Friday, September 12, 2014

Fall weather = soaring spirit!

I can always tell when the Fall weather begins to shift. My spirits soar, and my outlook is a whole lot better. I love the cooler weather, the changing of the leaves, the crispness of the air, and watching all the crops begin to dry. It's the time of year that always makes me feel a little lighter, and a little friskier...for lack of a better word!

For those who have been following my blogs, last October began a very rough emotional and physical time for me. Aside from a few uncontrollable issues that were not planned, my emotions took a nose dive and when that does my physical health. While I still have a few areas that have been difficult, I am finding my old self again. In finding my old self, I am re-finding my spirit, my need for having some fun, and feeling better physically too.

Now that the temps have taken a turn towards cold...I am thinking of all the amazing times, adventures, and beauty that can only be experienced in Fall. I have so many beautiful memories of Fall activities, from when I was younger clear through until last year. Some of my favorites are a pumpkin farm near my hometown, haunted house bus tours, Indian Summer nights on a boat with a little ceramic heater, jumping into piles of leaves, carving pumpkins, sitting around bonfires wrapped in blankets, taking my 2 little people to a local pumpkin farm and watching their eyes glow with excitement, and pulling out my camera to capture the beautiful color changes of leaves while tracking a deer with my husband. These are just a few reasons I love Fall. Even now as I type this blog, I am dreaming of what I can capture this year.

I am so excited to have 2 cameras to capture the world I see. My newest camera is one my husband found that is about 5 years newer than my old one. It's not brand new, but it's several steps up from my old one. The next one though, will be pretty expensive, so I am going to focus on getting great with these 2 before I take that leap. Fortunately, I have had several volunteers to help me learn to photography people. I tend to lean more towards nature. Now, I just need to learn to more on the copy write front, and helping to keep my photos, mine. Once I finish my schooling, I will have 2 hours a day to focus towards learning what I need to, take photos, and really learn my new camera.

In the meantime, I am feeling a little frisky, and a whole lot relieved to start feeling more like myself. I plan to to spend a lot of time seeing the beauty of everything I come in contact with. I also plan to keep at least one camera with me always! It never fails that I see something so magnificent, and don't have a camera on hand! I think I need to put memory cards, money and photo albums on my Christmas lists this year!

Venturing back into familiar territory!
Find beauty in everything around you!

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