Monday, January 4, 2016

Fresh Start

It's a new year, and a fresh start for all of us! After several years of wandering aimlessly, with no real direction and no desire to tackle some tough issues; a huge slap in the face in December opened my eyes. Even though I am more of a black sheep, live my life the way I see fit, and choose to live by morals and standards...I allowed many others, whom do not, to infiltrate my life and bring negativity, drama and unnecessary stress into it. I had allowed years of misplaced loyalties and manipulation to continue even when my gut was telling me completely opposite of what I was actually doing.

Well, I am back on a solid foundation. I am so much more than most give me credit for. The biggest assets of who I am, are usually my biggest liabilities too. I live, believe, learn, research, and question. I take absolutely nothing or no one at face value, usually. I have learned to control a very hot-headed temper...most of the time, I have a need for truth/loyalty/respect, I refuse to blindly follow what the masses follow, I will research everything and question everything! I live my life from a place of compassion and empathy; which tends to allow less than deserving people into my life. I give the benefit of doubt and second chances, way too often and it usually comes back to bite me. I love simplicity! I don't like conflict, but I will fight tooth and nail for what I believe, for my family, and when push comes to shove...I have a mean right hook. I love to shoot guns and bows, I love to garden, cook, bake and create. I love my wood working, photography, and designing house floor plans. I do my best to always be honest, and hate judgements. I have this weird obsession with making lists, writing everything down on paper, and a continuous love/hate relationship with technology. I love my farm life, but sometimes miss my city nights. I have a severe dislike of shopping, jewelry, and fancy stuff. I love my jacked up truck, driving our 4-wheeler, and dreaming of a day that I could live 100% off grid. I can be as cold as ice or as warm as a winter all depends on how I am treated. I am simple yet complex. Accept all of me, or don't...whatever you choose is ok by me. I keep walls around me that only allow those truly equal to walk through, I may change like the weather but if you truly know me - you will understand what has caused the changed. If I quit arguing with you, and start keeping more to myself - It means that I have pushed you outside of my walls.

With all the understanding of my simplicity yet complex personality, has come a peace of soul. I am not someone to be handled lightly, or someone that can be managed. When I quit arguing, quit participating in senseless B.S., and start withdrawing; it means I am slowly finding my place and whomever it being push out, is on the final leg of being included in my inner circle. The realizations I have come to, have left me feeling quite free.

With that being said, 2016 has begun as a very selfish year. This year, I am setting my goals, accepting and working with my own needs, accepting who I am even with all my flaws, and I am moving forward. I am moving myself forward, with purpose, distinction, and drive. I have made it through some pretty awful experiences in my life, and I refuse to let toxic people take me back to the severely depressive person I have been the last several years.

2016 blogs are still going to be random, some will be my regular coffee chats, some will be frugal living tips I use, some will be cooking or gardening tips and updates, the purpose of gems/stones, Natural and Holistic health research, learning essential oils, and with any luck...some will be about travel too. A regular blogging schedule is being formulated, as is a regular schedule for photography blogs, cooking blogs, and my custom furniture blogs. It's an exciting time and one of importance in my life.

Hang on readers! This is going to be a great year! I always welcome comments, suggestions for blog topics and/or what you want to read about, and always feel free to share this blog! Grab your coffee/tea, and enjoy this blog, as I share what I learn. If it helps anyone along the way, that's even better!

Happy 2016, let's make this year rock for all of us!

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