Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Eve 2015

Not your typical coffee chat, but hey, I am unique like that! :-)

This is such an optimistic time of year. So many make resolutions to improve their lives in the coming year. While there are plenty that love to belittle those who do make resolutions, I find it refreshing. It's invigorating to think of the possibilities of a fresh year. To think of a fresh start to move your life in the direction that you want to go, to think of the promises that are a real possibility as a new year dawns; it's reviving and revitalizing for so many.

As we draw to a close this year, it's been a hard year for so many. From lost jobs, lost homes, lost friendships and so many amazing people that have crossed over to the spiritual world; this is a time for reflection not judgement. We each do what we feel we have to do. Sometimes it's reacting to a situation, being pushed into or out of a situation, and then we are faced with other consequences.

Those who are steadfast in their New Year Resolutions, will work so hard on their goals. They will make honest attempts to maintain them, however, sometimes life gets in the way. There are issues that pop up and throw your plans out the window. There are exceptional circumstances that require immediate attention and it steers you away from your goals. It happens. It's all part of life. A great friend reminded me today that "2015 has changed us all. But life is about changing, learning, & adapting. I believe 2016 will be a wonderful year for all of us." You know, I have to say that she is a very wise woman!

Facing obstacles has driven me away from my own goals and resolutions in years past. As I have gotten older, change is more difficult for me. I prefer to know my path, some little surprises are not bad, but being thrown clear off course without a set direction, tend to make me batty! Even in my home, if it's messy and cluttered, it makes my brain and honestly, my life feel the same way. I have been known to get so overwhelmed, that instead of starting where I am and making improvements, I throw my hands up and take on a pessimistic attitude...and do nothing. Then stuff piles up and I am overwhelmed but forced into action. It's a vicious cycle that drives me crazy but I have been reluctant to make the needed changes. Although I am known for being a hot-head or bitch, I do prefer to pick my battles and think before I speak, as I have gotten older. I prefer to take the time I need to cool off, and evaluate whatever situation before saying or doing something that will make matters worse. Snap decisions are really not my forte anymore. I prefer making decisions based of knowledge, facts and outcomes; as opposed to rushing into something that makes no sense.

I have always been a goal driven person. Whether it be goals or resolutions, until the past few years, I was the best I could be by focusing on the goals I set for myself. I have kind of veered away from setting the goals the past few years and I can tell in my own persona how this has upset my own delicate balance in life. I have plenty of character flaws, but not reaching goals was never one of them. Unfortunately, it's filtered into my being the last few years, and my balance has been off too.

Since I'm certain there are a few things I am not able to achieve just yet, I am setting some new goals. Resolutions if you choose to make that judgement. I have spent this year evaluating not just myself, but also the relationships that I choose to keep in my life. I have allowed myself time to focus on my own needs/wants for the first time in many years. I've attempted to be more graceful at accepting gifts, and have worked hard to boot the negativity out of my own head. I have learned meditation, practiced yoga, enjoyed music therapy, and accepted my personal being not just in positive aspects but also in areas that I know are flawed. I have left go of toxic friendships, and toxic people. Even the last couple months have been enlightening in learning to trust my gut instincts. Someday, maybe I will learn to actually listen to them!

2015 will be ending on a positive note for me. I won't be out being a socialite, instead I will be home celebrating the end of the year and our fresh new year with my family. Those that mean the world to me, even when don't agree. The 2 precious children I brought into this world, the man that has put up with so much and still claims to love me, and of course me...the one and only person capable of giving happiness, and positive impact in my life, ME! I may be the only one awake when the clock strikes 12, but I know I will toast the new year, and say goodbye to the old one.

I know there will be road bumps in the new year, that is life. That is how some of us, stubborn folks learn. There will be so many more great moments, and it's up to me to focus more on those and less on negatives. It's time for me to come full circle and find my drive and determination again. It's time for me, to accept I can't control the world (as much as I would like to), and that occasionally it's ok, not to have all the answers. It's ok to make mistakes, but owning up to them, and fixing them is the key to making progress. I know that in this year, I have grown to love my uniqueness, my quirks and yes even my weirdness. I love so many things about my life, and the few that I don''s time to change. In so many areas, I have accepted less than I deserve, and in others...I have done less than I am capable of. I have allowed others to determine my happiness and peace, and guess what? THEY failed. You know why? Here is the secret to happiness: "It is YOUR job, to create your own happiness!" No one else can make you happy unless you are happy with yourself. It's that simple, yet that complicated.

So, with that being said, what are your goals/resolutions for 2016? Those that tend towards negativity will ask why you set yourself up to fail with resolutions....DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM!!! Set your goals/resolutions, and work towards them. If you get off track, take time to take a look at what went wrong and then get back on track! If you find a goal or resolution that isn't working for you, change it! Make it work for you. Only you can create your own happiness. Only you have the power to determine what is toxic in your life and it's up to you to take out that trash. Toxicity breeds more toxicity. Choose your friends, relationships and situations wisely.

My own personal goals for 2016, are still being evaluated. Yes, some parts of who I am will never change, but many are changing as we speak. My biggest goal for 2016, is one I have worked towards all year, finally accepting who I am, flaws and all! I am as unique as each of you, and you know....that makes each of us special in our way. Instead of following trends, worrying about what others think, or thinking of anything beyond what is best for yourself and those you care the most about. My individual goals may come to my blog at a later time, but right now, I am working on what is best for me.

As we close 2015 and begin 2016, I wish nothing but the best for each of you. May you all find health, happiness, peace and prosperity in the coming year.

Happy New Year,

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