Friday, October 9, 2015

Coffee Chat

"The world is ever changing, so why are so many determined to remain the same? The tides shift by the moon, the seasons change every few months. Maybe it's time to be like Mother Nature, and allow the shifts in the tides, allow the seasons to change; whether this is figurative to literal. Roll with the waves!"

What a crazy and odd week! This week has been full of emotional roller coasters, for me. So much insight has found it's way to the forefront of my brain this's been a little overwhelming. When you throw in the chaos that makes up my life right, it's almost enough to drive you batty! Between my own realizations, my crazy life, the news, the weather and trying to be a good friend; it's been a ride this week!

This Coffee Chat Blog, is kind of a shift in the tides, if you will. As I said, this week has been eye opening. There's a lot going on, a lot of emotions I don't really talk to anyone about, a few repressed regrets that I live with daily, but all-in-all, it's been an overall positive and productive week, personally. My own spiritual, and soul growth, is really amazing to look back through. A few years back, an upset in a friendship was the tipping point for me. I had allowed people not worthy of my time, attention, and care; to overpower my own needs and personal well being. Although this was the tipping point, the many years prior had built up to that point. Honestly, I can not and will not place blame on anyone for the point I had gotten to, besides myself. I had allowed myself to slip out of my own confidence, and began questioning my own belief systems, my own value/worth, and allowed resentment and self-pity to take hold of my psyche. Being 6 hours from my family and friends, giving up on one friend I thought I could trust; left me with no one to talk to and no one to help rationalize the dizzying thoughts. I had my husband to talk to through everything, but there is something to be said for a best friend or someone who has known you forever. I have been fortunate to have his support, his shoulders when I finally reached the darkest part of this whole experience, and honestly...his understanding when I began learning more about me, that I didn't know. The hardest part of everything I have dealt with these last few years, has been trying to keep up a facade of being fine, and inside I feel like I am drowning. Trying to keep the smile, the desire to do things when all you want to do is alternate crying, screaming and hitting something.

I really believe the entire world is going through some serious spiritual and soul growth. I don't know about you all, but seeing even the smallest clips of news, is just depressing! I rarely watch television, so for the most part I can ignore it. However, being on social media, tends to bring up topics that have me questioning the lack of common sense as a generalized whole. When you hear about all the battles throughout the world, the greed and corruption of our elected officials, the mud slinging of an election year, everyone being offended by everything, and everyone trying to save's mind blowing! What happened to our society, what happened to individual responsibilities, what happened to minding your own business? It's complete horse shit, that people living in glass houses are throwing stones. In my eyes, there are these amazing things called the circle of life, a food chain, self responsibility, helping your neighbors and friends, not getting your nose out of joint, and the biggest one(to me anyway), to each their own! Everyone seems to be addicted to television, cellular phones, internet and all things technology related. Television is fueling the ridiculousness of some of the issues, by beautifying stupidity. It has these "reality" series, that are no more real than the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. You have the dramatic reality shows about little girls being flaunted around in enough make up to choke a mule and the cat fights between the moms. You have the "Real Housewives," series that just makes me sick. You don't even want to get me started about all stupid commercials, medical shows, lack of class of 90% of the female species today. Then you have these "girls" that go from being great role models to being completely out of their ever loving minds! I don't think there is a single finger to point or a direction in which to point it, when it comes to the stupidity and ignorance anymore. It seems to be ramped up right now, in multiple age groups, and multiple "classes." Everyone seems to know everything, and no one wants to consider a different view point without all kinds of harsh criticism for whatever goes against their belief. It's scary to think we have a younger generation strapped with a huge debt before they are even out of school, the "good" jobs I was taught about in high school are no longer in the country, the economy sucks for most people, there seems to be a lack of education on the value of life, a lack of education on innovations, not to mention the ignorance of so many when it comes to understanding financial areas(i.e. interest, loans and credit).

This leads me back to class. I'm not talking poor, middle or wealth. I am talking about proper grammar, dressing appropriately, having a vocabulary that is more than just slang, even so much as to know how to cook, clean, be respectful, and even set a dinner table. The very things, 22 years ago, I was taught at home and in home ec class. How to run a home, how to care for children, how to balance a checkbook, cook a meal, set a table, even making a grocery list! I don't know many kids, or even the generations under 40 years old, that know how to do most of this. I won't tell you I know everything about all of this, I have my own flaws! However, when you have a kid that doesn't know what side of a plate a fork or spoon goes on, it's down right unacceptable. When you have kids that only know running to a store every day for whatever you need for a meal; you are teaching irresponsible financial behavior. Making a grocery list for a week at a time, can save as much as $75 per week. That's $300 each month! Sure, a lot of people don't sit down to regular meals with their families anymore, but that is just another area that in my eyes, is wrong. Everyone today, myself included, runs at a break neck speed. Everyone is so over scheduled, stressed out and having to work 2-3 jobs just to make ends meet, that our family units are breaking down at a record speed. When is the last time you sat down with your family, for a meal? In our house, supper every night, is a family event. Everyone sits together, talks and eats. I try to keep the cell phones out of our meals, but once again, my family is not perfect either. I am fortunate that I am with my kids everyday, and have the benefit of being able to teach them the very things I have mentioned. I also know not everyone is granted that ability. I don't allow my kids to schedule anything without checking to make sure it does not interrupt our family time. In our house, family comes first...above and beyond, everyone and everything else. That is our belief, so that is how we run our household. I can't tell you it's been easy or works all the's not and it doesn't! But these are the values and beliefs we hope to instill in our kids to continue on to their own family someday.

As I have listened to so many friends going through their own soul growths, it's been interesting to me to notice a pattern. It seems there are so many facing some pretty big storms in their lives. From health issues, to feeling lost, to divorces and break ups, to trying to find's pretty amazing to listen. (A side note's nice to listen to other people and know that it's not just me having some soul searching times!) It seems to be a pretty repetitive pattern with everyone I have talked to. Everyone is trying to find themselves. Whether this is from playing a role for so long, or because they feel a need to understand a deeper feeling of being driven in one direction or another. Then you just have some of the younger generation that wants to be grown up yet they haven't reached a maturity level to truly be able to treat like a grown up. It's such an amazing time for growth, yet I can't help but wonder how many will actually grow as opposed to using this tremendous time as an excuse to be nothing more than they are today.

I have loved watching the moons, and stars throughout the changing seasons this year. It's mind-boggling to think that the power of the moon can change the tides. With something seemingly millions of miles away, that it can have such an impact here on Earth, with something as big as the oceans. For years I have heard of the effects of a full moon. I always laughed it off, and figured it was wives tale. As I have gotten older, I can tell you, IT'S NOT! As much as the moon can affect the tides, it can affect the personality of people. Don't believe it? Ask any teacher, any nurse or hospital! However, science has broke down into so many sub-categories now, that the first thing I hear when I mention Astrology and Astronomy; is usually negative! Most people today think of Astrology and Astronomy as horoscopes, psychics, and fortune tellers. There is so much more to Astronomy and Astrology than that! For anyone that has lived near a large body of water, they can tell you that the changing moon phases, changes the tides. They know when high tide and low tide are, most because of moon signs. Many of us, watch the Old Farmers Almanac for weather patterns, moon phases, and even weather folklore that most has proven pretty accurate. With this year being such an amazing year for super moons, full moons, planet alignments and obvious individual growth; it's not really a surprise that so many were calling for the end of the world as we knew it, 2 days ago. Religious sectors, and even astrologists were on the line; although very different beliefs, they both believed in a change in consciousnesses. I won't claim to know anything about the religious side, but on the astrology side; it's that shift of consciousness, that is cause people to "soul search." It's a shift, as a collective whole in society, that is stirring the pot. It's that shift that has so many looking for who they are, like being woke up from a several year nap. It's time now for searching our souls, for finding our way back to simplicity. To take responsibilities for our own lives and our own messes.

My own beliefs, have led me away from religion as a whole. There have been too many experiences with religious affiliated people, that are wolves in sheep clothing. I am not going to group everyone who is religious into one group, because they are not all alike! However, my own experiences have changed my view. I don't affiliate with any religion, I don't feel a need to. I pray to whoever may be the grand creator, I have faith that prayers are answered, I believe prayers can be heard from anywhere at any time, and I believe that trying to be the best person you can be - should be everyone's "religion!" I believe that there is a grand creator, and the universal vibrations are sent to us as a guide, when we choose to feel them. I believe in positive energy or vibes, and that all living beings from the grass to animals to humans have a purpose and are in fact, LIVING. I know a lot of my beliefs come from my Native heritage. I believe each of us is connected to our creator through prayer, but also through our beliefs, our connections to Earth and our family. How we treat each other, how we teach our children to respect the Earth that sustains us; separates us. I believe we are all here to grow, heal, and have a mission to do so. I believe we are given the pen to write our own stories, even though there are tests along the way, to force us to grow to the next level. I don't believe in hell or a devil, so to speak. I believe that there are tests along the way, that teach us right from wrong, and honestly feel we live in hell. Just proving ourselves worthy, each day of progressing into a higher level of consciousness as we go. I believe in reincarnation, and spirits living among us. I believe that there are some who have progressed high enough in conscience to be able to see/hear/feel those spirits.

The changing of seasons, has begun for the Autumn Equinox. It's amazing to me how the progression of seasons to Fall, is ultimately a time of dying for the year. The leaves change to beautiful colors, only to fall off the trees, the crops are pulled out of the fields and gardens dry up and die in the colder weather. In all actuality, it's my opinion, that this is not really the case. Just as bears, everything hibernates, not dies. The tress shed their leaves to fertilize the soil for the reawakening in the Spring, just as the grass turns yellow to sleep through the cold months. Nothing is really dying, so much as it's replenishing itself, fertilizing the very soils needed when it begins to warm again, and everything in nature, just simple sleeps through the months of inactivity until a time for growth again. With Autumn being such a spectacular time for amazing colors, and the beauty that helps each of us be reminded of the coming snows; I wish you all continued growth, recognizing the beauty of nature, and preparing for the beauty of a hibernating Mother Earth.

Positive vibes, beautiful energy,

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