Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Numbers are a game. Numbers are everywhere!

Have you ever noticed how numbers are everywhere? Seriously, they are everywhere! From birth dates, to social security, to drivers license, to anniversaries, to roads, phone numbers, cooking and budgeting - just to name a few. They all seem to represent something. If you honestly kept track, in a 24 hour period, you use numbers all the time.

Just the simple communication, " give me just a minute," you end up using numbers. One minute = 60 seconds...numbers! A phone call = 7 to 10 numbers. Traveling = Highway number, even if you automatically know where to turn, most highways have numbers. Balancing your budget is a bunch of numbers jumbled into a list; your assumed income, your assumed expenses, and your estimated unexpected expenses...all numbers. It's all a game to make them work together.

Some where and at some point in time, I became a numbers person. I love crunching numbers. Whether it's juggling our budget and trying to make those numbers work, or measurements for building or moving furniture location...there are always numbers involved. Even if you don't realize it. Making numbers work together for a project, motivate and inspire me. While some numbers can be manipulated, I love that numbers are a constant. There isn't much give and take there.

When it comes to building something, numbers must be concrete. Typically you have less than 1/8 of an inch of play to work with. It must be sound, which means making numbers work with design. There isn't much grey area when working with numbers. When numbers don't work together, a complete shift must be made. There isn't any flexibility when they don't work.

Even teaching and learning dances, you have a typical 8 count of patterns. While there may be a few quick steps thrown together for one and part of another have 8 counts to choreograph. When cooking, you have measurements to work with = numbers. Whether it's fractions or's all numbers. Planning a project, for me, involves many sets of numbers. The comparison shopping lists which includes prices(numbers), then the project materials lists, the lists of prices for each business you compare then gets translated into multiple lists of numbers to get the best prices.

When someone like myself, realizes that they have become a numbers person, it's kind of strange. I have always hated Math. I barely got through accounting in high school, algebra and business math in college. Yet, here I am. Too many notebooks to count of numbers. The constant game of crunching numbers for any number of projects, budgets, animals, and the farm. My husband gives me a lot of static about it, but I believe he knows that if it wasn't for my constant need to crunch numbers, we wouldn't be where we are today. My expansive collection of notebooks full of numbers, is helping me to achieve my goals. They have also helped us to be able to start paying off debts and remodel our home. The number game has allowed me to comparison shop at different stores and make project lists for each of our remodel projects, and to do it all for less than $25,000. My number crunching has allowed me to build my furniture to fit the rooms of our home.

While making numbers work together isn't always easy, it's a quest to make them work. It becomes a goal within itself to find the correct pattern, the correct resolve to make them work together while still remaining true.

Just a fun and interesting thought for today. I am heading back to crunch more numbers for building more furniture. :-) Have a beautiful day!

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