Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year, time to begin again


It's now 2015, the year of the sheep. Kind of ironic, if you ask me! So many lives are led by just following what everyone else is doing. This is the basic mentality of a sheep, follow the herd. So many people, don't allow their true hearts to show, when it goes against what everyone else is doing. Too many intelligent, and creative people, push aside their dreams for what is socially acceptable by the group they have chosen to be among. It's sad.

As we are beginning a brand new year today, it gave me pause to look at the craziness that goes on in the world around us. This beautiful country of ours is so broken, and divided. My biggest question, is always WHY?! We have become a nation of greed, debt, and category. While I am not a religious person, I am very spiritual. Why and how, have we become so determined to categorize every person or situation, why are we so judgmental, why is it so necessary to compare our lives to anyone else? We have religions that have become so hypocritical, judgmental and far too powerful. We have individuals judging, in debt, and still with a very closed-mind. I myself, have been caught in that game. Each and every one of us, has some struggle or battle we are trying to get through. Every single one of us, have enough skeletons in our closets that we really shouldn't open the door. Each of us, have done or said or behaved a way, at some point, that we hope we can be forgiven for. Each of us, have a life to live and a mission to complete. Exactly where and when, if we are working on our own life, is there time or energy to judge someone else?! There should not be!

We can not fix everything about everyone else, that we do not approve of. We can only fix the parts of ourselves, that need fixing. The constant battle of who has more, who attends a meeting in a building to profess their undying affection, who is wearing name brand clothes versus a cheaper brand, who drives a brand new vehicle, whose skin is what color, who is having a relationship with whom...unless it affects us personally, WHO CARES! Honestly, the phrase: "those who live in glass houses should not throw stones!" is perfect!!!

The past year, I have seen so many judge others, and have listened while others have ripped apart lives they know nothing about. I have heard some lies that would make you really question other people's values. I have seen people, the show they put on in public versus the way they are behind closed doors. I have seen relationships being torn apart, by lies, by media and religious interference. I have seen and been on the receiving end of vicious words for my own beliefs and values. However, with all the negative, judgmental crap; I have seen so much good as well.

I have seen people "paying-it-forward," I have heard of the secret Santa's paying for families gifts in layaways, We actually had a gentleman buy us a meal when we were out and just asked us to do the same for someone else. I have read about parents showing their kids what it means to give, unconditionally! Whether it's buying a bag of pet food for a local animal shelter, donating food to a local food pantry, spending some of their own money to purchase gifts for an angel tree, or just talking to an individual who is all alone...these are the values our world needs to see more of. These small gestures of kindness, are what everyone needs to strive for in our new year.

Each of us, to some degree, has become too self-centered. We are too focused on looking out for ourselves, and when someone has more than we do, we become jealous and negative. Why do we feel this way?! I know I have felt this way, to some degree. Why must we be so greedy, when we should be thankful when someone does well. We should know, in our hearts, that if we work hard enough and have ample education, that we can get where we wish to be, as well. I have seen, a lot in the past year, how entitled so many have become. So many think they deserve so much more than they do. I have seen so many who work their tails off, become so withdrawn because of lack of recognition or motivation. While I am not a big fan of constantly recognizing every little thing, even I enjoy some recognition for everything I do. I know that people, like my husband, are never really off work. Even when they aren't "punched in," at their job. In our household, his cell phone is widely known and we get phone calls at all hours of the day, night, weekends and holidays. Not to mention, the people that just show up at our house for tools, or to have some emergency fixed. That isn't ever taken into consideration though. Then you have those that do "clock in" they may or may not be on time, they work their hours, and they are done.

Since I do not work outside of home, there is generalizations that I don't work. Let me tell you, if I don't work, I sure do an awful lot! Having a job means being responsible for getting stuff done, and taking on whatever roll is required to accomplish that. For me, that roll tends to have multiple facets each day. Whether that roll is wife, mom, teacher, nurse, secretary, accountant, chef, launderer, housekeeper, babysitter, psychologist, friend, daughter, sister, confidant, referee, or any number of other rolls. This is my day. I do have some down time when I tend to my own schooling, read just because, or just take time to enjoy my kids. While my down time has been especially limited this past year, I am working towards fixing that. However, for anyone that believes that a stay-at-home-mom, doesn't work, you are sorely mistaken.

As we begin a brand new year, I hope to be able to see more light through all the darkness. I hope that our country can begin an uphill recognition that we are all the same, not to be categorized by race, religion, gender, or sexual preference. I hope our citizens will be more kind, caring, and less competitive. I hope each of us begins to take more interest in our personal lives and less interest in judging others without knowing their struggles. Maybe we can all be a little less worried about what others have or have not, and a little more concerned what goes on within our own homes. Maybe we can all quit throwing stones to what we do not understand, or are uneducated about.

Maybe we can all spend a little more time improving ourselves, and a lot less time tearing others apart for the choices they make. Each of us are unique individuals, on different paths to fulfillment. Maybe we should spend a little money buying things that are nothing more than a band-aid for some unhappiness in our lives, and spend more time being grateful for what and who we already have. Dreams, goals and desires are where we want to go, but when we are so busy judging others, there is no time to focus on our individual paths.

May each of you find fulfillment, peace, happiness, good health, and the path to your own goals in the coming year. May each of you find the kindness in your heart, to help those that are truly less fortunate than yourself, and may each of you find true happiness without all the band-aids we think we need.

I don't make resolutions, since there really isn't much motivation to follow through with them. I do however, set goals. I have my new goals written, while not really legible at the moment, they will soon be typed and hung where I can see them everyday. I have given up the idea that perfection is achievable. I am unique, and very happy with that. I don't require much for material stuff, but I do require respect, knowledge, love, gratitude, appreciation, and self-respect. I don't appreciate being taken for granted, or used. I will speak my beliefs, values, and opinion; even when I know it's going to upset someone. I am not perfect, and will never be. Every mistake I make, just means that I have found a way that doesn't work, but it also means that I am trying. While we have lived by this thought for many years, this thought is what will guide us for many more: "Family knows no boundaries!"

As I end this post, and look forward to some in-depth writing this year, I know my own goals are set. I know my own path is going to be followed, no matter how many negatives or judgments are made. I know which direction I want my life to go, and if I get off track; I will change paths and start again. As much of a reminder to each of you, this is a reminder also to myself: "There is absolutely NOTHING you can not accomplish, if you set your mind to it, and work towards it!"


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