Thursday, July 31, 2014

Running on overload!

Gosh, where do I start this post?! There is always so much going on in my life and right now, it's total chaos! I guess I will begin about a week and a half ago.

A just over a week ago, my husband decided to take a week of vacation time so we could work on our home. The plan was to get the new addition up, framed, doors/windows in, new roof on the whole house and the new siding on. Honestly, if anything in my life ever followed the original plans, I wouldn't know what to do! We did get the new addition up, framed, windows and 1 door in, and paper put on the new roof. The second door has yet to be put in, the new roof(which is desperately needed) has yet to get put on, none of the siding is up, and we still have 10 new windows to put in the rest of the house. None of this even accounts for the fact we still have to put in a new power load center, the new furnace, and run electricity to the shed. Then, we still have 8 rooms left inside the house to get done. Once I can get some of this stuff out of 2 of the rooms, I can get the new drywall put up in both of them and get them trimmed out pretty quick.

In addition to a complete, whole house remodel, I am working 3 nights a week and finishing my school work for a second part-time job. Which will take up 3 day times per week. Plus, I have 2 kids that I am educating, getting curriculum set for, and both at definitive stages in school(K and 8th). Now, you throw in the time of year that it is, and you have an immediate recipe for disaster! We have the oldest one with a birthday in September, the Thanksgiving and Christmas. Then, I am taking an entire weekend to celebrate my 40th the end of December.

Then I find out that my husband is considering quitting his job. I know he's tired of dealing with employees that don't want to do their jobs, but he has a job that is pretty good and fairly close to home. I am struggling to regain my solid ground, and I'm afraid that I spend more time just teatering on the edge. He has stuff he'd like to do around here, and the hunting thing has once again taken over finances and time. I am seeing another roller coaster ride, and I am not liking it one bit!

My schooling is getting closer to being done. I am schedule to be finished the 15th of August. Right now, I am still carrying a 94% average but it has slipped about 3% because of no time, lack of quiet time to actually study and feeling like I am up to my neck in trying to keep everyday life here in check.

I am going to keep this post short because it would be very easy to vent, rant and rave about issues that are causing me too much stress. Here is a quick look at the addition we have put on.

The new addition framed in.


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