Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Salli's Soap Box


Today I decided to write, the actual topics could have varied quite greatly. However, I believe I will stick to my soap box. I am amazed by grammar changes that have completely mind-boggled some of America. 

January 17th, was the observed day to honor the great Martin Luther King Jr. A man that, by all accounts, was catalyst to end segregation. The man that had a dream of his own children growing up without their skin color even being recognized but instead by their strength of character being the guide. This was also the man, assassinated for trying to bring Equality NOT Equity to our colored brothers and sisters. A man that was truly a hero for ALL of society. If you haven't heard it lately, you can probably still find it online, go and listen to his "I have a dream" speech. 

Sadly, there are still too many that live by the divide of Democrat VS. Republican. This has got to be one of the biggest "slight-of-hand" schemes I have ever seen. We've all heard the concepts of "left-winged" or "right wing." Just from the realist point of view...aren't the left wing and right wing still a part of the same bird?! It is truly the exact same as stating that the United States is a Democracy. We are most certainly NOT, a democracy. The United States For America is a Constitutional Republic. Do you know the difference? I would venture to say there is a large portion of Americans that either don't know or were never taught. A Democracy means the majority rule, e.i. if you have 3 people running a business, 2 people that have the same opinion will rule out the 3rd...even if the 3rd person has the same amount of power. In a Constitutional Republic, the people utilizing that business would control how it operated, e.i. if that business had 100 people using that business and those 2 overpowering owners decided to make bad choices....those 100 people could choose to ban using that business. They could take their business else where, demand it be closed, or start their own business with better practices put into place. In a Constitutional Republic, the PEOPLE, are the controllers, and the STATES have more power than the Federal Government. I was taught this in Civics class. 

Let's continue with the changes in grammar that have been grossly adjusted. As I stated about Martin Luther King Jr., he had a dream of equality....NOT equity. What's the difference? Before I go any further, know that there is a HUGE difference. Equality is means we are equal on all levels. Equity is basically a race to the bottom - justice administered between litigants, which is based on natural reason or ethical judgment. How, where and why did this become so messed up? Dr. King wanted EQUALITY, not EQUITY!!! I believe the majority of Americans want Equality!! 

Sadly, even while media viewership is sinking rapidly, they are continuing to push Equity. So, they are either ignorant or stupid. Again, grammar and definitions matter here.  Ignorant is a lack of knowledge, Stupidity is know the difference and ignoring it - typically because they have some form of profit involved or their bosses do...or there is also blackmail now coming out too. Again, it's sad how many are still just going along with this disrespectful narrative. The media, at least in the U.S., is ALL owned by 5-6 people. Did you know that? Go look it up. It's insane, a massive monopoly, that should be illegal. Every group we all have watched, CNN/MSN/ABC/CBS/FOX - yep, 5-6 people own all the stations. Why are they all delivering basically the same play book? Oh, wait....I forgot, this is all conspiracy theory. Except, it's not theory at all. With even an elementary education, you can do just a small amount of research and find it to be FACT. Similarly, I am going to encourage everyone - if you hear something that is labeled "conspiracy theory," go check it out for yourself. That was what originally began my research. A theory that seemed so far fetched and off-the-wall...well, it turned out to be true, with a mountain of evidence to back it up. Now, I will tell you, I can not find much on Google anymore. They seem to be censoring just like all the major sites. I recommend duck duck go. So far, you can still get info there. In March, it will be 3 years I have been diving into research, theories, and incredibly disturbing information. So, as I share information, know that I have been walking the walking! Until 3 years ago, I bought into a lot of the hype. By the time 2020 lockdown began, that just gave me more time to dive deeper. I can tell you, the more I learn, the more I want to learn. Additionally, some of the disgusting crap I have found, is beyond anything that anyone with a soul, a heart or any compassion could ever do!!! 

Anyway, let's look at this "boogeyman illness." What is classified in medical journals as a common cold, is now being blamed for hundreds of thousands of deaths. That's not even touching the "boogeyman poison." This is just the illness alone. So, for those that are tuning me out, you can go directly to the CDC website and see the number of deaths annually as a whole, and also broke down by catagory(heart attacks, flu, cancer, alcohol, vehicle, etc.). I'm going off memory here, so don't shoot the messenger, but I believe 2018-2021 the average annual deaths total was around 32x,xxx. So, over the 4 year span, that number did not vary much. Even through 2 years of a "pandemic." How is that possible? If this boogeyman was actually going to be a massive number, wouldn't the overall death count be much higher than normal? Don't give me crap about people wearing masks. If you have done any research at all, you know the boogeyman is of a size to even go through the highly rated N95 masks. Please stop buying into a chain link fence stopping mosquitoes!!! A lot of people die annually from colds, flu, pneumonia, and other respiratory illnesses. Think about how many people get flu injections annually, and how they are always changing from Influenza A or B, and how they typically get it wrong, every year. How many people die every year from Influenza? GO LOOK IT UP, and then look up how many died in 2020 and 2021. 

While I am on "controversial" issues. Let's have a little chat about the term used by so many to discount any information that comes out that is different from the narrative: Conspiracy Theory. This term pisses me and when it's used, it tells me the person using it is not educated and just following the masses. The term was invented in the 60's by the CIA, to try to ward off any discussion about the Warren Report, the investigation into the assassination of John F. Kennedy. That was also the time frame that the CIA admitted to Operation Mockingbird, AKA Mind Control. This was also after Operation Paperclip, where many NAZI officers, supposedly being the best of the best, in science/technology/medicine were brought into the U.S., thanks to Allen Dulles and George Bush Sr.'s CIA.  This was after the mind altering drugs(LSD) was given to Americans - unknowingly.  After our military was given experimental vaccines and sent abroad, effectively spreading the very illness, they claimed to be trying to protect against. Think about all the veterans AND active soldiers that have been exposed, knowingly, to Agent Orange. Think about what is currently happening to our soldiers today with the boogeyman poison. Don't want to believe any of this information? Great! Prove me wrong!! I will gladly admit that I do not know everything, but until you have researched and can provide me facts....I will stand by my own findings! 

While I try to be mindful and as respectful as possible, sometimes I just can't hold my tongue. I don't care if buy into any theory, but you have got to see how wrong and messed up this country has become. When exactly did prices increasing become a sign of a bettering economy? When did inflation, equal an improved economy? When did fuel, heating oil and food expenses doubling IN ONE YEAR, become a good thing??? We have become the laughing stock of world powers, our citizens are now second class to illegal immigrants, you can no longer question your child's education without the fear of being labeled a domestic terrorist, we have literal political prisoners in the vassel state of D.C., we have elected leaders - in BOTH parties, with evidence have been caught in insider trading...yet are not charged, we have MOUNTAINS of evidence of election interference both foreign and domestically...yet our courts are captured entities and refuse to hear the cases? When and WHY is free speech being taken from our citizens, when it is our FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT? 

Ok, ok....now, on to more.  Even if we can see that things are really messed up, what can we do? This is an area that is a little more tricky for me. I firmly believe we have to get involved locally and statewide. Do NOT vote by party!!! That is our biggest mistake! Get to know your candidates, find out where their funding comes from, and get a receipt for your vote! My next stage of research begins today locally. I live in a very rural area, so I am in no jurisdiction for any real significant positions in local government. I got away from our local school district a decade ago, because it is corrupt. My research is beginning with my state and my county. We have midterm elections this year. Who is on the ballot, what do they stand for, who funds them, what are their credentials, what are their planned platforms? I have seen and heard of some running for our state, but all I have seen is a bunch of ads and political fund raisers. I have NOT seen these people out actually talking to the residents of this state. Some have been talking AT us, but as many in my area know....we can talk till we are blue in the face and not have them hear one single word we say. So, I will be sharing every single candidate, and all I can find out about them. I recommend everyone do this in their own areas as well. I also recommend finding out who your local/county officials are. I know the county I live is is pretty topsy-turvy in my eyes. I don't have much faith in our local school board but changing them out is nearly impossible. I've seen several try, but the same ones, typically with names of influence in the county, run the school board, and none of them seem to have a backbone to go against the superintendent or he makes sure they don't stay on the board or don't get a voice. Anyway, I will be going through all my state and local officials over the coming months. I will not focus on their party since both parties are the same....I will be focusing on their platform, their financing, their record, and their character. From just a 30 minutes research this morning, I learned who was going to be on our ballot and their campaign finances as of January 15th. Now that I have that information, I can expand from there. For those running for an elected position, you better stop smoozing with the donors and start getting out with the PEOPLE. You want to keep an elected position, you better be up to the job and have a track record that shows you are. It's game on for the future independence of our country. 

As I begin digging into my state and local elected politicians, you can be assured I will continue my research into the rest of the chaos in the world too. I'm not here to make anyone change their opinion, quite honestly, you have determine what morally feels right to you. Frankly, if you vote for someone just because you don't like the one already in that position....you are pathetic! Stop behaving like door mats, before you end up losing ALL your freedoms. Start researching for yourself, start questioning why so many things don't make sense, start asking yourself what YOU can do for your country. STOP complying with all the bullshit, and make our soldiers proud that they fought(and so many died) to protect the very freedom you are knowingly and willingly giving up! The Supreme Court has already ruled that the boogeyman poison mandate"requirement" was unConstitutional, so ask yourself WHY you are continuing to follow it. Flip-flop Fauci has flipped so many times in 2 years about whether or not masks work...yet we are muzzling our children 8 hours a day, many adults are muzzling themselves everyday, and their constant fear mongering has you afraid to not wear one. You may not care what's in that boogeyman poison you just put in your body, but for all those Christians that are bullying everyone to get this poison...you do realize it is PROVEN to have aborted fetal cells in it, correct?! Maybe if you were more concerned with the crap the medical industry is pushing into society, and less concerned with binging on Netflix, you would know how deadly all of it is!! Maybe then, instead of preaching Bible passages, and judging others for their decisions to educate themselves instead of blindly follow the masses, you would grasp the reality of their population control agenda. Oh wait, sorry, that's just another conspiracy theory, right? NOT! Start listening to Gates from back in the 80's clear through the present. Ask yourself why his foundation is in the top 5 of donors to the WHO, and who the top 5 are. Ask yourself why he, among others have pushed to integrate humans being chipped. Do you realize that many insurance companies are not honoring life insurance policies if you received the poison? Ask yourself why you can no longer give blood if you've had the boogeyman poison! 

Just some food for thought.

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