages, tractor and vehicle part shortages, and fertilizer shortages. Ok, so let's all take a deep breath and look at this from a non-panic point-of-view. Realistically.  There are many of us, who have been voicing food preparations for YEARS! I can only speak for myself when I say, a nagging gut instinct has had me pushing even harder, since January to voice this concern regularly and often. Folks, how long can we survive without food and water? Not long! Why are more people not concerned about their own well being? Anyway, that is a topic for another time. 

Let's talk about preparing your pantry, for a bit. I don't care who you are, you need to keep a 6 month supply(minimum) in your pantry at all times. Period! I'm not talking crap food. I'm talking about self-sustaining items that can give you some sustenance in a time of uncertainty. I'm talking proteins, items with vitamin and mineral content, water, and necessities outside of edibles. Since WW2, our generations have become weak and unprepared. Think about how history has repeated itself. Generations ago, every family had a home garden, every family had a well stocked pantry...just in case. Do you know why some actually thrived in the Great Depression? They took care of themselves! They didn't depend on a volatile market, super center or government. They raised, grew and preserved their own needs. Before my inbox fills up anymore, I know this is not logical in towns. You can raise things just like others, you just have to improvise a little more, and get to know and start depending on those that are actually producing something. Years ago, farmers markets started popping up across our country. Just think about what our stores look like when bad weather arrives! You think that's bad, just wait until there is no more shipments being made! I am all for local, organic foods...but I am also very realistic. I can grow/raise a lot of our needs. However, not all. I am also realistic that for whatever reason, I may not always have some of the modern conveniences available to use if times get bad. So, allowing room in my budget and my pantry for foods that have a long shelf life is a good alternative. Items like dried beans, rice, canned soups(you aren't going to care about the sodium or sugar if you are hungry), instant potatoes, peanut butter, canned meat, bottled and jugs of water. Stop thinking inside a box, start thinking on the lines of survival. I'm not saying go out and prep for a multi-year or end of the world scenario. I'm saying to be prepared in these times of troubled economic hardships, rising inflation, and supply chains chaos.

Now, I need to touch on several areas that will impact what I wrote above. Some or all of it may not be broadcasting on your tell-a-vision. A perfect storm is brewing and it's become too taboo to even mention because, as I was told by a politician, "you don't say that part out loud."  We have heard about the shipping issues...for months now. They aren't getting any better, folks. 2 of China's main ports are still shut down due to the illness - this means all those supplies/food we import from China, are not being made NOR are they being shipped. There are thousands of ships anchored off the coast of China. Additionally, there are still ships anchored off our West Coast ports, that are no longer being talked about...that have not yet been emptied. This is bringing ALL imports AND exports to a screeching halt. All our consumerism ways are now being shown in full light. Remind me again, WHY we allowed so much of our American industry to close shop and move overseas? Anyway, the drastically reduced supplies that are being offloaded in our ports, must now be transported across the country to its destination. This is typically done by rail or 18-wheeler. Both of which run on diesel fuel. So, that brings us to the rising fuel prices and the dangerously low supplies of fuel. Since the current administration has taken charge, they have shut down our oil independence, and returned to purchasing oil overseas. So, those oil tankers that bring in that purchased oil, are now "dead in the water" with port closures and backups. When those tankers do finally get into the ports, they have to be offloaded and transported to its destination. Again, by train or semi. Now, at this point I'm going to inject a little economics. When markets are in turmoil, the Fed is printing money out of thin air, the government is spending billions on everything except Americans, the stock market has lost more than half its value in the past year, overseas currencies have depegged from the American (petro)dollar, the real estate market world wide is on the the brink of collapse worse than 2008, commodity prices are in near record highs, production in America is dropping like a rock, and inflation is breaking 40 year highs...we have a recipe for disaster! Truly The Perfect Storm. At least for those that can weather it. All those shipments that come into our ports have to be transported. We are hearing of diesel shortages on the East Coast. Diesel prices have risen 63% just since January! Now, the shortages are trickling down. Those semi trucks, if they can't fuel them, are going to do one of three things:  1. Stop delivering and park their trucks(worst case). 2. Start filling up outside of the East Coast(making shortages in other areas.. OR 3. They will stop delivering to areas where they can't diesel. Now, let's talk about trains. Railways have imposed a 50% reduction. This is after prior reduction was already made for fertilizer. They claim it's due to a lack of work force, but I'm not buying that that is the full story. Both of the main transportation models used to supply Americans today, run on diesel fuel. There are several major corporations that have already sent notices to their employees, they are expecting fuel rationing, completely running out of fuel.  This is NOT just on the east coast friends. The current discussions are saying $10 per gallon diesel BEFORE Memorial Day!! Now, you add this fuel mess, with the massive amount of food processing facilities catching fire/exploding/or having planes flown into have a bigger mess. 

But wait, there's MORE! Just recently, I read we are expecting electricity shortages too. Seriously?! Ok, a little sarcasm here...what about all these windmills and solar panels?! Nearly of of that generated electricity goes to CANADA. Look it up!!! Anyway, so electric shortages. What does that mean? That means rolling and complete blackouts coming into the hottest part of our year. It means no power, no air conditioning, no stove, no microwave, no water, no laundry, no showers, no watering livestock, and no pools. That means living by candle light, or flashlight until you run out of batteries. That means no ball games, no racing, no internet, no cell phone. That means no cargo coming in, and in turn means businesses closed, so supplies to get. Are you seeing the big picture yet? How about this, no fuel means no diesel OR gas! No power means your electric cars are junk. That means you aren't going to your job, the store or anywhere else for that matter. So, what are you going to do? Wait until the government or tell-a-vision, tell you to stock up and be prepared? I'm not going to apologize for being sarcastic. This is truly a serious situation. If I didn't care, I would have prepared my family, and not said a word to anyone else. But I do care, and I want to see everyone get through this mess. However, I am not doing the work for everyone else either. I've already tried that for several and it bit me in the ass. So, now, you all have to do your own. I will share/teach anything and everything I can, but YOU have to get off your butt and take care of you and yours. Anyway, what happens when you can't get to your job? Do you enough money set aside to pay your bills, or even buy a necessity if needed? Most of don't, but do have a trading option? Maybe you grow a garden with just a few things, or have a skill that could help in times of chaos. Maybe you have candles, some spare batteries, garden tools, salt, sugar or food item that you could trade for something you might need. We have been caught in web or matrix for decades and too many still can't see the writing on the wall. We are in a hand of God moment, and if you aren't preparing or may not make it to the other side. We are in critical times. Even if our government is too stupid to see it. None of this even touches on the "war" in Ukraine. I am no fan of Russia, but I'm also not an idiot. This is just another distraction tactic. Another means of messing up supply chains. Another war fueled by financial and "elite" greed. You have a war that has been happening for 8 years before now. The government of Ukraine that has bought and paid for many of our politicians. Many of our political class have children on energy boards in Ukraine(Biden, Pelosi, Romney, Kerry) and Kerry's daughter is married to an Iranian. It seems a little too convenient that 2 countries, which provide a quarter of our fertilizer have stopped shipping to the US, while the American tax payers are sending billions of dollars through our idiotic government into Ukraine. Not to mention, sending military equipment that has now caused our own military to be short. The Russians have documented proof of US and CIA bio-labs in Ukraine - which is a war code crime. The Russian rescued 35,000 children from a human trafficking ring in Ukraine. Where is the "news" coverage of this? It's more important to broadcast some pathetic celebrity couple with more money than brains, or keep pushing an illness that has a 96% survival rate if you stay out of the hospitals. We are getting coverage of Roe V Wade, when this is not a government or even state issue. No I do not agree abortion. I do agree with freedom though. ALL medical decisions should be made between a doctor and patient...NOT the government(federal or state), and NOT insurance companies. We are being told to focus on that, the holly weird people, the illness, the mass shootings by people known to the FBI yet are not put into mental facilities for treatment, a supposed racist society that only seems to be fueled when it's convenient to cause mass chaos. It seems incredible to me that many of these "protestors" when asked are being paid to protest by a nongovernmental organization(NGO). Hmmm, I wonder which ones?!

Are you preparing? What does your pantry look like? Have you filled your fuel cans to have back up? Have you gotten water set aside for emergency use? Do you have a plan if/when the entire system comes crashing down? Do you know what you should be stocking your pantry with? Have you planted a garden/raised bed/container? If not, why not?! 

I will determine my opinion about someone based on anything more than their character. You behave like a decent, productive human being...that is how you will be treated. You behave like an ass...again, that is how you will be treated. Just in case you have forgotten - WE ALL BLEED RED, WE WERE ALL CREATED BY GOD, WHO MADE US IN HIS IMAGE. So, stop biting into all this pathetic division. Stop buying into the ridiculous sides of the same bird. The truth of the matter is this: you are either an American or you are not. If you aren't, and you're not happy about the values America has always held...go back to the country you were escaping from. Otherwise, adapt to our country that you invaded. Don't try to make our country what you left behind. We have laws for a reason. I don't who it is breaking those laws - they need to pay for their crimes! Now, before you flood my inbox again, listen up. 


Our current baby formula shortage....IS NOT A SHORTAGE BY CHANCE. There are cargo containers of it being shipped to our Southern boarder for the illegal immigrants coming in. Go look it up!!! While you are at it, go look up the number of people being trafficked through our Southern border. Also go look up the amount of Fentenyal and other drugs that have INCREASED since our Southern border was opened up.  GO LOOK IT UP!!! Go down to that border and talk to our border patrol. Ask them about the overwhelming amount that are crossing, where those immigrants are, how many of them are CHILDREN WITHOUT THEIR PARENTS, and what our border patrol is having to do for those immigrants at the direction of this administration. Go to El Paso, TX and see the invasion of immigrants that are camping out in the airport waiting to be handed money, and a plane ticket to any location they choose in the US. 

I know, I know. This is all "conspiracy theory," according to our government. I suppose if you believe that, you also believe their opinion that "inflation means the economy is improving too." I hate to break this to you. The economy has flat lined, the inflation is not 8.5% I'd be willing to bet it's closer to 15% or higher, child trafficking is a billion dollar industry and those at the top of our government have their hands in it, this administration is getting ready to sign our sovereignty over to the WHO on May 22-28; all the while you are being distracted by race baiting/gender ignorance and abortion. My body, my choice, huh?! Think about the irony there after 2 years of forcing an unproven/non-FDA approved vaccine. If you throw in the rising unemployment numbers and declining GDP numbers, you have the perfect storm. 

You better get prepared. You better stay prepared. Shit is about to hit the fan!

Thursday, May 12, 2022

When Momma ain't happy....


So, I let things build and build attempting to allow time for things to correct themselves. Until I can no longer stay quiet. I have heard for the stupidity for years, "it must be nice to stay home all the time." Well, let me tell you a little something, I think you've got rocks in your head! I've heard it all! "why don't you go get a real job, must be nice to stay at home, I couldn't afford to not work, yada yada." 

Being a stay-at-home mom is the most rewarding and the best job ever. HOWEVER, it is the hardest thing I have ever done in my LIFE!!! So, take those snide, idiotic and asinine remarks out in the back forty! I bust my ass from the time I get out of bed in the morning, until the time I finally drop at night...and some nights, I'm up all night with someone that is sick too! I do NOT get vacation days, sick days, or a day off for that matter. The crazy part of my "Nice life being home," being taken for granted...because I'm home, I have time to do everything for everyone. If I get sick, guess what....there's no sleeping it off to get better. There's no one going to make ME chicken soup, do the dishes/laundry/run the vacuum. That's STILL me. I WILL NEVER REGRET being just a stay-at-home Mom, but before you open your mouth to be better take a step back! 

I am crazy upset with the ignorance I hear, see and run into. I'm not sitting at home everyday eating Bon Bon's, watching soap operas. I'm running budget numbers, I educating my child, I'm planning meals, I'm doing dishes several times a day, I'm doing laundry, I make trips monthly to do the grocery shopping, I'm keeping inventory of our food/animal food/farm supplies/vet care and a million other necessities. I'm dealing with minor repairs or gardening, taking care of the inside animals and part of the outside animals too. I'm mowing the yard, and attempting to keep a respectable home and life. As far as a "job" goes...not only do I hold down the equivalent of 4 full-time jobs, but I can't AFFORD to work off the farm. Especially at this stage, I'd be working to pay for working. No thanks! 

I'm grateful for a husband that recognizes a lot of what I do. The thing is, when you are a stay-at-home-mom, you are on-call 24/7. You are expected to drop everything if someone needs you. You are expected to have a museum clean home, a perfect yard, and be perfectly put together. Screw that! I bust my ass folks! I do this FOR my family. There are days when I am flat out dog tired. Yes, the rewards are eventually worth it. However, this time of the year, is crazy busy. Your entire schedule revolves around Mother Nature's PMS! So, you may have plans to do one thing, and the switch flips, and you have to make a massive u-turn to something different. It's obnoxious and irritating, but I haven't figured out a dance to cure Mother Nature's PMS yet! 

Here is a great example. Last week was chilly and rainy(as most of the past couple months have been), so when I saw a 5 day break in rain...I was garden ready. We are already a month late getting everything in. Since I decided to enlarge the garden again, it had to be worked several times. Unfortunately, that is one of my many limits. I'm not strong enough to run the tiller. Then, the main tiller broke and we've had to borrow one because our our already tight budget would not allow us to purchase another one - even used, they are selling like they are made of gold. So, with wet weather, that meant the garden had to dry enough not to end up with giant mud balls. It finally did that a couple days ago. When it was finally able to be worked,my hubby was already in fertilizer mode for the pastures and hay ground. That meant repairs on the old sprayer, finding parts in our lovely economy, and working through the temper tantrums that old equipment throws. Kuddos to him, he took time away from that sprayer to run the tiller for me. Well, the temps went from 70's to 100+ in the blink of an eye. As I have reach that lovely stage of transition for women, that heat coupled with hot flashes....BAD combination. After almost passing out one day, getting dizzy and light headed the next...I decided staying out of that heat as much as possible, was the best idea. We do not have central air, so the air conditioners are still in the shed. I can't afford the increased electric bill right now, so I have tried to suffer through this heat and the extra heat. However, my garden is not yet planted, I am chomping at the bit to get it done...but I am also realistic of my limits. The older I get, the harder it is to recover when I push those limits. 

Our home schooling is another area that is effected by the rest of the chaos. We work hard throughout the year. We do this year round, so we can take days off or shortened days, as we need them. While we have had too many distractions this year, we have some catch up work to do. That will mean buckling down, and pulling the "Mom" card, shutting down the internet, removing distractions, so that we can focus on the job at hand. We still have a few weeks remaining of this school year(ends June 1) so we will be ok, but I will be breaking into drill sergeant mode again to keep this on track. Education is my highest priority and with the new year looming....we are not going to be starting back up running in the red. 

As I said, Drill Sergeant Mom, is about to lose her shit. I have let a lot of shit slide as I've had my own distractions to overcome in other areas, that I will not discuss. I allow myself several hours a week to learn something new/research. I go over my budget every single day. I review the inventories in my home every week. I prepare a meal plan for a month(although it does get swapped around a lot). I cook everyday, do dishes everyday, do laundry nearly everyday, vacuum everyday. I take care of our inside and part of the outside animals everyday. I attend meetings and fund raise several times a month. I grocery shop once a month, sometimes twice if the sales are good. I juggle the schedules of everyone in my home. I'm preserving food as I can, I am starting seeds, I'm caring for all the plants ready to get in the garden. I get the same as zero help to get most things done. I'm sure many stay-at-home Moms say the same thing. So don't ridicule those Mom's who are home. We bust our ass, for no pay, 24/7, and listen to idiots that don't have a clue. 

The whistle is coming out! "Off your ass and on your feet maggots!" It's time for people to step up or step out!

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Let's keep talking





Just when I think I'm talking to just talk, someone or something proves that's not the case. After a phone call this morning, a brief conversation about the current economic situation and the increase in prices...they decided their grocery trip tomorrow would included getting some extra items in the event a neighbor or family member may need it. This just proves to me, even more, that we need to keep talking! 


Slowly, I am seeing more and more people coming to the realization of what is happening to our economy. This has nothing to do with politics. This has everything to do with taking a pro-active approach to caring for yourself, your family and if need be, your neighbors. This is realizing we are already in a recession, even if the "experts" don't say it. We can feel it in everyday life. The continued rise of costs on everything from utilities, to fuel, to food, to supplies and so much more; it's breaking the bank for the everyday, average American. The $45 fill up of my vehicle is now over $80, the $400 monthly grocery budget is now pushing $700, the $350 utility bills are now over $500, and the $250 in non-food related supplies is now well over $600 each month. You know what is NOT increasing? Income. So, what happens to those living on fixed incomes? What happens to those elders that have to choose whether they eat, buy medications or pay their bills? 


None of this is even touching the supply chain shortages. I wonder how many people are paying attention to supplies in your local stores. Or how many people have paid attention to the complete shut down of major ports in China, where a large portion of our supplies come from. Our own ports, here in America, are now thinning out....only because nothing new is incoming. Do people even realize that in 6 weeks or less, our supplies could come to a halt with the current projection of halted ships in China? Another thing that few people seem to be talking about is the petro dollar. I'm not going to claim to know a ton on this subject, but we all know it's value isn't worth the paper it's printed on. How many countries have pulled away from the petro dollar? How many countries have gone back to gold backed currencies? The countries that pull away, decreases the value of American fiat dollars even more. What is the U.S. dollar backed by? Currently, it's backed by another bankruptcy. Yet, our government is printing and spending even more every single day. 

We are facing a firing squad of chaos. We are being distracted by useless nonsense on tv. We are not being told about the true issues facing America, we are not being told the facts about anything. We hear about the war in the Ukraine, and how Putin is the cause of all the chaos. What we are not hearing is that much of this chaos began decades ago, that the WEF and the Klaus Schaub crew are going after our sovereignty in times of "emergency," that the WHO wants to control every country through a single government, single religion, and full control. We are not being told that our political leaders are all bought and paid for, from both parties, because of their sick and demented fetishes. We aren't being told that the open borders are ripe with Fentanyl and human trafficking at that border is at an all time high. We aren't being told that the border patrol and ICE agents are expected to taxi these illegal immigrants everywhere. Where did all our actual investigative journalists go?! Let's get the truth out. Enough is enough!!! Rip the damned bandage off, let the pieces fall where they will. 

Anyway, I am continuously digging for information. I know the crap we are being fed is not accurate or even close. I don't give 2 shits about overpaid Hollyweird celebrities and their nonsense. They would survive the real world. I have no desire to argue the abortion's not my or anyone else's business what a doctor and patient decide is right. It is not a public or government issue. I don't agree with it, but it's not my choice. I believe freedom is freedom, period. It's not my job or my right to judge anyone else, for sinning differently than I do. That will ultimately be their own cross to bare at the Golden Gates. 

We need to keep talking. We need to stop allowing ourselves to be drawn into the constant divide and conquer game being played. We all have our crosses to bare, and our own sins to answer for. If Jesus did die on that cross for our sins, then it's up to God to handle judgement...not me or you! 

Now, I encourage everyone to get out there, learn some new skills. Work towards getting your pantry stocked, and help those that may not be able to do so for themselves. Help those Momma's that are limited to 1 can of formula or 1 package of diapers. Check in on your neighbors and family members to make sure they are preparing as best as possible. Help out your local food pantries that may be running into shortages themselves. Let's get back to the American values that made our country a beacon of light for many. Let's get past the division, and realize once again, we all bleed red!

God Bless!

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Coffee Chat


I would love to be one of those people that could just pop out of bed, and hit the floor running. Sadly, I'm just not. I have to have some grace time to wake, get my caffeine intake, and get my scattered brain to function! My brain moves mountains, I think, while I, I wake up feeling like I have battled the world, every morning.

I have shared a lot in the past few weeks. I do a lot of research, on a lot of different areas. It concerns me the number of people that don't do any. I can't bad mouth those that don't...they honestly, don't know better. Whether they choose to remain willfully ignorant, or they just don't know where to start, or they can't figure out what they are feeling...they just know something is wrong; I hope some of my ramblings will help them. The times we are living in, are terrifying if you are paying attention. We are seeing so many areas of history repeating itself right now, and the outcomes are horrifying. A point to look into, look back to the years prior to the Great Depression. That did not just happen over night. There were multiple series of events that lead to that. Thus, my research mind has kicked into drive with urgency. 

The current economic outlook in the US is pretty crappy. Inflation is rising at record rates, fuel prices are out-of-control, supply chain issues have store shelves thinning or bare, farmers either can't get fertilizer or the price is doubled or tripled, our Southern border is being invaded, someone or something is taking out food processing plants across the country(there are too many to consider it "coincidence" now), somehow we are involved in a war now - that has been happening for 8 years already, we have bio-labs being discovered around the world that our tax dollars have paid for, we have elected officials trying to sign our sovereignty over to the UN, we have "elected" officials in obvious corrupt ties with the "enemy," and none of this even touches the deeper crimes against children. This brings up even more questions: why and how was the Title 4 flag captured in 1999, and by whom? If this information is true, who hid this from the American people...and if this was the case, doesn't this nullify everything that has happened since 1999? I encourage you to go watch War Castles, and learn who Russel J Gould is. 

As I have for technically years, but more so of late, I encourage you stock up your pantries. Stock up any and all necessities! Ideally, having a 6 month supply is good. Even just 30 days could help. I personally, always aim for 6 months minimum. This is not out of the ordinary for me though. Living as I do, winter months are atrocious. I have had years when, I haven't gone out for any real grocery runs, for 3-4 months. Obviously, there are tangible items(milk, bread, etc.) that have to be picked up by one of the guys that work in town, but I always stock up. I spend my Spring/Summer/Fall gardening, so I can supplement our food supply. Yes, it's a ton of work and No, it's not any cheaper...but I know the quality of my preserved goods, and they taste better. I was fortunate enough to marry into a family that taught me these self-sufficient tools. Believe me when I tell you, I fought it tooth and nails for several years. Now, I know exactly how blessed I have been in learning these skills. While I did get lazy for a few years, I am grateful that I can cook from scratch and know how to make meals that stretch. I know how to garden, how to watch the soil for depletion, how to maintain a garden(even though I have had years when the weeds get away from me), I know how to harvest/preserve/freeze and dry goods. I have learned how to meal plan, shop for those plans, and how to be prepared. I have helped/taught many people through the years how to do all this too. Honestly, I am still learning to this very day!!! 

I have a strong gut feeling that things around our country are going to bad, friends. The burning in my gut to keep pushing for people to be and get prepared for the shortages we are already seeing, is so strong. It's actually kept me up at night, worrying about everyone else. I know I am "practicing what I am preaching," and I know from many messages I receive, that many others are doing the same. I worry about others, it's in my nature, even though I have been told many times to not to. Now is not the time to be selfish. Now is the time to prepare your home, help those less fortunate, and make sure that if push came to shove, you could help a neighbor. If you know parents that facing the shortages or purchasing limits for formula or them out. Can you imagine how scary it would be not knowing if you could feed your babies? If you are expecting a child, stock up on anything you can, as you can. If you have extras, share them with others. As much as media tries to divide us, and pit us against each other....the only true battle right now, is making sure we help each other through the crisis the government has created. 

I know people will look at you like you are crazy if you talk about shortages and stocking up! I get the stink eye and "you are crazy" stuff all the time. Keep talking anyway!! Well, keep talking while you are stocking up! Get a hold of those mommas with babies and see if there is something they need, can't get or are limited on. Help them out! If you have blessing boxes in your area, put some stuff in there to help people out. If you don't, contact your local food pantry and see if there are any items they are short on or need extras of. If you live in an area that many grow gardens, work out a deal of may have eggs, vegetables or fruits, etc....find something you can trade. Visit your local producers, and purchase direct. Learn a skill that can help you become more self-sufficient. I have said this many times over, you can have a wall of degrees and accomplishments and still be an idiot! True skills are something that will help you in your real, everyday life. 

As I end this chat today, I will once again encourage you to get your pantries stocked. Learn something new and useful. Be kind and giving. Pay attention to everything happening and stay safe!!


Thursday, May 5, 2022

Are you crazy?!


Ok, Karen....yes, I'm crazy! My eye rolls just keep getting louder!!! You know what's crazy? Crazy is believing anything put on television, that "government is here to help," and not being prepared to care for your family as inflation and prices are increasing by the day!

So, there's one in every crowd. That person that listens to the news and says the only bad thing happening besides the war in the Ukraine is that "horrible Amber Heard." Seriously?! It's not bad that millions of chickens and turkeys are being slaughtered for supposed "Avian Flu?" It's not bad that in less than 2 months there have been over 30 food processing plants go up in flames, have planes flown into them, or explode?! It's not bad that the majority of the products used in America come from China...and their 2 main ports are now shut down...which means no production, no shipping in or out, and nothing coming into our ports to replenish the shelves at our stores? Oh wait, I forgot, all that stuff just grows on those shelves and in those coolers, right?! It's not bad that we have American citizens, Veterans, starving to death on our streets already but those elected to the highest offices are sending billions overseas?! So, who's crazy?

I'm crazy, because I choose to be pro-active, and prepared. I'm crazy, because I choose to be concerned about others...some of whom, obviously don't care about themselves?! Yeah, maybe that does make me crazy. I still live by: God, Family, Country. It's not just a cleaver trend for me. I still believe in helping those who are trying to help themselves. I still believe in being a good neighbor and friend. I still believe that my community is important. I still believe in family meals, family farming, and family traditions. I still believe that ALL medical decisions should be between doctor and patient. I still believe in our Constitution and Bill of Rights are the law of the land. What I don't believe; political correctness, government intrusion, big brother status, out spending the national budget to support countries that hate us or bribe us. I don't support violence, unless it's the last line of defense. 

I have spent the last 3 years, diving into some incredibly horrifying information. When a news story caught my attention, that was claiming to be have been debunked, I decided to dig and see if there was any truth to severity of that story. What I found, and what has come out of that research...turned into a web of information that proves nearly everything we have been taught and lead to believe, has been nothing more than a crock of crap. That being said, what I have learned, is that without critical thinking and researching for myself, I can't believe a word that comes out of any media source. Sadly, the same is true with many elected positions, even locally. I spoke with an elected representative today. I asked what his thoughts were on the food supplies, chains and what he thought about people being prepared. His answer, although brief because he really didn't want to talk about it, was "of course, everyone should have a food supply of 2 weeks stocked up, but no one in politics would say that part out loud," because they didn't want to cause a run on supplies. So, instead we're going to let people suffer, instead of saying something, about being prepared and having a 2 week supply on hand at all times? Seriously?! The guy was nice enough, he was young, but I got the politician vibe. Playing a word salad game. 

So, while the politicians play that game, I'm going to be real. Get a 2 week minimum supply, period! Make sure you have foods that have a shelf life. Make sure you have the meds you may need. Make sure you have a first aid kit, batteries, water and pet supplies. Even if, by the grace of God, we don't need it! If you don't, then donate it to a local food pantry. No harm, no foul. But God forbid, if those grocery shelves go empty, you will not starve. We have to stop waiting for the news or some government official to tell us what to do. I'm not saying run out and buy ALL the toilet paper, ALL the mac & cheese, or ALL the soup! I'm saying go out and spend $10-$20 every week or so, and get some things you can put in a corner, JUST IN CASE!!! 

This is not crazy thinking. This is being responsible. This is being pro-active. This is using your head for more than a hat rack! I don't know about anyone else, but I've seen the prices of many things double, already! I've seen many empty shelves. I've seen what the increased cost of fuel is doing locally. It's blatantly obvious that nothing is being done to correct any of this. Unless, of course, your head is still in the sand. If you are willing to take the chance that "the government is going to help," I guess, more power to you. Typically, that just means things will get worse! How much worse must things get before it is visible to even those with their heads in the sand? 

So, I guess I will end with this. Sure, it may seem crazy in the world we have lived in. We've had it generally, easy for 50 years. We've never had to go without, worry about feeding our children, worry about shortages or rationing. Most of us, have never stood in a bread line. For most of us, the biggest stress is when the internet goes out or our cell phones don't work. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Stocking Up


I'm going to share some tips and ideas that I have personally used to be prepared for whatever is coming down the road. With inflation, food and fuel costs rising in such a dramatic fashion, I am encouraging anyone and everyone that will listen to stock up, and to stock up now!

Last week, I made a list of things I thought may be necessary in the event of shortages or prices going any higher. This is coming from a decade plus of living this way due to the rural area I live in. Typically, we prepare 6 months out of the year(late Spring, Summer and early Fall) for the remaining 6 months(late Fall, Winter, and early Spring). This is because snow/ice typically means not leaving our farm for days and like everywhere mention a snow storm or storm, and there's a mad dash on the grocery shelves. Here is my brief list:

Food - typically foods that do not have to be cooked to be eaten or food that can be cooked on a fire or grill. Items that have longer shelf lives, soups, pastas, tuna, canned hams, spam, processed cheese, dried beans, peanut butter, jelly, instant dry milk, instant potatoes, rice, condiments(can help nasty boxed foods taste a little better), etc.

Water - bottled and gallon.  If there is a power outage, that could mean no water also and boil orders when it is restored. I try to figure 4 gallons per week, and 2 - 32 pks of bottles per week for my family of 6. This is for cooking and drinking. This is a bare minimum to just survive. Ideally, this needs to be doubled.

Necessities - Medicines, first aid, toilet paper, feminine products, disposable plates/cups/flatware, vet supplies, batteries, propane, fire wood, extra cans of fuel/diesel, and livestock feed. Having a minimum of a 30 day supply, at all times, is good. 

Get to know those in your area that are producers! Locally, you can typically find producers with: meats, eggs, vegetables and fruits. Learn who they are. They will be priceless when the box store shelves are empty. 

I have promoted gardening for as long as I can remember. I promote learning to grow, raise, and preserve those goods. I know not everyone does this. If you can, you should! You can preserve everything from meat, vegetables to fruits. You can freeze several items. You can dehydrate items. However, for this moment...something everyone can and should be focused on, is getting food and needed items on your pantry shelves, immediately!! 

I shared a video from Applachia Homestead, on my social media page, I believe. It is the list that their farm compiled to be prepared. I have shared mine here. I also documented in video and photos, my weekend trip and some of my own stock up items. Dollar General Stores, have a $1 section and dollar specials throughout their stores. Utilize these to get some shelf life foods in your own pantry! Even if you can only squeeze $10-$20 into your budget, go get some items! Work towards building your 30 day supply as quickly as possible. The current prices are rising every single day. It is not going to get any cheaper! 

Just keep in mind, the fuel costs sky rocketing, inflation soaring, and supplies not being shipped from China, are going to play heavily into what is available to all of us. I do not recommend another toilet paper shortage...but I do recommend making sure you and your family can survive and having enough that you can help out those that may not be taking these issues seriously.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Coffee, Farm, Life and ......


I should be an expert at juggling, at this moment in time! If you follow my social media, you will have been inundated, over the weekend, with my day of errands Saturday, and a couple of Sunday projects. I want to share some thoughts, stories about life on our farm/homestead, things I believe may help some and if possible, some research from my now 3 year dive. 

Whenever I write, I try to let my thoughts lead the way. I allow intuition, discernment and priority set its own course. Today, my thoughts started with distraction. We are so terribly distracted all the time. Many of us don't realize how much so, until we are forced to slow down. For someone, that has thoughts racing 24/7, being forced to slow down is a major undertaking! Saturday, while I was out, I spoke to a very kind lady. This lady is educated, worked her job, helping out over the weekend, and she was also concerned about the cost of products, food shortages, and product shortages. While I was happy to see someone taking initiative to be prepared, I was caught off guard at the narrowed view beyond that. I will touch on this more later, but one thing she said was the amount of distractions society has is insurmountable. This seemed an odd statement after her view outside of preparing. Distractions are being thrown at us left, right and center. If you think about it, the distractions are everything from: sports, award shows, sports drafts, the "war" overseas, which celebrity has the best dress/worst dating story/or this asinine trial, even our kids are being inundated with television, video games, school & homework, and youth sports. What are we being distracted from? EVERYTHING! Our continuously rising national debt, our shrinking GDP, the fact that our government is sending Billions of dollars or tax payer money all around the world, while not helping the American people. We are being told to look over here, not over there. We are distracted from paying attention to our families by technologies, by having to work multiple jobs to make ends meet, by the constant baiting of one American against another, and a million other distractions. When is the last time you sat down at a dinner table, with your family - NO TECHNOLOGY ALLOWED? I'm talking no cell phones or television? When is the last time you turned off all technology, and took your kids to a park or even just outdoors and played a game of soccer/football/some form of physical game? It has become so easy to just turn to some distraction to drown out whatever we don't want to deal with. I'm guilty to some degree myself. When is the last time you told your kids, no technology until they complete their chores? Do your kids even have chores? When is the last time you actually taught your children something useful? I'm talking how to cook, make a bed, do dishes, do laundry, clean a bathroom, mow the yard, plant something? 

Sadly, most people alive today, have had life relatively easy, in respect to having what we need at our fingertips. Most of us haven't had to bundle up to trek out to an outhouse in the dead of winter. Most of us haven't had to go to school then come home to help pick cotton/corn/soy beans/etc.. Most of us, have never lived in a house without running water. Can you imagine having to cart a pail to handled pump, in the dead of winter, just to heat it on the stove so you could bathe? What about electricity? Do you or your children even realize how much is run from electricity? So many us raising kids today, have heard how tough kids have it. I'm calling bullshit! Because so many of us have grown up with everything being "easy," many wouldn't know hard work if it bit them in the ass! Instead of teaching our children to be good stewards, we have taught them to be weak. "Hard times produce tough people, easy times produce weak people." We are here people. We've grown accustomed to having everything at our fingertips, and not having to really work for what we need. Here is another quick thought...we have neglected to keep wants/needs in alignment. Sure, we have to have jobs. I'm not discounting that, it does require money to survive today. What I'm saying is that we need: food, water, a roof over our heads, etc. We do not need the latest iPhone, a new car every 4 years, the latest computer or whatever our neighbor has but a little better. 

This entire year-to-date, it has weighed heavily on my heart to do my best to teach people how to prepare, to talk(sometimes feeling like it falls on deaf ears) about the research I have done, to actually be prepared for what seems to be a certain rocky patch in American History. This has opened the door to some very hateful and unnecessary emails and conversations. I, like many others, have seen this stage set for a long period of time. Many of us have been working for decades to learn, grow and be ready for any instability that may confront us. We have taken tongue lashings, and been name called so many things. Generally, the behavior has been like dealing with a lot of grade school children. Anywho, this stuff has weighed on me. I listen to my intuition, and when something is this means I'm supposed to do something about it. I'm only one person, who has a serious dislike of being in any spotlight. So, I do I maneuver this? I'm writing, I'm using some new videos without showing my face, I'm sharing small thoughts on social media. I'm talking to whoever will listen. I don't know if you'd call it God guiding me, the Universe, the powers that be...whatever you call it...I'm being pushed by something much larger than myself. 

With all that said, I've been "teaching" for the better part of 12 years now. Really, I'm learning beside my kids. I don't do school at home. I home school. That means, our education changes. It means we spend as much time as possible on everything we study. We have days when a subject will come up, that requires research...not just on the kid's part, but also on mine. It means we may be doing one subject in a 6th grade level, and may have one at the 9th grade level, another at 12th grade level, and so forth. We are not learning in a generalized academic way. If my child decides to learn or take interest in a subject not planned, that means together we dive into learning, researching, bouncing ideas off each other, and so forth. Every single day is different. We may use baking, one day, as a means to learn fractions. We may use gardening, one day, to learn what soil type works best for which plants. We may use photography, one day, to slow down and actually see something small - and identify whether it's a plant, insect, tree, whatever...then learn about whatever it is we've found. While we have a strict amount of hours we work on every single month, we do not adhere to a strict schedule like a public school. I can teach the love of learning, not memorizing, in a way that guides them to learn all their lives....instead of hating school. It's not my job to instill in their heads what I think, feel or believe. It's their job to learn to think critically, research and make educated decisions, and to find their own path that takes them further than I have made it. I also will not force anything marginal on my kids. I firmly believe in a higher power, whether you call the God, Universe, whatever...we are all talking about the same thing with different descriptions. The Grand Creator, can hear my prayer whether I sit in a brick & mortar building, if I'm in the garden, when I bow my head before bed, or I'm having a conversation with him in the woods. God is within all of us. So get to know yourself, and you will get to know God. 

As you know, from my unsupervised adventures over the weekend, I found some truly interesting things. I heard about a $1 section at Dollar General stores. This is true in my area. I found it, and was truly excited. There were actually $1 deals throughout the entire store, if you actually looked for them. I did a lot of ingredient list comparing on the generic labels to the name brand labels...folks, they have the exact same list. Just different names! There were known name labels in the dollar sections, but there were also generics. I realized quickly, some of the local stores, were not raising their prices as quickly as the box stores. The local stores are attempting to cut their own profit margins to keep down the price increases as long as possible. Yet another reason to shop local! While the meat supplies over the weekend were thin, it is still there - albeit substantially higher, it was there. Everything else was available too. Now, before some jump up saying, "see, I told you there was no shortage," let me remind you, a majority of all our products now, come from China. That means they are brought in on these container ships. That means, since China has 2 major ports shut down, those containers are not being loading and heading to American ports. China has shuttered many of its production facilities due to CV19, that means products are not being made, so there will be nothing to load onto those ships anyway. What we currently have on shelves, in warehouses, and in containers waiting to be unloaded, is all she wrote! Now, on this same line of thinking, diesel fuel has increased massively. Once those containers are unloaded in our ports, who is going to transport that product? To break this down, trains AND trucks, run off of diesel fuel. 2 years ago, diesel fuel was under $2 a gallon. Now, it's pushing $5 a gallon. What do you think that fuel charge is going to do to our product costs? It's going to increase everything even higher than it's already gone. So, even if there are still products on the shelves, the increase in cost is fixing to get higher and higher until that can of soup that's $1 now...could be $5 in less than 3 months. Would you rather buy it for a buck now, or wait to see if there is truly a shortage or the cost increase is 5 fold? To me, logic says, buy it now for a buck, and if there isn't a major shortage, you can share with someone that may need it when they can't buy it. 

As I said in one video Saturday, living in middle of rural America, changes how you think. We have never lost sight of God, Family and Country. We spend 6 months of every year, preparing for the next 6 months. Not always because we think there is some impending disaster coming, but any major storm could take out our needs for extended periods of time. This is how we live normally. You never have less supply of needs, than a few months. You always have candles, gallons of water, food(sometimes just because you end up with unexpected company!), first aid supplies, veterinary supplies, livestock feed, etc. You always have a Plan A, B, C, etc. Typically, you get to about Plan X before you can take a breather! In my household, I meal plan. I plan for a month to 6 weeks of meals. We usually have a few backups in case life gets chaotic, and we end up eating at 9:30. Typically, though, meal plans are made, the grocery list reflects those plans. Once in a while, you will find a sale that requires an unplanned purchase, but list is all that's bought. Now, I know a lot of people that live in town, and shop only as needed. That may work, but what happens when those shelves are empty? Or, like I said, that $1 can of soup is now $5? I worry about those I care about, and many others, but I don't know what it will take for people to want to be prepared and save themselves some money and frustration now instead of later. I've been told to just quit trying. I've been told that if people don't want to listen they will just have deal with it. You know, the survival of the fittest?! I can't do that! That is not who I am! Even if it means more nasty messages or rude conversations. Maybe just planting a seed, will help a single person to break out of the matrix long enough to think about it. 

It's finally reached gardening season in my neck of the woods. I truly couldn't be happier! That garden, if it could talk, would have so many stories to tell! That is my connection to Earth, that is my time of prayer and talking with God. The bonus, is getting so many beautiful and tasteful fruits and vegetables. It's seeing my hard work come to fruition. It's reaping what I sow. It's feeling that beautiful dirt on my hands, it's seeing the first sprouts, it's watching a bloom turn into a vegetable/fruit, and most of all, it's knowing that my efforts out there, help to feed my family. My efforts out there, nurture mind, body AND spirit. This year, I decided to expand the garden once again. We had scrunched it up for a few years, as I was having issue working and keeping up with it. Now, it's bigger, and may end up growing some more with the directions the economy is going. Either way, our big tiller rolled craps this year. It was antique, and was on it's second motor, and many was tired of being a tiller. So, we are going to have to borrow one, since that expense is NOT in my budget for this year. I've had several people tell me it's easier and cheaper to buy their food at a store, "like normal people." I'm sorry, but I truly laugh at this statement. It probably is "easier" and it may be "cheaper"(not so much now!), but let me tell you....there is NOTHING that comes out of a store that tastes better, than home grown food. Not only that, the pride in those of us that are working our tails off everyday from the start of garden planning to stacking those home preserved foods, is nothing short of galactic! Yes, we are proud of ourselves for fighting through weeds, late frosts/snow falls, seeds that don't germinate, wildlife that takes off with seeds and sprouts, more weeds, too much or not enough rain, too little sunlight, too cool of temps, trying new species of seeds; ALL before even getting a single thing out of the garden. So, when the millions of us still homesteading, brag about our gardens or produce....just give us a little credit. We may not row crop thousands of acres or have hundreds of head of livestock...but we still bust our ass, just the same; because we can not absorb losses. When we lose, we lose big time. However, when we gain big, so do our neighbors and communities! We share that produce! 

Moving on, I could talk about that all day long! We have finally come to the end of our lambing season. The last step is gelling the lambs, to make the farm payment. Then we begin making next round of preparations. Ram goes into the second set of ewes, temporary fencing goes up for the paddock pasturing, winter pens get cleaned up and manure gets spread on hay/pasture, cleaning and repair fence rows from deer/field run off, and sometimes vandals. Keeping check on fences is a daily chore. Then we get into mowing, raking and baling hay. That is all planned around Mother Nature. You have to have a minimum of 3 good days in a row. That can be a challenge in our area when the 1st cutting is ready. It's been a wet year, this year, so far. Even getting manure/fertilizer on the hay and pasture is proving to be a challenge so far. We have been taken out of the drought map, which is good, but it's also getting late enough now that crops are going to be late in and in turn late out. It's meaning a chance of hay going to head and not having any nutritional value if it can't get the sun and dry out it needs. It could mean higher overall cost per bale due to the increased diesel, net wrap, and especially if a break down occurs if you can get the parts or the cost of them if you can. It's making plans for back up feed, hay, mineral, etc. if you can't produce enough of your own. 

I guess, for me, so much of the chaos in our world right now, seems it could be avoidable. The hardest part means that everyone would have to work. I'm not talking just your job. We all know having a job is necessary. I'm talking about the extra work, that will help you in the long run. I'm not talking just right now. I'm talking about learning a skill that could help you to help yourself if all hell breaks loose. I'm talking learning how to garden, how to preserve foods, how to stock up just in case the costs rise astronomically or if the shelves are bare. I'm talking about having something you could trade for something you need. I'm talking supporting your local communities instead of box stores, online stores. I'm talking about helping your neighbors, family, friends. For so many years, young people were pushed towards college, and away from trades. Now, we have a bunch educated young people, that don't have any real life skills. They know what they went to college for, they know they are in school debt for the next 25 years, they can play video games and do anything on a computer....BUT they can't grow their own food, they can't afford a homestead, they don't understand how credit works, many of them can't cook/sew, many of them can't even change their own oil or tires. They can tell you the acidity of the soil, the price/cost comparison of what seed/fertilizer but don't realize that the overall cost of the product. They can't make change, y'all!!! There is one thing that irritates me to no end. Have you gone into a business and watched this? If it weren't for the computer screen, they'd never be able to give you the correct change...let alone, actually count it back to you! It's so sad! Simple, real-life education is being omitted from the lives of our children. 

Life is such a balancing act. I hope to get some videos made of the happenings here at our farm. If you disagree, that's fine! Just ignore them. Honestly, at this point, I don't have time to deal negativity. Nor do I the desire to go to battle with anyone not paying attention. There is an awful lot of happenings in our world right now, most of them are pretty bad. I have made the choice to make sure my family is prepared for whatever may come. If we are over prepared, then so be it, and my prayers have been answered. However, if the indications come to least I know we will be ok. I pray you all will be as well. 

God Bless!