Saturday, August 30, 2014

What plan are we on now? X? Y? Z?

When the plans aren't going as planned, what do you do? Well, in my house, you change direction and make a new plan. I can tell you from experience, we live life on multiple plans, any given day of the week! I can juggle MANY changes of plans, in a single day. I'm not saying it's easy...but it happens.

My husband laughs at me because I usually have notebooks full of lists. I'm talking grocery lists, event lists, school lists(for both the kids and myself), project lists, lists of animal health and husbandry, financial lists, gardening lists, etc. You get the picture...lists EVERYWHERE for every possible thing going on in our lives. At any given point, I will be working on at least 5 of those lists.

I like organization and to feel like I have at least a little bit of control over most situations. While anyone whom has ever built or remodeled a home can tell you, NOTHING ever goes as planned! It's true to every aspect of our big remodeling projects at home. From busted plumbing, to Mother Nature's major PMS this year, to insane schedules, and many other's been a pill at best! Our remodeling projects have had a major hindrance from Mother Nature. Between the early cold spells and the rainy Summer...many of the outside projects have been delayed. Once we were finally able to get a reprieve from rain, the new addition to our home went up pretty least until it was time to put the roof on. We do have half a new roof on our home, but once again, Mother Nature has put a damper on moving along with that project. We were finally able to electrical run in the addition, and insulation up in the exterior walls, but now...we have to turn power off to the whole house in order to put in a new load center. So, the heat and of course, more rain...have delayed that. In all of my planning, lists and typical material planning...I managed to forget 2 key items. Door Knobs...WTH?! Of all the crazy things to forget! I was so mad at myself for awhile! Now, I am just laughing about it. Seriously, in all the material lists for all the remodeling...I forgot door knobs! This big remodeling project began in February. We are now basically in September and we are not even close to being done! I know when we are finished, our house will be beautiful...until then though, it is unorganized, cluttered and driving me bonkers!

On to the next subject matter.

My ideas are so prevalent, sometimes I scare myself! :-) I am finding that several of my ideas are becoming plans, and even more projects. Many of them are my own little projects, and some require extra hands/strength. I am attempting to get my own schooling finished so that would be one less project on my list to cross off. Between working again, trying to keep remodeling projects moving forward and a few other unplanned events...I am finding it very difficult to stay focused, and finish each subject in the time frames I have set for myself to get done. I have notebooks of furniture ideas to build, but have to finish some remodeling before there will be a place for them. I have been working on landscaping for 3 years now. I would be willing to bet we have planted over 30 trees, and only have about 12 that have survived. I did get some mulch put in this year, but there are still pages of ideas that I want to get done...once again, have to finish remodeling so the landscaping won't be in the way. None of this accounts for wanting have a clean, clutter free house! In case you haven't been able to connect the dots, almost all my plans, depend on us getting this remodeling project finished. Almost all my ideas/plans are hinged and connected to finishing this crazy project list, also known as remodeling, and finally getting some organization in our lives.

So, as the picture says, I believe it's time to "go left." Maybe by taking a left turn, we'll be able to keep moving forward?! Well, sort of anyway :-) As we all know, when plans aren't going as's time to find a new plan. I believe, I am at a good point to say, whatever happens...happens. We'll just go with the flow and hope for the best!

On to the next plan.....

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