Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Chapter 6 - June

While the start of the year, I made a decision that each year, we are given 365 blank pages and 12 blank chapters to make the most of; I had no idea where my life would take me. I am a firm believer that we choose the paths we take, whether that is done by allowing our circumstances to control our path or if we choose to take a path different than our current circumstances and change our directions completely.

I am guilty of letting my current circumstances guide me, instead of saying "I don't like this path, it's time to take a new one." I do try not to do this...but there are times, it happens. I have used some negative circumstances as a crutch to not better myself. I have used multiple excuses to not change a bad situation and make it better. The one thing I have found, using excuses/negative circumstances to not make changes does nothing more than make the situation worse. At times, it may feel like I am trying to make changes but to look and be completely honest about it, all I was doing was complaining. That gets none of us anywhere!

So as the story goes, crying "wolf" is only effective for so long before it is no longer believed. This happens so many times now that social media has become the trend. With such an abundant use of sites like FaceBook, it has become easy to complain about our lives, our jobs, or any number of other things. It has become easy to share a status and have multiple people voice their input, and many times, this only complicates matters. We share happy occasions, we share meal ideas/meal plans, we share our illnesses, and even our anger. I know that that particular social media site is the only I personally use, and it's a soap opera ever day! For some, that is the only way they communicate. It's really quite sad that so many in the younger generations don't know how to actually socialize other than through social media.

While I am not into all the technology, I do know that some is now required. Even though I would personally prefer actual interaction with real people, I do enjoy being able to keep up with family and friends that I know longer live near. I do wonder what folks would do now, if they didn't have internet/social media or cell phones. Myself, I really think life would be much less stressful!

My 365 page blank book is a constant journey. Sometimes the pages are beautiful, full of magical moments. Other times, the pages are like a horror movie that haunt me to my core. While I intentionally look to find positives in everyday, there are some days I close out with just a quick prayer that the next day be a whole lot better!

The month of June was a busy month. We worked on baling hay in between rains. We had a boat load of repairs to make to equipment, we had my nephew here for 2 weeks, and we had our 14 year anniversary...not that we did much to celebrate it. It was a roller coaster month for me. I have spent every possible moment in my gardens, and find myself just looking at them and smiling knowing that the 3 gardens this year are my accomplishment. I designed them, I planted them, and I am the one taking care of them. They are beautiful and have already given us several pieces of produce. As the month of July is already half over, and it has been total insanity around here, it will only continue.

Anxious to see where the rest of the month has in store.

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