Monday, December 21, 2015


It's that time of year again. The time of year that people love but hate, all at the same time. It has become such a commercialized social status, to spend money no one has extra on stuff that is going to be out grown, or lost interest in 6 months down the road. It's a time when so many max out credit cards, take out loans to buy stuff they don't need, and become irritated so that while they are shopping, they are scowling.

It has become a disappointment more and more each year, as the commercials are geared toward kids, the cost of of everything continues to rise, and no one is grateful to just enjoy each others company anymore. We just had our annual Christmas Open House. I made a ton of cookies, candies, fudge and dips. We invited our neighbors, friends and families. We had a great turn out. 25 people came to our home and enjoyed some of our favorite holiday treats, and actually visited. No one was on computers, phones, or tablets. The kids all played hard; running, playing with toys and were exhausted when the night ended. The adults talked and visited, enjoyed the treats, and many got to meet new people. During the party, there was not any technology used. It was a magnificent evening! We have requests to continue the tradition, as it's something that many used to have years ago. The best compliment I received, was how it was great to see a younger generation taking an active role to keep people interacting and to truly enjoy the season for love of friends and family, instead of the monetary value.

I really dislike the expectation of buying and giving gifts. I would rather put my time, money and love into a home made gift than to purchase an overpriced, gift that will be useless to the recipient in the near future. The gift giving has lost it's meaning to me. It isn't about knowing those that you give to anymore, it's about how much you spend or how big the gift. For me, the best gifts I could ever receive are the ones that bond the giver to me. Honestly, some of my favorite gifts that I have received were a couple of afghans hand crocheted by my stepmom, the plate of homemade cookies from our neighbors, and the amazing gifts my kids make for me, and the crocheted name doily made by my husbands grandmother. It's those thoughts, and the bond between friends and family alike, that make Christmas meaningful to me.

We have always had a strict policy at Christmas time. We buy only what we can pay cash for. We don't use credit cards for anything. So, years like this year, when we have lost our backside to falling pork, and markets, and have a lot of income that has not been there this year; buying much of anything isn't happening. I will not put ourselves into unnecessary debt. Besides, our family really doesn't have much that we need or want. We buy the stuff we need throughout the year, and our wants are bought as the finances allow. Yes, I have heard all the excuses about having big families to buy for, or kids wish lists being whatever...and I don't agree with any of it. If you have large families and find it necessary to buy gifts, consider drawing names. Draw a single name for each person of your family. In our case, it would be buying 4 gifts, instead of 20. Or better yet, don't! Make homemade cookies, candies, or treats of some kind. If you have a talent, use that to make/give a gift.

Although I had such a remarkable evening during our open house, and there wasn't anything but visiting and treats, I know that my favorite part of the holiday is past. From here on, we move into the the gifting, and the number/size of gifts game. The most important part of every single day of the year, to me, is my family. My kids, my husband, and our home. As long as I have the 3 of them, I will face all the turmoil the other side of the holiday brings.

I am counting down the last of the year. We have reached the the shortest day of the year. Winter Solstice. From here until June 21st, the days will get longer. Christmas is just 4 days away, my 41st birthday is just 7 days away, and just 10 days until the new year begins. I have some big goals for the new year, and a hope for a great year too.

I have no idea if time will allow for any more blogs this year, but just in case: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for my home to yours.

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