Tuesday, January 6, 2015

My goals and my individual path

Since my last few weeks have been spent with illness of some sort, it's time to put my goals and plans into action. Setting goals has always been my way. I got away from actually setting goals a few years back. I had thought I could just think about my goals, and that was enough. It's not for me! I have to write out general goals, put a date or time frame on them, and then work towards them. While we can all dream of what we want, I have to have a visual reminder. So, I am writing mine here in my blog, I have them typed and hand written. I will print as many copies as I need to be reminded, and to achieve the goals I have set for myself!

My general goals for 2015:
-Finish my medical transcription editing schooling - By March
-Take daily time just for me!
-Start building furniture - not just for our house but also to sell
-Learn my new camera, and start taking photos again
-Plan get together times for family and friends-stop being too busy to enjoy life
-Make 3 trips to my hometown this year instead of 1
-Take time to take my kids to the zoo, and our local state parks
-Learn to be OK with taking time for myself
-Stop letting anyone deter me from my goals
-Don't let responsibilities take on a life of their own
-Take time to have fun!
-Start exercising and dancing again
-Quit smoking for good!
-Spend a lot of time in my gardens
-Start working on my landscaping projects
-Don't settle for things you don't want
-Take over finances instead of letting them take over me
-Take time to blog, read, and write
-Make time for all the people that are important to me, not just my immediate family
-If I don't like the path I am on, don't be afraid to change directions!
-Finish our interior remodeling

Since these are my general goals, I will have to find a path that will allow me to achieve them. However, I am not afraid to fail, knowing that I have just found a way that didn't work. I have more detailed plans, but I will not post them online. I also know that by sharing my goals, it's another way to hold myself accountable.

I read a quote the other day, "You get lost in life when are always doing things in urgency. Find a moment of stillness, give your heart a chance to tell you where you really need to be." This was a quote from Dobinsky, in the garden of happiness. I love this! It's so true. We live in a world that is in constant crisis mode. It causes us to spend too much time reacting, instead of taking action that will empower us.

As a child, I can remember many nights that our house was the center of get togethers. There would be many different families, and everyone came to play cards, or visit. Now, trying to get time to spend with friends, seems to be fleeting. I want to change that for us. I want to have our bonfires, and b-b-q's. I want to enjoy actually visiting instead of the constant texting, cell phones and computers. I want REAL social interaction!

I don't care what material possessions people have, I don't care how much money they have, nor do I give a hoot about what kind or how much your vehicle cost. I don't even care if anyone agrees with our life style or our thoughts. I do care about rekindling real friendships, being respectful, being honest, and being real. Don't bad mouth me behind my back and be nice to my face. Don't pretend to know me or be a friend, if you are just a fair weather friend. I don't have the time, energy or desire to deal with that! I guess the best way to put this: "Love me or hate me, either way is fine by me. When I start treating you the way you treat me, just remember that turn about is fair play!"

I have loved the life we have led, since we bought our home. The last 2 years though, I have listened to many people criticize, and degrade because of it. I haven't ever really cared what others thought of how/what I did, but 2 years is a lot of negativity to hear. I am going back to the person that I was, the person I liked, and the life that I loved! I am done caring what others would love to drill into my head as "normal." I love my hippie/gypsy, lifestyle. I love knowing that I can heal anything with natural medicine, that the biggest part of what we eat is raised or grown right here on our land, that my kids are getting a good education in real life right here at our home, that our family time is building strong bonds with our kids, and that for every person that tells me the kids need "socialization," there are 5 telling me, how great my kids are - well-mannered, smart, and easy to talk to.

For every tear I have cried over negative remarks, fake people, and false friendships...there will be millions cried for the happiness our family has. The bond our family has built will NEVER be torn apart by outside sources. Even through all the negatives, the strength of our little family, has grown stronger! While there will always be ups and downs, my relationship is also the best friendship imaginable. My kids, BOTH of them, still hug me every night and tell me they love me. My 14 year old, still talks to me about everything, and isn't afraid to disagree with me. My 5 year old, has a spirit so great, it's uncontainable. I'm not saying my kids are perfect, actually they are far from it, BUT they are perfectly unique and perfectly them.

Never in my life, have I been so certain of where I want my life to go. The funniest part, is that my life path isn't even close to what it was 20 years ago. Reading has always been a bit of a crutch for me. I will read for days to find an answer, to learn something new, or to research thoughts I have had. During some of my reading, I have articles that help for me to understand so much. For example: "Marriage isn't 50/50." Marriage is actually both people giving 100%, 100% of the time. When that falters, marriages fail. "Love isn't enough." Love is just that, it's a verb. Meaning you actually have to do something about it. You can love someone, but if you are not showing it, it becomes inactive. "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one." This made me laugh! It couldn't be more true! Just because we all have opinions, does not mean every one of us is right or wrong. It just means we have different thoughts.

Reading sometimes takes you to new ideas and sometimes, it can have your scratching your head! Parenting books just leave me scratching my head. I can tell you NO TWO KIDS ARE ALIKE! I don't care if they are from the same parents, or not! From my own experience, what works for one child is completely wrong for another! What works with my children, probably won't work for yours. It's just the nature of the beast, I suppose. The key for me has been to learn my children. Find their strengths, their weaknesses, their learning styles, and their personalities. I can talk to a thousand people with kids, and every one of them will tell you something different that works with their kids. While we are strict on some aspects with our kids, we are pretty lenient on others. While we push our kids to always do their best, we do not degrade them when they fail. We don't believe in spanking our kids, and we've never had to, but our kids still respect us.

2015 is my year to remember WHO I am. It's my year to be OK with not being perfect. It's my year to say "piss off," to anyone wanting to drag negativity into my life. It's my year to be grateful and happy with who I am. I have a lot of re-educating myself of the uniqueness that makes me special. Even if there are those out there that are saying, "yeah, you're special alright!," want to be negative, so be it! Each and every one of us is special, unique and perfectly who we are supposed to be, WHEN we eliminate the negativity from ourselves, and those around us.

2015 IS MY YEAR! So, anyone wishing to be negative, tell me how much I am doing wrong in your opinion, or that wants to degrade/negate my life - Not only do you need to worry more about your life than mine, but I'm saying right now - "piss off!" When you are paying my bills, raising my kids, taking care of my responsibilities...then your opinion will matter. Until then, I suggest you spend more time worrying about your life, your kids, your responsibilities and quit throwing stones when you live in a glass house!

A toast to 2015, may your year bring you fulfillment, happiness, and your own individual creativeness!


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