Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Lightening rods, grounding and broken circuits...oh my!

It's amazing how the high vibrations of energy truly is. The frequency that human operate on is so intricate and complex that, to this day, many scientists still don't understand. Yet, we still seem to flounder and judge based on a perception of a reality belonging to someone else. With so much energy, comes a great responsibility. You must allow your own needs to be met, and allow your outer light to shine. If your inner needs are not being met, your outer light can not shine; it will continue to dim until that light is all but gone.

Emotional energy can overwhelm those who are not in tuned with their own "feelings." Those that tend to shut people out, hide their emotions, and/or deny their emotions; will have the most difficult time with the expressions of those emotions. The electromagnetic energy(Vibes) our bodies are made up is what allows us to connect with each other. Those "vibes" are what set each of apart. While we may all function on one energy level, as a whole, those "vibes" fluctuate dependent on our emotional energy, as well as, many of the technological devices we have today.

The energy at our core, is disrupted by the very advances we have all come to depend on: cell phones, wireless internet, smart meters, and even wearing shoes all the time. If you really take the time to think about it, our bodies become a walking lightening rod. Our own electromagnetic energy is the core of our bodies, when you filter in all the "smart technology," inadequate diets, soil depletion and chaotic life styles; you are one big ole ball of pent up energy.

Let's look at the theory of a lightening rod for a minute. The lightening rod, as a generalization, is put in a high location, to attract the energy from a storm, with a grounding line to shift that energy from a structure to the ground as a grounding source. So, in la-mans terms; you put a lightening rod on your house to protect it. That lightening rod is struck by lightening. The lightening is energy, that is carried through a wire to the ground to diffuse some of it's energy and protect your home. We as humans are not much different. The difference is: in a world that is constantly moving at a break neck speed, we do not allow ourselves a means or a regular time frame to diffuse the pent up energy within us. We do not allow a grounding wire to diffuse some of that energy, so we become those big ole balls of energy just waiting to snap.

From early ages, we are taught to get dressed and put on shoes. Once our shoes are on, we are ready to take on the day. The shoes are a valuable asset in their right time and place. While I am not a someone who makes shoes and do not know all the technical terms; most shoes have a rubber sole. This rubber sole is a disruptor. For anyone that knows anything about electricity, a disruptor breaks the circuit that allows energy to flow. Once a circuit is broken, the energy flow stops. Once again, our human bodies need that constant transference and flow of energy. By wearing shoes continuously, you are breaking that circuit, and not allowing the natural process of energy to flow.

This is where a natural grounding needs to be discussed. A natural grounding is so easy. Simple take off your shoes, and walk through the grass or dirt, and are allowing your body to once again be part of the natural process of free flowing energy. You are removing the break from the circuit and allowing the energy to flow through you as it was meant to do. This allows stagnant, pent up energy to flow out of your feet and back into the Earth, all while the transfer of refreshed energy from the Earth back through your feet replaces the old energy.

We have become a society that is terrified to become dirty, to walk around barefoot, and is more than happy to live in the concrete jungles. Even if you live in a city, you can still allow yourself 30 minutes of grounding time. Take even 30 minutes a week to find a park, or any place with grass. Take off your shoes and socks, take some deep breaths, allow yourself to feel the grass or dirt under your feet. Give yourself the chance to release all the pent up energy and visualize it's release. Imagine pushing all your stresses through your feet and down into the soil. Imagine your feet are the doors allowing fresh, new energy to push up through your body and refresh your soul. Leave your cell phones in the car or at home, and take 30 minutes of time; completely disconnected to everything except you. Even 30 minutes a week, with complete focus on your grounding exercise will allow your body to heal from the stresses that are causing issue.

By not interfering with the natural transference of energy from your body to the Earth, you are allowing a continuous flow of fresh and refreshed energy to flow natural through your body. You probably won't notice a big difference after just 1 grounding, and possible not even after several. Do not quit though. It's going to take a while for your body to transition from the walking ball of energy back into a free flowing energy again.

As an individual that firmly believes in Holistic Health, and bodies that heal themselves with proper care; grounding is a area that seems to offer many benefits. I really believe grounding, meditation, yoga, tai chi, and any form of focused steady movement is beneficial to our bodies. The high impact of many exercises today may be great in building noticeable and defined muscles; but lacks the ability to quiet the mind and ultimately is a continued source of broken circuits. Getting to the source of stress will definitely allow you to quiet your mind, but when there is not yet answer of how to deal with a stress, taking time to ground yourself will help keep fresh energy to flow. Taking the time to ground, and clear your mind for a short period of time, will also allow you the space to look at your stress from a new perspective.

I am not a doctor, scientist, or electrician; so this is my understanding of how and why grounding works. I personally love to ground myself in the dirt in our garden or even just to walk through the grass with my shoes in my hands. I personally make a regular practice of meditation and yoga. I notice when I let my regular times of grounding, meditation or yoga slip; that I become very stressed and have difficultly solving even the mildest of issues.


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