Friday, October 21, 2022

Times of trial breed strength


Prepare, plan, work, worry, and repeat. 


This is the world I live in today. I am grateful to family & friends that remind me to unplug and unwind, but it's usually not so simple. Unplugging from technology works usually, aside from constant messages blowing up my phone. Or people getting their panties in a bunch when I can not take calls or deal with technology/phones instantly because my life is busy. My time online, is typically my breaks from the actual life I live, the chores I constantly do, and right now...from projects I have to get finished before winter weather sets in. I've said it before, but apparently needs to be said again, this life is one that if you don't live can not possibly understand it. That is not to be condescending, but you can't understand the amount of time that is required to take care of things around here. We are not wealthy, so we do not have farm hands, helpers or even modern equipment. We work with what we can "afford" and that means a lot of upkeep, a lot of improvising, and a lot of redneck ingenuity. 

The days around here get kinda nutty from time-to-time. If they actually ran smoothly or didn't have a bump somewhere...I would be concerned. The off-the-farm jobs, teaching, winter preparations, livestock care, Fall lambing, chickens/ducks/goats, housework, meal prep, groceries, financials for farm & business, long term preparations, vehicle/farm equipment repairs, household repairs; are just a portion of my daily life. Each of those areas have "sub-areas" that get a little tangled at times. Throw in any injuries or illness and you have a recipe for complete, unorganized chaos, in a hurry. 

I am beginning a weekend of mostly unplugged. Since so much seems to involve technology anymore, having a truly unplugged time is tough. I have a ton of outdoor projects that have got to get finished this weekend. The weather is supposed to be warmer, and my blood is too thin for doing a lot of this in the cold. Things like: putting all new plastic on the deck enclosure panels, closing in under the deck, getting the ducks/chickens/goats areas ready for winter with new straw and putting away some of the outdoor stuff they use all summer, getting new Christmas lights hung before it's cold, getting yard decorations put up, getting the remainder of the pool stuff put away, cleaning out the garden. This is stuff that usually starts in September, but it didn't this year, so I am running a month behind and have a weekend to get it done. We also had a drought this summer, so our hay production was small. That means having to purchase the high dollar hay and straw. Which also needs to get done, starting this weekend. 

I can tell you, my days would remind most of a squirrel. Racing from one thing to the next, then back to the first, then starting the third...I probably walk/run 5 miles a day just to get half of about a million projects done. It makes my mind as cluttered as my house currently is. It's not good! I do not handle clutter OR unfinished projects well. 

As I try to keep up with world news, and no I do not watch tv(it's been more than 10 years since I did), I read and research to know the actual truth. I have realized that so much of what we are told is complete crap. If I had to put numbers on things, I would say about 95% of all elected leaders are corrupt to the core, have illegally benefited from insider trading, have sold American secrets/resources, and are dumb as the day is long. Sadly, there are a lot still buying the lies. I get tired of hearing, "well, that's just the way it is. We can't change it." I am calling complete bullshit on that! WE ARE THE RIGHTFUL MASTERS OF THIS COUNTRY, WE HAVE GOTTEN LAZY!!! Those people have neglected their oaths, they have neglected the people of this great nation for decades, and We the people have allowed these indiscretions to continue through complacency. When 50% of this country can not take a blank map, and write in the states, you know they don't have the slightest knowledge of our Constitution, our Bill Of Rights or even the FACT that they have been in debt slavery since 1871. For those that have to be ignorant, and claim they don't need a history lesson... You are VERY wrong! THAT is EXACTLY what a lot of people need!! Our freedoms, our liberties, and our very way of life is not guaranteed. We have to fight for it, through every single generation. An Australian journalist said it right, "hard times produce strong men, strong men create relaxed times, relaxed time creates weak men." This is the exact progression.Many of our grandparents/great-grandparents lived through world war 1 & 2, and the Great Depression. They struggled to support their families, they knew how to raise/grow their own food, they learned to live their lives frugally, and they worked hard. The boomer generation had it a little easier. They had the Vietnam War, but think about how those soldiers returning were treated. Then there was my generation, Generation X - I believe, we grew up easy for the most part. We had Dessert Storm, but as children, we had the inventions of video games, tv was a regular fixture in our homes, the convenience of fast/boxed foods. Then there was the Millennials. The Generation X'ers children. Sure many were alive for 9/11, but most were young. They had constant connectivity of the internet, they have had very easy lives in that everything was at their fingertips 24/7. They never had to wonder where or when their next was, they never had to struggle with much of anything. We basically made their lives "easy" because that what generations do. We try to make our children's lives easier than ours were. We ended up creating a generation of entitled, self-absorbed, lazy and ungrateful young people. NOW, UNDERSTAND I AM ONLY GENERALIZING!!! I AM IN NO WAY SAYING IT IS EVERY ONE OF THESE PEOPLE IN THESE GENERATIONS. Then we have the youngest of generations. They are in limbo. They have seen the torment of being muzzled, being ill, seeing their parents lose jobs for standing up for their rights, and questioning what they are hearing - even if they can be self-absorbed. Is this younger generation going to be the generation that sees the hardest times of any one that is alive today? Maybe. When I talk to my teenager, and she is trying to understand why we are experiencing nuclear threats, why our government is not protecting Americans, why the news reports do not match what she researches, and why the grocery shelves are not only thin or bare but also so much is difficult for a young person to grasp. 

We have reached a point that words mean nothing, nothing is as it appears to be, very few understand or even know what the law of our land says, people believe that doctors/lawyers/politicians will do what's right, and having a conversation about the "hard" stuff is considered conspiracy. It's no wonder our young people are struggling with mental health. They can not ask questions, have conversations or even "socialize" because of the mind wash they are being taught...not just in schools but on television and internet too. It's a running joke in my household every time I get "Facebook jailed" because something I post goes against a narrative, yet the information is readily found on any government or military web site. The "fact checkers" do not want you to question what they say, so whenever something is "fact checked" you know it is correct and you better be looking into it. 

We do not have to agree on everything, that would be super boring! However, we should agree that the very basics of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the very foundation of this nations founding. Moral decisions are not up to governments, nor anyone outside of the decisions being made. The only ones that will have to answer for their choices, are the ones that make those choices. The push of LifeLog/Facebook, has opened a door to airing dirty laundry for the world to see, for being disrespectful without repercussions, and allowed a whole host of mental illnesses to be viewed as "normal." A lie does not become the truth just because many believe, it's still a lie. 

We are just 18 days from a midterm election. I do not remember ever seeing so much corruption on display in full sight, and so much manipulation of laws being pushed for even more. We are in the 3rd quarter for economic downturn. Folks, we have long surpassed a recession, and are on a collision course with a depression that will make 1929 and 1987 look like a child's play. Looking at the numbers, January of 2021, inflation was at 1.4%, in September it was 8.2%. This was even after the Federal Reserve claimed to be fixing that with the increase of baseline rate increases. The Consumer Price Index is the highest it has been in 40 years. The Wholesale Prices have increased ten-fold. The housing market is beginning to fall and will continue to do so as current mortgage rates continue to rise and it becomes harder to get mortgages. When the Federal Reserve publicly states that they need to raise the rates AND raise unemployment in order to get inflation under know they have NO clue! Inflation comes in when you are printing more money than you have assets to back. When the U.S. is pushing $32 TRILLION in debt, however they are still sending billions to Ukraine, as well as other countries; plus the are depleting the SPR to its lowest levels since 1987. We have a MAJOR spending to debt problem. The SPR is there for emergencies, and for use by our military during times of war. Once that is gone, this administration has sent a large portion of our military equipment to Ukraine, where exactly is that going to leave our military for defending America? Congratulations to this Administration, you are officially destroying our country from within, better than a foreign invasion ever could. You know why? Because there are still nit-wits out there that think this dementia ridden, mafia crime organization is doing good. Good at what? Destroying America and her values. 

When we have 8 million children, worldwide that go missing, every year - and absolutely no accountability for trying to stop this. Our own Department of Defense admitting to have 336 worldwide bio-weapon labs, many of them benefiting from gain-of-function and creating the exact viruses we have dealt with for 2 years. We have an invasion at our southern border that is allowing the worst of the worst to walk into our country, while those going through the legal means sit for YEARS to try to come in legally. When our own citizens do not realize that our country is operating under maritime law, being run by the foreign territory of D.C., by many administrations that have been in bankruptcies since 1871, that the latest bankruptcy was actioned in 2018, and the U.S. Treasury said LAST YEAR that America was out of money. That the stock market is being propped up by falsified numbers and the buying and selling of American's debt - like buying and selling cattle. That the number of doctors, politicians, lawyers, judges, teachers, and CEO's that have been arrested and charged with sex crimes against MINORS, in the past 5 years was thanks to President Trump's fight to protect our children. 

You want to know what's happening with our supply chain, human trafficking, elections, and military...go study Trump's executive orders. I will recommend starting with E.O. 13919, E.O. 13885, E.O. 13848, E.O. 13958. Look up Noah Law 1991, Jade Helm, Law of War manual, 47 U.S. Code 606, Common Wealth Act No. 671, UCMJ, Military Law, Military Codes and Regulations. 

I'm off for a weekend of knocking out winterizing projects. I hope you will all educate yourselves, make sure you vote, and keep stocking up!

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