Thursday, March 24, 2022

Coffee Chat, farm chat, and always more


A coffee chat, farm chat and always more!!

I have done a little editing on this blog, something I rarely ever do, after a conversation with a dear friend today. As we were chatting and comparing stories, life styles, the off handed snarky remarks we receive, and the occasional overwhelm we experience; it dawned on me that we are not alone. We may have different lives than most, but she and I are just like many others in the world today who experience life at break neck speeds, over scheduling and being our own worst critics! So, I started this blog over to maybe help others that may be feeling overwhelmed too!

I am a lot more tame in my blogs, usually, than during our conversations. We both tend to get a bit worked up over stupidity. Anyway, life has a way of taking some major left turns, usually at break-neck speed. Issues sneak up on us, even those that are the most observant! We have this plan, or something of that sort, and God just laughs as he throws those speed bumps in. You see, we have become so busy being busy, that we forget to take time to appreciate God's gifts; whether that be our talents, nature, or whatever. We force ourselves out of bed every morning, we bust our asses at our jobs, then race home to fix meals, do school work, take care of the house/kids, then go to bed. Just to start all over the next day. We wish our lives away waiting on Friday's and long weekends, just so we can race around in different areas, and then complain because we blink and it's Monday again. It's truly a sad existence if you think about it. Why do we do this? Yes, the standard answer is because we have to work, we need the money, yada yada. I get it, it does take money to survive in this messed up world. The thing is, we are neglecting to take care of ourselves in this messed up schedule. About a decade ago, I met an incredible therapist through one of my natural health courses, and she made a comment that has stuck with me through the years, "you can't pour from an empty cup, at some point you need to refill it." I can't tell you how many people I have said this to since then! At the time, it made sense, but even I have neglected to follow that advice for a long time! I do so much trying to make life easier for those around me, that I neglect to take for myself to recharge and refuel. It's at that point, I become overwhelmed, out of sorts, and frankly quite obnoxious! I allow others to take me for granted while I go out of my way to make lives easier...more is just added to my plate. Then I get bogged down, upset, overwhelmed, and tend to flip my lid. The key here, is that I have allowed this, so it's up to me to fix it. 

As we went down the conversation super highway that typically happens with us, we talked about our farm lives. It's incredible how many people are ignorant to what goes into keeping up with a farm. It does not matter how big or small, farm are a lot of HARD work. Keeping up with small family farms gets really crazy. Especially when you are doing everything for yourself and not hiring someone to do it all. Most of us with small family farms can't afford financially or otherwise, to bring in someone anyway. People that are not invested in the profit/loss, not familiar with your livestock, don't know what to look for when checking on chickens/ducks/goats/sheep. Most don't bother to clean water tanks daily, as long as they have's all good. They don't know that when a storm or front comes through the animal behaviors get squirrely, they don't know to check fences regularly to make sure deer haven't plowed through them. They don't know that when the temps drop, it requires adding more straw to dog houses, duck house, chicken nests and bedding for the goats and sheep. They don't know the personality of every critter on the farm. They don't know that one cow is like a giant dog, but a couple of the others would take you out in a heart beat. So many people have it in their heads that farming is a hobby, something you can pick up and drop just as quick. That is not the case. It's understanding everything above, doing everything above, it's following bloodlines and pedigrees for the best off spring, it's knowing heat cycles, feed cycles, feed rations, knowing what minerals are needed when egg shells are thin, it's knowing what nutrients are required to maximize the hay and pasture or gardens, it's learning to prepare for 6 months of winter type weather in the other 6 months of the year. It's learning to juggle finances when they dip and dive from job losses/job changes/feed increases/utility increases. It's knowing how many bales of hay are required to sustain your herds annually, and sometimes having to pull those bales out of thin air when supply runs low. It's learning to budget for a 5 grand a year feed bill...yet making sure there can be more added to it when inflation and prices decide to sky rocket. None of this even touches on raising or growing your own foods. That in and of itself is a whole other list!! That is learning to have a green thumb even when you don't! Knowing that it may not be cheaper than "just buying it at the store," but it's a hell of a lot healthier and tastes better! Learning how and when to harvest those fruits and vegetables, how to preserve them, how to manage an influx or shortage of your planned winter foods. It's learning how and when to prune those orchard trees to promote growth. It's learning when to add the insect repellent jugs to the trees, it's learning to add compost and nutrients to those trees and vines to promote fruit growth. It's learning to make recipes that will utilize those fruits/vegetables, it's budgeting for extra jars/lids to preserve them. It's expanding your mind to understand fully, you reap what you sow! 

As she and I were tackling the world problems, one area always seems to come up for both of us. That is the snarky and frankly rude comments we get. Neither of us are preppers or end times people, but with the world today...having a game plan in the event of necessity seems logical. However, there are so many that look at us with the stink eye. While I am normally pretty immune to this, I've gotten so often. Sometimes, it just gets under your skin. Those giving the stink eye and snide/snarky remarks are the ones that depend on their grocery stores. As we have all seen since 2020, those are unreliable. Even in my remote area, shelves are getting thin and we are seeing limits return to products. How does that work when you are feeding 6, 8, 10 or more people? The store limits of 2, are you supposed to tell everyone in your house they can only eat 2 green beans because Walmart/Aldi/whoever, says you can only have 2 cans? How's that working for ya?! I personally, will NEVER stand in a bread line. I know how to raise, grow, preserve and shoot my own food! However, my concern is for those can't or don't know how. Not because they can't or don't know how as much as those are the people that will find their way to houses like mine. They will either congregate here in hopes of not going hungry or some idiot will attempt to break in when times get real hard. Just a note doors are locked for YOUR protection, NOT MINE!!! I guess I should ask here, why am I worried about others? In general, because I don't want others to suffer. We live in a world that has lost connection with each other in lieu of division by our government. We have lost the common decency of respecting others, helping others, and treating others as we want to be treated. It's sad and messed up. 

As this world seems to get nuttier by the hour, I ask continuously, where has the work force gone. I see signs and ads everywhere of businesses hiring. Where did everyone go? 2 years ago, everyone was forced into lockdown, for an illness, and now no one is working? Even those that have jobs are either not doing them or spend more time complaining than actually working. Yes, I know the supply chain is a mess. Yet, there are so so many that go to their job expecting a paycheck while disrespecting their employer, and the business. I wonder if education has been so watered down that employees have forgotten or not learned that if a business doesn't make money, neither do the employees. I get that there are businesses out there that treat employees poorly, and that is on the employees to either find a job that does respect the employee or deal with it. On the other hand, when you have a business that is making payroll, every single time, and is not cutting your hours or your wages through all this supply chain better appreciate and respect that business. Instead of demanding more money, demanding anything at better buckle up, do your job to the best of your ability and respect that business owner! We have lost so many businesses, mostly small ones, in the past 2 years. There are jobs everywhere, you just have to work. Absolutely NOTHING is free, so you better learn some work ethic. Show up when you are supposed to, do your job to the best of your ability, and for the love of God, QUIT WHINING!!!! Most of the jobs today are starting so close to the wages of a skilled trade, it's quite pathetic! 


As I have spent a lot of time in research mode, I have learned how little I actually knew. "You don't know what you don't know." It's incredible to realize how much public opinion is swayed by television(noise box), and how little critical thinking is actually done. I've heard so much; I don't have time, I can't stomach that information, or a million other excuses. Let me tell you, it's tough! My research began when I heard about a conspiracy theory about child trafficking and the Epstein stuff. I wanted and did deny it for a long time. Then, I started researching. Boy, was I floored when I started digging. When theory became fact, then I dug even more. The further into the research I got, the worse it got and the more high profile names I came across. Enough information and videos to make me physically and emotionally sick. Those spider webs, turned into the biggest scandal and none of us had a clue. People that were held in such high regard; from presidents, to congress, to CEO's, to royals to churches. None have been left out of this. Folks, I am still digging, 2 1/2 years later!!! I am still learning new information every single day!!! However, the link to children, set my blood on fire! There is nothing more precious and valuable than our children. Learning what these freaks, pedophiles, and evil demented people were up to, pissed me off!!! Then I began learning about the rest. Sadly, there are still a lot of people that disregard or discredit so much of this information yet refuse to research for themselves. Why? Pretending it doesn't exist isn't going to make it go away. By choosing to stay ignorant to the facts, you are NOT helping to protect and save the beautiful children of this world. I've cried my way through videos, I've had to pause videos so I could go vomit. It's UGLY, but when the proof is out's no longer a conspiracy theory! 


Our world is in a mess, and there are a lot of people that can't seem to see it. We spent 2 years mired down by an illness with, at minimum, a 96% recovery rate. Now, that seems to have been thrown by the wayside for a supposed war between Russia and a very compromised Ukraine/Biden. Does no one else question the conflict of interest in Ukraine between the Biden's, Pelosi, Romney, Kerry, and multiple other big names in DC? Just the names mentioned have children on energy boards in Ukraine, and Kerry's daughter is married to an Iranian politician's kid. Let's just touch on Iran while we're at it. Where and what was the $150 billion Obama sent, in cash, to Iran as he was leaving office? Or why hasn't the $3.5 trillion that came up missing under Rumsfeld the day before 9/11 not been accounted for? How in the hell do you "lose" that much money???  Why, when we are $30 trillion in debt, are we printing and sending money to ANY other country, other than our own? When is the Biden Admin going to fix everything he has screwed up right here in the states? Why did his admin/military industrial complex agree to leave millions of our tax payer funded equipment in Afghanistan? Why are bringing people into our country, when we can't even take care of the ones that are supposed to be here? You know, the AMERICANS? Why aren't our elected officials demanding we start up our own pipelines, instead of funding pipelines in other countries...then bitching about energy costs? Why does history have to repeat itself - inflation, war, industrialization, less freedom, more big government? Go look it up! A simple search of what happened with WWII, will give you a start. Why is every new station basically repeating, verbatim, each other? How many times in a news cast can you find contradictions? 


Now that have reached this point, I am going to call out the "alternative news sources" too! I can tell you, I bounce around. The thing that tips me over the edge, whether it be the constant commercials on regular tv, or the constant begging/promoting products on the alternative sources...enough is enough!! Americans are getting screwed at every corner. We are either paying for cable, or satalite...because the government took everything digital. Then they start throwing in paying for Disney+, Discovery+, or a million other +'s, then there is streaming sources - netflix/amazon/youtube. Now, we have the alternative news sources throwing their towels in the's only $3.99, or $5.99 a month for "special" content. Screw that!! Then you have all these people claiming to be truth tellers, touring the country while collecting more money from people that are craving truth. No, I will never attend anything like that. There are people out there that I respect, that have a ton more information than I have, but I refuse to PAY for anything else. You want the truth, I will gladly share what I have found, I share links(that still work), and all at no cost. I would rather get the truth out there than be lumped in with costing people anything more than they are already being pillaged!! I am nothing special, but I am learning how much of our history has been a lie, and I will not allow myself to to be treated like a mushroom anymore!(kept in the dark and fed full of shit!)  I am an American citizen, a free and sovereign being. I DO NOT consent to the crimes against humanity that have been allowed to go on for generations, I DO NOT consent to allow my birth certificate to be sold by the Federal Reserve nor do I consent to the fraudulent and illegal IRS. I DO NOT consent to allowing the government to rule my life. I DO NOT CONSENT!!!! These criminals at the highest levels do not represent Americans, there fore, we should have NO taxation without representation.  Whether you realize it or not, we are at war. It is not the kind of war that we have had in the past. This war is a biological and information war, and until more people realize this, we are going to continue to struggle. 

Friends, we need to come together. We need to stop allowing these freaks to bait us into division. This is not a civil war, this is a revolutionary war. It should be the citizens against the tyrants in government. Educate yourselves. Go out an find out who is running your local elections, and vet every single one of them. Hold them accountable for the financing, their records, and their promises. Everyone of them from school boards, clear up to federal. It's time for REAL truth!!! It's time for Americans to demand accountability from those elected to SERVE US!

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