Monday, December 6, 2010

Holiday Thoughts

As I reflected and prayed today, I had a flood of emotions and thoughts, I want to share.  I have always loved Thanksgiving, and Christmas and yes, even my birthday! : )  I personally spent several years dreading the holiday season, and decorating only because it was expected. The last 2 years, however, I have found myself valuing the true meaning of the season; from my perspective.  So, here are some of my thoughts.

It has occurred to me that so many people dread the holiday season because they've lost the meaning.  We have all been guilty of spoiling our children, trying to give them more than we had, but all that has done is create greedy, material children.  Christmas has become a competition of spending, giving the best and most gifts.  Then come January, we fret over the debt we've run up.  As a wife, and mom of 2...I get it.  My youngest is just over a year, so I can still change the way she sees the holiday season.  My oldest, on the other hand, wants all the "latest and greatest" stuff.  All the advertisements for new toys, technology and video games.  He has gotten better the last few years, but honestly, doesn't grasp the spirit either.

This year, especially, I have found the spirit, joy, and hope that is synonomous of this season.  I love to give, but more than anything, I want time with our family, friends, and to do more to help those that have so much less than we have.  It breaks my heart to hear all the dread and lack of spirit, more and more as the years pass. 

I wonder how many of us can truly find the blessings in our lives each and every day.  So many, focus on all the negatives in their lives, and forget to thank God daily for each of the gifts he has blessed us with.  Whether that would be health, family, having a roof over your head or even food to eat.  Although you may not always have everything you want...most of us have what we need.

As I focused on my daily devotion, I was overtaken by how many blessings I have had in my life.  There have been many times, my life could have taken so many different paths.  As a child, there were times we didn't have much.  Looking back, I can honestly be thankful for the lessons that me.  I can remember a year, right after my parents divorce that, had it not been for our local church, and a few other local groups, we wouldn't have had anything.  They dropped boxes of gifts, food, and winter clothes for us.  I know that year my Mom had been so grateful, but also so shameful that she couldn't provide Christmas for us 4 kids.  I was old enough that year to understand and believe in the spirit of Christmas. 

I have spent a lot of time reflecting lately.  Although I thank God daily for every blessing, I was really surprised this weekend by how blessed I really am.  So many people us their trials as an excuse to hold them back from their potential.  As I prayed today, it caught me off guard, how different my life could have been.  Instead of using my parents social or financial status, or their divorce, as a crutch; I have used it to improve myself.  I focused on giving to those less fortunate, and trying to be the best person I could be.  That's not to say I've not made mistakes, won't make more mistakes, or done things in the past I am not proud of. I am only human.  However, I do try to always do my best, and to raise our children to do the same.

As Christmas approaches, I know so many have had financial this year, but why not change your focus. Be grateful for what you do have.  Christmas isn't about the number of gifts, how much you spend or keeping up with the Jones'. Christmas is a feeling to be felt all year.  Spending time with your family, helping your neighbors and being grateful.  That's what I believe Christmas is about.

My prayer today is that every one, will remember what Christmas should be about, and that everyone will regain their holiday spirit.  May you all find the blessings in your life, that I have found in mine. 

God speed & Blessings,

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