Saturday, November 29, 2014

Local Small Businesses

We are all familiar with the term "Mom & Pop businesses." I am going to be highlighting some of our local businesses. I am planning to spend the next year doing my research and highlighting all our local businesses. Having weaned our family from the big box stores has been a challenge, but so much more rewarding!

Each year, we have done less and less with corporate owned shops and more with our local businesses. It's fascinating to me how many of our local owned businesses are just as competitive with the big box stores...when you figure in the cost of a trip to each. Besides the price comparison, knowing that we are supporting our actual local communities and not some gigantic corporation, is worth its weight in gold!

I know there are communities all over the U.S. that have some amazing small or local owned businesses. It is my hope that more and more people will realize the benefit and rewards of shopping locally, support our neighbors and friends, and keeping our "Mom & Pop" businesses growing and striving. I feel that I live in such a unique area, although I know there are thousands of areas with similar dynamics, living on the boarders of 3 states and multiple counties has given me such a great perspective!

I am very excited to highlight as many of our local businesses as possible. I will be contacting every single business that I can think of that is local owned, and maybe some of my local readers can help with some that I may not think of. I hope you will all enjoy learning about some of our local businesses, and hopefully, it will help my local readers with their shopping experiences.

Be sure to be checking back with this blog, and my Facebook profile as I begin highlighting our small/local businesses.


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